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自我监控理论评价   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
肖崇好 《心理科学》2005,28(4):1010-1013
Snyder(1974)提出自我监控来解释自我呈现中的个体差异。他认为高自我监控者具有三个特征:关注行为的适宜性,对情境线索敏感,并以此作为行为调节的指南。以此为基础编制出一个25项目的自我监控量表。但随后的研究发现该量表测量到的与自我监控构念之间存在差距。为此,Lennox和Wolfe(1984)发展了修订版自我监控量表,Gangestad和Snyder(1985)把25项目自我监控量表精减成18项目,LiFeng等(1998)编制出中国版自我监控量表,但这些自我监控量表同样存在缺陷。该研究指出:其根源在于Snyder(1974)对自我监控的构念存在缺陷。  相似文献   

随着网络的日益普及,社交网站已成为人们活动的新领域和人际交往的新媒介。为探讨社交网站中不同的自我呈现方式、积极反馈与友谊质量的关系,采用问卷法对来自武汉市两所普通中学的817名10~19岁的学生进行调查,其中,男生423人,女生366人。研究采用偏差矫正的百分位Bootstrap法,使用Hayes(2012)编制的SPSS宏对中介效应进行检验,结果发现:(1)真实自我呈现和积极自我呈现与积极反馈、友谊质量显著正相关;(2)社交网站中的真实自我呈现既能直接预测青少年的友谊质量,也能通过积极反馈的中介作用对友谊质量产生影响,而积极自我呈现对青少年的友谊质量没有直接预测作用,只能通过积极反馈的完全中介作用对友谊质量产生影响。  相似文献   

随着网络的日益普及,社交网站已成为人们活动的新领域和人际交往的新媒介。同现实交往一样,在社交网站中个体会采用不同的自我呈现策略。为探讨社交网站中自我呈现策略、社会支持和自尊的关系,采用问卷法对485名大学生进行了调查,结果发现:(1)社交网站中积极和真实自我呈现均与社会支持和自尊呈显著正相关,但真实自我呈现与领悟社会支持和自尊的相关程度更高。(2)社会支持在积极自我呈现与自尊关系中的中介效应不显著,积极自我呈现对自尊只有显著的直接预测作用;真实自我呈现对自尊不仅有显著的直接预测效应,还能通过社会支持的部分中介效应对其产生影响。  相似文献   

The efforts of Asian social psychology and the Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP) over the past decade and longer have clearly drawn attention to Asian cultures and their potential influence on psychological processes, and have highlighted the need to incorporate Asian social psychology into a global understanding of social psychology. Despite these advancements, however, all four authors, in their own way, suggest that these efforts are only the tip of the iceberg, and describe how Asian social psychology can shift their contributions to a higher gear. In this brief commentary, I discuss three points raised in the papers by Atsumi, Hofstede, Leung, and Ward: identity, the gold standard of comparison, and the contribution of Asian social psychology to a global social psychology, all in relation to visions of the future.  相似文献   

叶良茂 《哲学动态》2002,1(5):31-33
需要是马克思主义哲学的一个重要范畴。但由于长期把需要视为一个主观的心理学范畴 ,从而忽视了对之的深入研究 ,直到 2 0世纪 80年代价值论研究兴起之后 ,需要范畴才凸现出来 ,并成为哲学领域的一个重要问题。然而 ,需要究竟是客观的 ,还是主观的 ?这个问题然没有解决 ,仍旧存  相似文献   

Most people believe that they are in many respects superior to others. When they publicly express their superiority, they may do so in an explicitly or implicitly comparative manner (“I am better than others” vs. “I am good”). According to the hubris hypothesis, observers dislike explicit self-superiority claims, because these suggest a negative view of others and hence of the observers. The results of two experiments were consistent with the hubris hypothesis. Participants evaluated explicit self-superiority claimants more unfavorably than implicit self-superiority claimants (Experiments 1–2). They attributed less warmth, but not less competence, to explicit than implicit self-superiority claimants (Experiment 2), and this occurred to the extent that participants inferred a negative view of others (Experiments 1–2) and hence of them (Experiment 2).  相似文献   

Research suggests that ostracism increases susceptibility to indirect forms of social influence (e.g., conformity). Yet, no study to date has explored whether the effects of ostracism extend to the most direct form of social influence—obedience. We investigated whether ostracized individuals would be more likely to obey a direct command to do something effortful in uncomfortable conditions. Participants (N = 62) were randomly assigned to be included or ostracized in Cyberball, or assigned to a control condition. They were then approached by the experimenter and commanded to go outside when temperatures were below 30°F and take 39 unique and creative photographs in the cold of winter. Ostracized participants were more likely to obey the experimenter’s command to be creative when taking photographs. No differences in obedience emerged between the inclusion and the control condition. We provided evidence completing the social influence “trifecta”: ostracism increases susceptibility to conformity, compliance, and now, obedience.  相似文献   

This study aimed to examine the influence of the presence of a partner in terms of affiliation level and role on anxiety in a physically threatening situation.

