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Behavioral research often requires the acquisition and processing of large volumes of data. Most current techniques for recording behavior constrain the amount and type of data that can be measured. We developed and tested a system that uses voice recognition technology to collect data on the social interactions and singing patterns of cowbirds (Molothrus ater) living outdoors in a semi-natural environment. We spoke observation data into a wireless microphone that transmitted the data to a computer in the laboratory. After collection, the data were automatically checked for errors and then were entered into a database. Overall, the system performed at extremely high levels of accuracy Furthermore, owing to the removal of constraints on observers such as breaking visual contact with subjects and manual data entry into a database, we were able to increase the amount of data collected and to collect new measures of social interactions that have not been available to us in the past. We tested the system under the challenging circumstances of field observation, and it performed above our expectations. In a laboratory setting, if transmission difficulties are removed, voice recognition could be even more accurate. We recommend voice recognition as a powerful new tool for the variety of research fields in which measuring behavior is involved.  相似文献   

Most computer interviewing and testing systems have adopted paper-and-pencil approaches to information gathering with little modification. However, computer technology offers two fundamental advantages over paper-and-pencil technology for psychological information gathering: (1) A computer can record ancillary data such as latencies and pressure on response keys during an interviewing session, and (2) A computer can react adaptively to special events as these arise during a session. Ways to capitalize on these advantages are outlined. A pilot study of interviewee behavior during a computer problem-screening interview is described, and the implications of the results for future research in the area are discussed. Passive and active computer testing systems occupy positions on a continuum between paper-based psychological testing and the flexible, but less well controlled, technology represented by the human. With its unique capabilities, computer technology has a special role to play in the future of psychological measurement.  相似文献   

A very powerful, but inexpensive, advanced technology (16 MHz 80C188EB) experiment controller is described. It can be programmed in either a BASIC-like (ECBASIC) or an ALGOL-like (ECL) procedure specification language. It provides 1-msec resolution, optional transparent total data logging, and is designed to function as a remote peripheral processor in a network with virtually any computer acting as the network supervisor (e.g., IBM compatible or Macintosh). Each serial port on the host computer can support up to 10 simultaneous experiments. The various optional I/O modules provide for opto-isolated normally open or normally closed switch operation input, high current output, as well as D/A and A/D functions. Our I/O modules can also be plugged directly into an IBM PC parallel port by using a small adaptor board. In this way, the advantages of using ECBASIC or ECL to control experiments are available to researchers who wish to simply interface their host computer directly to the apparatus in order to minimize expense.  相似文献   


Innovation in technology often provides new opportunities in the pursuit of deviance. The response or adaptation to these new opportunities takes the form of deviant technicways. New technology in the case of the computer promises to have an applicability for carnal behavior that is socially volatile in both its perversity and import. Through on‐line bulletin boards dedicated to particular modes of sexual behavior, computer users with special sexual predilections can communicate with persons who share similar interests throughout the world. Computer communication of the erotic variety may involve mild flirtations, seeking and sharing information about sexual services available in different cities and countries, and seeking and sharing information about specific varieties of deviant sexual behavior. The computer has been used by some individuals to obtain child pornography from abroad, to contact youngsters to try to arrange meetings for sexual purposes, sometimes to misrepresent one's sexual identity ("gender bending") for various reasons ranging from seemingly harmless “on‐line transsexualism” (Van Gelder, 1985) to more convoluted (and possibly more sinister) purposes. The appearance of computer erotica can be interpreted at various functional levels and holds considerable import for social behavior. Just as the computer has begun to revolutionize social life, it may also revolutionize crime and the parameters of deviant sexual behavior.  相似文献   

This paper describes a record-keeping system we developed for our subject pool, utilizing ORACLE database software on a VAX computer. This system consists of three data tables and four processes: set up, updating, report generation, and editing. This article describes the rationale and function of each of these four processes in detail. All input and output is in ASCII format. The combination of ASCII files and the ORACLE database system produces a subject-pool recordkeeping system that is adaptable, expandable, and exportable.  相似文献   

