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晏辉 《现代哲学》2020,(2):8-15
现代化、现代性和世界性是同等程度的范畴,其间具有内在的逻辑关系。现代化描述的是一个由资本的世界运行逻辑所完成的现代生产逻辑的生成过程。现代化作为一个整体性的社会运动,由三个核心要素构成,即欲望的神圣激发,它提供了动力;市场的发现和广泛运用,它提供了环境;科学技术的飞速发展和充分运用,它提供了手段。当动力、环境和手段被并置在一起的时候,一个持续的现代化运动就开始了。现代化运动造成一个整体性的现代社会,它有属于其自身的若干规定性,这就是现代性,它的根本表现就是复杂性。它如同一块银币的两面,在把财富、民主、平等贡献给人类的同时,也把不平等、物化、公共危机(公共卫生危机是危害最大的一种)、风险抛给人类。资本和消费在世界范围内流动,风险在全球范围内潜伏、爆发、传播。在全球化背景下,必须用一种风险和代价意识纠正、矫正和完善在现代化运动中形成的独断思维和任性意志。任性被证明是自由的最大敌人。建构人类命运共同体已不再是单一的价值诉求,而分明成了康德道德哲学视阈中实践哲学的绝对命令。  相似文献   

Simon G. Smith 《Religion》2013,43(4):311-321
The idea of a fragmented, de-traditionalized society has been much discussed over recent years. While Anthony Giddens has suggested that the issues surrounding postmodernism and postmodernity do not constitute the end of modernism and modernity, there has been a significant disjunction in the modernist narrative. Indeed, the project of modernity has been instrumental in the perceived de-traditionalization of society through an intensification of globalization where local contexts are invaded by abstract systems. In this paper, using the existence of Buddhism in the West as an example, I argue that this does not signify the end of tradition as such. Introducing certain aspects of Theravada Buddhist philosophy as a means of comparison, I further argue that it is possible to reclaim a place for religion by suggesting that traditions may exist in their own cultural niches which appear throughout society; as well as at various times during the life of an individual. This I call a de-universalized society in which religious tradition persists, albeit not in an inclusive form.  相似文献   

凡特胡拉·古莱恩是土耳其当代著名的学者和宗教活动家,其苏非主义思想既继承了新苏非主义的部分主张,又进行了适度变革,使苏非主义在内容、组织形式等方面具有一些新的特点.中间主义是古莱恩苏非思想的核心之所在,为穆斯林正确认识传统与现代以及二者的关系提供了新的视角.  相似文献   

Simon G. Smith 《Religion》1996,26(4):311-321
The idea of a fragmented, de-traditionalized society has been much discussed over recent years. While Anthony Giddens has suggested that the issues surrounding postmodernism and postmodernity do not constitute the end of modernism and modernity, there has been a significant disjunction in the modernist narrative. Indeed, the project of modernity has been instrumental in the perceived de-traditionalization of society through an intensification of globalization where local contexts are invaded by abstract systems. In this paper, using the existence of Buddhism in the West as an example, I argue that this does not signify the end of tradition as such. Introducing certain aspects of Theravada Buddhist philosophy as a means of comparison, I further argue that it is possible to reclaim a place for religion by suggesting that traditions may exist in their own cultural niches which appear throughout society; as well as at various times during the life of an individual. This I call a de-universalized society in which religious tradition persists, albeit not in an inclusive form.  相似文献   

席佳蓓 《学海》2003,11(4):86-90
日本社会在短时期内迅速取得现代化的成功 ,其原因是多方面的。首先 ,日本封建社会类似于欧洲封建社会 ,始终没有真正建立起皇权至上的专制集权制度 ,政治呈多元化格局。其次 ,日本超家族的社会集团比较发达。还有 ,日本民族的自卑心理和实用主义价值观在吸收外来文化时起了特殊的作用。本文通过日本与欧洲、中国社会的比较分析 ,阐述了日本传统文化中蕴含的促进现代化发展的有利条件  相似文献   

Heiner Roetz 《Dao》2008,7(4):367-380
The article discusses central assumptions of Tu Weiming’s program of overcoming the “enlightenment mentality” and throws a critical light on his conceptions of religious or spiritual Confucianism, of a Confucian modernity, and of the “multiple modernities” theory in general. It defends a unitary rather than multiple concept of modernity in terms of the realization of a morally controlled “principle of free subjectivity” and tries to show how Confucianism, understood as a secular ethics, could contribute to this goal.  相似文献   

现代性在将自我推至无以复加程度的同时,也对自我作了片面化处理,自我成为了不依赖自然、社会和他者而独立存在的东西,进而丧失了外在的禁忌,成为自我占有、欲望至上的存在者。在无限的消费和无尽的欲望的满足过程中,自我所获得的只是一种暂时的、粗鄙的、狭隘的满足。被欲望驱使的现代人应该实现欲望的合理化,激发神圣感,提高自身的生存境界,以便在资本逻辑推动下的骚动不安的世界中寻求心灵上的宁静和思绪上的久远。  相似文献   

Ian G. Barbour 《Zygon》1999,34(3):361-398
I develop a multilevel, holistic view of persons, emphasizing embodiment, emotions, consciousness, and the social self. In successive sections I draw from six sources: 1. Theology . The biblical understanding of the unitary, embodied, social self gave way in classical Christianity to a body-soul dualism, but it has been recovered by many recent theologians. 2. Neuroscience . Research has shown the localization of mental functions in regions of the brain, the interaction of cognition and emotion, and the importance of social interaction in evolutionary history and child development. 3. Artificial intelligence . Some forms of robotics use embodied systems that learn by interacting with their environment, but the possibilities for emotion, socialization, and consciousness in robots remain problematic. 4. Relations between levels . Concepts that can help us relate studies of neurons and persons include the hierarchy of levels, the communication of information, thebehavior of dynamic systems, and epistemological and ontological emergence. 5. Philosophy of mind . Two-aspect theories of the mind-brain relation offer an alternative between the extremes of eliminative materialism and the thesis that consciousness is irreducible. 6. Process philosophy . I suggest that process thought provides a coherent philosophical framework in which these themes can be brought together. It combines dipolar monism with organizational pluralism, and it emphasizes embodiment, emotions, a hierarchy oflevels, and the social character of selfhood.  相似文献   

关于人类克隆的哲学思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
总结了8年来人们反对生殖性克隆人的主要理由,分析了反对人类生殖性克隆及支持治疗性克隆的理由的合理性,揭示了克隆人争论给我们的启示。  相似文献   

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