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This paper attempts to show how the quality of the social fabric of a community or nation affects its capacity to deal with crises and to develop human and natural resources in ways that maintain and sustainably improve subjective well-being. Three types of crisis will be used as examples. These include economic crises; transition and other institutional crises; and conflicts over sustainable resource use. The bulk of the new results in this paper relate to economic crises and institutional transitions, and shows that communities and nations with better social capital and trust respond to crises and transitions more happily and effectively.  相似文献   

宗教在美国人的社会生活中占有十分重要的地位.代表美国精神的<独立宣言>和美国宪法都与基督教传统中"天赋人权"的思想有深厚的联系,宗教与美国最早的移民浪潮、美国的革命以及民权运动也有千丝万缕的联系,直至20世纪末,仍有96%的美国人信仰上帝,98%的人定期祷告,人们普遍认为美国是西方国家中宗教色彩最浓厚的,甚至有人还将教会比作美国公民的道德孵化器.可是,9·11以后,这种普遍的观念却遭到了严峻的挑战,导致了美国大众媒体上所说的"教会危机"或"信仰危机".  相似文献   


和谐社会建设不仅是一项社会工程,也是一项文化工程。作为社会建设的基础工程,文化建设既要坚持中国先进文化的方向,又要弘扬民族优秀文化传统,充分开发与艺术利用本土文化库藏的和谐理念与和谐精神,为和谐社会建设提供文化资本支持。民间信仰是民族文化的重要组成部分,也是和谐社会建设重要的本土文化资本。(1)其以精神信仰的方式建构了平民百姓安身立命、顺道达和的和谐心理,从而为社会和谐创造了心理基础;(2)其所书写的忠孝节义、积德行善等道德故事,为民间社会整齐风俗提供了道德文本;(3)其全民性的"大乐与天地同和"的仪式庆典也成为民间社会文化整合的重要文化纽带;(4)其艺术语言的和谐风格滋养了民间社会的和谐性灵及日常生活;(5)其泛灵崇拜神化了天人关系,成为乡土社会人物和谐的生态哲学。  相似文献   

如何理解"宗教"与"宗教信仰自由"?前提是需要重新分析和审视时代背景与社会生活的变化。西方自由主义的政治哲学和道德伦理赋予"宗教"、"宗教信仰自由"的问题西方历史与语境下的含义,并成为这一含义的理论基础。而在全球化时代,自由主义对"宗教信仰自由"的解释不再无懈可击。本文意在区分我们所身处的时代与此前时代,自不同的维度理解既有概念,视"宗教信仰自由"为一个探寻的概念,丰富与发展"宗教信仰自由"的内涵,以增强其适应性。  相似文献   

社会焦虑与危机干预   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过分析社会焦虑的成因及其所带来的危机后果 ,从积极的角度予以心理干预 ,使人们失衡的认知功能和情感反应趋于稳定 ,行为合理化 ,并指出目前危机干预存在的问题和对未来的展望  相似文献   

论人力资本、社会资本和道德资本   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人力资本、社会资本、道德资本是当前国际范围内的学术热点问题.但是三者之间并不是各不相干的,而是有着深刻的内在关联.它们的关系主要表现在:人力资本包含了社会资本和道德资本,或者反过来说,没有社会资本和道德资本的人力资本是不完全和不完善的;社会资本从社会角度丰富和深化了人力资本的内涵,而道德资本则从个体角度丰富和深化了人力资本的内涵;人力资本主要适用于经济和管理领域,而社会资本和道德资本不仅适用于经济和管理领域,而且也适用于广泛的社会领域和个人生活领域.  相似文献   

