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该研究以676名大学生为被试,采用问卷法考察了家庭社会经济地位、父母教养行为与大学生职业生涯探索的关系。结果表明:(1)家庭社会经济地位与自我探索、环境探索、自我-环境匹配度探索、探索意向间显著正相关;(2)父母教养行为显著预测大学生的职业生涯探索。其中,父亲和母亲情感温暖和理解、母亲监控与保护、父亲监控维度为正向预测,而父亲惩罚严厉维度是负向预测;(3)家庭社会经济地位不仅对大学生的职业生涯探索有独立的预测作用,还通过母亲情感温暖和理解、母亲监控与保护的中介作用正向预测这一变量。  相似文献   


There is increasing evidence that low family socioeconomic status (SES) not only is a social issue, but also is a precursor to addiction to social media and other technologies. The authors investigated the relationship between family SES, stress, impulsiveness and inhibitory control, and social media addiction among Chinese female college students. The findings revealed that in lower-SES families, increased social media addiction was associated with reduced inhibitory control and increased stress and impulsiveness. A structural equation model was used to examine the mediation model hypothesis, and the results confirmed the mediating role of no-planning impulsiveness and inhibitory control between family educational level and social media addiction among Chinese female college students. These findings demonstrate the importance of reducing impulsiveness and improving inhibitory control for preventing social media addiction in female college students of low SES. Future studies are required to confirm precursors to social media addiction, elucidate causal mechanisms, and support the explanatory model of social media addiction.  相似文献   

Cohen’s status frustration theory explains that even though everyone is encouraged to achieve a high status in society, lower-class people have very small chances of successfully doing so. Students from a private college and a public community college were given questionnaires about socioeconomic statuses, college majors, career plans, grades, and participation in delinquent activities. Findings support specific components of Cohen’s theory. Minority and lower-class students participated in more deviant behaviors. Results also revealed significant differences in prestige of career goals between students of different social classes. Finally, there was a significant relationship between perceived opportunities and grade point averages.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the role of life events and “relationship” morality in women's decisions to enroll in college. Interviews with 38 women, ages 25–46, indicated that the timing for women returning to college was determined by the state of their relationships and life events and not solely by motivation. Enrollment was often postponed until children were “old enough,” family responsibilities were lessened, or fellow workers or employers would not be inconvenienced.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the determinants of self-reported satisfaction with family life, applied to the South African context, with socioeconomic status (SES) as the main covariate and family functioning as the secondary covariate of interest. An individual-, household-, and subjective SES index is constructed via multiple correspondence analysis. Structural equation modelling (SEM) and multiple-group SEM (MGSEM) are used to analyse the role of SES in explaining satisfaction with family life. Higher levels of SES, especially household SES and subjective SES, are related to greater satisfaction with family life. Family functioning, in terms of better family flexibility, is associated with higher satisfaction with family life. The MGSEM results indicate that the role of family flexibility in explaining satisfaction with family life is similar across SES quartiles; family flexibility is an important predictor of family-life satisfaction, regardless of SES quartile.  相似文献   

Separate analyses of United States and Finnish samples demonstrate a graded (almost linear) relation between socioeconomic status (SES) and risk of poor perceived health. In both studies, positive psychological factors (greater social support; less anger, depression, and perceived stress) and beneficial health practices (nonsmoking; drinking and exercising moderately) were associated with both higher levels of SES and better self-reported health. Psychological and health practice variables were both able to account for some of the SES and poor health gradient. However, contrary to expectations, these factors did not play a more important role in explaining decreased risk at the middle and highest levels of SES, and instead may be most important at lowest levels.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine existing research on social cognitive factors that may, in part, mediate the relationship between socioeconomic status (SES) and coronary heart disease (CHD). We focus on how social status is 'carried' in the mental systems of individuals, and how these systems differentially affect CHD risk and associated behaviors. To this end, literatures documenting the association of various social cognitive factors (e.g., social comparison, perceived discrimination, and self-efficacy) with cardiovascular disease are reviewed as are literatures regarding the relationship of these factors to SES. Possible mechanisms through which social cognitions may affect health are addressed. In addition, directions for future research are discussed, and a model identifying the possible associations between social cognitive factors, SES, and coronary disease is provided.  相似文献   

本研究探讨了大学生主观社会地位在客观社会经济地位与自尊间所起的作用。采用客观社会经济地位问卷、Rosenberg总体自尊量表、大学生主观社会地位问卷, 对1066名大学本科生进行调查。结果发现:大学生主观社会地位和客观社会经济地位均与自尊呈显著正相关;大学生主观社会地位在客观社会经济地位和自尊之间起显著中介作用(中介效应值为0.34)。  相似文献   