人类基因组计划中的计算机科学   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
叙述了人类基因组计划(HGP)实施过程中计算机科学向基因组学领域的不断渗透及面临的挑战。基因组数据库及网络系统的构建与完善为基因组信息的交流提供了基础,一系列计算机软件的开发和改进简化了HGP这一繁重的劳动。在HGP的推动下,世界各大信息技术公司也加盟到基因组研究中,使生物学中融入了更多的计算机专业技能,有利于引进新的思维模式,开拓新的研究方法。但目前在基因组信息的交流与分析方面,标准化和精确性仍显不足,信息的处理能力也受到计算机存储量和运算速度的制约,这些问题将随着计算机科学的不断发展而逐渐解决。  相似文献   

The computing education in Taiwan's vocational schools usually focuses on how to help students enhance their professional skills and pass certified examinations. In addition, due to national education policy and universities' regulations, pure online courses are not permitted in Taiwan. In order to design appropriate blended learning (BL) courses, the author explored the effects of web-mediated self-regulated learning (SRL) with variations in online class frequency on enhancing students' computing skills and their perspective of the blended courses. A total of 172 students, divided into four groups, participated in the experiment. The results showed that students in the SRL and BL group with five online classes had the highest scores for using a database management system (DBMS), and the highest pass rate on certified examinations. Students in this group also expressed their positive perspective on the arrangement of their blended course with the intervention of web-mediated SRL.  相似文献   

VIDANN is a computer program that allows participants to watch a video on a standard TV and to write their annotations (thought/feeling entries) on paper attached to a writing tablet. The system is designed as a Microsoft ActiveXmodule. It can be further adapted by the individual researcherthrough the use of a VBScript. All data, including the participant’s handwriting, are stored in an XML database. An accompanying Wizard has been designed that enables researchers to generate VBScripts for standard configurations.  相似文献   

A tutorially structured symposium is being presented by professionals in various fields of computer technology. The symposium develops the theme of effective utilization of computer-related hardware in papers describing (a) elementary hardware logic design, (b) microcomputer and microcontroller design and applications, and (c) microprogramming techniques and applications.  相似文献   

Survivors of brain injury or stroke can improve movement ability with intensive, supervised practice. Since the hours of supervised therapy with a physical or occupational therapist are limited, telerehabilitation will enable patients to greatly expand the hours that they practice therapeutic exercises. The Jerusalem TeleRehabilitation System (JTRS) consists of patient and therapist systems plus a central server and database connected via the internet. The system can work in two modes: (1) a cooperative mode in which the therapist and patient are online at the same time, and (2) a stand-alone mode in which the patient uses the system on his own. In both cases, the system will monitor the status and progress of the patient and various parameters of his movement abilities, and prepare reports for the patient and for the therapist. From the clinic, the therapist will be able to change the screen seen by the patient and change the level and types of tasks, as needed. Compared to existing systems, our system will have the following advantages: (1) inexpensive and easy to use; (2) remote monitoring and control of the patient's computer by the therapist in the clinic; (3) more detailed analysis of patient status and progress; (4) a "smart" system which self-adapts to the patient's capabilities in real time, increasing or decreasing the difficulty of the exercise as needed; and (5) a central, international database which, by gathering data on many patients over time, will provide the basis for "smart" therapy and will also facilitate coordinated multicenter research studies.  相似文献   

This paper describes a computer search program based on the Medical Research Council Psycholinguistic Database of English words. The program allows words to be extracted from that database according to word length, number of syllables or phonemes, and various psycholinguistic criteria such as frequency of use, imageability, concreteness, meaning, and so forth. Thus it is possible to create, for example, lists of two-syllable words of high and low familiarity. It is also possible to examine properties of given sets of words created by the researcher. Lists of these words with or without their properties and with or without a statistical analysis of those properties may be produced. Particular spellings but not particular phonemes may be searched for.  相似文献   

This article describes a laboratory system for running learning experiments in operant chambers with various species. It is based on a modern version of a classical learning chamber for operant conditioning, the so-called ??Skinner box??. Rather than constituting a stand-alone unit, as is usually the case, it is an integrated part of a comprehensive technical solution, thereby eliminating a number of practical problems that are frequently encountered in research on animal learning and behavior. The Vienna comparative cognition technology combines modern computer, stimulus presentation, and reinforcement technology with flexibility and user-friendliness, which allows for efficient, widely automatized across-species experimentation, and thus makes the system appropriate for use in a broad range of learning tasks.  相似文献   

