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When letters are encountered, two spatial stimulus codes resulting from their positions within the alphabet and on the computer keyboard are activated mentally. If these two spatial codes match, letter processing is more efficient. The present study tested whether the processing fluency gain resulting from alphabet–keyboard compatibility also enhances affective evaluations of letters. In Experiment 1, participants preferred alphabet–keyboard compatible over incompatible letters in a forced-choice preference rating. Similarly, in Experiment 2, liking ratings for alphabet–keyboard compatible letters were higher compared to incompatible letters. Moreover, in Experiment 3, preference ratings of non-words were positively correlated with the relative number of alphabet–keyboard compatible letters within these letter strings. These findings suggest that alphabet–keyboard compatibility shapes the affective connotation of letters. Moreover, this processing fluency–valence association is activated at the level of letters as well as whole letter strings.  相似文献   

In token economies, we typically consider the instructional opportunities available during the periods of token delivery, but may overlook educational opportunities available at the time of token exchange. The present studies examined the use of labelled tokens and routines in the token exchange period to teach alphabet letter recognition to economically disadvantaged preschool children. The children earned points for a variety of academic behaviors in an early morning classroom setting. At no time were alphabet letters introduced or taught during class. Later, during a midmorning token exchange period, operated according to a department store model, the children were given their points in the form of poker chips inscribed with upper-case alphabet letters. They were required to discriminate among these lettered chips before exchanging them for backup reinforcers sold in four or five stores. To assess alphabet letter knowledge, probe evaluations were periodically conducted in which questions requiring alphabet letter recognition and labelling were asked. The answers to these questions were not reinforced. Alphabet letter training during token exchange periods consisted of having a child display the lettered chips, whereupon a teacher asked a number of recognition-type questions. Wrong answers were corrected, and correct answers praised. The child was allowed to exchange the tokens when the number required for a purchase had been recognized correctly. The periodic probe evaluations revealed consistent increases in correct alphabet letter recognition and, as a byproduct, alphabet labelling was facilitated, even though not explicitly trained. Thus, once the letters were recognized, correct labelling shortly followed. The sequential training of new sets of letters was used to demonstrate experimental control within subjects for two children. A control for exposure to the letters was provided by using the labelled tokens, but requiring the counting of chips rather than letter discrimination in the exchange period for two other children. This procedure produced chance levels of letter recognition, which were subsequently improved when the discrimination procedure was added. Posttraining probes, conducted at one and three weeks after training when the labelled tokens and discrimination routines were no longer in use, revealed the same high levels of recognition and labelling performance found during training. Thus, it appears that labelled tokens may be used to teach discriminations during token exchange periods so long as responses are differentiated on the basis of relevant dimensions of the stimuli.  相似文献   

Loss of vision during the retinal stabilization of letters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Upper- and lower-case letters of the alphabet were stabilized until loss of vision occurred. Loss of straight-line visibility was the most frequently reported perceptual event. Occasionally, features of letters separated spatially before their loss of visibility. In both instances, loss of visibility often resulted in the perception of a less complex letter. Confidence ratings for each loss of letter visibility indicated that participants were quite certain about perceived fragmentations. In a control experiment, participants were asked to guess how letters would fragment during stabilization. Again, loss of line visibility was the most frequently reported event. However, spatial separation of features was rarely predicted and complex letters were not predicted to fragment into simpler letter forms. Furthermore, the confidence in predicted fragmentation was quite low. These results are consistent with the view that losses of visibility during retinal stabilization constitute a distinct perceptual experience. Fragmentations appear to be determined by the availability of less complex letter forms and by the loss of subletter information, consisting of letter features and information specifying spatial configurations.  相似文献   

This article describes a 2-year exploratory research study of alphabet knowledge instruction in 13 kindergarten classrooms in four at-risk urban schools. Based on insights for teaching from five evidence-based advantages that influence acquisition of letter names and sounds, instruction of letter names and sounds was enhanced to increase students’ exposure to and practice with letters and to provide greater instructional focus on difficult-to-learn letters through brief lessons taught through distributed cycles of review. Results of this study show that students experienced increased success in acquiring alphabet knowledge, through Enhanced Alphabet Knowledge instruction.  相似文献   

In three experiments, subjects classified briefly presented letters as belonging to either the first or the second half of the alphabet. Prior to each target letter, the subjects were given either a verbally named letter (verbal set), a letter presented visually for 3 sec (visual set), or no prior alternative (control). The target was equally likely to be the same as the prior alternative (same trials) or from the opposite half of the alphabet (different trials). Classification accuracy was always greater for visual set than for the control condition. Verbal-set accuracy was no better than control accuracy when the verbal alternative immediately preceded the target but was equal to visual-set accuracy when the alternative preceded the target by 3 sec. In both set conditions, subjects tended to choose the same half of the alphabet as the prior alternative. It was concluded that type and timing of prior alternatives are important variables in accounting for enhanced classification accuracy.  相似文献   

