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The main purpose of this research was to investigate whether the difference in open-field (OF) thigmotaxis between mice selectively bred for high and low levels of wall-seeking behavior originated from genetic or acquired sources. Unfostered, infostered, and crossfostered mice were compared in two experiments in which the effects of strain, sex, and fostering on ambulation, defecation, exploration, grooming, latency to move, radial latency, rearing, thigmotaxis, and urination were studied. These experiments revealed that OF thigmotaxis was unaffected by the foster condition and thus genetically determined. The selected strains of mice also diverged repeatedly with regard to exploration and rearing. The findings are in line with the previously described existence of an inverse relationship between emotionality and exploration.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the life spans in two lines of mice selectively bred for high (Turku Aggressive, TA) and low (Turku Nonaggressive, TNA) levels of aggression. The maintained parental Swiss albino strain (N), normally distributed with regard to aggression, served as a control line. It was found that the TNA males had a significantly shorter life span than the other lines of mice of both sexes. The relative early death of the TNA males was discussed in terms of male age-related decline of inherited low levels of catecholamine and androgenous hormone concentrations. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A unidirectional selective breeding experiment performed over six generations resulted in a line of mice (S6), which differed from the maintained unselected Swiss albino strain, called normal (N) strain, in the following respects: S6 mice increased their open field activity after maze learning significantly more than N mice. S6 mice ambulated more and exhibited more thigmotactic behaviour in a circular open field than N mice. S6 mice were superior than N mice in regard to maze learning capacity. Finally, S6 mice were interpreted as significantly less emotional according to their defecation, more responsive to novelty according to their urine pattern and more aggressive than N mice.  相似文献   

To assess the extent of plasticity in behavioral development after directional selection for aggressive behavior, male mice were reared and tested in selected social rearing and testing conditions. After four generations of selective breeding, the lines differed in all attack measures when tested in a dyadic assessment following isolation rearing. Line-specific effects of isolation vs. group rearing were demonstrated, and longitudinal studies showed the ontogenetic pattern of difference between lines to be substantially changed by conditions of rearing and testing. The social-interactional processes that might produce the developmental genotype-environment interaction were investigated. Line-specific interaction patterns within long-established sibling groups predicted aggressive behavior in cross-situational dyadic assessments. Group rearing attenuated most line differences in aggressive measures, but the high-aggressive line was more likely than the low-aggressive line to persist in attacking over consecutive days of observation. Cross-fostering in early development did not significantly change adult aggressive behavior. Some implications of a developmental-genetic approach to the study of social interactions are discussed.  相似文献   

A comprehensive four-factor interactive model on physical, psychological, and environmental processes related to the sense of control is presented for adult development with an emphasis on later life. The four experienced components are (1) control from within oneself, (2) control over oneself, (3) control over the environment, and (4) control from the environment. Control over oneself and over the environment measure self-directed control, while control from within oneself and from the environment measure nonself-directed control. Coping (a bidimensional control scale) measures control from powerlessness and suicide to overcontrolling. Findings confirm a significant loss of coping in an older cohort group from a white, rural sample composed primarily of single subjects with low coping representing a significant drop in self-directed behavior. A discussion of the relationship between self-direction and health in the older cohort group follows.  相似文献   

The coefficient of variation is an effect size measure with many potential uses in psychology and related disciplines. We propose a general theory for a sequential estimation of the population coefficient of variation that considers both the sampling error and the study cost, importantly without specific distributional assumptions. Fixed sample size planning methods, commonly used in psychology and related fields, cannot simultaneously minimize both the sampling error and the study cost. The sequential procedure we develop is the first sequential sampling procedure developed for estimating the coefficient of variation. We first present a method of planning a pilot sample size after the research goals are specified by the researcher. Then, after collecting a sample size as large as the estimated pilot sample size, a check is performed to assess whether the conditions necessary to stop the data collection have been satisfied. If not an additional observation is collected and the check is performed again. This process continues, sequentially, until a stopping rule involving a risk function is satisfied. Our method ensures that the sampling error and the study costs are considered simultaneously so that the cost is not higher than necessary for the tolerable sampling error. We also demonstrate a variety of properties of the distribution of the final sample size for five different distributions under a variety of conditions with a Monte Carlo simulation study. In addition, we provide freely available functions via the MBESS package in R to implement the methods discussed.  相似文献   

