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A critical examination of dialectical person perception as advanced by Lamiell, Foss, Trierweiler, and Leffel, (1983) reveals some important problems both in its empirical basis and in the underlying model of the intuitive personologist. The present article discusses these problems and suggests some alternative conceptions of the intuitive personologist.  相似文献   


Group membership is central to understanding political behavior and political psychology. However, regional group membership is rarely examined, despite its relevance to political psychology and personal values. To address this, we investigated the relationships among southern identity, southern nationalism, southern pride, and southern constructive patriotism for the U.S. South, as well as the connections between personal values and southern attachments. Results from the structural equation modeling (= 268) revealed that stronger southern identity predicted more southern nationalism, southern pride, and southern constructive patriotism. Additionally, greater endorsement of conservation values predicted stronger southern identity and southern pride; those favoring self-transcendence values exhibited less southern nationalism and more southern constructive patriotism; and those with higher self-enhancement values expressed more southern nationalism. This study confirms the predictive role of southern identity on other southern attachments and provides support for how different southern attachments are related to but distinctive from each other.  相似文献   

Three subjects were given extensive practice in discriminating syllables which differed in voice onset time. For these subjects, there were two major findings. First, discrimination of speech follows normal psychophysical laws: long-onset-time stimuli require larger differences than shorter ones for comparable discrimination. Second, the shape of the discrimination function for experienced subjects is more like a leaning W than an inverted V, the usual shape for naive subjects. The data support a model of speech perception with both an acoustic and a phonetic component. The phonetic component is best characterized as a prototype matching process, with the prototype including information on the simultaneity of formant onset.  相似文献   

Some experimental philosophers have criticized the standard intuition-based methodology in philosophy. One worry about this criticism is that it is just another version of the general skepticism toward the evidential efficacy of intuition, and is thereby subject to the same difficulties. In response, Weinberg provides a more nuanced version of the criticism by targeting merely the philosophical use of intuition. I contend that, though Weinberg’s approach differs from general skepticism about intuition, its focus on philosophical practices gives rise to a new difficulty. Most extant experimental surveys investigate intuitions about particular cases through vignettes giving little contextual information. However, philosophical practices crucially depend on intuitions about general claims and typically provide more contextual background. I argue that, due to these two differences between surveys’ and philosophers’ appeals to intuition, Weinberg’s critique lacks enough support from current experimental data. I conclude that experimental philosophers who engage in the negative program should pay more attention on testing philosophers’ use of general intuitions and context-rich intuitions.  相似文献   

This paper highlights the importance of considering two facets of the content of internal conflicts: The concrete subject theme of the conflict and the abstract motivations that people perceive as being conflicted (e.g. values implicated in the conflict). The paper demonstrates how personal value priorities contribute to the understanding of internal conflicts. In two studies I examined the relationship between values and the content of internal conflicts. In Study 1 (N = 250), students described a central conflict that they were experiencing and analysed the values they perceived as opposing in their conflict. Results indicated that the reported conflicts were usually between values not conceptualized as motivationally opposite to each other. Furthermore, personal value priorities were related to the values implicated in the conflict both directly and indirectly by their effect on the themes of the conflicts. In Study 2 (N = 230), working parents analysed the values they perceive as coming in conflict in two work–family dilemmas. Findings supported the premise that values explain individual differences in the motivational meaning attributed to a conflict even when the conflict theme is held constant. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the variety of value describing words and interrelation of value categories in the Estonian language. To accomplish this aim, a psycholexical approach was adopted, during which a set of 560 value‐related words was selected from the Estonian Orthological Dictionary and the results were compared with the Schwartz Values Survey (SVS). When principal‐component analysis was applied on the self‐ratings of a reduced list of 78 value‐related words, six factors emerged and were labelled as benevolence, self‐enhancement, broadmindedness, hedonism, conservatism, and self‐realization. However, all these themes are interrelated and load on a singular secondary dimension. The constructs measured by SVS and the value categories in Estonian were only partially interchangeable; moderate correlations imply an imperfect correspondence: each theme was related to many categories on the other questionnaire. However, a significant general structure refers to the same two‐dimensional level of higher‐order values described by Schwartz in 1992 . Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Research shows that the time that is spent perceiving a brief visual stimulus is experienced as increasing as the size of the stimulus increases. We examined whether the experienced duration of time that is spent attending the perception of an empty interval—demarcated by the offset of one marker and the onset of a second marker— depends on the size of the markers themselves. Previous theories predict that the perceived time that is spent viewing offset-to-onset intervals decreases as the size of the markers increases, and that the perceived time that is spent viewing the markers increases. We demonstrated that empty intervals between the presentations of large markers were perceived to be longer in duration than those occurring between the presentations of small markers, and that the second marker was critical to this effect of physical size on apparent duration. We report that the size effect disappeared when the interval was filled with the presentation of a circle, and we conclude that the intensity of the second marker altered perceptions in an empty-interval-specific manner.  相似文献   