Subjects classified briefly presented uppercase letters as belonging to the first or second half of the alphabet. A prior alternative preceded each target letter by 200 or 1,400 msec. It was either an ampersand (control), a lowercase letter (opposite case), or an uppercase letter (same case). In the latter two conditions, the target was equally likely to be identical in name to the prior alternative or from the opposite half of the alphabet. For the 200-msec onset asynchrony, classification accuracy was greater in the same-case condition than in the other two conditions, which did not differ. For the 1,400-msec onset asynchrony, accuracy in both the same- and opposite-case conditions was greater than accuracy in the control condition. Same- and opposite-case prior alternatives always biased subjects toward classifying the target in the same half of the alphabet as the alternative. The accuracy results suggest that internally generated images can be used to aid target classification in the opposite-case condition.  相似文献   

Subjects’ estimates of the frequency of occurrence of the letters of the alphabet were compared with previously reported letter-frequency counts. The results indicated an overall good relationship between actual and judged rank, but there were consistent letter-specific under- and overestimations. These inaccuracies were not accounted for by letter versatility, first-position frequency, or order in the alphabet. There was evidence that subject-derived estimates of letter frequency were somewhat better predictors of reaction time performance on letter-processing tasks.  相似文献   

Haptic identification of letters using the left or right hand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study investigated the effects of the use of the right and left hands on haptic identification of letters of the alphabet. Each of the 64 right-handed subjects was given three series of randomly ordered presentations of the 26 letters of the alphabet. The subjects were asked to feel each letter and name correctly each letter as quickly but as accurately as possible. Analysis showed faster identification by those subjects using their left hands on Series 1 with no hand-differences appearing on Series 2 and 3. Significant over-all improvement in identification time occurred with practice. The results were interpreted in terms of a novelty hypothesis of right-hemisphere function and an explanation of perceptual learning of letter identification.  相似文献   

In two experiments, subjects were required to impose different levels of organization on randomly ordered letters. In a between-subject design, the subject was to identify the letter in the set coming first in the alphabet or to reorganize the set into an alphabetic sequence. In a within-subject design, presentation of the letters was followed by an instruction to carry out the identification or reorganization task or to recite the letters in left-to-right order. Reaction time varied systematically with level of required organization, size of the presented set, and position and spacing of the letter set in the alphabet. The results are discussed in terms of two simple models.  相似文献   

Numerous studies in various alphabetic languages have shown that letter knowledge is a strong predictor of reading and spelling achievement. However, this issue has rarely been addressed in French. Three studies are reported in order to examine the question of the development of letter knowledge in connection with literacy skills in French beginning readers before and during formal instruction. The level of the different alphabet-related skills was studied in kindergarten and two short longitudinal studies were conducted while the children were receiving formal instruction. In Study 1, upper-case letters resulted in higher scores. In Study 2, in the case of consonants, no significant advantage of phoneme position in letter names was found. In Study 3 children with good letter-name knowledge in kindergarten performed better in reading and spelling tasks in first grade. Finally, alphabet knowledge is viewed as a multi-faceted type of knowledge, which includes different skills such as alphabet reciting, letter naming and letter-sound knowledge. An early ability in this domain could be highly predictive of subsequent literacy development.  相似文献   

Letter names play an important role in early literacy. Previous studies of letter name learning have examined the Latin alphabet. The current study tested learners of Hebrew, comparing their patterns of performance and types of errors with those of English learners. We analyzed letter-naming data from 645 Israeli children who had not begun formal reading instruction: a younger group (mean age 5 years 2 months) and an older group (mean age 6 years 2 months). Children's errors often involved letters with similar shapes or letters adjacent to one another in the alphabet. Most Hebrew letter names are not very similar to one another phonologically, and there were fewer phonologically based confusions than in English. We found both general frequency effects and frequency effects that reflected the letters in individual children's names. On average, girls knew more letter names than did boys. The results suggest that letter name learning follows similar principles across languages.  相似文献   

Typically, the search for order in grapheme–color synesthesia has been conducted by looking at the frequency of certain letter–color associations. Here, we report stronger associations when second-order similarity mappings are examined—specifically, mappings between the synesthetic colors of letters and letter shape, frequency, and position in the alphabet. The analyses demonstrate that these relations are independent of one other. More strikingly, our analyses show that each of the letter–color mappings is restricted to one dimension of color, with letter shape and ordinality linked to hue, and letter frequency linked to luminance. These results imply that synesthetic associations are acquired as the alphabet is learned, with associations involving letter shape, ordinality, and frequency being made independently and idiosyncratically. Because these mappings of similarity structure between domains (letters and colors) are similar to those found in numerous other cognitive and perceptual domains, they imply that synesthetic associations operate on principles common to many aspects of human cognition.  相似文献   

