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Recent research into population standards of life satisfaction has revealed a remarkable level of uniformity, with the mean values for Western populations clustering at around three-quarters of the measurement scale maximum. While this seems to suggest the presence of a homeostatic mechanism for life satisfaction, the character of such a hypothetical device is uncertain. This paper proposes that well-being homeostasis is controlled by positive cognitive biases pertaining to the self. Most particular in this regard are the positive biases in relation to self-esteem, control and optimism. Past controversies in relation to this proposition are reviewed and resolved in favour of the proposed mechanism. The empirical data to support this hypothesis are discussed in the context of perceived well-being as an adaptive human attribute.  相似文献   

Body figure preferences were examined in a sample of 180 women 18 to 59 years old. Participants were presented with Fallon and Rozin's (1985) set of 9 silhouette drawings ranging from very thin to very heavy. Women of all ages rated their current figure as significantly larger than their ideal figure, indicating the presence of body dissatisfaction across the life span. The degree of body dissatisfaction did not vary with age, marital status, educational level, or occupational status. However, in contrast to the younger women's responses and to the results of previous studies, women over the age of 30 years rated their ideal figure as significantly larger than the one perceived as most attractive to men. Therefore, conclusions concerning this issue that are based on studies of college undergraduates cannot necessarily be generalized to other groups of women.  相似文献   

为考察青少年对身体的满意度和自杀意念的关系,探讨自尊是否在青少年身体不满意和自杀意念的关系中起中介作用,以及这个过程是否受到友谊质量的调节作用。采用身体不满意量表、自杀意念量表、自尊量表和友谊质量量表对来自湖北、安徽、河南、吉林四省六所高中的802名高一学生进行调查,结果显示:(1)身体不满意对自杀意念具有显著的正向预测作用;(2)自尊在身体不满意和自杀意念的关系中起部分中介作用;(3)友谊质量在身体不满意通过自尊影响自杀意念的中介模型后半段起调节作用,即在友谊质量较低的青少年中,自尊对自杀意念的影响更大。因此,青少年身体不满意和自杀意念之间存在有调节的中介效应。  相似文献   

Markey CN  Markey PM  Birch LL 《Sex roles》2004,51(3-4):209-216
This study was designed to examine the role women's husbands may play in determining their body satisfaction. One hundred and seventy-two (172; mean age = 37.53 years) European American women's body satisfaction, their perceptions of their husbands' satisfaction with their bodies, and their husbands' actual satisfaction with their bodies were assessed using the Body Figure Rating Scale; women's weight status was assessed using body mass index (BMI). Results indicated that wives were much more dissatisfied with their bodies than were their husbands and that wives thought their husbands were much more dissatisfied with their bodies than the husbands actually were. Further, findings suggested that wives' BMIs were not as strongly related to husband's satisfaction with their wives' bodies as they were to wives' own satisfaction or perceptions of their husbands' satisfaction with their bodies.  相似文献   

采用青少年体像烦恼量表、自尊量表和大学生恋爱压力量表对550位大学生进行调查,建立体像烦恼、自尊和恋爱压力的结构方程,考察自尊在体像烦恼和恋爱压力之间的中介作用。结果发现:(1)大学生体像烦恼、自尊和恋爱压力之间相关显著;(2)大学生体像烦恼对自尊和恋爱压力都有显著的预测作用,对自尊的预测是负向的,对恋爱压力的预测是正向的;(3)自尊在体像烦恼和恋爱压力之间起到部分中介作用(效应值为0.417),即体像烦恼直接对恋爱压力产生影响,也可通过自尊间接影响恋爱压力。  相似文献   

This study uses feminist theory to examine the variables of relationship length and relationship satisfaction as predicators of both self-esteem and emotional functioning for women. Using a national sample of data gathered from 1,257 female survey respondents this study found significant relationships between emotional functioning, self-esteem, and self-reported relationship satisfaction which was supported by regression testing and path analysis. In addition, a significant negative relationship was noted between a woman's self-esteem and her with-holding of verbalized displeasure or disagreement with her partner. Implications for women in therapy were discussed.  相似文献   

Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have been linked to bodily disorders (anorexia nervosa, obesity), and individuals with ASD are known to experience unique bodily states (e.g., exaggerated interoceptive sensitivity). Though there is evidence to suggest body variables may significantly impact quality of life in those with ASD, research has yet to examine the potential relationship between ASD and body image variables, that is, the evaluation of one's body. The present study examined 80 healthy college students (40 male, 40 female) who completed an online set of questionnaires regarding body image and satisfaction, body competency, depression, anxiety, and autistic traits (Autism Spectrum Quotient, or AQ) (Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright, Skinner, Martin, &; Clubley, 2001 Baron-Cohen, S., Wheelwright, S., Skinner, R., Martin, J., &; Clubley, E. (2001). The autism spectrum quotient (AQ): Evidence from asperger syndrome/high-functioning autism, males and females, scientists, and mathematicians. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 31, 517.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Of primary interest was whether AQ scores, gender, and the interaction between AQ scores and gender could successfully predict participants' scores on body image, satisfaction, and competency scales. Autistic traits were only a significant predictor of scores on one measure of momentary body image and satisfaction (Body Image States Scale: Cash et al., 2002 Cash, T. F., Fleming, E. C., Alindogan, J., Steadman, L., &; Whitehead, A. (2002). Beyond body image as a trait: The development and validation of the body image states scale. Eating Disorders, 10, 103113. https://doi.org/10.1080/10640260290081678[Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]). However, our results did suggest the possibility of an interaction between gender and AQ scores in predicting reports of body image, satisfaction, and competency.  相似文献   

主动性控制和反应性控制是认知控制研究的新视角。前者通过在反应前维持目标相关信息的表征来预防冲突, 后者在反应时重激活目标相关信息以解决冲突。个体能够在这两种认知控制间进行权衡从而形成最优反应。通过AX-CPT等实验范式, 辅以ERP、fMRI技术可分离两种认知控制, 并观察到认知控制相关的脑区在激活时间和强度上的差异。个体生理发展、认知因素(期望、流体智力、训练)、非认知因素(情绪、动机等)均能影响认知控制的权衡。未来的研究应多关注这一权衡的内在神经机制和认知机制, 并与传统认知控制研究相结合, 在理论和应用上取得更进一步的发展。  相似文献   

自尊水平与自尊稳定性的关系:完美主义的中介作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用中介性调节分析方法,探讨了青少年外显自尊、内隐自尊、完美主义和自尊稳定性的关系.研究发现:外显自尊通过在乎缺点这一中介变量影响着自尊稳定性,外显自尊与自尊稳定性之间的关系不存在追求高标准的中介作用;内隐自尊调节着外显自尊和在乎缺点、自尊稳定性的关系,在低外显自尊者中,内隐自尊低者倾向于在乎自己的错误,表现出较高的自尊不稳定性;外显自尊通过在乎缺点影响自尊稳定性的间接效应在低内隐自尊者中更为明显.进一步的研究应考虑内隐自尊稳定性在自尊研究中的作用.  相似文献   

范伟伟 《心理学探新》2014,34(5):387-391
上世纪80年代以来,随着经典认知研究的步履维艰,认知研究逐渐显示出具身化的特点。具身认知是第二代认知科学的代表,它强调身体在认知形成中的重要性,认为身体对认知有限制、分配和调节作用,并具有与经典认知不同的运动观。近年来研究者们以实验手段力求为具身认知的存在提供证据,着力考察认知与身体感知运动状态的相互影响。具身认知理论在认知构建、生态效度等方面具有自己的优势,但目前具身认知还是一个新兴的研究领域,有待进一步的深入探讨。  相似文献   