This work offers a multidisciplinary perspective on the Metaverse, focusing on its potential implications for consumer behavior. We begin by proposing a conceptualization of the Metaverse as being uniquely defined by the convergence of five key elements—it is digitally mediated, spatial, immersive, shared, and operates in real-time. We then discuss how these components might collectively alter our understanding of consumer behavior in three domains: consumer identity, social influence, and ownership. We conclude by outlining an agenda for future research to help broaden our understanding of the Metaversal marketplace and its impact on consumer behavior. This work serves as a starting point to characterize a shift that is unfolding in the marketplace and to consider, through a consumer behavior lens, the numerous changes it may bring.  相似文献   

傅世敏  陈霖  杨明明 《心理科学》2000,23(2):200-202
对一例视觉忽视病人的研究发现,线段划销任务中其忽视以基于相邻性组织而形成的知觉物体为中心;对视野两侧图形是否一样的判断受连通性组织的影响;报告数字时受基于颜色的相似性组织的影响.结果为基于物体的选择性注意理论提供了神经心理学证据.  相似文献   

A new experimental chamber is described that permits rats to demonstrate behavioral preference for one of two conditions by running towards a goal chamber by one of two routes that are correlated with the different conditions. In a preliminary study, rats chose a route correlated with relatively lower shock, demonstrating the sensitivity of the apparatus. We also report evidence using this device that, of 10 rats tested, all preferred unsignaled rather than signaled, inescapable, unavoidable shock.  相似文献   

This piece responds to Meacham's (1994) suggestion that prejudice may be replaced by tolerance through the simple understanding of two forms of individualism that may be expressed by members of society—that is, that if we move from a self-contained to an ensembled individualism, we will treat those different from ourselves in a more tolerant fashion. This model is criticized for its emphasis on tolerance of, rather than respect for, all groups in society and, furthermore, for its bias toward groups that are more highly valued by the current society.  相似文献   

The Dutch Identity: A new tool for the study of item response models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Dutch Identity is a useful way to reexpress the basic equations of item response models that relate the manifest probabilities to the item response functions (IRFs) and the latent trait distribution. The identity may be exploited in several ways. For example: (a) to suggest how item response models behave for large numbers of items—they are approximate submodels of second-order loglinear models for 2 J tables; (b) to suggest new ways to assess the dimensionality of the latent trait—principle components analysis of matrices composed of second-order interactions from loglinear models; (c) to give insight into the structure of latent class models; and (d) to illuminate the problem of identifying the IRFs and the latent trait distribution from sample data.This research was supported in part by contract number N00014-87-K-0730 from the Cognitive Science Program of the Office of Naval Research. I realized the usefulness of the identity in Theorem 1 while lecturing in the Netherlands during October, 1986. Because this was in no small part due to the stimulating psychometric atmosphere there, I call the result the Dutch Identity.  相似文献   


The Illness Perception Questionnaire (IPQ) is a new method for assessing cognitive representations of illness. The IPQ is a theoretically derived measure comprising five scales that provides information about the five components that have been found to underlie the cognitive representation of illness. The five scales assess identity - the symptoms the patient associates with the illness, cause - personal ideas about aetiology, time-line - the perceived duration of the illness, consequences - expected effects and outcome and cure control - how one controls or recovers from the illness. The IPQ has a specific number of core items but allows the user to add items for particular patient groups or health threats. Data is presented supporting the reliability and validity of the IPQ scales in different chronic illness populations.  相似文献   

Tellegen and Waller advocated a complex and time-consuming scale construction method that they called “exploratory test construction.” Scales that are constructed by this method—such as the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (MPQ)—are presumed to be more “psychologically coherent” and “robust” than scales constructed by other means. Using a novel procedure that we call the “recaptured scale technique,” we tested this conjecture by conducting a megafactor analysis on data from the 411 adult participants of the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart who completed the MPQ, the MMPI, and the CPI. We extracted and obliquely rotated 21 factors from a matrix of gender-corrected tetrachoric correlations for the 1,102 nonredundant items of the three omnibus inventories. Robustness of the 11 MPQ scales was assessed by the degree to which these factors recaptured the MPQ item groupings. Our results showed that nine factors were clearly recognizable as MPQ scales and two additional factors represented a bifurcation of an MPQ scale. A higher-order factor analysis of all 21 factor scales yielded five factors that clearly resembled the Big Five. Our results provide strong support for (a) the method of exploratory test construction, (b) the structural robustness of most MPQ scales, and (c) the utility of the recaptured scale technique.  相似文献   

