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这里的反思以一个佛教争论为出发点,它涉及这样一个问题:过去究竟是某种现实的东西,抑或仅仅是我们现在回忆的当下内容。接下来,在与我们过去知识的其他形式的比较中,回忆的特征得到分析。随后要对这样一个观点进行批判,即:在回忆中被回忆的是再现着过去的当下图像。最后要将回忆解释为一种自身意识:在这个自身意识中,我们自己的被回忆的主体行为和体验并不是当下的,但我们的受规范性的真理观念制约的过去本身却是当下的,而那些被经验的客观事物的图像(想象材料)抽象地看却是无时间的。但它们在回忆的语境中却是过去事物的现象。  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(2-3):215-229
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

吴国林 《哲学研究》2012,(7):113-120,126,129
波函数是量子力学的核心概念。波函数的实在性问题一直是科学实在论与反实在论争论的焦点之一。20世纪上半叶量子力学研究主要是检验量子力学的理论是否正确或完备,仅有少量量子技术产品问世。1935年爱因斯坦、波多尔斯基和罗森(EPR)发表的《能认为量子力学对物理实在的描述是完备的吗?》一文,提出了EPR关联——量子纠缠,直接引发了对量子力学基本问题的论争。(Einstein,Podolsky and Rosen,pp.777-780)基于EPR量子纠缠,1993年本内特(Bennett)等6位科学家在《物理评论快报》发表题为《经由经典和EPR通道传送未知量子态》的重要论文,引发了一系列有关量子信息与量子技术的研究,形成了量子信息理论、量子控制论、量子技术等新的量子科技理论。量子纠缠  相似文献   

John Polkinghorne 《Zygon》2000,35(4):927-940
This account of the dynamical theory of chaos leads to a metaphysical picture of a world with an open future, in which the laws of physics are emergent-downward approximations to a more subtle and supple reality and in which there is downward causation through information input as well as upward causation through energy input. Such a metaphysical picture can accommodate both human and divine agency.  相似文献   

Arthur W. Collins 《Ratio》1997,10(2):108-123
Action explanations like 'I am heading to the ferry because the bridge is closed,' are supposed to require restatement: 'I am . . . because I believe the bridge is closed,' because (i) the objective claim may be false though the intended explanation is correct, and (ii) because objective circumstances have to be cognitively mediated if they are to bear on action. This supposition is rejected here. Restatements cannot withdraw the objective claim without withdrawing the explanation. In the context of reason-giving, belief statements do not function as assertions about the inner life. The fact that belief statements may be true though the belief itself is false creates the illusion of distinctive subject matters. The illusion is exploited by conceptions of belief positing stored representations. Even if there were such representations, retrieved for the sake of expressing previously acquired beliefs, the expression of belief must endorse p and cannot merely advert to the existence and content of a representation. The reverse of the standard philosophical view about restatement is actually correct. Wherever an agent correctly adduces a belief that an objective circumstance obtains in explaining his action, a de-psychologizing restatement that merely makes the objective claim must be ascribable to the agent.  相似文献   

17-18世纪兴起于西欧北美的启蒙运动,是人类发展史上一座划时代的里程碑.启蒙思想家接续在欧洲中世纪社会内部所萌蘖的文艺复兴、宗教改革以及实验科学等异端思潮,进一步高扬理性、人权、自由、平等、民主、法治、科学、进步等价值理念,对禁锢人们头脑的神学教条和束缚人们身心的王权制度进行了深刻批判乃至猛烈抨击,在观念领域发生了极大的祛蔽作用和解放效应.  相似文献   

abstract This paper aims to gain a deeper understanding of the different forms of moralism in order to throw light upon debates about the role of morality in international affairs. In particular, the influential doctrine of political realism is reinterpreted as objecting not to a role for morality in international politics, but to the baneful effects of moralism. This is a more sympathetic reading than that usually given by philosophers to the realist doctrines. I begin by showing the ambiguity and elusiveness of realist claims about morality in politics and then distinguish six forms of moralism, understood as a distortion of genuine morality: moralism of scope, of imposition, of abstraction, of absolutism, of inappropriate explicitness, and of deluded power. I argue that most of these are relevant to typical realist claims and can make their objections more plausible. But, though realists can be interpreted as rightly drawing attention to the dangers of moralism in international and national affairs, their conflation of moralism with morality wrongly leads them to an exaltation of the pursuit of national interest and to the rejection of policies and judgements that are not in fact moralistic.  相似文献   

信息的实在性与非实在性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
If taking information as a philosophical concept, we will find an important philosophical problem: whether or not is it of reality? This problem also produces such a paradox: If we accept its reality, we will eliminate the difference between information and matter, and attribute information to a physical phenomena,or clear up the independent features, value and significance of information. But if we deny the reality of information, we will deny the objectivity of information or existence of any objective in...  相似文献   

This two-part contribution addresses reality, reality testing, and testing reality—how we think about and may technically approach these concepts. Part I provides a topic overview and focuses on reality testing. Part II (in an upcoming issue) focuses on testing reality and how it promotes emergence of new or previously inhibited forms of engagement.

Reality testing and testing reality represent two fundamental, reciprocal manifestations of the drive to know and of tasks of learning: approaching problems and solving them. While testing reality involves approaching reality without necessarily looking for or coming to definition or clarity, reality testing centers on a particular theme or object. It evolves towards organization and rationality, with a goal to define and solve problems—or to avoid them.

Engaging the group and supporting individuals in these two types of approaches to learning requires a well-defined therapeutic focus on process and purpose; at times, different tactics and techniques are appropriate.  相似文献   

墨子思想体系中包蕴着丰富的经济伦理思想,诸如"无差等"的经济伦理理想,"兼相爱"、"交相利"的经济伦理原则,"生产"、"节用"等经济伦理规范,十分深刻地体现了小商品生产者的理想和追求,然而却与当时社会的现实生活存在巨大反差,因而构成了理想与现实的张力,成为导致墨学走向沉寂的重要原因之一.剖析墨子的经济伦理思想及其内在矛盾,对于建设适应社会主义市场经济的伦理观念,促进我国的物质文明和精神文明建设,具有重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

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