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A self-complete inventory was used to collect data concerning consumer cognition and activity among a sample of 211 young adults. Eysenck's (1958) short personality questionnaire was incorporated into the inventory, so that the respondents could be classified by both degree of extraversion-introversion (E) and stability-neuroticism (N). The results show that, although levels of E and N were not directly related to measures of spatial cognition among the sample consumers, a statistically significant relationship was found between N and actual spatial behavior, with stable consumers tending to use relatively fewer centers. Further analysis, however, revealed that the E dimension of personality was of significance when levels of actual center usage were considered as a proportion of the total universe of known opportunities. Moreover, when the sample was disaggregated by gender, it was found that extraverted-unstable men indulged in more extensive spatial behavior in relation to known opportunities than did other personality groups.  相似文献   

The relationship between gender and global self-esteem in adolescence, while modest, has been well established, with boys consistently scoring higher than girls. In the present study, we sought to understand gender differences in adolescent self-esteem in terms of its component parts. With a relatively large (n = 545) sample of adolescents, drawn from Grades 8, 10. and 12, we specified 8 domains of adolescent self-esteem (personal security, home/parents, peer popularity, academic competence, attractiveness, personal mastery, psychological permeability, and athletic competence) across a number of different instruments and brought them together into a common assessment superstructure. Gender differences as well as the relative contributions of the different domains to overall self-esteem scores were measured. As predicted, boys attained slightly higher global self-esteem scores than girls did, by a difference of .22 standard deviation units. Contrary to our expectation of more balanced domain effects, boys significantly outperformed girls in 6 of 8 domains, whereas the 2 remaining domains exhibited no significant gender differences. There were no main or interaction effects for grade level. In terms of relative contribution of these domains to global self-esteem for the 2 genders, global self-esteem in boys and girls is predicted in very similar strengths and in the same order of magnitude by identical domains of self-esteem: home/parents, personal security, academic competence, attractiveness, and personal mastery—yielding multiple R 2s from .88 to .91.  相似文献   

Large-scale representative surveys of 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-grade students in the United States show high self-esteem scores for all groups. African-American students score highest, Whites score slightly higher than Hispanics, and Asian Americans score lowest. Males score slightly higher than females. Multivariate controls for grades and college plans actually heighten these race/ethnic/gender differences. A truncated scoring method, designed to counter race/ethnic differences in extreme response style, reduced but did not eliminate the subgroup differences. Age differences in self-esteem are modest, with 12th graders reporting the highest scores. The findings are highly consistent across 18 annual surveys from 1991 through 2008, and self-esteem scores show little overall change during that period.  相似文献   

Using symbolic interaction, we developed a research model that proposed adolescent perceptions of parental support and psychological control would be related to adolescent depressed mood directly and indirectly through self-esteem. We tested the model using self-report questionnaire data from 161 adolescents living with both of their biological parents. To examine possible gender of adolescent differences, we tested two multigroup models separately for adolescents’ perceptions of mothers’ and fathers’ parental behaviors. Both the fathers’ and mothers’ models yielded (a) direct paths from self-esteem to depressed mood (for boys and girls), psychological control to depressed mood (for boys) and (b) an indirect path from support to self-esteem to depressed mood (for girls and boys) and an indirect path from psychological control to self-esteem to depressed mood (for girls). In addition, in the fathers’ model a significant direct path was found between fathers’ support and depressed mood (for girls).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT  This article discusses the interpersonal motivations associated with different levels of self-esteem. Although self-esteem literally refers to an intrapsychic attitude, we propose that self-esteem scales often measure a self-presentational orientation. High self-esteem scores are associated with a tendency to present oneself in a self-enhancing fashion that is characterized by willingness to accept risks, focus on outstandingly good qualities, strategic ploys, and calling attention to self. Low self-esteem scores are associated with a tendency to present oneself in a self-protective fashion that is characterized by unwillingness to accept risks, focus on avoiding outstandingly bad qualities, avoidance of many strategic ploys, and reluctance to draw attention to self. Considerable evidence shows that most people rate themselves as above average on self-esteem scales; relatively few people score below any self-esteem scale's conceptual midpoint. Review of past literature yields the following conclusions: (a) Low scores on self-esteem scales are typically the result of neutral and intermediate rather than self-derogatory responses to scale items; (b) behavioral correlates of measured self-esteem sometimes depend on self-presentational variables such as audience presence; and (c) many past findings with self-esteem scales may be interpretable in self-presentational terms.  相似文献   

Adolescent Adjustment and Coping Strategies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examines the relation between psychosocial adjustment and coping strategies among college freshmen. Three hundred thirty-one college students completed the Inventory of Psychosocial Development (IPD; Constantinople, 1969) and the Adolescent Coping Orientation for Problem Experiences (ACOPE; Patterson & McCubbin, 1987) inventory. Factor analysis of the ACOPE scales revealed two factors interpreted to represent the coping strategies of "salutary effort" and "stress palliation." For each subject a relative salutary effort score was calculated to reflect the proportion of coping efforts ascribable to mature, salutary coping efforts. Optimal adjustment was associated with adolescents whose reported means of dealing with tension reflected a high proportion of salutary effort. These findings, which support the notion of a covariation between styles of coping and psychological adjustment among adolescents, are discussed in light of psychosocial development, coping, and methodological issues related to research on coping and adjustment.  相似文献   

