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The effect of lead exposure on cognitive growth patterns was assessed in a longitudinal study of 196 children. Performances on tests of verbal comprehension and perceptual organization (Vocabulary & Block Design, Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children) were measured at ages 6.5, 11 and 15 years. Growth curve analyses revealed that the quadratic model best described the relationship between test scores and age. Children with higher lead levels, as measured at age 15 years, demonstrated lower verbal comprehension scores over time and greater decline in their rate of Vocabulary development at age 15 years, as compared to children with lower lead levels. Lead exposure was not significantly associated with growth in perceptual organization test scores. Socioeconomic status and maternal intelligence were statistically significantly associated with growth patterns for both test scores, independent of the effects of lead. The findings suggest that lead negatively impacts the developmental progression of specific cognitive skills from childhood through adolescence.  相似文献   

Gender-specific pathways of conduct problems (CP) from toddlerhood have received little attention. Using a nationally representative sample of UK children born in 2000–2001 (6458 boys and 6340 girls), the current study (a) identified subgroups of CP pathways separately for boys and girls from ages 3 to 11 and (b) examined early precursors (pregnancy to 9 months) of these trajectories. Group-based trajectory models identified four distinct trajectories for both boys and girls: each characterized as ‘low’; ‘early-onset, desisting’; ‘early-onset, persistent’ and ‘school-onset’. This suggests that the taxonomic framework developed to conceptualise childhood-onset CP among males is also applicable to females, though needing some revision to capture heterogeneity identified during early and middle childhood. We also found significant precursors of the different trajectory groups with some variation by gender. Early socioeconomic deprivation was a significant risk factor of the early-onset pathways among both genders, but played no significant role for ‘school-onset’. Childhood-onset trajectories of boys, but not girls, were predicted by parenting attitudes and behaviour.  相似文献   

Research has demonstrated the stability of juvenile offending during childhood and adolescence but generally has not focused on the continuity of family interactions associated with juvenile offending. The present report focused on the stability of several family interaction events and attributes (i.e., physical punishment, communication, supervision, positive parenting, and parent–child relationship) for a large sample of male adolescents and their primary caretakers, drawn from a multiyear longitudinal study that represented middle childhood through late adolescence (ages 6–18). We also assessed the impact of ethnicity, family composition, teenage motherhood, and youth delinquency on these interactions. Test–retest correlations and growth-curve analyses were used to assess relative and absolute stability of the interactions, respectively. As predicted, relative stability of family interaction was high. There was an absolute change in scores of physical punishment (decreased) compared to poor supervision and low positive parenting (both increased), whereas poor communication and bad relationship with the caretaker did not measurably change with age. Single-parent families and families with teenage mothers experienced significantly worse interactions over time than did families consisting of two biological parents present in the household. These findings are discussed in relation to the development of juvenile offending.  相似文献   

The paper presents a review of studies on cognitive development of children in India inspired by Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. Piaget’s theory is briefly introduced before examining its cross-cultural applications. Early studies of cognitive development, which focus on age-related changes in cognition, are described. These are followed by the studies of the last decades in which developmental contexts, such as those provided by ecology, culture, schooling, and various forms of training, are implicated. Studies of spatial cognition are discussed in some detail and points of convergence between findings of Indian studies and those reported by Piaget are critically examined. The issue of “performance” vs. “competence” is addressed and research evidence that considers performance difference as a matter of cognitive style is presented. Possible reasons for decline of research interest in Piagetian studies in recent years is examined and suggestion for future studies in this field are offered.  相似文献   

关于儿童认知发展的静息电位研究支持儿童发展的连续性与阶段性的统一,但诱发电位研究没能提供类似的证据,可能因为以往研究采用的oddball任务不够敏感.本研究通过改编形式运思任务来继续深入探讨儿童认知发展与大脑发育的关系.31名儿童(9岁组11人.10岁组10人,11岁组10人)完成形式运思任务,并同时记录脑电.结果发现:随着年龄增长,反应时逐渐缩短,正确率逐渐增高;三组儿童中,10岁组N380波幅最低,10岁组350-400毫秒的电位图较其他两组更为弥散.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: From a population of 662 children 12 years of age and under, seen at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute, during the years 1970 to 1974, 34 severely depressed children were identified who were also self-abusive and/or suicidal. Case study revealed fragmented, pathological homes, where the children's affect disorders and behaviors were symptomatic of acute family breakdown, marital disharmony, and observed and experienced violence, both verbal and physical. Follow-up on all available children, at least three years posttreatment, revealed that no child had committed suicide. Treatment evaluation by the parents was highly positive, with the great majority of children showing fair to good recovery and adjustment.  相似文献   