An interactive computer program was developed in the BASIC language to present the performance and inquiry phases of the Rorschach Inkblot Test. As the subjects handled the traditional cards they entered their perceptions into the computer database, guided by instructions presented on the computer display. No assumptions were made about the percepts, but the Klopfer scoring questions were asked directly by the computer during the inquiry. The program scored the test as the subject answered the scoring questions on the keyboard. Thirty subjects were assessed using a test-retest design. One subgroup was tested first by a psychologist, and the other was tested first by the computer. The determinants of the psychologist and computer testing situations were found to be correlated and overall not significantly different except in location and time scores where the media differed.  相似文献   

An interactive computer program was developed in the BASIC language to present the performance and inquiry phases of the Rorschach Inkblot Test. As the subjects handled the traditional cards they entered their perceptions into the computer database, guided by instructions presented on the computer display. No assumptions were made about the percepts, but the Klopfer scoring questions were asked directly by the computer during the inquiry. The program scored the test as the subject answered the scoring questions on the keyboard. Thirty subjects were assessed using a test-retest design. One subgroup was tested first by a psychologist, and the other was tested first by the computer. The determinants of the psychologist and computer testing situations were found to be correlated and overall not significantly different except in location and time scores where the media differed.  相似文献   

基于计算机仿真的颜色认知实验方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈模卫  陈硕 《心理科学》2003,26(4):583-586
近年来计算机仿真的实验研究方法逐渐成为颜色认知研究的主流方法,该方法克服了传统方法的诸多缺陷。本研究在现有技术的基础上构建了颜色研究仿真系统,并改进了CIE规定的有关CRT显示器颜色标定的方法。笔者通过颜色匹配实验考察了人对CRT显示器上仿真照明体颜色外观的辨别精度,结果表明上述颜色仿真系统在颜色认知实验中具有良好的适用性,并发现被试在计算机模拟颜色刺激的条件下,可进行精确的颜色匹配;不同照明条件下的色差有所不同。这些结果也为建立颜色认知模型提供了人的基准匹配数据。  相似文献   

Researchers using videotape as a primary means of data collection need flexible yet easy-to-use procedures and equipment for the time-consuming task of coding and analysis. The VTLOGANL program (for VideoTape LOGging ANaLysis) slaves a video deck to the computer system, allowing the researcher to code, in real time, video-recorded events of either a pulsed or duration nature. VTLOGANL’s innovative database design frees the researcher to define up to 9,999 different codewords for each project, organizing any combination of up to 30 of those codewords for each elapsed second of logging time. Reporting features, including data export and import, allow the researcher to examine quickly questions of codeword frequency, event duration, sequencing, and overlap, according to the requirements of the research design.  相似文献   

We present the first database of communicative interactions reproduced through point-light displays (Communicative Interaction Database). The database contains 20 communicative interactions performed by male and by female couples. For each action, we provide movie files from four different viewpoints, as well as text files with the 3-D spatial coordinates of the point lights, allowing researchers to construct customized versions. By including various types of actions performed with different social motives, the database contains a diverse sample of nonconventional communicative gestures. Normative data collected to assess the recognizability of the stimuli suggest that, for most action stimuli, information in point-light displays is sufficient for clear recognition of the action as communicative, as well as for identification of the specific communicative gesture performed by the actor. The full set of stimuli may be downloaded from http://brm.psychonomic-journals.org/ content/supplemental and from http://ppw.kuleuven.be/labexppsy/lepSite/resources/CID.rar.  相似文献   

Whereas computer technology allows for the automation of experimentation and data collection, the process of stimulus production has remained a relatively, labor-intensive process. A program for automatic computer generation of novel nonverbal stimuli is described in this paper. The program, STIMGEN, allows menu-driven control over the type and appearance of stimuli. Data are presented in which two monkeys matched to sample with high accuracy using stimuli generated with STIMGEN. These data are interpreted to support the usefulness and value of automatic stimulus generation in a variety of applications.  相似文献   

This paper provides normative data for a 102-item word-stem completion task. Participants are scattered into four age groups (30/40, 40/50, 50/60, 60/70 years and 70 and more). They were asked to complete a series of word-stems by adding two letters to produce a maximum of French words of five letters long. The final database presents various indicators of completion as a function of age and word-stem polarity. In addition, normative data for each age group are included in order to compare each participant’s performance to the score obtained by a sample of the same age. This database should help researchers to construct experimental material by considering altogether, firstly, the production in French language compared to subjective production frequency and secondly, the intergroup and intragroup variability.  相似文献   

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