In the first experiment, nine male subjects waited alone for the electric shock, and the other nine subjects waited with their partner.

In the second experiment, 36 female subjects were assigned to four experimental groups by the difference of the role of a partner (coactor or audience) and the affiliation level of a partner (friend or stranger), and subjects waited for the electric shock with their partner.

It was found that anxiety of subjects decreased when the partner was a coactor and/or a friend. It was suggested that these two functioned differently in anxiety reduction in a physically threatening situation.  相似文献   

从害羞的界定、已有评估工具的性质及研究方法等方面进行综述,并对目前害羞研究的新进展展开讨论,最后探讨当今研究中存在的问题和今后努力的方向.  相似文献   

Two studies assessed the extent to which people incorporated false facts provided by bogus others into their own recognition memory reports, and how these false memory reports were affected by: (a) truth of the information in others’ summaries supporting the false facts, (b) motivation to process stories and summaries, (c) source credibility, and (d) ease of remembering original facts. False memory report frequency increased when false facts in a summary were supported by true information and varied inversely with the ease with which original facts could be remembered. Results from a measure probing participants’ memory perceptions suggest that some false memories are authentic: People sometimes lack awareness of both the incorporation of false facts into their memory reports and where the false facts came from. However, many false memories are inauthentic: Despite reporting a false memory, people sometimes retain knowledge of the original stimulus and/or the origin of false facts.  相似文献   

The document Changing Childbirth produced by the Department of Health (1993) requests provision of more choice, continuity and control for women during pregnancy and childbirth. In this context this study considers whether midwives'decisions are influenced by a senior midwife. A simple, valid and reliable scale—the Social Influence Scale for Midwifery (SIS‐M)—was devised to measure and score midwives' private anonymous responses to 10 clinical decisions. The SIS‐M was initially administered as a self‐completed postal survey by 209 midwives. Following a 9‐month time gap, a stratified sample of 60 (20 E, F, G grade midwives) were invited for interview in which a senior midwife attempted to influence SIS‐M responses in a conformist direction. Overall, a 3 × 2 (E, F, G grade midwives x private and interview SIS‐M scores) analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed midwives were significantly more conformist when influenced by a senior midwife, in comparison to private anonymous responses. No significant interaction between groups was found. These findings indicate that there is influence of a senior midwife on clinical decisions that should be woman‐centred, according to Changing Childbirth (1993). The implication is that this influence may remove choice from women. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

采用问卷法对658名具有社交网站使用经验的大学生进行调查,考察大学生社交网站使用与依赖的关系、积极自我呈现的中介作用以及关系型自我构念的调节作用。结果发现:(1)社交网站使用能显著正向地预测大学生社交网站依赖;(2)积极自我呈现在社交网站使用与依赖的关系中起部分中介作用;(3)积极自我呈现的中介作用受到关系型自我构念的调节。具体来说,相对于高关系型自我构念的大学生,低关系型自我构念大学生的社交网站使用更多地通过积极自我呈现影响其社交网站依赖。  相似文献   


Previous research on interviewees’ ability to identify criteria (ATIC) found that interview performance is positively related to the degree to which interviewees identify the targeted performance criteria in a selection interview. Similarly, the use of self-promotion as an impression management tactic is also positively related to interview performance. The present study extended this research and used multilevel analyses to investigate whether intraindividual variation concerning identification of the performance criteria and the use of self-promotion is related to within-person performance fluctuations across interview questions. Furthermore, we also tested whether correct identification of the performance dimensions moderates the effects of self-promotion behaviour on interview performance. In a simulated selection interview, we found that ATIC and self-promotion were indeed positively related to interview performance on the between-person level (i.e., for the entire interview). However, no moderator effect was found. Furthermore, on the within-person level interviewees’ performance was better concerning questions for which they were better at identifying the performance criteria but worse concerning questions for which they used more self-promotion. Thus, identification of the targeted dimensions and self-promotion have diverging effects on the level of specific interview questions. Finally, we discuss implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