已有研究发现品质/外貌自我评价与外显自尊密切相关且受性别的调节,而内隐品质/外貌自我概念是否与内隐自尊相关以及其中的性别差异尚不明确。本研究采用多因素特质内隐联想测验(MFT-IAT)及内隐联想测验(IAT)测量被试的内隐品质/外貌自我概念以及内隐自尊,结果发现在内隐自我概念里,男性将品质与自我联系更紧密而女性将外貌与自我联结更紧密;内隐品质/外貌自我概念对内隐自尊的预测作用受性别的调节,在男性中内隐积极品质与自我联结越紧密其内隐自尊水平越高,而女性中内隐积极外貌与自我联结越紧密其内隐自尊水平越高。  相似文献   

A study of body dissatisfaction, as measured by the Figure Rating Scale (Stunkard, Sorenson, & Schlusinger, 1983) and the Body Esteem Scale (Franzoi & Shields, 1984), in 75 college women and their mothers indicated that both daughters and mothers experienced body dissatisfaction. When body size was statistically controlled, either no difference was found between the groups or daughters were found to have greater body dissatisfaction than mothers. The results supported the hypotheses that (1) there are generational differences in body dissatisfaction, (2) both cohort and developmental effects contribute to these differences, and (3) that a developmental effect (mothers' greater body size) may obscure a cohort effect (daughters' greater exposure to the thin body ideal). Body dissatisfaction measures based on the mothers' retrospective ratings of how they felt at their daughters' age were consistent with these hypotheses. Relationships between body dissatisfaction and the Sociocultural Attitudes Toward Appearance Questionnaire (Heinberg, Thompson, & Stormer, 1995) were stronger and more frequent for daughters than for mothers and for the Internalization Scale than for the Awareness Scale. Relationships between the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (Glick & Fiske, 2001) and body dissatisfaction were stronger for mothers than for daughters and for Benevolent Sexism than for Hostile Sexism.  相似文献   

为探讨社交网站使用强度对青少年体像满意度的影响和其中的作用机制,采用社交网站使用强度量表、体像比较量表、体像不满量表和自我客体化量表对1469名中学生(736名男生,733名女生)进行研究,结果表明:(1)青少年社交网站使用强度与体像比较显著正相关,与体像满意度显著负相关,女生体像比较与体像满意度显著负相关,男生则不显著。(2)女生社交网站使用通过体像比较的部分中介作用预测体像满意度,且体像比较的中介作用受到自我客体化的调节。研究结果进一步揭示了女生社交网站使用与体像满意度关系的作用机制,有助于指导青少年女生积极健康地进行网络社交活动。  相似文献   

Longitudinal studies suggest modest continuity in personality from adolescence to early adulthood and greater continuity over successive periods during the adult years. However, individual differences in personality stability do exist. We discuss potential sources of personality change, especially as they relate to development, role assumption and commitment, and loss of roles and commitments. Then, using data from the Intergenerational Studies, we employ measures of competence and of work and family commitments, assessed both in high school and adulthood, to predict personality stability from high school to early and late adulthood. Results indicate that personality stability can be successfully predicted with such measures. Greater personality stability is found for those determined to be more planfully competent, but additional family and work role variables also increase predictive power, in some instances. Using two alternate measures of competence—one from the California Q-sort and the other from the California Psychological Inventory—we replicated the finding that men with more disorderly careers show less personality stability, and that women who have experienced more divorces show less personality stability.  相似文献   

The present study examined the effects of insecure attachment on the development of negative body image as a contributing factor to the development of disturbed-eating patterns in male and female university students. Participants were nonclinical male (n = 100) and female (n = 381) university students. Administering self-report questionnaires, the authors assessed demographic information (gender, age), anthropometric data (Body Mass Index [BMI], age), romantic attachment (ECRS-R; R. C. Fraley, N. G. Waller, & K. A. Brennan, 2000), body dissatisfaction (BSQ), and disturbed eating (EAT-26). The authors found body dissatisfaction to fully mediate the relationship between attachment anxiety and disordered eating in women. Body dissatisfaction mediated anxious attachment and dieting in men. In addition, attachment avoidance had a direct impact on eating behaviors for both genders, without the mediation of any variables measured in this study. The findings of the present study suggest that the anxiety and avoidance dimensions of attachment insecurity affect eating behaviors differently, and the effects are different across genders. The authors discuss results in the context of therapeutic interventions design.  相似文献   