Much has been written about the low self-esteem of adolescent girls relative to adolescent boys, but little research has explored the role that friendship quality may play in affecting self-esteem. Ninety-seven female and 67 male 11th and 12th graders completed measures of self-esteem and of friendship quality with both same- and cross-gender best friends. Ninety-five percent of the participants were White, and ranged across the socioeconomic spectrum with the majority coming from middle-class families. We found that girls' self-esteem was significantly lower than boys' self-esteem and that girls rated their relationships as stronger, more interpersonally rewarding, and more stressful than boys did. Boys reported that their friendship with their best female friend was more interpersonally rewarding than their friendship with their best male friend, whereas girls rated the quality of their same- and cross-gender friends similarly. As expected, girls' self-esteem was positively correlated with the friendship quality of their cross-gender best friend. However, their self-esteem was not correlated with the quality of their same-gender friendship. Boys' self-esteem did not correlate with the quality of their same- or cross-gender best friendship. Results may help us understand the relatively low self-esteem experienced by adolescent girls.  相似文献   

We developed and evaluated a school-based psychosocial prevention program for adolescents, focusing on self-esteem, negative cognitive processes, and peer isolation. Fifty-one tenth-grade students between the ages of 13–16 were recruited and randomly allocated to one of three groups; Social Cognitive Training group (SCT), Attention Placebo Comparison Group (APC) and a Waitlist Control group (WL). A pre-post design using two types of measures: specific measures of the target skills (self-esteem, self-statements) and impact measures (quality of peer relationships, acceptability of intervention for adolescents and teachers) evaluated the effectiveness and social validity of the intervention. Multivariate Analyses of Variance showed significant improvements on measures of target skills for the SCT group in contrast to the comparison conditions on reported self-esteem, and self statements, however mixed results were found on the impact measures. While the SCT group was rated as highly acceptable and useful by both adolescents and teachers, student self report ratings of quality of peer relationships showed little change across the study period. We discussed our findings in terms of the effectiveness of group based cognitive interventions in developing adolescent self-esteem and social competence, and the ecological validity of implementing programs within naturalistic settings.  相似文献   

在不同的文化背景中,自尊既有相似性,也有差异性。在东西方文化中,自尊在其根源性、包容性及表达性等方面均存在差异。树立文化差异性与普遍性的意识,加强对自尊文化差异的研究对于科学地认识社会心理现象和学科建设都具有重要意义。未来可以从自尊的内涵、自尊研究的内容及研究方法等方面开展自尊的中国化研究。  相似文献   

The present study sought to explore the relationship between vending childhood and adolescent religious self-beliefs and religious coping among vending children in Harare, Zimbabwe. The research objectives were to investigate the nature of religious self-beliefs and religious coping among vending children in Harare. A psychoethnographic research design was employed in this study. This involved collection of data for a sustained period in the context within which the participants live. A total of 20 participants took part in this study. Key informant interviews, focus group discussions, in-depth interviews, participant and non-participant observations were the data collection methods. Thematic content analysis was used for analysing the data. Data analysis revealed largely negative religious self-beliefs. Most vending adolescent children believed that they were controlled and influenced by evil spirits. The vending children believed that faith healing and spiritual cleansing by prophets and Pentecostal pastors could solve their spiritual, judicial and economic problems. Religion seemed to be able to provide meaning to lives and as a viable coping mechanism among the vending children.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine coping strategies for relational aggression. Ninety-eight female middle- and high-school students completed the Revised Ways of Coping Scale (Folkman & Lazarus, 1985) and reported characteristics of a relational aggressive act of which they were the victim and characteristics of their friendship before and after the act. We explored the relationship between characteristics of the relationally aggressive act and the method of coping. Results of the study indicate that the more hurt the girl was by the aggression, the more likely she was to use passive and avoidant coping strategies, such as wishful thinking. The girls who felt closer to their friends after the aggressive act were the girls who coped by seeking social support significantly more often than any other type of coping strategy.  相似文献   

Data from the in-school survey of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health on girls and boys who claim a Mexican, Puerto Rican, or Cuban heritage were employed to test two hypotheses: (1) Participating in a school-based sport is associated with self-esteem, and (2) school attachment and a sense of physical well-being mediate this relationship. The first hypothesis was partially confirmed in that participation in school sports was associated with self-esteem among Mexican American adolescent girls and boys, Puerto Rican girls, and Cuban American boys, but not among Cuban American girls nor Puerto Rican boys. The second hypothesis was confirmed in that, where there was a significant relationship between participating in a school sport and self-esteem, school attachment and physical well-being mediated this relationship. The results underscore the need to study psychosocial processes separately among Latino subgroups and to examine gender within each subgroup.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine stressors and coping strategies among early (12–14 years) and middle adolescents (15–18 years). Forty male academy soccer players, aged between 12–18 years (M age = 14.22 years), participated in semi-structured interviews, which were inductively and deductively content analyzed. Findings revealed that middle adolescents reported more stressors than early adolescents and that these two groups experienced both common and different stressors. Early adolescents identified making errors, opponents, team performance, and family as salient stressors. Making errors, team performance, coaches, selection, contracts, social evaluation, and playing at a higher level were more prominent among middle adolescents. Middle adolescents reported a greater number and repertoire of coping strategies than early adolescents, and used more problem- and emotion-focused strategies, but fewer avoidance strategies than early adolescents. Based on these findings, it is recommended that applied practitioners working within soccer academies take into account the players' age when providing psychological support.  相似文献   

