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发展行为遗传学是发展心理学与行为遗传学的交叉学科, 旨在探明遗传与环境对人类心理与行为发展是否存在影响, 如何产生影响, 以及该影响及其作用机制是否随年龄增长而发展变化的问题。该学科与行为遗传学在研究对象、设计和内容等方面存在不同; 开展发展行为遗传学研究需要综合运用心理测量法和行为遗传学研究方法; 未来研究应拓宽和深化候选基因与行为关联性的考察, 并着力探析基因与环境的相互作用机制。  相似文献   

Among biomedical scientists, there is a great deal of controversy over the nature of race, the relevance of racial categories for research, and the proper methods of using racial variables. This article argues that researchers and scholars should avoid a binary-type argument, in which the question is whether to use race always or never. Researchers should instead focus on developing standards for when and how to use racial variables. The article then discusses 1 context, criminology, in which the use of racial variables in behavioral genetics research could be particularly problematic. If genetic studies of criminalized behavior use forensic DNA databanks or forensic genetic profiles, they will be confounded by the many racial biases of the law enforcement and penal system.  相似文献   

Partridge T 《Developmental psychology》2005,41(6):985-8; discussion 993-7
M. McGue, I. Elkins, B. Walden, and W. G. Iacono presented the findings from a twin study examining the relative contributions of genetic and environmental factors to the developmental trajectories of parent-adolescent relationships. From a behavioral genetics perspective, this study is well conceptualized, is well implemented, and raises some interesting developmental questions. Yet, the classic twin methodology and heritability estimates obfuscate the dynamic gene-ecology transactions that underlie these social developmental trajectories. There is a growing divide between the findings of quantitative behavioral genetics, with its foundational estimate of a statistical genetic influence, and developmental molecular genetics. This comment provides a brief overview of this divide and its implications for the findings of McGue et al. as well as quantitative behavioral genetics more broadly.  相似文献   

行为遗传学:从宏观到微观的生命研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
行为遗传学是在多门学科发展的基础上形成的一门交叉学科。从19世纪末期到现在,行为遗传学已跨入第三个世纪。从孟德尔单基因遗传定律到多基因系统与环境交互作用影响复杂的人类行为,从传统的计量遗传学研究到连锁、关联研究再到功能基因组学技术的应用,无论在思想体系还是研究方法上,行为遗传学都取得了突破性进展。尽管行为遗传学在阐明基因究竟怎样影响行为的道路上仍处于起步阶段,但毋庸置疑,这一学科的进步将有助于人类了解自身行为,减轻人类病痛,并最终推动整个社会健康发展。  相似文献   

This paper briefly reviews some of the work of Pavlov and his school as it bears on the problems of behavioral inheritance, especially in relation to their work on the inheritance of acquired conditioned responses in mice. The timeliness of Pavlov’s excursion into this area is stressed and the reasons for its lack of success explored. It seems likely that some form of selection was adventitiously involved. The nature of the difficulties inherent in the analysis of behavioral inheritance is outlined, and a program of work on psychogenetics in the rat, using the analytical methods of biometrical genetics, is described. Some of the findings obtained, both from bi-directional selection experiments for emotional elimination and for speed of escape-avoidance conditioning and from diallel crossing experiments for emotionality, are reviewed.  相似文献   

介绍了成人学习不良者神经心理与行为遗传方面的研究,深入分析了成人学习不良中阅读不良的电生理和行为遗传特点,并简要总结了有关数学不良的神经心理与行为遗传的相关机制。  相似文献   

Recent advances in population genetics have made it possible to infer an individual's ancestral origin with a high degree of reliability, giving rise to the new technology called ‘DNA Ancestry Profiling’. Bioethicists have raised concerns over using this technology within a forensic context, many of which stem from issues concerning race. In this article, I offer some reasons why we ought to allow forensic scientists to use DNA Ancestry Profiling to infer the race or ethnicity of perpetrators — on a particular understanding of race or ethnicity — in at least some cases. First, there is reason to think the process will meet our evidential standards in many cases. Second, the technology has serious prospects for improving racial justice. Third, the ethical concerns that have been raised can be addressed. And last, using Forensic DNA Ancestry Profiling to infer race or ethnicity has many benefits over its successor technology known as Molecular Photofitting. I conclude the essay by sketching the empirical work that remains to be done.  相似文献   