The authors examined the congruence between an individual's personal-life value placement and attitudes at work. Specifically, they examined how people place value on work, family, religion, and themselves (the personal life values), respectively, and how that choice influences affect, commitment, conscientiousness, and honesty in the workplace (attitudes at work). The authors also examined and tested exploratory hypotheses by using both simple correlations and multiple linear regression analyses. Results suggested varying relationships between value placement and work attitudes. The authors discussed implications and directions for future research.  相似文献   

Line drawings used by Weisstein and Harris (1974) are seen as box-like three-dimensional figures if the lines are arranged properly. A flat two-dimensional pattern is seen when these same lines are disarranged. A target line contained within the three-dimensional figure is identified more readily than is the same line contained within a two-dimensional figure. This finding was extended in the present experiments: The three-dimensional stimulus was detected more quickly than the two-dimensional stimulus, under conditions of visual backward masking. Three-dimensional stimuli were also classified more quickly than two-dimensional stimuli. Just as with the face-detection effect and the word-detection effect, object detection can be affected by the form of the visual stimulus.  相似文献   

The study presented is an experimental investigation of the effect of mood on body size perception. Female students estimated their body size and indicated their degree of dissatisfaction with their body size before and after the induction of a negative or positive mood state. Compared with women who received the positive induced mood, the induction of low mood led to greater disturbances in body size perception in the form of a tendency to overestimate their body size more and significantly greater dissatisfaction with their body size. Furthermore, among the women who received the negative mood condition, compared with those with little or no concern with their body shape, for those with such concerns the induction of low mood led to greater disturbances in body size perception in the form of overestimating their body size significantly more and a tendency towards greater dissatisfaction with their body size. These findings suggest that depressed mood may play an important role in determining the extent of disturbance in body size perception in clinical populations.  相似文献   

The perception of briefly exposed visual forms is shown to be masked by an after- coming random pattern stimulus of approximately equal intensity. This effect occurs only under certain well defined conditions; it is limited by the minimum stimulus exposure time in excess of threshold which overcomes masking (critical stimulus duration) as well as by the minimum interval between presentation of the two stimuli which permits evasion of the masking action (critical interval). Over the range of stimulus duration in which masking occurs, critical interval varied with stimulus duration in such a way that the interval multiplied by the stimulus duration equals a constant. Critical stimulus duration and critical interval at threshold are shown to vary little under a variety of conditions. The effect of the random pattern stimulus is limited to the part of the visual field to which it is presented.  相似文献   

Two studies tested the hypothesis that a self-affirmation manipulation can eliminate group differences in perception of racism. Latino and White students completed a questionnaire manipulation of self-affirmation followed by a survey measuring perception of racism against stigmatized groups. Results in both studies revealed a predicted main effect such that Latino participants perceived greater racism than did White participants. However, this difference was qualified in both studies by a hypothesized interaction. The group difference in perception of racism was true only of participants in the no-affirmation condition; it was reduced (Study 1) or eliminated (Study 2) among participants who received a self-affirmation treatment. Additional analyses challenge prevailing discourse about motivational sources of ethnic differences in racism perception. Although results provide tentative evidence that the affirmation treatment attenuated perception of racism among Latino participants, they provide stronger evidence that the affirmation treatment facilitated perception of racism among White participants.  相似文献   

Discussions of space and time have been grist to the philosophers' mill for centuries. We argue that the evolution of psychology as an independent discipline was in part a consequence of addressing philosophical questions concerning the perception of space and time by recourse to experiment rather than exposition. Two initially separate factors assisted in establishing this independence. On the one hand, it was driven by the invention of instruments for stimulus control so that the methods of physics could be applied to the study of perceptual phenomena. On the other hand and somewhat later, it was followed by the development of psychophysical methods, which opened the possibility of quantifying the responses to such controlled stimulation. The principal instruments were invented in the first half of the nineteenth century, and they consisted of simple contrivances that manipulated time and space in ways that had not previously been appreciated. This article examines the devices that were invented, like stroboscopes, anorthoscopes, stereoscopes, tachistoscopes, chronoscopes, and more recently oscilloscopes, and the ways in which they influenced the scope of perceptual psychology in the past as well as in the present. In contemporary experimental psychology all these instruments have been replaced by the computer. While it has extended the scope of experiments even further it has introduced a new set of limitations.  相似文献   

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