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In the present study, 2 related hypotheses were tested: first, that vision is used in a feedforward control mode during precision stepping onto visual targets and, second, that the oculomotor and locomotor control centers interact to produce coordinated eye and leg movements during that task. Participants' (N = 4) eye movements and step cycle transition events were monitored while they performed a task requiring precise foot placement at every step onto irregularly placed stepping stones under conditions in which the availability of visual information was either restricted or intermittently removed altogether. Accurate saccades, followed by accurate steps, to the next footfall target were almost always made even when the information had been invisible for as long as 500 ms. Despite delays in footlift caused by the temporary removal (and subsequent reinstatement) of visual information, the mean interval between the start of the eye movement and the start of the swing toward a target did not vary significantly (p > .05). In contrast, the mean interval between saccade onset away from a target and a foot landing on that target (stance onset) did vary significantly (p < .05) under the different experimental conditions. Those results support the stated hypotheses.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— The amount of time viewers could process a scene during eye fixations was varied by a mask that appeared at a certain point in each eye fixation. The scene did not reappear until the viewer made an eye movement. The main finding in the studies was that in order to normally process a scene, viewers needed to see the scene for at least 150 ms during each eye fixation. This result is surprising because viewers can extract the gist of a scene from a brief 40- to 100-ms exposure. It also stands in marked contrast to reading, as readers need only to view the words in the text for 50 to 60 ms to read normally. Thus, although the same neural mechanisms control eye movements in scene perception and reading, the cognitive processes associated with each task drive processing in different ways.  相似文献   

This article presents a developmental account of changes in the visual guidance of locomotion. In contrast to the impressive efficiency of adult locomotion, locomotor activity is not under prospective control at the onset of human mobility. Infants require extensive crawling and walking experience before responding adaptively to variations in the terrain. At the same time that they are learning to navigate in increasingly varied environments, their bodies and skills are rapidly changing. Learning generalizes from safe, flat ground to novel surfaces but it does not transfer to new methods of locomotion. We account for these patterns of generality and specificity of learning by focusing on the role of exploratory behavior in detecting threats to balance control.  相似文献   

Studies were made of rapid error correction movements in eight subjects performing a visually guided tracking task involving flexion-extension movements about the elbow. Subjects were required to minimize reaction times in this two-choice task. Errors in initial movement direction occurred in about 3% of the trials. Error correction times (time from initiation to reversal of movement in incorrect direction) ranged from 30-150 ms. The first sign of correction of the error movement was a suppression of the electromyographic (EMG) activity in the muscle producing the error movement. This suppression started as early as 20-40 ms after the initiation of the error-related EMG activity and as much as 50 ms before any overt sign of limb movement. The correction of the error movement was also accompanied by an increase in the drive to the muscle which moved the arm in the correct direction. This increased activity always occurred after the initiation of the error movement. It is concluded that the first step in the error correction, suppression of drive to the muscle producing the error movement, cannot be based on information from the moving limb. It is thus suggested that this earliest response to the error movement is based on central monitoring of the commands for movement.  相似文献   

The purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast existing theoretical approaches to understanding the visual guidance of action and to introduce a new approach. The focus is on tasks, such as steering, braking, and intercepting, that are (more or less) continuously guided on the basis of visual information. The prominent approach, information-based control, captures important aspects of behavior but is incompatible with the theory of affordances, a core principle of the ecological approach. Information-based control also fails to capture how actors behave in ways that take the limits of their action capabilities into account. I attempt to resolve these problems by introducing a new approach, affordance-based control, which asserts that a primary function of vision is to allow actors to see the world in terms of what they can and cannot do. Affordance-based control captures the tight coupling between information in optic flow and movement that is characteristic of visually guided action but also provides a parsimonious explanation of how actors take into account the dynamic properties of their body and the environment.  相似文献   

该研究采用多目标追踪任务(MOT)对追踪过程中被试的眼动进行记录,探讨追踪过程中的眼动模式及目标数量与刺激物大小变化对眼动模式的影响。结果表明,在追踪过程中,视觉系统采用知觉组织加工策略,以被追踪目标构成的多边形中心为注意中心;追踪成绩受到注意资源限制,随着目标数量的增加,每个目标获得的资源减少;获得较多注意资源的目标更容易被有效追踪,获得资源较少的目标更容易丢失;目标与非目标属性的共同变化不影响追踪眼动模式和追踪成绩。  相似文献   

隋雪  毕鸿燕 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1065-1067
采用眼动记录技术探讨被试阅读不同汉语量词的即时加工过程。考查名量词和动量词,以及名量词内部的差异。结果发现:(1)被试在阅读理解过程中对名量词和动量词的眼动特点存在显著差异,名量词获得更多的加工;(2)被试在阅读理解过程中对不同名量词的眼动特点也存在显著差异,个体量词比集合量词和临时量词获得更少的加工。由此可知,不同量词在阅读理解中的信息加工难度是不同的,对于篇章理解而言,其信息含量和信息的重要性也是不同的。  相似文献   