This article reports the development and exploratory testing of a school-based intervention programme designed to enhance levels of physical activity in adolescents. The intervention is based on social cognitive theory (SCT), self-regulation theory (SRT) and planning as evidence-based mediators of physical activity changes. Two classes, paired on socio-economic variables, were selected from each of eight Portuguese schools and randomly assigned to an intervention or control group (N = 291). Primary outcome was ‘moderate to vigorous physical activity’ (International Physical Activity Questionnaire) measured pre and post intervention and at three and nine months follow-up. SCT, SRT and planning variables were secondary outcomes measured pre and post intervention. At post test, participants in the intervention group reported 18 min per week more physical activity (PA), adjusted for pre-intervention, age and sex, than those in the control group (95% confidence interval ?10 to 46; p = 0.249). This difference increased to 33 min (95% CI–4 to 71; p = 0.082) at three months and to 57 min (95% CI 13 to 101, p = 0.008) at nine month follow-up. Moreover, the intervention resulted in changes of some of the theoretical target variables, including outcome expectancies and coping planning. However, no evidence was found for the changes in theoretical moderators to mediate the intervention effects on behaviour. Implications for theory and for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

人们常将满意的结果归因于自己的能力或努力, 将不满意的结果归因为他人或环境, 这种接受成功的荣誉而否认失败责任的倾向称为自我服务偏向。目前, 对该偏向的理论解释并未达成统一的结论, 争论主要集中在其产生是由认知驱动或动机驱动, 抑或两者兼有。大量研究表明, 自我服务偏向普遍存在于日常生活中, 并受年龄、性别、文化、精神机能障碍等因素的影响, 但对其脑机制的研究相对较少。未来研究中, 应拓宽对非抑郁症精神机能障碍患者的自我服务偏向研究以及不同群体自我服务偏向特点的研究; 自我服务偏向的脑机制研究、跨文化研究以及国外已有研究成果在我国的适用性也将成为未来研究的关注点。  相似文献   

This study provides evidence of stereotype threat in men on a test of a feminine ability called social sensitivity, that is, the ability to decode nonverbal cues. Men who were told that the test assessed social sensitivity and produced better scores for women than men performed worse on the test than did men who were told that the test assessed information processing. Because social sensitivity can be an automatic skill and stereotype threat uses mental capacity, this effect was moderated by self-reported strategy usage. Mens performance worsened in the threat condition only when they reported more deliberative and less intuitive strategies for decoding nonverbal cues.  相似文献   

In this response to the commentaries, we make one concession and try to clarify two critical points raised by the commentators. The concession is about the common stock of knowledge on which social representations approaches draw in general, and the model outlined in our article in particular. The two points we attempt to clarify concern the importance of both an intergroup perspective and of the structural components of power to our model of social representations.  相似文献   

The present study investigated how perceivers' self-construals influence the perception of others who use self-enhancement or self-effacement in communication. It was predicated that independent self and interdependent self would differently affect the evaluation of self-enhancing presentation and self-effacing presentation. Two hundred and forty-six Korean college students read a scenario depicting a person using bragging, and positive and negative self-presentations for his/her accomplishment, and then evaluated the presenter in the scenario on intention of future interaction, satisfaction with conversation and likeability. Results showed that people with independent self evaluated the positive presentation more favorably than people with interdependent self, whereas people with interdependent self evaluated the negative presentation more favorably than people with independent self. No significant difference was found in the evaluation of bragging presentation. The results imply that although the purpose of self-presentation is to give positive self to others, it is differently expressed through self-enhancement in North American culture and through self-effacement in East Asian culture. The results also supported previous cross-cultural studies on self-enhancement and self-effacement by providing an examination from individual level analysis.  相似文献   

影响大学生自我监控能力的情境因素的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用角色表演法,通过实验考察了冲突中影响大学生自我监控能力的情境因素。实验研究了冲突对方说话的态度对自我监控的影响。通过比较高、低自我监控者在两种态度(礼貌或粗鲁)对待下策略的使用,证实冲突中对方的说话态度显著影响了大学生在冲突中的自我监控行为:在礼貌说话态度下,高、低自我监控的大学生间在综合策略、分散策略和敌对策略的使用上有显著差异,而在粗鲁的说话态度下,两者无显著差异。  相似文献   

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