This paper compares the different ways that intellectual development has been described by W. Perry (1970) and M. Belenky, B. Clinchy, N. Goldberger, and J. Tarule (1986); M. Baxter Magolda (1992); and P. King and K. Kitchener (1994). The similarities are summarized into a comprehensive, gender-neutral 4-stage model (E. J. West, 1996). The nature of the stages is discussed from both a constructivist-developmental perspective (H. G. Furth, 1981; A. Colby & L. Kohlberg, 1987) and using skill-complexity theory (M. L. Commons, E. J. Trudeau, S. A. Stein, F. A. Richards, & S. R. Krause, 1998; M. L. Commons, D. Danaher-Gilpin, P. M. Miller, & E. A. Goodheart, 2002). Educational implications are proposed.  相似文献   

本项研究旨在探索 5 -1 1岁儿童元认知发展的规律 ,2 80名昆明市及路南县汉、撒尼族儿童参与了三项知觉实验 ,实验结果表明 :1儿童随年龄的增长 ,有关知觉组织策略的知识及自我监察的能力也逐渐发展 ,表现为系统观察、选取有效策略及计划性的增强。 2儿童对信息的加工不断深入 ,从表浅的加工过渡到详尽的加工 ,不仅要求补充必要的信息 ,而且主动搜索隐蔽的线索以促进识辨。3儿童自我评价从笼统、含糊逐渐向客观、全面发展。4路南儿童元知觉的发展晚于昆明儿童两年 ,但在路南的汉族儿童和撒尼族儿童之间不存在显著差异 ,说明文化教育对儿童元知觉发展的重要影响。  相似文献   

使用皮亚杰经典任务探查了小学一、三、五年级儿童的认知发展以及发展的个体间差异和个体内差异。结果表明随着年级的升高,儿童的具体运算思维能力从一年级到三年级发展迅速,到五年级时达到比较稳定的水平;同时,形式运算思维能力在一年级已经萌芽并逐步发展。不管在具体运算任务还是形式运算任务,各年级儿童都表现出显着的个体间差异和个体内差异。这些发现对教育和临床心理都有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Since 1977, we have been following the neurobehavioral development of two groups of children: a group born to women on methadone maintenance and a drug-free comparison group. This study used the data on the children evaluated at 36 months of age to determine whether distinct patterns of developmental outcome can be identified, and which medical, familial, or environmental characteristics are associated with developmental differences. The children were clustered on four measures at 36 months: head circumference percentile, Merrill-Palmer Scale score, neurological evaluation, and referrals for developmental problems. Three distinct clusters emerged, with methadone children disproportionately frequent in Cluster 3, the group showing the poorest development. Comparisons of the clusters on a wide range of variables revealed consistent differences between Cluster 1 and Cluster 3 children in maternal responsiveness and incidence of neglect and family violence. These findings indicate that distinct developmental patterns do occur within this predominantly lower-class ghetto population; further, that children born to methadone-maintained women are more likely to show poor development. However, when the environment provides nurturance and stability, methadone children can show resilience and develop well.  相似文献   

赵静  李甦 《心理科学》2014,37(2):357-362
以汉字、一般线条图、似字线条图和笔画组合为材料,采用字典判断任务考察3-6岁儿童汉字字形认知的发展特点。结果发现儿童辨别汉字与似字符号的能力随年龄增长显著提高。3岁儿童较难区分汉字与各类似字符号。4-5岁儿童对汉字笔画特征有了一定意识。6岁儿童对汉字组合模式的认识显著提高。笔画意识出现较早且发展速度较快,组合模式意识出现较晚且发展速度较慢。5岁和6岁是汉字字形认知发展的重要时期。  相似文献   

游戏对幼儿自我控制能力影响的现场实验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
但菲 《心理科学》2001,24(5):616-617
自我控制是个人对自身的心理与行为的主动掌握,是个体自觉地选择目标,在没有外部限制的情况下。克服困难,排除干扰,采取某种方式控制自己的行为,从而保证目标的实现。研究表明幼儿期是自我控制能力发展的关键时期,抓住这一时机培养幼儿自我控制能力,促进幼儿个性、社会性的发展显得极为重要。本研究从幼儿最感兴趣的活动——游戏人手。研究不同类型的游戏对幼儿自我控制能力的影响。寻找促进幼儿自控发展的有效途径,以促进幼儿社会性的发展。  相似文献   

3~6岁儿童“心理理论”的发展   总被引:37,自引:8,他引:37       下载免费PDF全文
“心理理论”是发展心理学的研究热点,在儿童获得心理理论的年龄和发展阶段问题上仍存在争议。该研究以3所城市幼儿园中的233名3-6岁儿童为被试,采用“意外转移”和“欺骗外表”两个错误信念测验任务考察儿童“心理理论”的获得年龄和发展阶段。研究得出如下结论:3岁之前儿童已理解外表与真实的区别,但还不能理解错误信念。 4岁儿童理解了欺骗外表任务中自己和他人的错误信念,5岁儿童理解了意外转移任务中的错误信念。4-5岁是儿童获得“心理理论”的关键年龄,但这会因测验任务的不同而有所差异。儿童的错误信念理解不存在显著的性别差异。  相似文献   

