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Electromyographic (EMG) recordings of masseter muscle tension during conversational speech by six adult stutterers were compared to EMG levels of 6 normal speakers. Stutterers' and normal speakers' tension levels were significantly different; however, there was no correlation found between level of tension and severity of stuttering.  相似文献   

Longer VOT and segment durations apparently characterize the contrived responses of school-age stutterers examined under laboratory conditions. Thus, these variables may reflect basic disparities between the speech production abilities of stutterers and normal speakers. To better explore this possibility, VOT and segment durations were assessed in five nonstutterers who were closely matched with five preschool stutterers who had been diagnosed and tested in the experiment within six months of parental concern about fluency development. Target words were measured in isolation, in elicited sentences, and conversation. Results revealed significantly slower VOT and longer segment durations in the young stuttering members of the pairs of speakers. The stutterers were also more variable in their management of these same two aspects of motor speech timing control.  相似文献   

This study was designed to characterize the brain system that monitors speech in people who stutter and matched controls. We measured two electrophysiological peaks associated with action-monitoring: the error-related negativity (ERN) and the error positivity (Pe). Both the ERN and Pe were reliably observed after errors in a rhyming task and a nonverbal flanker task, replicating previous reports of a language-monitoring ERN and demonstrating that the Pe can also be elicited by phonological errors. In the rhyming task, stutterers showed a heightened ERN peak regardless of whether they actually committed an error. Similar results, though only marginally significant, were obtained from the flanker task. These results support the vicious cycle hypothesis, which posits that stuttering results from over-monitoring the speech plan. The elevation of the ERN in stutterers and the similarity of the results between the flanker and rhyming tasks implies that speech-monitoring may rely on the same neural substrate as action-monitoring.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the differences between stutterers and normal speakers in phonatory and articulatory timing during the initiation of fluent utterances of monosyllabic words. Electromyographic recordings of four articulatory muscles and recordings of glottal vibrations were made of repetitive utterances of a series of monosyllabic words by 15 stutterers and 17 nonstutterers. These data were analyzed in terms of average interval times between voice onset and onset of EMG activity and between onset of EMG activity in each articulator and in terms of the intrasubject variability of these durational measures. Results showed that there were no significant differences between stutterers and nonstutterers in average interval times and that stutterers, in general, were significantly more variable in their speech onset timing. Findings are discussed in terms of recent hypotheses concerning the role of timing disturbances as the main source of speech disruption in stutterers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in tactile sensory system function between stutterers and normal speakers. This task was accomplished by studying possible tactile threshold shifts occurring during magnitude-estimation scaling of vibratory stimuli presented to the dorsal surface of the tongue. Ten normal speaking men (M age = 19.7 yr.) and 10 stutterers (M age = 25.9 yr.) participated. Analysis suggested that stutterers and normal speakers differ in terms of the responsiveness of the sensory mechanism for the lingual tactile threshold to vibratory stimulus intensities applied at suprathreshold levels. The stutterers and normal speakers performed similarly on all aspects of the magnitude-estimation scaling tasks, but the amount of threshold shift occurring during the scaling procedures was significantly greater for the stutterers at each suprathreshold intensity level employed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of restricting jaw movement with a bite-block on the voice reaction times (VRT) of adult stutterers and normal speakers. Ten stutterers and ten normal speakers initiated the sound // as rapidly as possible in response to 1 KHz cues in a nonbite-block and bite-block condition. In the nonbite-block condition all responses were initiated from a mandibular “closed” position. In the bite-block condition the jaw was fixed in a position approximating average jaw displacement for production of // in a VRT task. Results showed the group mean VRTs for the stutterers were significantly longer than for the normal speakers in both experimental conditions. Group mean VRTs were also significantly faster in the bite-block than the nonbite-block condition for both groups. Investigation of individual subject data, however, revealed that unlike the normal speakers, a subgroup of stutterers exhibited atypically long reaction times and an increase in VRTs with the jaw fixed. The possible role of neurophysiological interactions between articulatory and laryngeal behavior in stuttering is discussed.  相似文献   

