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听力正常的老年人常常受到噪声环境中言语感知能力下降的困扰。延缓这一类型的听觉老龄化具有重要的心理和社会意义。经历过音乐训练的老年人在噪声环境中的言语识别成绩显著高于听力相当但是未经历过音乐训练的老年人。此外, 音乐训练也伴随着老年人的听觉脑干对言语信号的加工速度和时间精度的明显提高。这一言语信号神经表征的增强可能在音乐训练延缓老年人言语感知能力下降的过程中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

Although, event and emergent timings are thought of as mutually exclusive, significant correlations between tapping and circle drawing (Baer, Thibodeau, Gralnick, Li, &; Penhune, 2013 Baer, L. H., Thibodeau, J. L. N., Gralnick, T. M., Li, K. Z. H., &; Penhune, V. B. (2013). The role of musical training in emergent and event-based timing. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7(191), 110. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2013.00191.[Crossref], [PubMed] [Google Scholar]; Studenka, Zelaznik, &; Balasubramaniam, 2012 Studenka, B. E., Zelaznik, H. N., &; Balasubramaniam, R. (2012). The distinction between tapping and circle drawing with and without tactile feedback: An examination of the sources of timing variance. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65(6), 10861100. doi:10.1080/17470218.2011.640404.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Zelaznik &; Rosenbaum, 2010 Zelaznik, H. N., &; Rosenbaum, D. A. (2010). Timing processes are correlated when tasks share a salient event. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 36(6), 15651575. doi:10.1037/a0020380.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) suggest that emergent timing may not be as robust as once thought. We aimed to test this hypothesis in both a younger (18–25) and older (55–100) population. Participants performed one block of circle drawing as a baseline, then six blocks of tapping, followed by circle drawing. We examined the use of event timing. Our hypothesis that acute experience with event timing would bias an individual to use event timing during an emergent task was not supported. We, instead, support the robustness of event and emergent timing as independent timing modes.  相似文献   


This study examined the constructions of aging through the eyes of the elders on Zuni Pueblo in New Mexico. Classical ethnographic field techniques were used to collect data during 1800 hours of fieldwork on the Pueblo. In Zuni, indigenous constructs of aging are firmly rooted in their traditions. Most elders found it essential to stay on a traditional path, although, it was undeniable that Western constructions also existed in their cosmos. Zuni traditions triangulate with perspectives from the West to form a fluctuating middle that stays within prescribed boundaries of a “box” bounded by the four directions and the zenith and nadir planes. The degree to which an elder remains oral vs. literal, ages in the “Zuni way,” and within a sacred domain greatly affects decision-making, as well as action and or inaction in aging behaviors. Understanding perspectives rooted within an “inside-the-box” paradigm, valuing the old, the ancestors, sacredness, and the “Zuni way” will assist in deriving relevant theories and programs for these American Indian elders.  相似文献   

当今世界人口老龄化带来的诸多影响日益受到人们的关注与重视,老化研究也逐渐成为心理学家关注的热点。社会情绪选择理论是基于老化问题而提出的一个新理论。总结这一理论的基本假设和理论框架,并对目前有关此理论的实证研究进行了整理概括,最后指出了该领域尚存在的一些问题,并对未来前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

The author tests the kinship of the concepts faithful aging, the centerpiece of her book, The Art of Growing Old: A Guide to Faithful Aging (1998), and development of character, central to James Hillman's book, The Force of Character and the Lasting Life (1999). Faithful aging is assessed in characters from two plays: Graham Greene's The Potting Shed and Robert Anderson's I Never Sang for My Father. Finally, Saussy reflects on the development of character as a theological issue.  相似文献   

侯神  李永鑫 《社会心理科学》2005,20(5):207-212,198
用修订后的中文super职业价值观量表为工具对377名在读硕士研究生的职业价值观进行调查,研究结果表明:1.在研究生职业价值观中影响最大的因素为进取心、经济价值和工作关系。2.研究生对15种职业价值尺度最重视的前4位依次为生活方式、成就、独立性、同事关系,而对监督关系、变动性、安全性、管理最不重视。研究生的职业价值观在不同年级、性别、工作经历、婚姻状况、学科间重视顺序一致性程度很高,但在一些价值尺度上也表现出了团体差异和个别差异。  相似文献   