在综合国内外相关研究并结合半开放式访谈的基础上,构建了大学生认识信念的理论维度,并据此编制了大学生认识信念问卷。探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析的结果表明:大学生认识信念问卷由知识的获得、知识确定性、知识简单性、学习的价值、学习的速度、学习的能力六个维度构成。中国大学生的认识信念具有不同于西方学生的独特特点。问卷的信效度指标良好,可以作为大学生认识信念的测量工具。  相似文献   

Latent growth curve modelling was used to contrast the developmental trajectories of hyperactivity-inattention (H-I) problems across childhood for children with a language difficulty at the start of school and those with typical language and to examine if the presence of a language difficulty moderates the associations of child, parent and peer predictors with these trajectories. Unconditional and language-status conditional latent growth curves of H-I problems were estimated for a large nationally representative cohort of children, comprising 1627 boys (280 - language difficulty) and 1609 girls (159 - language difficulty) measured at age 4 to 5, 6 to 7, 8 to 9 and 10 to 11. Multiple regression tested interaction between language status and predictors of the level and slope of the trajectory of H-I problems. On average, boy’s H-I behaviours showed temporal stability while for girls H-I decreased over time with a slower rate of decrease with age. For both boys and girls, the levels of H-I problems were persistently elevated for those with a language difficulty compared to their peers. Neither the shape nor rate of change of H-I problems were associated with language status. Child sociability predicted the rate of growth in H-I for boys with a language difficulty but not for other boys. Child prosocial behaviours and parental psychological distress predicted the rate of growth in H-I for girls with a language difficulty but not for other girls. Parental hostility was associated with the rate of growth only for boys with typical language. The findings indicate that having a language difficulty at school entry is associated with persistently higher levels of H-I problems across childhood and moderates the rate of their growth in some circumstances.  相似文献   

6-12岁儿童脑电α波的发展特点   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本研究以228名6~12岁儿童为研究对象,采用脑电波超慢涨落分析技术(简称ET),对其12导联脑电波(EEG)进行了记录和分析,重点探讨了α波(8~13Hz)的发展特点.结果表明:①随着年龄的增长,不同频率的α波成分表现出不同的年龄特点.②α波不同成分的比率没有明显的性别差异.③儿童α波的优势成分随年龄变化而改变.④不同年龄被试α波的平均频率存在显著差异,随着年龄的增长,6~12岁儿童α波的平均频率呈明显的上升趋势,但男女之间没有显著的性别差异.  相似文献   

工作记忆与认知能力、智力和学习能力有密切的联系.本研究采用横断研究的方法,测量了213名8岁到成年期被试的数字、词语和视空间工作记忆广度,探查了工作记忆广度的发展情况.结果发现,数字工作记忆广度在此期间持续增长,词语广度在18岁达到最高,视空间工作记忆广度在14-16岁达到高峰.不同任务的工作记忆广度具有相似的发展趋势,但工作记忆的平均广度分数与Pascual-Leone模型的预测并不一致.  相似文献   

EEG频谱相干分析发现额叶发育在童年中期存在可能的加速期。针对这一问题,本研究通过记录75名6至12岁正常儿童静坐和闭目状态下的自发脑电,分析δ、θ、α和β基本脑电频段下31对电极相干的变化情况,系统探索了该年龄段儿童额叶自发脑电频谱相干的变化特点,结果发现:θ波活动普遍强于α和β波活动;6至12岁儿童额叶内、额叶与其他脑叶间相干在整体上表现为随年龄增长而增加的趋势;额叶内、额叶与其他脑叶间相干在各频段均表现为7岁、11岁突增,10岁、12岁表现为高峰。上述结果支持6至12岁儿童额叶发育存在加速变化的结论。  相似文献   

The authors' aim was to find the features of balance, proprioception, and gross motor development of Chinese children 3–6 years old and their correlations, provide theoretical support for promoting children's motor development, and enrich the world theoretical system of motor development. This study used a Tekscan foot pressure measurement instrument (Tekscan, Inc., Boston, MA), walking on a balance beam, Xsens 3-dimensional positional measuring system (Xsens Technologies, Enschede, the Netherlands), and Test of Gross Motor Development-2 to assess static balance, dynamic balance, knee proprioception, and levels of gross motor development (GMD) of 3- to 6-year-old children (n = 60) in Beijing. The results are as follows: children had significant age differences in static balance, dynamic balance, proprioception, and levels of GMD; children had significant gender differences in static balance, proprioception, and levels of GMD; children's static balance, dynamic balance, and proprioception had a very significant positive correlation with GMD (p < .01), but no significant correlation with body mass index.  相似文献   

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