An individual's sense of control varies with religiosity, but the direction of this relationship can change based on one's social status and one's image of God. Using data from the Baylor Religion Survey Wave V, our current study investigates how secure attachment to God, belief in a judgmental God, and belief in divine control are associated with sense of control. Our findings indicate that the type of religious belief explains when religion is positively or negatively related to the believers’ sense of control. And secure attachment to God and belief in divine control will compensate for social and economic deprivation. Still, belief in a judgmental God is negatively related to agency for believers across the stratification hierarchy. This indicates that a traditional fire-and-brimstone God is related to a lower sense of control, while more contemporary and individualized beliefs about God are connected to greater agency, especially for believers in need.  相似文献   

This study examined the role of parental emotional well-being and parenting practices as mediators of the association between familial socioeconomic status (SES) and child mental health problems. The sample included 2,043 5th-7th graders (50.7 % female) participating in the second wave of the Bergen Child Study. Children completed the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, parents reported family economy and education level, emotional well-being (measured with the Everyday Feelings Questionnaire), and the use of negative disciplinary and affirmative parenting practices (measured using the Family Life Questionnaire). Path analyses were conducted to examine the associations between SES and externalizing and internalizing problems. Results supported a model where family economy was associated with externalizing problems through parental emotional well-being and parenting practices, whereas maternal education level was associated with externalizing problems through negative discipline. The direct association between paternal education level and externalizing problems was not mediated by parenting. For internalizing problems, we found both direct associations with family economy and indirect associations with family economy through parental emotional well-being and parenting. The results suggest that parental emotional well-being and parenting practices are two potential mechanisms through which low socioeconomic status is associated with child mental health problems.  相似文献   

以山东省济南市、莱州市的935名初二和高一学生为被试, 进行为期一年半的追踪研究, 考察了家庭社会经济地位与青少年的教育规划和职业规划之间的关系, 检验了外向性在其中的调节作用及其性别差异。结果表明:(1)家庭社会经济地位能够显著正向地预测青少年T1和T2时的教育规划以及T1时的职业规划;(2)外向性水平越高, 青少年教育规划和职业规划水平越高, 但是这种预测作用不存在长期性;(3)外向性能够调节家庭社会经济地位与青少年教育规划之间关系, 且这种调节作用存在显著的性别差异;但在家庭社会经济地位与青少年职业规划之间不存调节作用。这表明, 外向性不仅能够直接保护青少年的未来规划, 而且能够抵抗低家庭社会经济地位对个体未来规划的不良影响, 但是这种压力抵抗效应在不同性别、不同未来规划的领域之中存在差异。  相似文献   

Family contexts of academic socialization have received growing attention as a way to facilitate the educational development of children and adolescents. The goal of this special issue is to present comparative and complex perspectives about the roles of culture, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status (SES) in multifaceted academic socialization processes from preschool to college. This introduction discusses the roles of culture, ethnicity, and SES in family academic socialization processes, summarizes various themes across the five articles in this issue, presents brief overviews of each article, and addresses future directions of these lines of research.  相似文献   

为探讨主观社会经济地位对心理幸福感的影响,以及创造力的中介作用和安全感的调节作用,采用问卷法调查了556名18~60岁城市成年人的主观社会经济地位、安全感、创造力和心理幸福感。结果发现:(1)主观社会经济地位正向预测心理幸福感;(2)性格优势之创造力是主观社会经济地位与心理幸福感的中介变量;(3)安全感调节了中介过程的前半路径。只有当个体的安全感较高时,主观社会经济地位对创造力才存在显著的正向预测作用。结果表明,提升社会经济地位的同时,还需要提升个体的安全感,这样才能更好地促进创造力的发展,并进一步增加个体的心理幸福感。  相似文献   

Black  Katherine A.  Gold  David J. 《Sex roles》2003,49(3-4):173-178
Research on sexual coercion has revealed a beauty bias in that participants judge coercive sexual advances committed by attractive individuals as more acceptable than coercive advances committed by unattractive individuals. In this study, we examined the extent to which there exists a similar socioeconomic status bias in people's perceptions. Participants (N = 160) read 1 of 8 vignettes that depicted sexual advances and responded to several questions about the acceptability of the initiator's behavior. The coerciveness of the advance was manipulated by varying whether the touch occurred in a gentle manner with no threat or in a forceful manner with a threat of harm. Male participants always received a vignette that portrayed a woman initiating a sexual advance, and female participants always received a vignette that portrayed a man initiating a sexual advance. Socioeconomic status of the initiator was manipulated by what type of clothing he/she wore (shabby or expensive) and the car he/she drove (old or new). Results indicated that a gentle touch was more acceptable than a forceful touch, and men found sexual advances more acceptable than did women. Participants rated sexual advances by wealthy individuals as more acceptable than sexual advances by poor individuals. However, the greater acceptability of advances by wealthy individuals appeared to hold up only in the case of a gentle touch. In addition, men appeared to be more prone to the socioeconomic status bias than were women. Methodological limitations and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

