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The “arousal-control” hypothesis of aesthetic representation states that the greater the arousal value of an object, the greater the degree of disguise required before a representation of the object can be called aesthetic Four studies were conducted to find the personality correlates of subjects who by their behavior support the hypothesis A strong experimenter effect was discovered in two male-run studies, supporters of the hypothesis were sensitizers, while in the two female-run studies, supporters were repressors Evidence suggests that the differences may be attributed to the degree of homosexual anxiety evoked in the subjects  相似文献   

Forster KI 《Memory & cognition》2000,28(7):1109-1115
Word recognition experiments that involve comparisons between two different matched sets of words allow for possible experimenter bias if there are many equally well-matched pairs to choose from. The possible extent of this bias depends on the experimenter's intuitive knowledge of the likely difficulty of individual items. This is assessed by asking a number of experimenters to decide which of two frequency-matched words would produce the fastest reaction time in a lexical decision experiment, and then comparing their predictions with actual data. All experimenters demonstrated substantial above-chance accuracy, which was unrelated to the amount of experience they had in the field. It was concluded that the experimenters could potentially produce spurious effect sizes ranging from 16 to 38 msec.  相似文献   

Recent research has suggested that employees are highly affected by perceptions of their managers' pattern of word-action consistency, which T. Simons (2002) called behavioral integrity (BI). The authors of the present study suggest that some employee racial groups may be more attentive to BI than others. They tested this notion using data from 1,944 employees working at 107 different hotels and found that Black employees rated their managers as demonstrating lower BI than did non-Black employees. Mediation analyses were consistent with the notion that these differences in perceived BI in turn account for cross-race differences in trust in management, interpersonal justice, commitment, satisfaction, and intent to stay. Results of hierarchical linear modeling were consistent with the idea that middle managers' perceptions of their senior managers' BI "trickle down" to affect line employee perceptions of the middle managers and that this trickle-down effect is stronger for Black employees. The authors interpret these results as indicative of heightened sensitivity to managers' BI on the part of Black employees. They also found a reverse in-group effect, in that Black employees were substantially more critical of Black managers than were non-Black employees.  相似文献   

Most computer interviewing and testing systems have adopted paper-and-pencil approaches to information gathering with little modification. However, computer technology offers two fundamental advantages over paper-and-pencil technology for psychological information gathering: (1) A computer can record ancillary data such as latencies and pressure on response keys during an interviewing session, and (2) A computer can react adaptively to special events as these arise during a session. Ways to capitalize on these advantages are outlined. A pilot study of interviewee behavior during a computer problem-screening interview is described, and the implications of the results for future research in the area are discussed. Passive and active computer testing systems occupy positions on a continuum between paper-based psychological testing and the flexible, but less well controlled, technology represented by the human. With its unique capabilities, computer technology has a special role to play in the future of psychological measurement.  相似文献   

Cynthia Jayne 《Sex roles》1982,8(2):115-126
Observers' impressions of sex-role stereotyped dimensions of videotyped pairs of male and female cotherapists were examined in two conditions of dominance: male-dominant pairs and female-dominant pairs. Sex of experimenter effects were also studied. Results indicated that sex-role stereotyping was a function of behavior, not biological sex. Support was found for the conceptualization of masculinity and femininity as independent dimensions. Observer sex differences indicated less favorable impressions with same-sex dominance. Sex of experimenter effects were not found, but may subtly influence results in sex-role research.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 50th annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, PA. April 1979. The author wishes to thank Barbara B. Bunker, Norman Epstein, and Joseph Masling for their support and thoughtful suggestions concerning this project.  相似文献   

The effective use of computers for tutorial (programmed instruction) teaching and on-line testing requires that curriculum authors have powerful special-purpose languages. One such language, CAN-4, has been designed and implemented to run on the PDP-9. The language includes advanced scoring, data recording, computation, timing, and file control facilities. The language and its implementation are described in relation to the instructional problems which the facilities are designed to meet.  相似文献   

While evidence indicates that experienced racial discrimination is associated with increased depressive symptoms for African Americans, there is little research investigating predictors of experienced racial discrimination. This paper examines neighborhood racial composition and sociodemographic factors as antecedents to experienced racial discrimination and resultant levels of depressive symptoms among African American adults. The sample included 505 socioeconomically-diverse African American adults from Baltimore, MD. Study data were obtained via self-report and geocoding of participant addresses based on 2010 census data. Study hypotheses were tested using multiple pathways within a longitudinal Structural Equation Model. Experienced racial discrimination was positively associated with age and sex such that older individuals and males experienced increased levels of racial discrimination. In addition, the percentage of White individuals residing in a neighborhood was positively associated with levels of experienced racial discrimination for African American neighborhood residents. Experienced racial discrimination was positively associated with later depressive symptoms. Neighborhood-level contextual factors such as neighborhood racial composition and individual differences in sociodemographic characteristics appear to play an important role in the experience of racial discrimination and the etiology of depression in African American adults.  相似文献   

循证实践正在成为西方心理治疗发展的主流方向。但如何理解循证实践的"证据"仍是见仁见智。部分社会大众甚至心理学专家仅将"循证"当作一种"修辞"或"时尚",顾名思义地界定"证据",或按主观信仰随意地选择与应用"证据"。文章以"证据"为研究焦点,试图建构系统理解"证据"的全面图景,探讨了心理治疗循证实践中关于"证据"的4个基本问题:(1)从历史考察与理论分析的视角出发,探讨了"心理治疗为什么需要证据";(2)从证据的类型范围、生产者及存在形式三个视角,描述了"心理治疗存在哪些证据";(3)从证据的科学程度、研究设计的严谨程度及解决实践问题的契合程度出发,阐述了"哪些证据才是好的证据";(4)从6个步骤推广证据及创新研究设计两个方面展开,分析了"在现实世界中如何推广与应用证据"。  相似文献   

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