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Abstract: An attempt at defending a version of John Yolton's non‐representationalist reading of Locke's account of perception against Vere Chappell's very threatening criticisms. Concerning this version, which takes ideas to be appearances, Chappell questioned their identity criteria, their relation to what they are appearances of, and their nature in general.  相似文献   

Abstract: A continuation of the debate over the intelligibility, and plausibility, of Yolton's reading of Locke's account of perception. Here, the issue turns on the de‐reification of ideas and its implications for the putative axioms of symmetry and transitivity governing the identity of ideas. The issue is illustrated by what Locke says about confused ideas.  相似文献   

The rule of universal instantiation appears to be subject to counterexamples, although the rule of existential generalization is not subject to the same doubts. This paper is a survey of ways of responding to this problem, both conservative and revisionist. The conclusion drawn is that logical validity should be defined in terms of assertibility in a context rather than in terms of truth on an interpretation. Contexts are here defined, not in terms of the attitudes of the interlocutors, but in terms of the goals of conversation, and assertibility is explained in terms of cooperation.  相似文献   

Evidence has suggested the usefulness of viewing job satisfaction as composed of content and context aspects. Armstrong attempted to develop intuitive-theoretical scales measuring content and context satisfaction but the scales lacked discriminant validity. The present study attempted the development of content and context scales based on Schletzer's overall job satisfaction instrument. After the criteria of internal consistency and discriminant validity were applied in refining scales, it was found that the inter-correlation between content and context scales after correction for attenuation was 0.06 and 0.05 for two separate samples of professional workers. It was concluded that the data provided some support for the content-context dichotomy. Application of the new scales and the general method for developing scales in industrial and organizational psychology are considered.  相似文献   

Two components of gender stereotypes were examined in order to determine their influence on judgments of gender–related characteristics. Male and female subjects were presented with photographs of female stimulus persons who differed in somatic appearance and were given information about traits. Subjects were asked to estimate the probability that the stimulus person possessed other gender–related traits and engaged in gender–related behaviors. Results provide support for a multiple–component construction of stereotypes, with physical appearance being the most potent component. An unfavorable image of low attractive women was also indicated.  相似文献   

Abstract— The present studies show that preferences change systematically depending on the global context and the measurement task Subjects evaluated apartments described by monthly rent and distance to campus using two different tasks (choices and attractiveness ratings) in two different global contexts (one with a narrow range of rents and a wide range of distances, and the other with a wide range of rents and a narrow range of distances) With the task held constant, preference orders for the same pair of apartments reversed in the two different contexts Similarly, with the context held constant, preference orders for the same pair of apartments reversed in the two tasks Taken together, the effects are startling Out of 25 apartments common to all four conditions, the preference rank of the apartment that was most expensive and closest to campus ranged from the 28th percentile to the 80th percentile We argue that, in the present experiments, the global context influences the scale values (or the perceptions of the attributes), and the task influences the weights (or the psychological importance) of the attributes.  相似文献   

简单结构刺激非规则特征突显条件下的样例效应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
用变化了的Allen和Brooks的实验范式,采用2(学习轮次:5轮、10轮)×2(项目类型:旧项目、新项目)×2(项目匹配性质:正向匹配、反向匹配)混合实验设计,研究对4个特征刺激分类时非规则特征突显条件下的样例效应。结果发现,无论是错误率还是反应时都取得了明显的样例效应,但是学习时间的影响不明显。  相似文献   

Empirical research on the validity of the polygraph, voice stress analysis, and paper and pencil instruments as mechanisms for the detection of deception is reviewed. It is noted that while these devices have their greatest use in the employment context, virtually all research has been done in an actual or simulated criminal investigation context. Three separate uses of devices for the detection of deception in the employment context are identified, namely, pre-employment screening, periodic screening of current employees, and investigation into a specific theft. Differences between each of these uses and the criminal investigation context are identified, and issues limiting the generalizability of research findings from one context to another are raised. Among the issues are the effects of a low base rate of guilt on accuracy, the effects of making multiple judgments on overall accuracy, and the potential for racial or ethnic bias in judgments of guilt or innocence.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explore the meaning of domination and slavery in the political philosophy of Augustine of Hippo (354–430), particularly in the major work of his later years, the City of God. It offers an exploration of this aspect of Augustine's thought in the light of relatively recent scholarship on the meaning of these terms for political philosophy (in particular, the work of Quentin Skinner and Philip Pettit). It finds that, in Augustine's eyes, the nature of domination or slavery in the political sphere differed from its nature in the domestic sphere.  相似文献   