This article reviews the significance of postmodernism as applied to understanding social gerontology. We begin by looking at the disciplinary dominance of biomedical models to understanding bodily change through later life. We then move our analysis to the lack of theoretical models within social gerontology which have not attempted to analyze or develop social explanations of the body. The article introduces the concept of postmodernism and reviews the work of major theorists who have impacted postmodern gerontology. We conclude by arguing for an interface between social theory and social gerontology by drawing on recent examples of the mask of aging thesis, biotechnologies, and new technologies that impact aging identity and understanding the self.  相似文献   

人对自己生活于其中的科技时代的批判,是与人的自我意识一同发生的。当今世界,科技已越来越被当作自主的、异在于人的并沿着非人性化的惯性而展开的过程。如何对这一过程重新进行人化?如何使现代人具有科技进步时代的人的内容的清醒意识?这是每一个人文学者必须给予严肃关注的问题。从道德本性的角度视之,科技社会所制造的大量的替代经验对道德实践基础的蚕食和颠覆,具有根本的决定性的作用。因此,在科技社会中如何确立实践智慧、个人亲证在道德领域里的独立性,对于避免当代人的“道德孤儿”的命运,便具有头等重要的意义。  相似文献   

Psychology and Aging: Enhancing the Lives of an Aging Population   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A pressing need for upcoming decades is ensuring that older adults, who constitute an increasing percentage of the population, are able to function independently and maintain an acceptable quality of life. One important concern is the usability of new technologies. Unfortunately, the science that could direct proper design and implementation of current and future technological advancement is underdeveloped and less mature than the engineering that supports technological advancement. We review data documenting age-related usability issues and how psychological science can remedy such problems. We also outline how training principles can be applied to older adults. We conclude that psychological science has much to contribute to the goal of enhancing the lives of older adults.  相似文献   

Stephen Streed 《Dialog》2019,58(4):286-293
Peace is a gift of God. Humans cannot create it. The meaning of “peace” in Hebrew is “completeness.” Humans seek completion in daily tasks, especially in younger years. In later years, completion takes on new urgency in a search for balance and meaning in one's accomplishments. Here a discovery of inner peace begins to take shape, where there is a perfect peace and acceptance. Others chafe under this reality, gravitating toward bitterness. Elderly can learn from Jacob that to struggle with God is to recognize that the formulation of the future comes out of being active in their own efforts.  相似文献   

Social values are an important foundation of political attitudes, yet political controversies often embody conflicts between values, placing the citizen in an awkward position of having to prioritize competing values. One strategy is to consider the groups that are symbolically associated with the competing values. Groups held in high esteem will enhance associated values; groups held in disregard will diminish associated values. Persuasive communicators exploit this process by assailing groups that have been publicly associated with certain issue positions or values as “extreme” or “radical.” Even if the group represents a consensus value like equal opportunity, the extremist label suggests the group's agenda embodies an excessive and uncompromising imposition of this value. This article reports on four experiments that investigated how the extremist label can undermine support for a group's position. We further examine how reputation affects judgments of value priorities.  相似文献   

价值观与行为的一致性争议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈莹  郑涌 《心理科学进展》2010,18(10):1612-1619
价值观与行为的一致性存在着争论, 相关的实证研究包括以下几种模式: 价值观直接预测行为; 生活方式、态度等中介变量的桥梁作用; 人格与情境等调节变量的影响作用。目标层次理论认为价值观与行为之间是由逐渐具体化的目标连接起来的; 建构水平理论认为心理距离影响价值观与行为的关系; 自我价值定向理论认为个人自我价值体系对行为具有定向作用; 新社会分析模型则认为价值观是人格的一个领域, 特质与价值观这两个平行的结构共同作用于行为。未来的研究方向可能表现为价值观词典的应用; 价值矛盾与行为决策关系的研究; 中国文化背景下的价值观与行为一致性的探索以及建立专门针对二者关系的理论模型等方面。  相似文献   