The recent Eurozone crisis and negotiations over bailout packages to Greece are more than a simple controversy about financial resources. They have a decidedly moralistic overtone. Giving more funds is thought by some to be unfair to hard‐working taxpayers and does not teach Greece an important moral lesson. Yet much international political economy scholarship neglects such considerations. We build on moral psychology to understand the ethical drivers of both German support and opposition to the 2015 Greek government bailout package. We analyze original survey data to show how morality is an essential factor in Germany's hard‐line approach. Our results show that caring and European attachment are associated with bailout support, while authority, national attachment, and retributive fairness drive opposition. Some morals also have boundaries: National attachment attenuates the effect of harm/care on support for foreign financial assistance but strengthens the effect of fairness on bailout opposition. Moral psychology helps us understand foreign policy but must be adapted to account for multiple potential ingroups.  相似文献   

信息资本与当代社会形态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖峰 《哲学动态》2004,(5):34-37
1 对于社会形态的区分,20世纪80年代就有学者提出"经济社会形态"和"技术社会形态"的区分.这种区分无疑是相对的,两类形态之间应该是有关联的,如马克思在讲到"蒸汽磨生产的是以工业资本家为首的社会"时,就多少揭示了近代技术社会形态与经济社会形态之间的关联.  相似文献   

Social Capital and Organizational Commitment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Organizational scientists have been investigating the role of human relationships vis-à-vis firm productivity for some years. Recently, Social Capital has been theorized to play a central part in the reduction of organizational transaction costs. We briefly position Social Capital among several theories claiming a role for interpersonal capital, review its theoretical nuances, and test this theoretical structure using a sample of 469 sales professionals from a leading medical services firm. Our findings indicate that trust, communication, and employee focus have significant direct and moderate indirect affects on organizational commitment.  相似文献   

社会资本与卫生保健   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
社会资本概念于 2 0世纪 70年代后期由经济学家洛瑞在资本概念内涵扩展的基础上首次提出。 2 0世纪 90年代以来 ,社会资本逐渐成为人们关注的热门概念和分析的起点[1] ,对经济增长和社会发展起到了重要的推动作用并提供了科学的理论解释范式。近年来 ,世界银行对社会资本给予了充分的重视并鼓励各个领域引入社会资本理论进行研究。因此 ,阐明与卫生保健相关的社会资本要素 ,探讨社会资本的卫生保健功效对卫生保健工作具有重要的指导意义。1 社会资本理论的界定不同学者针对各自的研究领域和研究对象提出了不同的社会资本概念。国外学者中 ,…  相似文献   

资本理论的演进与社会资本研究的意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
燕继荣 《学海》2006,10(4):54-68
社会资本(scoialcapital)是20世纪80年代开始特别是90年代兴起的一个国际性学术热点。它是由社会学家率先提出、而后被经济学家、政治学家以及法学家广泛采纳并用来解释和说明各自研究领域问题的综合性概念和研究方法。本文考察了资本理论的发展过程,比较了物质资本、技术资本、人力资本、社会资本不同资本要素的构成和投资方式,阐明了社会资本作为一种跨学科的概念所具有的理论解释意义,同时,在正视社会资本所遭受的理论质疑的基础上,指明了社会资本研究有待于开发和完善的方向,并以中国学术语境为背景,说明了社会资本资本的特殊意义。  相似文献   

This paper explores the association between social capital and average happiness in the United States. Social capital is measured as a multidimensional concept consisting of social trust and two different indicators of sociability. In order to employ the variation both over time and across states, the data are organized in either a panel of nine US Census regions over the period 1983–1998 or in averages over this period in a cross-section of 48 states. The results show that social trust is positively associated with happiness while the potential effects of informal sociability at the level of society only appear significant in the regional estimates. The findings document the importance of social trust for average happiness but also hold more general implications for social capital theory.  相似文献   

Can online social contacts replace the importance of real-life social connections in our pursuit of happiness? With the growing use of social network sites (SNSs), attention has been increasingly drawn to this topic. Our study empirically examines the effect of SNS use on happiness for different subgroups of young adults. More specifically, we examine whether the effect of SNSs on happiness is moderated by individual social capital, as measured in terms of frequency of social contacts and feelings of loneliness. Using Dutch data from the Longitudinal Internet Studies for the Social Sciences panel, we provide robust empirical evidence that there is, on average, no relationship between the amount of time spent on SNSs and happiness. However, we find a negative association between the numbers of hours spent on SNS and happiness for SNS users who feel socially disconnected and lonely. The results hold when we control for socio-demographic characteristics, trust, hours spent on other Internet sites and household income. Hence, SNSs are not a substitute for real-life social connections and, at most, complement them.  相似文献   

