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自古至今,西哲们紧跟时代的脚步,不断把西方的政治伦理观推陈出新:美德政治伦理、神性政治伦理、非道德主义的政治伦理、权利政治伦理。全面、系统地梳理和展现西方政治伦理思想的演变及其价值诉求,对于理解和把握政治伦理学中的一些重要理论问题具有重大的启迪意义。  相似文献   

民族道德的产生大致经历了人类道德的真空——前人类社会的道德失范;民族道德的雏型——氏族道德;氏族道德向民族道德过渡的桥梁——部落道德;民族道德的形成——民族道德等几个阶段。在人类民族道德史上,氏族道德是起点,部落道德是中间环节,民族道德是基于氏族道德和部落道德而生发出来的。抑或说,民族道德是踩着氏族道德和部落道德的肩膀而发展起来的。  相似文献   

西方伦理学主要有三种类型 :救世济时型、静观审思型和纯粹技术型。它们在话语模式、思想形式和代表人物的学术心态等方面各有其特点 ,这三种类型的伦理学各有其优长 ,相辅相成 ,不可或缺。  相似文献   

试论信息伦理的特点与本质   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
信息伦理学作为科技哲学与伦理学的边缘学科 ,不仅要关注现实生活中出现的各种各样的信息行为 ,而且要深入研究信息的“元伦理学”问题 ,同时还要对信息化与传统社会现象交融过程中出现的“交叉伦理”问题进行相关分析 ,准确把握。信息伦理本质上有三个层面。即从信息伦理的起源上看 ,信息伦理是人类交往活动的现实需要和规律反映 ;从信息伦理的应用上看 ,信息伦理调节着人们在信息交往活动中的功利实现 ;从信息伦理的目的上看 ,信息伦理追求人类社会在信息时代的和谐与进步。  相似文献   

Although ethics consultation is offered as a clinical service in most hospitals in the United States, few valid and practical tools are available to evaluate, ensure, and improve ethics consultation quality. The quality of ethics consultation is important because poor quality ethics consultation can result in ethically inappropriate outcomes for patients, other stakeholders, or the health care system. To promote accountability for the quality of ethics consultation, we developed the Ethics Consultation Quality Assessment Tool (ECQAT). ECQAT enables raters to assess the quality of ethics consultations based on the written record. Through rigorous development and preliminary testing, we identified key elements of a quality ethics consultation (ethics question, consultation-specific information, ethical analysis, and conclusions and/or recommendations), established scoring criteria, developed training guidelines, and designed a holistic assessment process. This article describes the development of the ECQAT, the resulting product, and recommended future testing and potential uses for the tool.  相似文献   

Many alternatives or supplements to principalism seek to reconnect medical ethics with the thoughts, feelings, and motivations of the persons directly involved in ethically troublesome situations. This shift of attention, from deeds to doers, from principles to principals, acknowledges the importance of the moral agents involved in the situation — particular practitioners, patients, and families. Taking into account the subjective, lived experience of moral decision-making parallels recent efforts in the teaching of medicine to give the patient's subjectivity — his or her personal experience of being sick or disabled — epistemological parity with scientific medicine's objective, biomedically-oriented view of the person's sickness or disability.Moreover, the shift from principalism to principals signals a growing realization that ethical problems in the profession of medicine are inseparable from its practice. Philosophers and other humanists working in medicine should resist the temptation to institutionalize a professional role as solver of ethical problems, clarifier of values, or mediator of disputes and work instead to help practitioners practice medicine reflectively.  相似文献   

启新、拓新与创新——论生态伦理学对伦理学的贡献   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
构建和谐社会,必须弘扬生态伦理,繁荣生态伦理学。生态伦理学对伦理学的贡献功不可没,主要体现为:开辟了伦理学研究的新领域,确立了处理人与自然关系的新原则,培育了人对自然的新态度,对传统思想展开了新的系统批判,明确了人类在自然生活中扮演的新角色,对伦理学基本观念进行了新阐释,制定了人类行为新规范。  相似文献   