以736名小学、初中、高中学生为被试,着重探讨了父母冲突内容、青少年应对策略和青少年社会适应之间的关系。研究发现:(1)父母冲突中指向孩子和指向父母自身的冲突普遍较少,但指向孩子的冲突显著地多于指向父母自身的冲突。指向孩子的冲突存在显著的性别和年级主效应;(2)青少年所使用的间接应对策略要显著地多于直接应对策略,直接应对和间接应对策略均存在显著的性别和年级主效应;(3)青少年的不良行为存在显著的性别主效应,学习问题、抑郁和主观幸福感存在显著的年级主效应;(4)父母冲突多的青少年和使用应对策略少的青少年出现的不良行为、学习问题和抑郁要显著地高于父母冲突少、使用应对策略多的青少年,但前者感受到的主观幸福感要显著地少于后者;(5)指向孩子的冲突和直接应对策略可以显著地预测青少年的不良行为,指向孩子和指向父母自身的冲突可以显著地预测青少年的学习问题。间接应对策略和指向父母自身的冲突可以显著地预测青少年的抑郁情绪,同时,间接应对策略可以显著地影响青少年的主观幸福感。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore differences in body satisfaction among female adolescents 14 to 18 years of age. Principal components analysis of a body cathexis measure completed by 751 high school cheerleaders indicated that six factors defined the adolescents' attitudes toward their bodies: satisfaction with the midsection and overall appearance, peripheral body parts, hair and face, mouth, hands, and height. An Age x Body Satisfaction multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was conducted; a Bonferroni adjusted alpha of .007 was established for subsequent ANOVAs. Satisfaction with the mouth increased significantly as age increased, and a similar but nonsignificant trend was found for peripheral body parts. The findings contradict previous research reporting no age differences in the body satisfaction of adolescents. Role demands and physical maturation of the cheerleaders may explain differences based on age.  相似文献   

This investigation tested H. L. K. Coleman's (1995b) hypotheses that the strategies adolescents use to cope with cultural diversity will be organized in a sequential manner and that adolescents will use different strategies depending on the situation. To test these hypotheses, the authors had 398 adolescents rate the likelihood of using 6 strategies for coping with cultural diversity: Separation, Assimilation, Acculturation, Alternation, Integration, and Fusion. The authors make suggestions for future research, and implications for counseling are suggested.  相似文献   

Racial differences were examined in the responses of grammar school boys to an unfair distribution of rewards. Our primary interests were equity-restoration and inequity distress. Race of the three participants, allocator of rewards, beneficiary, and victim were varied in a factorial design. Generally, children who profited from the unfair distribution made no attempt to restore equity regardless of race. Black children who were victims did try to restore equity when the allocator was also black. All victims experienced emotional distress that was more extreme when the allocator's race was different from their own. Victims also justified their mistreatment by blaming themselves. There was no evidence of guilt on the part of the beneficiaries who disavowed the inequity. Thus equity-restoration through denial of responsibility by the advantaged and justification of inequity by the disadvantaged resulted in acceptance of a fundamentally unfair situation by beneficiary and victim alike.  相似文献   

To dispel apparent confusion, White racial identity and White racial consciousness are described and contrasted in terms of theoretical conceptualization and measures used. It is recommended that priority be given to the validation of existing or new measurement instruments to provide a sound basis for future findings. Para disipar la confusión aparente, la identidad racial Bianca, y el conocimiento racial Blanco, se describen y son contrastados en términos de sus conceptos teóricos y las medidas empleadas. Se recomienda dar prioridad a la validación de instrumentos existentes o nuevos para proporcionar una base sólida para los deseubrimientos futuros.  相似文献   

The quality of interpersonal relationships may be a key factor in the etiology of depression. An interpersonal depressive vulnerability has been proposed to interact with interpersonal stressors to predict depressive symptoms. Research examining gender differences in this link has been inconclusive. We propose that research should focus on whether one’s self-esteem is based on the quality of interpersonal relationships. We propose a model of gender differences in depression that examines the role of interpersonal contingent self-esteem (ICSE) in the development of depression. Specifically, we propose that ICSE interacts with gender in the face of interpersonal stress to promote decreases in momentary self-esteem. Decreases in momentary self-esteem, in turn, lead to rumination, maladaptive interpersonal behaviors, and depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

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