This study explored the relation between student characteristics and counselor recommendations. Based on a sample of 1,713 students, the results indicate that counselors recommended community colleges to students from lower socioeconomic status (SES) backgrounds more strongly than to students from higher SES backgrounds and recommended 4‐year institutions more to students from higher SES backgrounds than to students from lower SES backgrounds. White counselors were more likely to recommend admission‐related activities toward 2‐year colleges to White than to Black students. In addition, for upper‐class students, recommendations toward community college were stronger for Whites with low academic performance than for Blacks with low performance; the reverse was true for upper‐class students with strong academic performance. Areas for future research are identified.  相似文献   

Using a national dataset of 820 women who had called the police for an incident of intimate partner violence, this study explored the relationship between several components of socioeconomic status (education, income, and employment), race, and the nature of interactions with police. Over and above the effects of control variables (the presence of an advocate on the scene, the severity of violence in the relationship, and prior calls to police), victims with higher education reported less positive interactions, less control during the interactions, and lower effectiveness of police. Race did not moderate these relationships, and the other components of socioeconomic status were not significantly related to any of the outcomes. Exploratory tests of mediation found that the relationship between education and the quality of interactions with police was explained by the fact that more educated victims felt they had less control in these incidents and were less likely to see the offender arrested. Results also provide evidence for the positive impact of advocates on interactions with police. Implications for research and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

This article explores the religious and social underpinnings of family as a central social structure to Jewish life. Torah and Talmudic sources, conceptual papers, and empirical research that address the relevance of family to Judaism are examined. Suggestions for working with Jewish families in a therapeutic setting are provided. Este artículo explora los fundamentos religiosos y sociales de la familia como estructura social central en la vida judía. Se examinan fuentes de la Torah y el Talmud, ensayos conceptuales e investigaciones empíricas que tratan la relevancia de la familia en el judaísmo. Se proporcionan sugerencias para trabajar con familias judías en un entorno terapéutico.  相似文献   

This study investigated the extent to which law enforcement (LE) officials' perceptions of criminality are biased by the chronic nature of, and the racial and Socioeconomic status (SES) features of, their cognitive schemas of the typical criminal. One-hundred twenty undergraduate psychology students and 121 LE officers participated in this study. Part 1 of this study hypothesized that a chronic criminal schema used by LE would result in LE subjects perceiving criminality in ambiguous situations. Contrary to the hypothesis, laypersons were more likely to view an ambiguous situation as criminal than were LE subjects. Part 2 of this study hypothesized that when exposed to the actions of a Black and/or lower SES criminal suspect, LE subjects would perceive more guilt, perceive more deceptiveness, place less value on exculpatory information, and place more value on incriminating information than would students. The results supported this second hypothesis with regard to race, but not SES.  相似文献   

The Role of Risk in Making Decisions under Escalation Situations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cet article décrit deux recherches portant sur la relation entre l'intensification de l'implication et trois variables liées au risque: la propension au risque, la perception du risque et l'attente du résultat. L'analyse des données montra (a) que l'intensification de l'implication était en relation négative avec la perception du risque et en relation positive avec la propension au risque et l'attente du résultat; (b) que la perception du risque médiatisait partiellement les effets de la propension au risque et que l'attente du résultat médiatisait les effets de la perception du risque. Ces observations sont dans l'ensemble cohérentes avec schéma théorique proposé par Sitkin et Pablo (1992). On discute des conséquences de cette recherche pour le comportement de prise de risque, l'intensification de l'implication et la pratique.
This paper reports on two studies examining the relationship between escalation of commitment and three risk-related variables—risk propensity, risk perception, and outcome expectancy. Results showed that (a) risk propensity and outcome expectancy were positively related to escalation of commitment, whereas risk perception was negatively related to escalation of commitment; (b) risk perception partially mediated the effects of risk propensity, and outcome expectancy mediated the effects of risk perception. These findings are generally consistent with the conceptual framework proposed by Sitkin and Pablo (1992 ). Implications for risk-taking behavior, escalation of commitment, and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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