Cerebral lateralization of stutterers and nonstutterers was assessed in terms of choice reaction times to stimuli presented to either the left or right visual hemifield on letter recognition and figure recognition tasks. Reaction times on both tasks were determined before and after a behavioral speech therapy program. Stutterers demonstrated a significant reduction in mean reaction times in the letter recognition task over the course of the therapy program. This change differed significantly from that obtained from stutterers in the figure recognition task. The stutterers' responses were in contrast to the responses of the nonstutterers, who showed no reduction in mean reaction times for the letter or figure recognition tasks. The results were discussed in terms of alterations in aspects of central nervous system processing as a result of participation in the behavioral speech therapy.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty-three college students responded to percentage definitions of “good,” “minimal,” and “no” eye contact. They also judged their perceptions of a speaker with “little or no eye contact” on a semantic differential scale containing 60 polarized adjective pairs regarding personality traits. The majority of the student respondents defined an individual with “good” eye contact as looking at his/her audience/listener 90–100% of the time. This is a more stringent definition than other literature has indicated. Furthermore, speakers with little or no eye contact were judged less favorably on 70% of the items, which indicates that low eye contact adversely affects perceptions of a speaker's personality. Therefore, stutterers need to be made aware of the importance of and determinants of effective eye contact in communication. Also, the development of effective eye contact needs to be incorporated as a major goal in stuttering therapy.  相似文献   

This study involved respirometric measurements of six normals and six stutterers throughout vocal and whispered readings of 12 CVC words. In each condition, dependent variables were peak air flow rates on initial and final consonants, flow duration and flow volume between peaks. The stutterers, both individually and as a group, were almost completely fluent during the readings in both conditions. At the same time, their air flow, duration and volume scores either equalled or exceeded those of the controls. These results are discussed in terms of how air flow and durational features of articulation contribute to fluent speech. Directions for future work are also described.  相似文献   

Durational measures of vocalic steady states and transitions were made on phonetically accurate and fluently produced vowel-plosive, consonant-vowel bisyllables embedded in a carrier phrase. in the first experiment, these measures were taken from the speech of ten articulatory defective adult speakers and ten matched normal speakers. The second experiment analyzed durational measures in the speech of ten adult stutterers and ten matched nonstutterers. Using wideband spectrography, durational measurements were used to infer timing of articulatory movements during the subsegments of the VCV sequences. The results of both experiments suggest that the two groups of speech disordered subjects were able to produce transitional shifts appropriate to the phonetic environment but appeared to delay the initiation of coarticulatory movements. Aberrant speech timing may imply an involvement in the planning or integration of articulatory/coarticulatory movements rather than difficulty with movement execution per se.  相似文献   

Attitude and personality characteristics of 29 stutterers (19 male, 10 female) aged 52–82 yr were assessed using five questionnaires. Results indicate that, while the older stutterers score approximately the same as young adult stutterers on scales assessing approach and performance behaviors, the large majority of older stutterers perceive their stuttering as less handicapping than when they were young adults. Self-perceived personality characteristics of the older stutterers were similar to a group of older nonstutterers. While a few of the subjects had experienced some degree of success as a result of treatment later in life, the majority of the subjects did not currently desire treatment.  相似文献   

Bilateral tachistoscopic procedures were utilized to investigate the visual half-field preferences of 15 stutterers and a group of 15 normal controls. Statistical analyses indicated a right visual half-field preference for the control group. In contrast, a significant visual half-field preference was not revealed for the stuttering group. However, further analysis revealed that a significantly larger proportion of stutterers, compared to controls, demonstrated a left visual half-field preference. Results indicated reversed cerebral processing for the stuttering group as compared with the control group.  相似文献   

The method of vibrotactile mangitude production scaling was used to determine the tactile sensory-perceptual integrity for the dorsum of the tongue and thenar eminence of the right hand for 10 fluent speakers and 10 stutterers. It was discovered that both groups performed the task in a similar manner for the thenar eminence of the hand (a nonoral structure) but in a dissimilar manner for the tongue (an oral structure). From these data, it is suggested that the stutterers may maintain a different internal sensory-perceptual process for the tactile system involved in the speech process. The possibility exists that stuttering, for some, may be an “internal disorder” of the tactile-proprioceptive feedback mechanism that is directly involved in speech production.  相似文献   

