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Two experiments were performed to examine the effect of display size and figure orientation on the horizontal-vertical illusion. According to the visual field hypothesis of Künnapas (1957a, 1957b) if the relation of the figure components to the surrounding frame is held invariant neither experimental manipulation should exert an appreciable influence. However, both manipulations produced significant effects indicating that the visual field hypothesis is untenable as the primary determinant of the horizontal-vertical illusion. An alternative explanation was discussed.  相似文献   

Ponzo illusion has been explained by considering either just the inducing elements present in a restricted area of the visual field, the same area in which the test elements are located, or the stimulus configuration as a whole in which even the most distal figural elements – i.e., the external converging lines, here called “Ponzo wedge”– play a crucial role. The two studies reported here aimed at showing that both global configurational characteristics and inducing elements locally interacting with the test stimuli can independently affect the illusory effect. This hypothesis was tested using stimuli in which graphic-inducing elements giving rise to a herringbone pattern (Coren & Girgus, 1978) were drawn in the same area of the test segments. Results of Exp. 1 confirmed the effect of the two factors. In particular, both factors proved to determine the illusion, since they induced illusory effects either in isolation or in the same/opposite direction. In Exp. 2 the relative weight of these two factors was evaluated in relation to the width of the angle of the inducing elements and to the distance of the test segments from the vertex. Results showed no linear relationships between the distance of the test segments from the external inducing elements and the weight of the Ponzo wedge factor. Received: 25 June 1996 / Accepted: 1 October 1997  相似文献   

Abstract:   To examine the determinants of the Ponzo illusion, we compared the perceived size of lines and circles presented within three different frames: two converging lines, two circles, and two squares. Twenty stimulus figures, consisting of two types of objects (lines/circles) × three types of frame figures (Ponzo/circles/squares) × three sizes of lower frames (small/medium/large), and two control figures were presented on a personal computer display. Twelve students performed three measurements (upper-object/lower-object/illusion) for each stimulus figure using the method of adjustment. To analyze the relationship between single object perception and the Ponzo illusion, we compared the calculated values of overestimation magnitude differences between the upper and lower objects with the actual obtained illusion values of the six object-frame conditions. The calculated values of the circle and the square frame figures corresponded to the difference between the upper single object and the lower single object. In contrast, the results of the Ponzo figure need an additional factor to explain the differences between the obtained and the calculated values. These results indicate that two factors are involved in the Ponzo illusion: (a) the framing effect affects the perceived size of the individual single objects, and (b) the comparison factor affects the comparison process of the two objects within the converging lines.  相似文献   

An earlier study by Quina and Pollack (1971) suggested that the two test lines of the classical Ponzo figure underwent simultaneous distortion in opposite directions. In the present study, test lines were shown individually with comparison lines outside the influence of the wedge to 70 school children in Grades 2–8 and to 10 adults. The apical test line was overestimated by all age groups, and the distal line was consistently underestimated. Dissimilar age trends were found, supporting the concept of the Ponzo illusion as the product of two distinct processes.  相似文献   

Effects of intertrial reinforcers on self-control choice.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In three experiments, pigeons chose between a small amount of food delivered after a short delay and a larger amount delivered after a longer delay. A discrete-trial adjusting-delay procedure was used to estimate indifference points--pairs of delay-amount combinations that were chosen about equally often. In Experiment 1, when additional reinforcers were available during intertrial intervals on a variable-interval schedule, preference for the smaller, more immediate reinforcer increased. Experiment 2 found that this shift in preference occurred partly because the variable-interval schedule started sooner after the smaller, more immediate reinforcer, but there was still a small shift in preference when the durations and temporal locations of the variable-interval schedules were identical for both alternatives. Experiment 3 found greater increases in preference for the smaller, more immediate reinforcer with a variable-interval 15-s schedule than with a variable-interval 90-s schedule. The results were generally consistent with a model that states that the impact of any event that follows a choice response declines according to a hyperbolic function with increasing time since the moment of choice.  相似文献   

Two studies are reported which demonstrate that analytic responding on everyday reasoning problems can be increased and bias eliminated after training on the law of large numbers (Fong, Krantz, & Nisbett, 1986 Fong, G. T., Krantz, D. H. and Nisbett, R. E. 1986. The effects of statistical training on thinking about everyday problems. Cognitive Psychology, 18: 253292. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Critical thinking problems involving belief-consistent, neutral, and inconsistent conclusions were presented. Belief bias was eliminated when a written justification of argument strength was elicited. However, belief-based responding was still evident when evaluations of the arguments were elicited using rating scales. This finding demonstrates a dissociation between analytic and belief-based responding as a function of response format. In Experiment 2 an instructional condition designed to foster decontextualised reasoning was included but was ineffective in reducing the degree to which judgements were biased by beliefs. It was concluded that training which makes available the analytic strategies necessary to evaluate a problem has the potential to facilitate performance only if the requested response triggers conscious deliberation of the evidence.  相似文献   