战争伦理:一种世界观念   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
战争伦理主要论及战争如何受到道德强制,或者说,它涉及道德的进步如何影响到战争。同时,与人类其他活动相比,战争行为更具国际性,因此,战争伦理作为抑制战争的一种道义力量,也更易成为一种世界观念。可以将战争伦理分为军事伦理、军备伦理、军人伦理三个层面,分别代表基于人、武器以及人与武器相结合而采取的行动———作战之上的伦理规范,它们都是随着时代的发展而发展的。  相似文献   

本文结合对潮汕地区家族企业伦理道德状况的调查,阐述了潮汕地区传统家庭伦理对家族企业发展的影响,总结概括了潮汕地区家族企业伦理中存在的诸如既依赖家族又受困于家族、理想的维护道德和现实中的违反道德、崇尚良好企业伦理却又缺乏内在道德自省,以及对企业伦理的不甚了解等几方面的问题。提出如何培养潮汕地区家族企业伦理精神和实现家族企业伦理转型的现实途径后及应注意的问题。  相似文献   

Scholars have proposed a number of courses and programs intended to improve the ethical behavior of scientists in an attempt to maintain the integrity of the scientific enterprise. In the present study, we conducted a quantitative meta-analysis based on 26 previous ethics program evaluation efforts, and the results showed that the overall effectiveness of ethics instruction was modest. The effects of ethics instruction, however, were related to a number of instructional program factors, such as course content and delivery methods, in addition to factors of the evaluation study itself, such as the field of investigator and criterion measure utilized. An examination of the characteristics contributing to the relative effectiveness of instructional programs revealed that more successful programs were conducted as seminars separate from the standard curricula rather than being embedded in existing courses. Furthermore, more successful programs were case based and interactive, and they allowed participants to learn and practice the application of real-world ethical decision-making skills. The implications of these findings for future course development and evaluation are discussed.  相似文献   

Given the growing public concern and attention placed on cases of research misconduct, government agencies and research institutions have increased their efforts to develop and improve ethics education programs for scientists. The present study sought to assess the impact of these increased efforts by sampling empirical studies published since the year 2000. Studies published prior to 2000 examined in other meta-analytic work were also included to provide a baseline for assessing gains in ethics training effectiveness over time. In total, this quantitative review consisted of 66 empirical studies, 106 ethics courses, 150 effect sizes, and 10,069 training participants. Overall, the findings indicated that ethics instruction resulted in sizable benefits to participants and has improved considerably within the last decade. A number of specific findings also emerged regarding moderators of instructional effectiveness. Recommendations are discussed for improving the development, delivery, and evaluation of ethics instruction in the sciences.  相似文献   

吕耀怀 《伦理学研究》2005,(1):68-71,83
在信息伦理学领域 ,存在着两种不同的研究取向 :有些学者将信息伦理学作为一门非规范的伦理学来研究 ,而另一些学者则偏重于信息伦理学的规范性质。信息伦理学作为一门规范学科 ,应当研究不同类型的信息活动中已经存在或可能发生的伦理问题 ,而不能成为计算机伦理学、媒体伦理学、生物信息伦理学、网络伦理学的集装箱。规范的信息伦理学可以参考义务论、美德论、效果论的分析框架 ,而且要综合运用多种学科的方法。各国的信息伦理学有本土化的问题 ,但在全球性的信息沟通中 ,应当实现不同的信息伦理学的整合。  相似文献   

Introduction and overview: Global information ethics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This is an introduction to a set of papers on Computer Ethics from the conference ETHICOMP95. Taken as a whole, the collection of papers provides arguments and concepts to launch a new development in computer ethics: ‘Global Information Ethics’. A rationale for globalization is provided, as well as some early efforts which move in that direction. ETHICOMP95, an international conference on Computer Ethics, was held 28–30 March 1995 at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. Co-directors were Terrell Ward Bynum and Simon Rogerson.  相似文献   