In interpreting a sentence, listeners rely on a variety of linguistic cues to assign grammatical roles such as agent and patient. The present study considered the relative ranking of three cues to agenthood (word order, noun animacy, and subject-verb agreement) in normal and aphasic speakers of Hindi. Because animacy plays a grammatical role in Hindi (determining the nature and acceptability of sentences without accusative marking), this language is relevant to the claim that Broca's aphasia involves a dissociation between grammar and semantics. Results of Study 1 with normal Hindi-dominant speakers showed that animacy is the strongest cue in this language, while agreement is the weakest cue. In Study 2, Hindi-English bilinguals were tested in both their languages. Most showed the normal animacy-dominant monolingual pattern in Hindi, with a mixture of strategies from both languages in their interpretation of English. A substantial minority showed mixed strategies in both languages. Only 5 of 48 subjects displayed a complete separation between languages, with animacy dominance in Hindi and word order dominance in English. In Study 3, two Hindi-English bilinguals with Broca's aphasia were tested in both languages. Results indicate (a) greater use of animacy in Hindi than in English and (b) greater use of word order in English than in Hindi. The strategies displayed by these patients fall well within the range observed among bilingual normals. We conclude that the use of animacy in sentence interpretation by these aphasic patients reflects preservation of normal, language-specific processing strategies; it cannot be interpreted as a nonlinguistic strategy developed to compensate for receptive agrammatism. Results are discussed in light of other cross-linguistic evidence on sentence comprehension in monolingual and bilingual aphasics.  相似文献   

Past research reveals that adult stutterers often possess aberrant speech-timing abilities. As yet, only Healey and Adams (1981) have investigated these abilities in child stutterers. The present study attempted to assess the speech-timing skills of child stutterers and normal-speaking children while performing both simple and complex speech. Each subject was required to participate in two tasks: a sentence repetition task for simple speech and a story-retelling task for complex speech. Results supported those found by Healey and Adams, indicating that child stutterers have speech-timing abilities similar to normal-speaking children in simple speech tasks. The complex task, however, revealed that stutterers exhibited more frequent and longer interword pauses than nonstutterers. Two hypotheses generated from past research are offered to explain these differences. A third untested theory is also presented.  相似文献   

In communication dyads, three junior high clutterers interacted verbally with three matched control subjects in a task that required one member of the dyad to explain a complicated route (from a marked map of a town center) to the other (who had an unmarked map.) Members played both roles in the dyads. These six subjects were compared with one group of normally speaking control subjects carrying out the same task. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses indicate that, compared with normal speaking pupils, clutterers frequently manifested pragmatic errors and communication failures.  相似文献   

Eight stuttering and eight normal speaking subjects were given a time-out (TO) procedure during reading. Simultaneous measures of heart rate and galvanic skin response were obtained in order to infer anxiety level during the TO period. Multivariate and univariate analysis of variance procedures indicated that stutterers, when compared to normals, initially relax during a TO period compared to base rate levels. Near the latter part of the TO period stutterers anticipate the onset of speech and become relatively more anxious. This anxiety level increases even more during the actual speech intervals. Normal speakers resent the intrusion of the TO interval and become more anxious during this period.  相似文献   

Cumulative integrated electromyographic (EMG) activity was recorded from laryngeal and masseter sites from ten stutterers during a five trial oral adaptation sequence. Results showed more activity at the laryngeal site than the masseter site. While significant reductions in EMG activity were not found, patterns were shown to be related to the subjects' dysfluency patterns over trials. Results were interpreted as suggesting that reduced muscle activity and adaptation (when they occur) are artifacts of other behavioral modifications resulting from overt motor practice.  相似文献   

The perceptual/memory process abilities of adult stutterers were compared with those of normal adult speakers. Unisensory tasks were used as standards for comparison of the simultaneous, bisensory processes. Subjects were tested individually on sensory oral form, manual form, and word recall tasks followed by combinations of word recall and oral form discrimination, and word recall and manual form discrimination. Four bisensory combinations were tested, and in each test subjects were asked for the discrimination of the forms or recall of the words. Results showed that on both bisensory tasks in which the subjects were asked for the words rather than the form discrimination the stutterers were significantly poorer than the normals. On the bisensory tasks in which the forms were called for, the stutterers' performances were equal to the normals. No differences were found between the groups on the three unisensory tasks. These findings are related to some processing theories and to EEG studies of word recall in adult stutterers.  相似文献   

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