Behavior Genetics: What's New? What's Next?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
What's new in behavior genetics? With widespread acceptance that nearly all behavioral variation reflects some genetic influence, current studies are investigating developmental changes in the nature and magnitude of genetic and environmental effects, the extent to which different behaviors are influenced by common genes, and different forms of gene-environment correlation and interaction. New designs, focused on assessment of unrelated children in the same households or neighborhood environments, and use of measured environmental variables within genetically informative designs, are yielding more incisive evidence of common environmental effects on behavior. What will be next? Behavior genetic techniques and analyses will be used to inform efforts to find genes altering susceptibility for disorder and dispositional genes affecting behavioral variation. The developing integration of behavioral and molecular genetics will identify genes influencing specific behavioral variation and enhance understanding of how they do so. Psychologists will play a pivotal role in communicating that understanding to the public and in facilitating consideration of the inevitable ethical issues then to be confronted.  相似文献   

青少年焦虑、抑郁与偏差行为的行为遗传学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
焦虑、抑郁和偏差行为等问题的行为遗传学研究有助于了解人类情绪与行为受遗传和环境交互影响的内在机制。近年来,行为遗传学研究方法的迅速发展使科学家们能够更深入地探讨了基因与环境的作用和影响。文章了分析了焦虑、抑郁和偏差行为的行为遗传学研究进展,介绍了国内外双生子研究的发展情况,提出在我国建立双生子数据库,开展有关青少年焦虑、抑郁和偏差行为的行为遗传学研究  相似文献   

Misconceptions about basic genetic concepts and inheritance patterns may be widespread in the general population. This paper investigates understandings of genetics, illness causality and inheritance among British Pakistanis referred to a UK genetics clinic. During participant observation of genetics clinic consultations and semi-structured interviews in Urdu or English in respondents’ homes, we identified an array of environmental, behavioral and spiritual understandings of the causes of medical and intellectual problems. Misconceptions about the location of genetic information in the body and of genetic mechanisms of inheritance were common, reflected the range of everyday theories observed for White British patients and included the belief that a child receives more genetic material from the father than the mother. Despite some participants’ conversational use of genetic terminology, some patients had assimilated genetic information in ways that conflict with genetic theory with potentially serious clinical consequences. Additionally, skepticism of genetic theories of illness reflected a rejection of a dominant discourse of genetic risk that stigmatizes cousin marriages. Patients referred to genetics clinics may not easily surrender their lay or personal theories about the causes of their own or their child’s condition and their understandings of genetic risk. Genetic counselors may need to identify, work with and at times challenge patients’ understandings of illness causality and inheritance.  相似文献   

当前解释性别发展的理论主要有三种取向:生物学取向、社会化取向、认知取向。近年来,生物学取向日益受到关注并得到认可和接受。解释性别发展的生物学取向研究主要分为两种视角,即进化心理学和进化发展心理学、跨物种比较等远端进化解释,以及行为遗传学研究、染色体异常研究、荷尔蒙研究、大脑结构和功能研究等近端解释。本文总结阐述了这些生物学因素对性别发展的具体影响,并指出了进化心理学研究、行为遗传学研究、荷尔蒙研究、大脑结构和功能的脑成像研究在研究内容、研究方法与技术方面存在的问题,并据此展望未来研究的前景。  相似文献   

Many forensic disciplines require experts to judge whether two complex patterns are sufficiently similar to conclude that both originate from the same source. Studies in this area have revealed that there are a number of factors that affect perception and judgment and that decisions are subjective and susceptible to extraneous influences (such as emotional context, expectation, and motivation). Some studies have shown that the same expert examiner, examining the same prints but within different contexts, may reach different and contradictory decisions. However, such effects are not always present; some examiners seem more susceptible to such influences than do others—especially when the pattern matching is “hard to call” and when the forensic experts are not aware that they are being observed in an experimental study. Studying forensic examiners can contribute to our understanding of expertise and decision making, as well as have implications for forensic science and other areas of expertise.  相似文献   