理解企业伦理的德性主义进路不可或缺。美国当代著名经济伦理学家罗伯特·C.所罗门成功地将亚里士多德德性论引入企业伦理学,为人们把握企业伦理提供了一条德性主义的诠释进路。而亚里士多德德性论强调实践、团体、人对幸福的追求和追求卓越等也为企业伦理的德性主义进路提供了思想资源。而美德自身也能够使人们正确地理解商业和商业伦理、使经济交易成为可能、使经济的运行更为成功。但德性主义进路不是没有条件的,它需要个体或企业具有良好的道德价值观念和良好的判断力,也需要规范伦理与之匹配,以及一个尊重美德的社会环境和相关的制度安排。  相似文献   

本文希望从认知伦理学的视角出发探讨伦理学的发展,以及人类对道德问题认知的过程与人类一般认知的逻辑之间的一致性。人类认知的逻辑是由概念到判断再到推论的过程,伦理学史由德性伦理学到规范伦理学再到话语伦理学、元伦理学和新德性伦理学的过程,实际上就是人类在道德认知上从概念伦理学到判断伦理学再到推论伦理学最后回归到概念伦理学的过程。  相似文献   

James M. Gustafson, who died in 2021, has influenced generations of theologians and ethicists. In this article, five students, colleagues, and friends provide short reflections on what Gustafson has meant for their work as scholars of theology and religious ethics.  相似文献   

经济伦理学研究的双重向度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济伦理学研究的向度问题缘起于八十年代的“内引”说与“外灌”说之争,突现于九十年代的道德功能大讨论。经济伦理学研究应当坚持两大向度:一个是目的向度,从人的生活出发,确定经济发展的根本目的,一个工具向度,从经济的内在要求出发,提供经济发展的道德手段。只有将这两大向度结合起来,才能真正确立经济伦理学的社会地位。  相似文献   

Courses on ethics and technology have become compulsory for many students at the three Dutch technical universities during the past few years. During this time, teachers have faced a number of didactic problems, which are partly due to a growing number of students. In order to deal with these challenges, teachers in ethics at the three technical universities in the Netherlands — in Delft, Eindhoven and Twente — have developed a web-based computer program called Agora (see www.ethicsandtechnology.com). This program enables students to exercise their ethical understanding and skills extensively. The program makes it possible for students to participate actively in moral reflection and reasoning, and to develop the moral competencies that are needed in their later professional practice. The developers of the program have tried to avoid two traps. Firstly, they rejected, from the outset, a cookbook style of dealing with ethical problems that applied ethics is often taken to be and, secondly, they wanted to design a flexible program that respects the student’s as well as the teacher’s creativity, and that tries to engage students in moral reflection. Agora meets these requirements. The program offers possibilities that extend beyond the requirements that are usually accepted for case-exercises in applied ethics, and that have been realised in several other computer models for teaching ethics. In this article, we describe the main considerations in the development of Agora and the features of the resulting program.  相似文献   

There is an international consensus that medical research involving humans should only be undertaken in accordance with ethical principles. Paradoxically though, there is no consensus over the kinds of activities that constitute research and should be subject to review. In the UK and elsewhere, research requiring review is distinguished from clinical audit. Unfortunately the two activities are not always easy to differentiate from one another. Moreover, as the volume of audit increases and becomes more formal in response to the demand for evidence-based practice in medicine, the overlap between research and audit grows more acute. Arguably, similar ethical standards and systems for ensuring that those standards are met should be applied regardless of whether or not a project is classified as research or audit. At a time when the research ethics review system in the UK is undergoing significant reform it is important that the opportunity is not missed to address the longstanding research-audit problem. We discuss suggestions for further reform that addresses this issue.  相似文献   

管理与伦理结合涉及管理目的、管理者、管理对象、管理职能、管理方法等各个方面,是一个重大的管理问题。它既不是操作层次的问题,也不是管理原则的问题,而恰恰是观念层次的问题,是经营、管理与伦理有没有联系、要不要结合的观念问题。这一观念的变革将导致管理原则、管理程序、管理方法、管理技巧的一系列变革。与传统管理相比,它引发的变革无疑是根本性的。  相似文献   

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