采用多目标视觉追踪任务(MOT),探讨物体颜色特征对视觉追踪的影响,同时记录被试的眼动情况,探讨追踪过程中颜色特征对眼动模式的影响。结果发现,视觉追踪机制能够对物体的颜色特征进行加工,但加工程度受制于目标物与分心物之间的特征竞争关系。在物体颜色特征条件下,视觉系统采用知觉组织加工策略,以被追踪目标构成的多边形中心为注意中心。在对物体颜色特征的加工中,内源性注意与外源性注意相互影响。  相似文献   

When an automobile driver overtakes a lead vehicle while avoiding oncoming traffic, does he or she do so with reference to the limits of his or her car? We investigated overtaking from the perspective of the theory of affordances. We define the overtake-ability affordance as a ratio of the minimum satisfying velocity required for safe overtaking (MSV) to the maximum velocity of the driver's car (Vmax). Two groups of participants performed overtaking maneuvers, if deemed possible, by driving either a slow (Vmax = 25 m/s) or a fast (Vmax = 32.5 m/s) virtual car in overtaking situations constrained by 14 values of MSV. For any given MSV condition, participants in the fast car group were more likely to attempt an overtaking maneuver. However, when MSV was expressed in intrinsic units as a ratio of Vmax for both groups, the frequency of overtaking was not significantly different across groups. Furthermore, overtaking frequency dropped to near 0% for both groups when MSV exceeded Vmax. In accordance with the affordance-based framework (Fajen, 2007), our results suggest that participants select their overtaking maneuvers by perceiving an overtake-ability affordance.  相似文献   

表象建构中的眼动机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金一波  王鹏 《心理科学》2006,29(4):887-889
表象与知觉的关系一直是空间认知领域关注的热点问题,眼动轨迹的相似性是表象与知觉认知过程相关性的重要外显形式。本文结合实证研究,从信息加工的角度系统分析知觉眼动和表象眼动的差异性,深入探讨表象建构中的眼动机制,有力地支持了表象眼动的机能性作用。最后对未来表象眼动的研究加以展望。  相似文献   

吴迪  舒华 《心理科学进展》2001,9(4):319-324
眼动技术在英文阅读研究中被广泛的应用,可以探测阅读活动中的即时加工过程。在中文阅读研究中,眼动技术的应用还刚刚起步。文章讨论了眼动技术在阅读研究中的一些基本问题,如眼脑距离问题、知觉广度问题、阅读研究中眼动分析指标的选择问题等,希望能对没有进行过眼动基础问题研究的中文阅读研究有一定启发。  相似文献   

Comprehension includes interpreting sentences in terms of aspectual categories such as processes (Harry climbed) and culminations (Harry reached the top). Adding a verbal modifier such as for many years to a culmination coerces its interpretation from one to many culminations. Previous studies have found that coercion increases lexical decision and meaning judgment time, but not eye fixation time. This study recorded eye movements as participants read sentences in which a coercive adverb increased the interpretation of multiple events. Adverbs appeared at the end of a clause and line; the post-adverb region appeared at the beginning of the next line; follow-up questions occasionally asked about aspectual meaning; and clause type varied systematically. Coercive adverbs increased eye fixation time in the post-adverb region and in the adverb and post-adverb regions combined. Factors that influence the appearance of aspectual coercion may include world knowledge, follow-up questions, and the location and ambiguity of adverbs.  相似文献   

Radiologists often miss nodules that may represent lung cancer on chest radiographs. We investigated whether eye movements collected during the search for lung nodules by large samples of laypeople may provide information that could assist radiologists in their detection. For that purpose, we developed a partially invisible Markov model with partially unobserved states and analyzed eye tracking data of over 100 laypeople who reviewed 14 chest X‐ray images, of which seven contained a potentially cancerous nodule. We used the luminance value of the pixels in the X‐ray images as prior information on the possible location of a nodule and identified six regions of interest on each image that may contain a nodule. Our study demonstrated that the eye movements recorded from laypersons contained information that may assist radiologists in the detection of nodules in chest X‐rays, which has important implications for crowdsourcing of search for pulmonary nodules, which are discussed. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We asked participants to make simple risky choices while we recorded their eye movements. We built a complete statistical model of the eye movements and found very little systematic variation in eye movements over the time course of a choice or across the different choices. The only exceptions were finding more (of the same) eye movements when choice options were similar, and an emerging gaze bias in which people looked more at the gamble they ultimately chose. These findings are inconsistent with prospect theory, the priority heuristic, or decision field theory. However, the eye movements made during a choice have a large relationship with the final choice, and this is mostly independent from the contribution of the actual attribute values in the choice options. That is, eye movements tell us not just about the processing of attribute values but also are independently associated with choice. The pattern is simple—people choose the gamble they look at more often, independently of the actual numbers they see—and this pattern is simpler than predicted by decision field theory, decision by sampling, and the parallel constraint satisfaction model. © 2015 The Authors. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