Social Capital, Social Networks, and Political Participation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Social Capital is created through the patterns of interdependence andsocial interaction that occur within a population, and we attempt to understand the participatory consequences of these patterns relative to the effects of human capital and organizational involvement. The production of social capital in personal networks was examined with the use of social network and participation data from the 1992 American study of the Cross National Election Project. The results suggest that politically relevant social capital (that is, social capital that facilitates political engagement) is generated in personal networks, that it is a by-product of the social interactions with a citizen's discussants, and that increasing levels of politically relevant social capital enhance the likelihood that a citizen will be engaged in politics. Further, the production of politically relevant social capital is a function of the political expertise within an individual's network of relations, the frequency of political interaction within the network, and the size or extensiveness of the network. These results are sustained even while taking account of a person's individual characteristics and organizational involvement. Hence, the consequences of social relations within networks are not readily explained away on the basis of either human capital effects or the effects of organizational engagement.  相似文献   

Is religious involvement positively associated with having influential friends or is religious involvement unrelated to this kind of social capital? Building on the distinction between the “bonding” and “bridging” aspects of social capital, I distinguish two kinds of bridging social capital—identity‐bridging and status‐bridging—that have been a source of terminological confusion. I examine the relationship between religious involvement and status‐bridging social capital by analyzing data from a large nationally representative survey of the U.S. adult population that included questions about friendships with elected public officials, corporation executives, scientists, and persons of wealth. The data show that membership in a religious congregation and holding a congregational leadership position are most consistently associated with greater likelihood of having these kinds of friendships. The data also show that frequency of religious attendance is largely unrelated to these measures of social capital and that there are some significant variations among religious traditions and size of congregation.  相似文献   

The crisis of 2008?C2009 has been viewed primarily as a financial one, which has spilled over into the economy more generally. I want to argue that there is a much deeper crisis, of which the present one is a result. The deeper crisis is political: more specifically, it is a crisis in the ideology and social ethos of the American people. I refer to what has happened to the thinking of United States citizens since the Second World War, and the dangers that that transformation entails for world peace and cooperation??let alone the creation of an economic regime in which deep financial crises do not occur. Short of a change in the ideology of a many of its citizens, I do not believe the United States can succeed in preventing a repeat performance, perhaps many encores, which become increasingly severe.  相似文献   

家庭社会资本及其相关因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
家庭社会资本是社会资本理论应用于家庭发展研究的重要体现。儿童发展结果受到各种因素的影响,其中家庭社会资本的影响日益引起研究者关注。该文主要综述了家庭社会资本与儿童发展结果的研究进展,指出了影响家庭社会资本的因素,以及家庭社会资本影响的可能性结果。该文也指出家庭社会资本的现有研究特点与未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

转型期的诚信缺失主要发生在公共场域而不是在私人场域;由于社会结构的变迁,人们的交往、交易不断从“熟人社会”延伸至“公共场域”,但公共场域缺少相应的诚信伦理的约束,失信行为增多;另外,转型期不规范的市场经济条件下,“经济人”的工具理性也会刺激公共场域大量失信行为的发生;公共场域中的诚信重构,首先需要法律制度的援助;其次,从长远眼光来看,仍需要对传统伦理中“特殊主义”的诚信观进行“创造性的转换”,建构公共场域所需要的“普遍主义”的诚信伦理。  相似文献   

网络社会的社会资本及其运作   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李宁宁  王爱娟 《学海》2006,(6):121-124
随着网民的数量以几何级增加,网络社会的社会资本问题越来越具有其独特的学术研究价值。本文将通过深入分析网络社会中的社会资本及其分配、获取、维护以及交换等,对网络的社会资本及其运行规律加以揭示,从而构建起网络社会资本的运作模式。  相似文献   

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