The Serbo-Croatian language is written in two alphabets, Roman and Cyrillic. Both orthographies transcribe the sounds of the language in a regular and straightforward fashion and may, therefore, be referred to as phonologically shallow in contrast to English orthography, which is phonologically deep. Most of the alphabet characters are unique to one alphabet or the other. There are, however, a number of shared characters, some of which receive the same reading and some of which receive a different reading, in the two alphabets. It is possible, therefore, to construct a variety of types of letter strings. Some of these can be read in only one way and can be either a word or nonsense. Other letter strings can be pronounced one way if read as Roman and in a distinctively different way if read as Cyrillic and can be words in both alphabets—but different words; or they can be nonsense in both alphabets or nonsense in one alphabet and a word in the other. In a lexical decision task conducted with bialphabetical readers, it was shown that words that can be read in two different ways are accepted more slowly and with greater error than words that can be read only one way. It was concluded that for the phonologically shallow writing systems of Serbo-Croatian, lexical decision proceeds with reference to the phonology.  相似文献   

To study the relative importance of various letter segments for letter recognition, we presented each letter of two alphabets, English and Hebrew, preceded by a brief presentation of an intact or a mutilated version of it. Mutilations were done by eliminating a specific segment. It was reasoned that the more critical the eliminated segment is, the less the mutilated version activates the letter code in memory and, thus, the longer it takes to name the subsequently presented target letter. This procedure was successful in detecting significant differences consistent with our expectations. In further analysis, it was shown that the latency data were highly correlated with the distinctiveness of the mutilated segment, its uniqueness over the alphabet, its impact on the letter global shape, and its topography within the letter and other variables. The dependency of latency on the various factors varied considerably between alphabets. Some correlational analyses were done to evaluate the roles of the various factors.  相似文献   

Many letters of the alphabet are consistently mapped to specific colors in English-speaking adults, both in the general population and in individuals with grapheme-color synaesthesia who perceive letters in color. Here, across six experiments, we tested the ubiquity of the color/letter associations with typically developing toddlers, literate children, and adults. We found that pre-literate children associate O with white and X with black and discovered that they also associate I and ameboid nonsense shapes with white; Z and jagged nonsense shapes with black; and C with yellow; but do not make a number of other associations (B blue; Y yellow; A red; G green) seen in literate children and adults. The toddlers' mappings were based on the shape and not the sound of the letter. The results suggest that sensory cortical organization initially binds specific colors to some specific shapes and that learning to read can induce additional associations, likely through the influence of higher order networks as letters take on meaning.  相似文献   

Letters were tachistoscopically presented in pairs to the left or right of fixation for 40 msec. The pair consisted of a target letter (B, D, P, or T) and a noise letter (all other letters of the alphabet except I), with the noise letter appearing either to the inside or the outside of the stimulus letter. S’s task was to report verbally the target letter as fast as possible. Reaction times and number of errors indicated that there was more interference when the noise letter occurred further from the fixation point than the target letter for both the left and right visual field. Since a reading scan cannot account for the results in the right visual field, an outside-toward-fixation scan is proposed. An analysis of the different kinds of errors indicated that the outside to fixation scan is more primitive than the reading scan in that it produces less detailed information about the letters than does the reading scan.  相似文献   

Hominid fossils illustrate how modern humans have evolved anatomically. Included in the fossils are traits no longer phenotypically prevalent in humans (primitive) and phenotypic traits that have become increasingly prevalent (derived). In this study, published paleontological information about the anatomical evolution of humans was used to create line drawings of human form. Survey data were accumulated by having 759 individuals evaluate more than 40 anatomical traits. Each anatomical trait was presented as a panel of three line drawings intended to express the trait in a primitive, intermediate, and derived form. For each panel of three drawings, subjects were instructed to select the drawing they considered most attractive and then select the drawing they considered least attractive. The survey data indicate that males and females of diverse ages, races, cultures, and from varied geographical regions show commonality in their judgements of beauty of human form. The individuals surveyed appeared to have a strong aversion to primitive traits, preferring proportions and characteristics that are intermediate or more derived. In many instances, the evaluators preferred drawings that were exaggeratedly derived. The data may have relevance to the ongoing debate of whether averageness or atypicality is the essence of human beauty. Also, there was high agreement in judging the attractiveness of shapes and proportions in line drawings that were not immediately recognized to be representations of human form. These data could indicate that our general aesthetic sense for art, architecture, and fashion may be based on a subliminal reference to derived anatomical shapes and proportions. Overall, the data support the hypothesis that derived traits that are universally shared by anatomically modern humans may be the standard for our innate sense of beauty of human form.  相似文献   

Spector F  Maurer D 《Perception》2008,37(6):841-847
Many letters of the alphabet are consistently mapped to specific colours by English-speaking adults, both in the general population and in individuals with grapheme-colour synaesthesia who perceive letters in colour. Such associations may be naturally biased by intrinsic sensory cortical organisation, or may be based in literacy (eg 'A' is for 'apple', apples are red; therefore A is red). To distinguish these two hypotheses, we tested pre-literate children in three experiments and compared their results to those of literate children (aged 7-9 years) and adults. The results indicate that some colour letter mappings (O white, X black) are naturally biased by the shape of the letter, whereas others (A red, G green) may be based in literacy. They suggest that sensory cortical organisation initially binds colour to some shapes, and that learning to read can induce additional associations, likely through the influence of higher-order networks as letters take on meaning.  相似文献   

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