中国的行为遗传学诞生在遗传学突飞猛进的时代,令人振奋。作为一个新兴学科,中国的行为遗传学研究可以避免走前人的弯路,而成为领先而不是滞后的领域。以学习能力的研究为例,计量行为遗传学可以避免“性与养”(nature vs. nurture)的争论而直接研究一些遗传学与心理学里有意义的问题,包括正常与异常、稳定与变动、同质与异质的关系等问题。尤为重要的是超越“性与养”的争论而直接研究遗传对行为的影响。本文也扼要介绍了英国“双生子早期发展”项目的计量行为遗传学和“全基因组关联”对学习能力研究的结果。可以预计,飞速发展的遗传学发现将会持续一些时日,其发展将会对中国和世界的心理学产生更大的影响  相似文献   

Biological considerations raise an important set of issues for psychology: what behavioral attributes of the species are genetically based, what are the mechanisms by which genetic influences affect behavior, what are the evolutionary antecedents of genetically-based attributes, and what are their consequences? This article examines a subset of these issues by exploring some potential consequences of extant genetic variability for personality functioning, social interaction and the current genetic evolution of our species. Behavior genetics provides a methodology for discovering genetically-influenced behavioral variation. Five disparate areas (socialization, personality development, personality assessment, interactionism and assortative mating) are examined in which findings from behavior genetics can guide research and theory in personality psychology. Relationships between organismic and social parameters are emphasized. The final section combines these five areas by placing them within the broader context of theory-building in psychology.  相似文献   

遗传与环境的“相关”与“交互作用”这两个既有联系又相区别的概念的提出,使人们对传统的行为遗传学研究有了新的认识。该文在此分析的基础上,提出利用精巧的实验设计及分子遗传分析对两者进行考察的新方法,并对已有行为遗传学研究方法存在的局限与发展前景予以简要评述。  相似文献   

Three Laws of Behavior Genetics and What They Mean   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Behavior genetics has demonstrated that genetic variance is an important component of variation for all behavioral outcomes, but variation among families is not. These results have led some critics of behavior genetics to conclude that heritability is so ubiquitous as to have few consequences for scientific understanding of development, while some behavior genetic partisans have concluded that family environment is not an important cause of developmental outcomes. Both views are incorrect. Genotype is in fact a more systematic source of variability than environment, but for reasons that are methodological rather than substantive. Development is fundamentally nonlinear, interactive, and difficult to control experimentally. Twin studies offer a useful methodological shortcut, but do not show that genes are more fundamental than environments.  相似文献   

人格的行为遗传学研究,是以研究遗传和环境的差异来解释人格的个体差异的程度为目的,为探讨遗传和环境在个体发展中的作用提供了新的研究途径。该文以天性和教养为突破口,紧紧围绕行为遗传学在人格研究领域的发展脉络:遗传力、环境、特定基因的研究,进一步探讨在个体人格发展过程中遗传和环境的交互作用的关系。  相似文献   

人格发展中遗传与教养关系研究的进展与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沈靖 《心理科学》2004,27(1):250-252
遗传与教养争论,一直是发展心理学领域的热点问题之一。本文首先从理论视角上对它进行了探讨,既而陈述了近二十年来发展心理学和行为基因学在人格发展的遗传教养互动方面的研究方法和结果,并讨论了未来可能的研究应用,以及应考虑的问题。  相似文献   

郑秀丽  尹文刚 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1158-1160
神经心理学的检测手段包括神经心理学测验和仪器检查。行为遗传学是一门在多学科基础上发展形成的的交叉学科。近年来,应用神经心理学手段进行行为遗传学研究,已经取得了一些可喜的进展。  相似文献   

In the first part of this article, Scarr and Weinberg's results are compared to those of similar studies and there is found to be considerable congruence despite the uniqueness of the Scarr and Weinberg sample. This comparison provides a perspective for understanding some of the problems raised by Scarr and Weinberg. The second part looks to the future and suggests that the major contribution of behavioral genetics in psychology may be to increase our understanding of the environment. Examples supporting this prediction are the concepts of genotype-environment interaction, genotype-environment correlation, environmental variance between and within families, and the “structure” of environmental influences in behavior.  相似文献   

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