老年人在注意和记忆活动中存在着“积极效应”现象,即对积极材料的加工维持得较好,表现出对积极信息的偏向。社会情绪选择理论从时间的认知评估影响情绪目标的选择来解释这一现象。同时,研究发现信息的加工方式与“积极效应”有密切关联,当控制加工时,“积极效应”出现;而自动加工时,“积极效应”消失。“积极效应”受到时间认知的控制,也受到认知资源和认知能力的限制。目前,随着认知神经科学的发展,利用先进设备与仪器研究老年人认知活动中的“积极效应”有着广阔的前景  相似文献   

Plato's writings express a positive attitude toward elderly people. But do his writings also show a serious theoretical interest in issues of aging? We approach this question by comparing what Plato says about aging to major theoretical issues in gerontology. We argue that many of Plato's subtler observations of the behavior of elderly people and many of his ideas about aging anticipate specific research and theoretical advances in contemporary gerontology. We compare passages in Plato's works to the debate between activity and disengagement theories, the concepts of continuity and gerotranscendence, Robert Butler's discovery of “the life review,” and recent theories of old age wisdom. Plato's anticipation of these ideas and issues related to them suggests that his writings may contain still other major insights into aging which are not yet articulated in gerontology. We suggest three possibilities.  相似文献   

采用线索-靶子范式,比较了单线索和双线索条件下年轻人和老年人返回抑制时间进程的发展趋势。实验1采用单线索化程序和觉察任务,SOA分为9种水平;实验2采用双线索化程序和觉察任务,SOA分为10种水平。结果显示:线索化阶段的注意分配和年龄对返回抑制的时程发展产生影响。(1)在单线索条件下,老年人返回抑制的出现时间比年轻人晚约200ms,消失的时间比年轻人早约1000ms。(2)在双线索条件下,老年人返回抑制的出现时间比年轻人晚约100ms,消失的时间比年轻人早约500ms。  相似文献   

A democratic society requires a degree of consensus on values. But it is argued that the model of values education as the transmission of certain predetermined values is inadequate in a democracy, since for several reasons the transmission of predetermined values can itself be undemocratic. Education for individual autonomy in matters of values is also, by itself, inadequate. Each generation needs the resources by which it can work out its own interpretation of democratic values. What is also needed, then, is an education in a common language of discourse — which can be drawn primarily from philosophy — which will facilitate public debate.  相似文献   

基于理论分析和开放式调查的结果,通过系统过程编制了中学生价值观问卷,对来自北京、河北和广西等地971名中学生的价值观测量数据进行了分析。结果发现,中学生价值观由目标价值和手段价值两个基本维度构成,前者包括生理与安全、享乐、物质、自我实现、认知、尊重、归属、情感、抽象感受、社会和公理等11个因素;后者则包括自身能力、性格特点、与人交往的态度和行事方式等4个因素。《中学生价值观问卷》具有良好的信度和效度,且其结构在不同性别、年级样本中具有一致性,可作为中学生价值观的评定工具。  相似文献   




Experimental research and older adults' reports of their own experience suggest that the ability to produce the spoken forms of familiar words declines with aging. Older adults experience more word-finding failures, such as tip-of-the-tongue states, than young adults do, and this and other speech production failures appear to stem from difficulties in retrieving the sounds of words. Recent evidence has identified a parallel age-related decline in retrieving the spelling of familiar words. Models of cognitive aging must explain why these aspects of language production decline with aging whereas semantic processes are well maintained. We describe a model wherein aging weakens connections among linguistic representations, thereby reducing the transmission of excitation from one representation to another. The structure of the representational systems for word phonology and orthography makes them vulnerable to transmission deficits, impairing retrieval.  相似文献   

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