In risky and other multiattribute choices, the process of choosing is well described by random walk or drift diffusion models in which evidence is accumulated over time to threshold. In strategic choices, level‐k and cognitive hierarchy models have been offered as accounts of the choice process, in which people simulate the choice processes of their opponents or partners. We recorded the eye movements in 2 × 2 symmetric games including dominance‐solvable games like prisoner's dilemma and asymmetric coordination games like stag hunt and hawk–dove. The evidence was most consistent with the accumulation of payoff differences over time: we found longer duration choices with more fixations when payoffs differences were more finely balanced, an emerging bias to gaze more at the payoffs for the action ultimately chosen, and that a simple count of transitions between payoffs—whether or not the comparison is strategically informative—was strongly associated with the final choice. The accumulator models do account for these strategic choice process measures, but the level‐k and cognitive hierarchy models do not. © 2015 The Authors. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to examine the contribution of sensory information to asymmetries in manual aiming. Movements were performed in four vision conditions. In the full-vision condition (FV), subjects were afforded vision of both the hand and the target throughout the course of the movement. In the ambient-illumination-off condition (AO), the room lights were extinguished at movement initiation, preventing vision of the moving limb. In the target-off (TO) condition, the target was extinguished upon initiation of the movement. In a no-vision (NV) condition, ambient illumination was removed and the target was extinguished upon initiation of the response movement. Results indicated that accuracy was superior in the full-vision and target-off conditions and when movements were made by the right hand. Movements made by the right hand were also of shorter mean duration. The magnitudes of performance asymmetries were uninfluenced by vision condition. Analyses of movement kinematics revealed that movements made in conditions in which there was vision of the limb exhibited a greater number of discrete modifications of the movement trajectory. On an individual-trial basis, no relationship existed between accuracy and the occurrence of discrete modifications. These data suggest that although vision greatly enhances accuracy, discrete modifications subserved by vision reflect the imposition of nonfunctional zero-order control processes upon continuous higher-order control regimes.  相似文献   

创造能力不同学生的分类加工过程差异的眼动特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分类理论观的基础上, 本研究在目标匹配范式下, 使用可以表示一定概念的现实物体或场景的图片材料, 通过眼动记录法对分类加工过程的分离, 考察了40名创造能力不同的中学生分类加工过程的差异。结果表明, 在首次加工阶段, 创造能力高和低的被试均先对目标类别概念进行加工, 然后再对选项区的待分类概念进行加工。创造能力高的被试更多地使用概括性的加工策略完成任务并表现出加工的有效性, 创造能力低的被试更多地使用比较性的加工策略表现出加工的无效性。在再加工阶段, 高和低创造能力的被试将加工的重点放在待分类概念上。创造能力低的被试通过概括和比较的策略完成任务。  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial coupling of point of gaze (PG) and movements of the finger, elbow, and shoulder during a speeded aiming task were examined. Ten participants completed 40-cm aiming movements with the right arm, in a situation that allowed free movement of the eyes, head, arm, and trunk. On the majority of trials, a large initial saccade undershot the target slightly, and 1 or more smaller corrective saccades brought the eyes to the target position. The finger, elbow, and shoulder exhibited a similar pattern of undershooting their final positions, followed by small corrective movements. Eye movements usually preceded limb movements, and the eyes always arrived at the target well in advance of the finger. There was a clear temporal coupling between primary saccade completion and peak acceleration of the finger, elbow, and shoulder. The initiation of limb-segment movement usually occurred in a proximal-to-distal pattern. Increased variability in elbow and shoulder position as the movement progressed may have served to reduce variability in finger position. The spatial-temporal coupling of PG with the 3 limb segments was optimal for the pick up of visual information about the position of the finger and the target late in the movement.  相似文献   

Speed-accuracy trade-off characteristic of horizontal saccadic eye movements were examined in this study. Unlike limb movements, saccadic eye movements are preprogrammed, unidimensional, and do not involve target impact. Hence, they provide an optimal test of the impulse variability account of the speed-accuracy trade-off in rapid movements. Subjects were required to alternately look at two target lights as fast and as accurately as possible for a period of 10 s. Target lights subtended angles of 5,10,15, and 20°. By restricting target distances to less than 20° of arc, the speed-accuracy relation was examined for single horizontal saccadic movements of the eye. Movement of the dominant eye was tracked with an infra-red eye monitoring device. Fifty saccadic movements of the eye were recorded for each target distance and used to compute the average amplitude, duration, and velocity of eye movements, as well as, movement endpoint variability. An increase in both average velocity and movement endpoint variability with increasing movement amplitude was found. This, together with the unique features of the eye movement system, support the impulse variability account of the speed-accuracy trade-off in rapid movements.  相似文献   

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