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本文通过对自我改变现象的简要描述,从良性和非良性范围分析了人们尤其是大学生在运用网络技术的过程中人们在心理上和行为上的自我改变,并提出了网络技术应用引起的自我改变的心理、行为效果模式。  相似文献   

基于日常经验取向,运用问卷调查的方法,探索自我责任归因与推断的心理结构及其基本特征。对382名被试问卷调查的统计分析结果显示:(1)自我责任归因与推断结构是一种一元单向决定模式,即“责任推断→责任情感→责任行为”。(2)个体倾向于较多地将挫折或失败的原因归咎于可控起因,而较少归因于不可控起因。(3)个体在进行自我责任推断时,可控性程度仅对责任的大小构成影响,并不影响对是否承担责任的推断。(4)在自身应为挫折或失败承担责任时,个体在情感体验上较多自我责备,较少自我同情;在行为反应上,较多积极应对,较少甚至不大会消极应对。  相似文献   

自我控制指那些帮助人们克服思想和情绪, 进而依据实际情况调整自我行为的心理加工。虽然良好的自我控制对个体的成功与幸福非常重要, 但自我控制失败仍然是整个人类社会的核心问题。借助于序列任务范式, 研究者揭示了自我控制失败的认知机制并建构了多种理论, 包括能量模型、加工模型、中央管理器模型和前额叶−皮层下脑区的平衡模型。相关脑成像研究主要聚焦于额下回、杏仁核、眶额叶皮质等脑区。未来研究应侧重不同理论之间的融合与补充, 强化自我控制失败潜在神经机制的探索, 并推动自我控制与社会决策行为的关系研究。  相似文献   

自我控制是个体成功的重要因素,但个体在自我控制的同时,也要为每次控制付出代价,产生自我损耗,导致随后自我控制的失败。本文回顾了双任务范式中诱发、测量、克服自我损耗的方法,认为未来研究应探索任务的有效性、多采用三任务范式等,在克服自我损耗方面,应同时关注短期克服损耗的方法和提高整体控制能力的方法。  相似文献   

别对我期望太高:运动领域中的自我设限   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
运动领域中存在自我设限行为。自我设限是指个体针对可能到来的失败威胁而事先设计障碍的自我保护策略,可分为行动式自我设限及自陈式自我设限。抬举他人也是一种特殊形式的自我设限。自我设限的动机有自我价值和印象管理两种理论解释。与自我设限相关的因素包括归因、自尊、目标定向、群体凝聚力、任务性质及性别等。在前人研究的基础上,从实践的角度为教练员正确处理自我设限问题提供了建议。从理论上提出身体自尊可能是运动员整体自尊和自我设限之间的中介变量  相似文献   

自我的活动消耗心理能量后引起执行功能下降的过程称为自我损耗, 自我损耗是生活中诸多的适应不良现象的原因之一。近几年, 自我损耗理论在发生领域、损耗状态的时限和内在机制等方面均有所发展; 对自我损耗影响因素的探究主要集中于认知、情绪及人格特质等领域; 自我损耗后效的研究逐渐呈现出应用化的趋势。未来研究需要进一步探究自我损耗的机制, 对影响因素和损耗后效上存在的争议进行澄清, 并在测量工具上寻找突破以满足理论的发展需求。  相似文献   

为了探究合作与竞争行为及其不同的行为结果对自我参照效应的影响,采用三个实验:实验一让被试阅读合作或竞争故事,测量其自我参照效应,结果发现,阅读竞争故事的被试表现出明显的自我参照效应,而阅读合作故事的被试表现出了他人参照效应;实验二让被试完成真实的合作或竞争游戏,结果发现,完成竞争游戏的被试表现出明显的自我参照效应,而完成合作游戏的被试没有表现出自我参照效应;实验三操作合作或竞争游戏的结果(成功或失败),结果发现,不论是合作行为还是竞争行为,被试在失败的结果下表现出的自我参照效应比成功时更明显。整个研究表明,人际间的行为互动模式(合作或竞争)及其行为结果(成功或失败)对自我参照效应有一定的影响。  相似文献   