Participatory action research with young people (yPAR) involves youth and adults in a collaborative process of research, reflection, analysis and action. An important part of the research cycle is the identification of a problem definition. Yet, there is relatively little research addressing the process of how young people develop a problem definition on which to focus their analysis and intervention and what methods might exist to facilitate this process. This article draws upon a yPAR project with fifth‐grade working‐class young people, primarily young people of colour, to demonstrate how the Five Whys method for reflecting on lived experiences facilitated the development of problem definitions in line with second‐order change. The Five Whys method, when used within a participatory framework, offers both a context and a structure for young people to critically examine social problems they identify and to seek out root causes. The article highlights changes in the participant's formulation of problems in the context of using the Five Whys method, from a primarily individual level of analysis to a more structural level of analysis. It also outlines the subsequent changes in proposed actions to address the identified problems. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) patients carry a greater risk of conversion to Alzheimer's disease (AD). Therefore, the International Working Group (IWG) on AD aims to consider some cases of aMCI as symptomatic prodromal AD. The core diagnostic marker of AD is a significant and progressive memory deficit, and the Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test (FCSRT) was recommended by the IWG to test memory in cases of possible prodromal AD. This study aims to investigate whether the performance on the FCSRT would enhance the ability to predict conversion to AD in an aMCI group. A longitudinal study was conducted on 88 aMCI patients, and neuropsychological tests were analysed on the relative risk of conversion to AD. During follow‐up (23.82 months), 33% of the aMCI population converted to AD. An impaired FCSRT TR was significantly associated with the risk of conversion to dementia, with a mean time to conversion of 25 months. The FCSRT demonstrates utility for detecting AD at its prodromal stage, thus supporting its use as a valid clinical marker.  相似文献   

In the real world, decision making processes must be able to integrate non-stationary information that changes systematically while the decision is in progress. Although theories of decision making have traditionally been applied to paradigms with stationary information, non-stationary stimuli are now of increasing theoretical interest. We use a random-dot motion paradigm along with cognitive modeling to investigate how the decision process is updated when a stimulus changes. Participants viewed a cloud of moving dots, where the motion switched directions midway through some trials, and were asked to determine the direction of motion. Behavioral results revealed a strong delay effect: after presentation of the initial motion direction there is a substantial time delay before the changed motion information is integrated into the decision process. To further investigate the underlying changes in the decision process, we developed a Piecewise Linear Ballistic Accumulator model (PLBA). The PLBA is efficient to simulate, enabling it to be fit to participant choice and response-time distribution data in a hierarchal modeling framework using a non-parametric approximate Bayesian algorithm. Consistent with behavioral results, PLBA fits confirmed the presence of a long delay between presentation and integration of new stimulus information, but did not support increased response caution in reaction to the change. We also found the decision process was not veridical, as symmetric stimulus change had an asymmetric effect on the rate of evidence accumulation. Thus, the perceptual decision process was slow to react to, and underestimated, new contrary motion information.  相似文献   

Unpredictability of an unconditioned stimulus (US) typically produces context conditioning in animals and humans. We modified the Martians task - a computer game measuring learning of Pavlovian associations through conditioned suppression - for assessing context conditioning in humans. One between-subjects and one within-subjects study are reported. Both experiments comprised four conditions: a predictable (Paired) condition in which the conditioned stimulus (CS) signaled the US, a neutral condition (No-US), one unpredictable condition in which the CS did not signal the US (Unpaired) and another one in which only unsignaled, temporally unpredictable USs were presented (US-only). Results showed more contextual conditioned suppression in the unpredictable conditions compared to the predictable condition. In contrast, more cued conditioned suppression occurred in the Paired condition than in the Unpaired condition. Consistent with animal research, context conditioning was increased by unpredictability. These data support the Martians task as a promising tool to extend research on human context conditioning.  相似文献   

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