上海父亲育儿态度和观念的代际比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
比较了上海父亲两代人育儿态度和观念的变化。结果显示:两代父亲在儿童本性、决定发展的因素及儿童性格特征的期待上,看法较一致.在传统的儿童行为训练和孝道水平上,祖父显著地高于父亲.教育水平影响父亲两代人传统观念。上海香港两地年轻一代父亲的育儿态度和观念更加疏离传统,并趋向一致。  相似文献   

This study investigated whether frequency of stuttering was affected by factors that specify the phonological difficulty of a sound and whether and how any influences vary across age groups. Analyses were performed separately on content words and function words. The phonological factors examined were: a) Whether the word contained a late emerging consonant (LEC); and b) Whether the word contained a consonant string (CS). Analyses showed that these factors occurred at different rates across the age groups used (children under 12, teenagers between 12 and 18, and adults). A more detailed breakdown was also reported of frequency of usage of LEC and CS over age groups depending on whether and where these factors occurred in the content words; all nine combinations of no LEC, word-initial LEC, non-initial LEC with no CS, word-initial CS, and non-initial CS were examined. Usage of certain of these nine categories varied over age groups. Friedman statistic on the ratio of stuttering (proportion of stuttered words in a particular word class divided by the proportion of words in that particular word class) showed that the frequency of stuttering remained high for adult speakers when CS and LEC both occurred in a word and when they appeared in word-initial position. These findings support a recently proposed theory that accounts for life-span changes in stuttering.  相似文献   

An increasing number of environmentally knowledgeable observers and activists comprehend the situation faced by the emerging global civilization and its unsustainable systems, characterized by planet‐altering positive feedback loops arising from human activity. They perceive contemporary natural and cultural developments as the prelude to the imminent collapse of technological civilization and the cataclysmic end of the Anthropocene epoch via a forced passage through the population bottleneck of the impending extinction‐level event which only a remnant of the present biosphere is likely to survive. Should this understanding be accurate, our own time could become the occasion for the greatest choice ever made on Earth: whether to continue things as they are until humanity becomes the chief cause and the chief victim of the now‐unfolding mass extinction; or to make the necessary transition to the awakening of Planet Earth.  相似文献   

获得此奖是莫大的荣幸,并且,事实上对我而言更荣幸的是与卡萨里教授分享这一奖项。但是我非常清醒,在这里我们首先是缅怀朱利奥·普雷蒂教授。通过一些以英、法文出现的论文,非常具体地说,是通过佩鲁齐教授的一篇富有启发性的论文,我有限地接触了朱利奥·普雷蒂的思想。  相似文献   

题材个体化和问题重述两策略的效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨题材个体化和问题重述作为两种解题策略在解决加、减法应用题中的有效性,采用了4种策略类型×3种数学能力水平×2种问题题材×2种题材情境与解题操作关系的四因素混合设计。结论如下:学生基本上能够独立进行题材个体化和问题重述;在本实验条件下,水平高的学生,运用不同策略没有差异;水平中等的学生运用双策略、水平低的学生运用双策略以及题材个体化策略均产生了积极效果;题材个体化策略对于解决不熟悉题材的应用题将产生积极效果,运用以上两策略解决问题情境与解题操作相矛盾的问题没有帮助。除了应用题陈述图式以外,本实验证明还存在着应用题结构图式;可把题材个体化和问题重述作为解题策略教给学生运用。  相似文献   

采用眼动记录的方法,考察了不同句子语境中,不同类型的动宾组合的加工过程。结果发现,韵律限制对句子阅读的认知加工过程起重要作用。符合韵律限制的[2+2]和[1+2]型动宾组合比不符合韵律限制的[2+1]型动宾组合加工更容易,更少地寻找支持信息。语境能引导读者更快地通达符合韵律限制的词汇的意义。在中性语境中,符合韵律限制的[2+2]和[1+2]型动宾组合比不符合韵律限制的[2+1]型动宾组合加工更容易,更少地需要语境的支持。在偏向语境中,同时符合韵律限制和语境信息的[2+2] 型动宾组合加工更容易,更少地需要语境的支持。  相似文献   

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