张玥  窦东徽  辛自强 《心理科学进展》2018,26(10):1878-1889
解释水平理论认为自我控制是人们依据对事件整体的高解释水平方式而非局部的低解释水平方式做出决策和完成任务。对时间折扣、坚持和健康行为以及前瞻性自我控制的研究表明高解释水平会促进自我控制。高解释水平是通过改变对诱惑的加工(包含对诱惑的态度和诱惑的激活模式)来促进自我控制, 但这种促进作用会受到目标和任务属性(重要性、难度、效价、完成时间和呈现方式)以及解释水平线索属性(外显和内隐)的调节。解释水平理论视角下的自我控制研究可以拓宽自我控制双系统理论和资源理论的视野, 如提供可能的边界条件和认知机制。未来研究还需要深入挖掘解释水平影响自我控制的内在机制和生理基础, 重视心理距离的影响以及加强对自控能力的长期追踪研究。  相似文献   

自我设限及其研究范型和影响因素   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
自我设限是指个体针对可能来到的失败威胁而事先设计障碍以自我保护或自我提升。自我设限可细分为行为的自我设限、声称的自我设限以及抬举他人,但缺乏对这三种策略的机制、前置因素和后续结果的比较研究。影响自我设限的因素主要有任务性质、评价情境以及性别、自尊、归因倾向等,但对自我设限动机的探讨应更多考察评价情境与其他中介变量的交互作用,以及内隐自尊对自我设限的影响。  相似文献   

自我缺损与精神分裂症   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王玉娜  陈楚侨 《心理科学进展》2010,18(12):1882-1891
精神分裂症与自我改变的密切关系已经得到了广大研究者的认可。但是, 关于自我在精神分裂症患者中会发生何种变化并对疾病产生何种影响, 目前还没有全面、明确的理解。这篇文章综述了不同学科关于自我的研究, 提出可以从主导感、自我面孔识别、自我参照过程这三个部分来考察精神分裂症的自我缺损, 并回顾了自我这三个成分的相关研究, 分别考察了其对于精神分裂症研究的意义。本综述为全面评估自我缺损与精神分裂症的关系提供了思路。  相似文献   

If at first you don't succeed. False hopes of self-change   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Despite repeated failure at attempts to change aspects of their behavior, people make frequent attempts at self-change. The generally negative outcome of many such self-change efforts makes it difficult to understand why so many individuals persist at these attempts. The authors have described this cycle of failure and renewed effort as a "false hope syndrome" characterized by unrealistic expectations about the likely speed, amount, ease, and consequences of self-change attempts. In this article, the authors further develop their conceptualization of this syndrome and review its evidential basis. They review the reasons why so many people tend to fail in their self-change attempts and then examine how people interpret these failures in such a way that they are led to keep trying repeatedly despite apparently overwhelming odds. Finally, the authors discuss the psychological consequences of repeated failure and analyze the distinction between confidence and overconfidence.  相似文献   

Why do people persist in attempting to change themselves, despite repeated failure? Self-change is often perceived as unrealistically easy to achieve, in an unreasonably short period of time. Moreover, embarking on self-change attempts induces feelings of control and optimism that supersede the lessons of prior experience. Finally, people tend to expect an unrealistically high payoff from successful self-change. Some sorts of self-change are feasible, but we must learn to distinguish between realistic and unrealistic self-change goals, between confidence and overconfidence. Overconfidence breeds false hope, which engenders inflated expectations of success and eventually the misery of defeat.  相似文献   

It is often assumed, by laypeople and researchers alike, that people shift visual perspective in mental images of life events to maintain a positive self-concept by claiming ownership of desirable events (first-person) and disowning undesirable events (third-person). The present research suggests that people shift perspective not according to the pictured event's desirability but according to whether they focus on the experience of the event (first-person) or on the event's coherence with the self-concept (third-person). This explains why self-change promotes third-person imagery of prechange selves (Studies 1 and 2). And, the same mechanism determines perspective apart from self-change, in both memory and imagination (Studies 3 and 4). By demonstrating that people shift perspective according to whether they focus on the experience of an event or its self-concept coherence, these results suggest how perspective may function more broadly in social cognition, and specifically in the construction and maintenance of the temporally extended self.  相似文献   