Two groups of 10 rats each received either a large magnitude (0.90 g) or a small magnitude (0.18 g) of partial reward (PR) and seven successive acquisition-extinction sessions in the runway. The large magnitude PR group ran much faster than the small magnitude PR group in the early acquisition sessions with differences between the groups declining over sessions. In the early extinction sessions, the large magnitude PR group showed greater resistance to extinction than the small magnitude PR group, but in the late extinction sessions this relation reversed itself. Finally, resistance to extinction decreased over sessions, this decrease being greater under a large than under a small magnitude of PR.  相似文献   

The present investigation examined the effects of a brief parent training package on parental application of behavioral procedures during child instruction. In addition, it investigated the effects of parent training on child learning of two intellectual skills. Forty-nine parents and their 212 to 5-year-old children participated. A discriminant analysis revealed that the parent training package produced variations in parental use of modeling, physical prompting, verbal instructional prompting, and aversive control. However, the pattern of variations differed across instructional tasks. Regression analysis showed that parent training produced differences in child learning in one of the two skills targeted for instruction.  相似文献   

An experiment was performed which examined the role of figural orientation directly, and the role of an inappropriately invoked size-constancy mechanism indirectly, in the actuation and magnitude of the horizontal-vertical illusion. When the vertical line of the stimulus figure was aligned above the horizontal line, the illusory effect was significant and positive; in contrast, when the vertical line was located below the horizontal line, the illusion was negative. Under the assumption that a vertical line can appear as a foreshortened line in depth, these findings support an explanation based on the operation of a misapplied size-constancy mechanism.  相似文献   

With the aim of investigating the perceptual processes responsible for perceptual illusions, we have studied the influence of age, sex and specialized training on two forms of the vertical-horizontal illusion. In Figure A, the vertical is a short distance away from the horizontal; in Figure B, the vertical meets the horizontal segment at its mid-point. Both figures were presented in brief (0-2 second) and long (I-o second) tachistoscopic exposure, and in unlimited exposure.

When time is unlimited. Illusion A increases up to 9-10 years and then remains constant and Illusion B decreases as a function of age and chiefly as a function of the degree of scientific training. The illusions are stronger in tachistoscopic perception than under conditions of umlimited exposure. Both illusions also increase in tachistoscopic perception with age except for science students. Under condition of unlimited time, women have stronger illusions than men. This difference does not occur in tachistoscopic perception.

These results may be interpreted in terms of the interaction of three processes: interaction among the elements of a figure (field effects); perceptual activity which makes possible the passing from syncretism or multiplicity to organized perception; and the activity of measuring the elements relatively to each other. This latter activity develops with cultural level and especially with scientific training. It is more effective with men than with women, due, it is suggested, to the spatial factor being higher in men.  相似文献   

There is no consensus as to what information guides search for a singleton target. Does the most salient display element capture attention, regardless of the observer's attentional set? Do observers adopt a default salience-based search mode? Does knowledge of the target's defining featural property (when available) affect search? Finally, can intertrial contingencies account for the disparate results in the literature? We investigated search for a shape singleton when (1) the target and nontarget shapes switched unpredictably from trial to trial, (2) the target feature remained fixed, and (3) the target was a singleton on only one third of the trials. We examined overall reaction times, search slopes, errors, and the magnitude of the slowing caused by a cross-dimensional singleton distractor. Our results argue against the idea that search is guided solely by stimulus-driven factors or that subjects adopt a singleton detection mode that is blind to feature information. They show also that intertrial contingencies, although potent, cannot account for the variety of results in the literature.  相似文献   

Extinction of operant behavior has been associated with a number of undesirable effects. One such effect is the temporary reappearance of behavior after responding appears to be completely extinguished, known as spontaneous recovery. In this report, the occurrence of spontaneous recovery and its attenuation with large amounts of reinforcement were examined during the treatment of disruption.  相似文献   

This study investigated the impact of an adapted physical education training package on functional motor skill instruction of three special education teachers who instructed secondary students with low‐incidence disabilities. The training package emphasized teachers' use of systematic prompting and specific reinforcement teaching strategies plus adapted physical education consultation. We used a multiple baseline design and collected data on the three teachers' use of systematic prompting and specific reinforcement plans during videotaped teaching trials. We also collected data on how teachers documented their instructional strategies, and we analyzed personal reflections that teachers wrote in the journals. Results indicated that with each of the three teachers, correctly implemented functional motor skill instructional performance improved after they completed the training package.  相似文献   

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