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In 1950, the President of the American Psychological Association emphasised the economic and political importance of creativity for US society. His account of creativity exhibits a number of tensions that can be identified in other psychologists' theories and conceptualisations of creativity. This paper considers the tensions from the perspective of critical discursive psychology. In the terms of that approach, the tensions derive from multiple non-academic discourses around creativity, including popular discourses of creativity and art. The paper argues that conceptualisations of creativity from academic psychology have in turn entered wider discourses, invoked, for example, in recent celebrations of the global sector of the creative and cultural industries (CCI). The tensions within psychology's conceptualisations are significant, however, because they raise questions about the extent to which the psychology of creativity has a common reference and coheres around the study of a single phenomenon.  相似文献   


The upward or downward social class mobility of an individual family member can result in tensions between the individual and the rest of the family, tension which is heightened because it rarely is identified and named as a class issue. This article explores the issue of class, identifies common situations in which class tensions occur within families, and discusses clinical considerations.  相似文献   

The remarried family is vulnerable to sexual tensions between adults and children because of the weakness of generational boundaries and because the emotional tasks confronting the new couple can result in the detouring of conflict through a child. The case presented here demonstrates the use of structural family therapy which included several therapeutic tools not usually associated with a structural approach. These included family and marital history, individual and subsystem work, education, and modeling. Unspoken sexual tensions between stepfather and stepdaughter were interwoven with the structural problems that the family was experiencing. Following three months of therapy, significant shifts were made in the family structure that resulted in clearer and more appropriate boundaries between parents and the identified patient.Appreciation is expressed by the author to David Abelson, MA, Karlotta Bartholomew, PhD, and Joellyn Ross, PhD, for their support.  相似文献   

Whether the elements of a good marital relationship are universal is the question addressed in this case study of therapy with a couple who were culturally different from the therapist. The conflicts between the therapeutic strategies, which were based on a strategic therapy model, and the customs of the couple from a foreign culture, made it difficult to evaluate whether the therapist was on target with interventions. On one hand, therapists need to guard against being misled into believing that customs are cultural imperatives which never can be changed. On the other hand, they need to be aware of the impact and possible ramifications of challenging long-held, culturally-based beliefs and behaviors. The following case study details the dilemmas faced by a therapist working with an Asian-Indian couple who presented themselves as being bound by their cultural background and heritage.Grateful acknowledgement is made by the author to Etienne Phipps, PhD, whose comments give direction and substance to all my work.  相似文献   

The present work on pre-menstrual tension (PMT) was conducted on 32 females—16 married and 16 unmarried. These subjects were administered the Moos Menstrual Distress Questionnaire (MMDQ) and Eyesenck's PEN Questionnaire once immediately before, and a second time after finishing, the period of menstruation. The results showed that there were significant differences on Psychoticism (P) and Neuroticism (N) in low and high PMT females; the former scoring low on both dimensions. There was a significant decline in the scores of both N and P in the post-menstrual phase of the high PMT group. In both the groups there were significant changes on Extraversion (E/I) but the direction was opposite. The high PMT group showed an increase in E/I and the low PMT group showed a decrease in E/I in the post-menstrual phase.  相似文献   

Jewish Orthodox families, like all families, face problems in their daily lives. Their family tensions and conflicts, however, can be mitigated by presenting Halakhic guidelines within an intergenerational context. This article presents such an approach, focusing on both intergenerational and Halakhic frameworks for facilitating family functioning.  相似文献   

基于认同驱动的营销关系视角, 系统地探讨了基于多元企业认同的企业身份构建及其张力调和机理。具体地, 通过定性和定量相结合的方法, 首先基于社会认同理论和身份理论, 探索多元企业认同的结构; 其次, 从社会心理学和文化创新的视角, 描绘多元企业认同形成及演化过程; 最后, 探究多元企业认同的身份构建以及身份张力调和机制。在理论上将消费者-企业认同扩展到多个利益相关者与企业的认同, 探索多元企业认同的身份构建及调和过程, 揭示其背后深层作用机理。实践上为企业与客户保持长期、和谐、多赢关系提供重要依据。  相似文献   


In the literature seeking to explain concepts in terms of their point, talk of ‘the point’ of concepts remains under-theorised. I propose a typology of points which distinguishes practical, evaluative, animating, and inferential points. This allows us to resolve tensions such as that between the ambition of explanations in terms of the points of concepts to be informative and the claim that mastering concepts requires grasping their point; and it allows us to exploit connections between types of points to understand why they come apart, and whether they do so for problematic ideological reasons or for benignly functional reasons.  相似文献   

This study examined middle‐aged individuals' reports of parents' behaviors commonly attributed to stubbornness. Middle‐aged adults (N = 192) completed a 7‐day diary reporting their mood and how often they felt their parents (N = 254) engaged in behaviors often described as “stubbornness” (insistent or risky). Thirty‐one percent of middle‐aged children reported insistent behaviors, and 17% reported risky behaviors by their parent(s). Daily reports of parent behaviors attributed to stubbornness were positively associated with parent–child relationship quality, parent functional limitations, and child neuroticism. Reports of perceived parent insistent behaviors were also associated with greater daily negative mood among adult children. Findings highlight the impact of adult children's daily perceptions of parent behaviors commonly attributed to stubbornness on the individual and relationship.  相似文献   


The philosophical foundations of interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA)—phenomenology, hermeneutics, and idiography—guide its practice and use. However, this foundation is often at odds with cultural practices of disciplines that value post-positivist perspectives emphasizing that reality can be objectively known. The conflict between the philosophical underpinnings of the methodology and the cultural practices of particular disciplines can serve to limit the use and acceptance of IPA. This article highlights ways researchers can use IPA even when the underlying tenets of that methodological approach may be in conflict with disciplinary norms. As such, we have set out to explore the tensions that accompany the choice to use IPA in the context of engineering education research within the United States. As a group of engineering education researchers, we drew upon collaborative inquiry to systematically examine our use of IPA. Our exploration of using IPA, as connected to everyday practice in a discipline that takes a postpositivist stance toward knowledge generation, provides examples for the use of IPA in tension with these disciplinary norms.  相似文献   

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