运动的认知控制是机体选择适合当前情境的运动的关键。皮层和皮层下运动区的不同脑区分别参与运动认知控制的不同方面, 同时又相互协作以确保各种运动的正确执行。运动前区(PMC)和初级运动区(M1)共同负责感觉与运动之间的转换, M1区、小脑和纹状体共同参与运动的学习和记忆, 辅助运动复合体(SMC)和M1区在运动的计划过程中发挥主导作用。基底神经节和前辅助运动区(pre-SMA)是对运动进行抑制的关键脑区。  相似文献   

本研究采用负启动范式,设置不同的认知负荷任务,探究抑制控制在儿童和成人类比映射中的作用。实验一中,31名7岁儿童、33名10岁儿童和34名成人完成高认知负荷的相对大小类比映射的负启动任务。结果表明,所有群体均出现负启动效应,且负启动效应随年龄增长而减小。实验二中,30名7岁儿童、30名10岁儿童和32名成人完成低认知负荷的相对大小类比映射的负启动任务。结果表明,所有群体均出现负启动效应,但负启动效应无显著年龄差异。本研究的结果揭示了抑制控制和认知负荷在类比映射发展中的重要作用。  相似文献   

为探讨社交网站使用、线上社会资本、自尊与青少年生活满意度的关系,本研究在社会资本理论及自尊的社会计量器理论的基础上,构建了一个有调节的中介模型。采用社交网站使用强度问卷、线上社会资本问卷、自尊量表以及生活满意度问卷对初(1)到高(3)六个年级的1368名中学生(M=14.63岁,SD=1.75)进行调查研究,结果显示:(1)社交网站使用强度与线上黏接/桥接型社会资本和生活满意度均呈显著正相关;线上黏接型社会资本与自尊、生活满意度均呈显著正相关;线上桥接型社会资本与自尊呈显著正相关,与生活满意度的相关不显著;自尊与生活满意度呈显著正相关。(2)线上黏接型社会资本能够在社交网站使用强度与生活满意度的关系中起部分中介作用。(3)社交网站使用对生活满意度的直接预测作用及线上黏接型社会资本的中介效应会受到自尊的调节,相对于自尊水平低的青少年,社交网站使用更有利于高自尊个体获得线上黏接型社会资本、提升生活满意度。研究结果不仅有利于从社会资本理论及自尊的社会计量器理论视角理解社交网站使用与青少年生活满意度的关系,而且对引导青少年获取社会资本、提升生活满意度具有启示意义。  相似文献   

压力情境认知评价与工作倦怠的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
田宝  李旭培  滕秀杰  时勘 《心理科学》2012,35(1):165-170
为探讨压力情境认知评价与工作倦怠的关系,选取北京、河南两家公司的303名员工进行了调查。分层结果分析发现,在控制了人口统计学因素之后,挑战评价对玩世不恭存在显著正向预测作用,控制评价对情绪衰竭、玩世不恭和成就感低落存在显著负向预测作用;进一步分析发现,控制评价在情绪中心应对和情绪衰竭、问题中心应对与成就感低落之间按的关系上具有调节作用。结果表明,压力情境认知评价是影响员工工作倦怠的重要因素。  相似文献   

本研究采用建构主义教学评估问卷、认知压力问卷、一般元思维量表与情境元思维量表对381名学生进行测量,考察了建构主义教学与元思维之间的关系,以及一级、二级认知压力在其中的中介或解释作用。研究采用结构方程模型分析,结果显示:(1)仅考虑一级认知压力时,建构主义教学能正向预测两种元思维,一级认知压力在建构主义教学与两种元思维间皆起部分中介作用;(2)仅考虑二级认知压力时,其在建构主义教学与两种元思维间皆起完全中介作用;(3)同时加入两种认知压力时,仅二级认知压力的中介作用显著。  相似文献   

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