A review of the literature suggests that a paucity of information exists regarding how culture-specific issues such as being both Black and gifted influence the psychological needs and personality development of gifted Black students. Stellar attempts, however, are currently underway to develop theories and perspectives of racial identity development among Black students. These theories and perspectives are discussed in an attempt to understand and address the psychological and social needs of gifted Black students.  相似文献   

We examined whether narratives related to mental health and pain in 120 women with endometriosis. Participants wrote narratives about endometriosis, rated the narratives on centrality to identity and positive and negative self-change, and completed measures of depressive symptoms, life-satisfaction, pain intensity and pain symptoms. Narratives were content-coded for themes of agency and communion. Higher centrality to identity, more negative self-change, and lower agency and communion were related to poorer mental health. Higher centrality to identity was associated with more pain symptoms. Narrative measures predicted mental health beyond pain intensity, pain symptoms, and neuroticism. The results indicate that how women with endometriosis narrate their illness is connected to mental health.  相似文献   

Sometimes people desire that their lives go badly, take pleasure in their lives going badly, or believe that their lives are going badly. As a result, some popular theories of welfare are paradoxical. I show that no attempt to defend those theories from the paradox fully succeeds.  相似文献   

The formative framework in prejudice confrontations research has focused on the utility of confrontations to activate one's self-regulation strategies to interrupt unintentional prejudice, discrimination, and stereotyping. As this framework remains dominant in the literature, little research has examined everyday people's theories about prejudice that diverge from this framework and accounted for these theories in investigating confrontation rates and outcomes. In this paper, we review key lay theories of prejudice and discuss the ways in which they may influence prejudice confrontations. First, we summarize lay theories regarding the prevalence, origins, and controllability of prejudice. Next, we consider how lay theories of prejudice may factor into the circumstances under which people confront prejudice, goals that people may hold when confronting, and outcomes of confronting for confronters and perpetrators. Throughout, we highlight fundamental research questions and hypotheses that integrate lay theories of prejudice and prejudice confrontations. We propose that better understanding lay theories of prejudice and how they influence prejudice confrontations may help to advance translational and theoretical research in social psychology.  相似文献   

This research program explored how the positivity of people's memories of their past personal attributes is influenced by their desire to cope with negative mood states. The studies tested the hypothesis that beliefs and motives regarding the stability of personality will determine whether people idealize or derogate their earlier attributes in an attempt to repair distressing feelings. When knowledge structures or motives implying personal change are activated, people should derogate their past selves in response to negative moods; in contrast, when these factors imply personal stability, people should idealize their past selves in response to negative moods. Studies 1-3, which assessed the impact of mood negativity (neutral vs. negative) and theories (or motives) regarding personal change (change vs. stability) on the positivity of people's memories of their past attributes, supported this reasoning. Study 4 extended these findings by examining how an underlying mediating variable--mood-repair motivation--guides the effect of negative moods on recall of past selves. Implications of the results for research on temporal comparison, mood-congruent recall, and posttraumatic growth are discussed.  相似文献   

Psychological researchers have examined a broad array of biases and shortcomings of social perceivers. Less attention has been paid to how people react when they become concerned about the possibility of bias and attempt to correct or overcome the potential for bias. An early approach was to think of bias correction as “subtracting” information or reactions that are identified as coming from the biasing factor instead of the target. An alternative approach is to conceptualize bias correction as guided by social perceivers' naïve theories or perceptions of the bias at work. The subtraction theories were designed to deal with the assimilative biases typical of early priming experiments, but theory‐based corrections can readily deal with either assimilative or contrastive biases. We describe both types of correction theories, with a focus on the empirical support for theory‐based correction (and especially for the Flexible Correction Model). We also identify future directions for research on theory‐based correction.  相似文献   

The authors review the effect of the presence of others on food intake. In social facilitation studies, people tend to eat more in groups than when alone. In modeling studies, the presence of others may facilitate or inhibit intake, depending on how much these other people eat. Studies of impression management demonstrate that people tend to eat less in the presence of others than when alone. The authors attempt to reconcile these divergent literatures by reference to a model of inhibitory norms that govern eating. In the presence of palatable food, and in the absence of clear signals of satiety, people look outward to cues from the environment to determine when to stop eating. Socially derived inhibitory norms can account for either increased or decreased intake in the presence of others, depending on how much the others eat and the extent to which one is eager to impress them.  相似文献   

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