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This article reports findings from a phenomenographic investigation into career practitioners' understanding of competency for social media in career services. Sixteen Danish and Finnish practitioners with experience using social media in career services were interviewed in focus groups. Competency for social media in career services was conceived as (i) an ability to use social media for delivering information, (ii) an ability to use social media for delivering career services, (iii) an ability to utilise social media for collaborative career exploration and (iv) an ability to utilise social media for co-careering. The findings can be used to develop pre-service and in-service training of career practitioners and support for the deepening of their competency, using the critical aspects that were identified.  相似文献   

探讨不同风险态度的大学生在职业决策中的线索偏好及信息搜索特点。以大学生为被试,以Weber的风险态度问卷为工具,筛选出风险寻求大学生26名,风险规避大学生23名,采用信息板技术进行模拟职业决策研究。结果发现:(1)风险寻求和风险规避大学生在职业决策中点击次数最多的职业属性均依次是工资、发展空间和兴趣;(2)在信息板的点击次数上,风险寻求被试比风险规避被试更多;在搜索模式上,风险寻求组被试和风险规避组的得分均为正值,但风险寻求组被试的得分显著高于风险规避组。因此,大学生职业决策中偏好的线索主要是工资、发展空间和兴趣;风险寻求者的信息搜索模式与风险规避者不同,风险寻求者更倾向于以选项为基础的搜索模式。  相似文献   

曾垂凯 《心理科学》2012,35(4):978-983
组织结构扁平化导致职涯高原员工逐渐增多,给个体和组织造成了消极影响。本研究通过对338名企业员工的问卷调查探讨自我职涯管理与职涯高原的关系。结果显示:自我职涯管理中的职业探索与层级高原、内容高原及中心化高原正相关;目标确定与层级高原、关注学习与内容高原、注重关系与中心化高原及内容高原负相关;自我展示虽在简单相关分析中与内容高原及中心化高原负相关,但在回归分析中则相关不显著。  相似文献   

基于职业成功的胜任力模型,探讨无边界职业生涯取向与青年员工职业成功的关系。采用两阶段(two-wave)问卷调查法,以385名35岁以下的年轻员工为样本进行研究。结果表明,无边界思维模式与青年员工的主观职业成功、客观职业成功均显著地正相关,职业胜任力在其中起完全中介作用;组织流动性偏好与青年员工的主观职业成功、客观职业成功均显著地负相关,职业胜任力在其中起中介作用。研究证实了无边界职业生涯取向对青年员工职业成功的“双刃剑”效应,为青年员工的职业生涯管理提供了重要启示。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of three counselor influence factors—expertness, trustworthiness, and attractiveness—on participants' impressions of a counselor during a counseling analogue situation. Using a 2 (counselor disability) x 2 (level of training) factorial design, no significant differences were found with respect to counselor social influence. These results are interpreted relative to the literature on perceptions of counselors with physical disabilities.  相似文献   


The authors investigated the various sources of mentors used by professionals, how these sources influenced both objective and subjective career success, and whether the participants used different sources of mentors at different stages of their careers. According to data from 430 faculty members at 2 U.S. research institutions, assistant professors with mentors in their professions, associate professors with mentors outside the work place, and professors with mentors within their organizations had the highest levels of objective career success. Assistant professors with multiple sources of mentors yielded significantly higher levels of both objective and subjective career success than did those with single sources or no mentor. If one links professorial rank to career stage, the results suggest that the participants used different sources of mentors at different stages of their careers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate how symptom distress, social role, interpersonal relationships, gender, age, number of supports, and education level predict client attrition in a community sample. Using binary logistic regression and cross-sectional data, the authors examined the predictive impact of 8 variables on adult client attrition in a university-based community counseling clinic. Results indicated that education level, interpersonal relationships, and number of supports significantly predicted attrition. In this sample, gender, age, symptom distress, social role, and race did not significantly predict attrition. Implications for clinical assessment and counseling practice are discussed.  相似文献   

为了探讨生涯适应力对员工离职意向的作用机制,通过分析193名企业员工的问卷,采用Bootstrap法进行中介和调节分析,并采用Johnson-Neyman 法对职业满意度的调节效应进行量化分析。结果表明:(1)生涯适应力通过感知到的组织内职业竞争力负向作用离职意向,通过感知到的组织外职业竞争力正向作用离职意向;(2)职业满意度(主观生涯适应力)调节生涯适应力对离职意向的直接和间接影响。当职业满意度达到中等及以上水平时,生涯适应力的增大会直接减少离职意向,但间接的通过感知到的组织外职业竞争力增加离职意向。因此,提高员工的生涯适应力和职业满意度只能在一定程度上减少离职意向。  相似文献   

高中华  麻芳菲  谭瑾 《心理科学》2018,(5):1221-1226
当代职业环境中,易变职业生涯定向(protean career orientation, PCO)对职业发展具有重要的意义,已经成为职业生涯研究领域的重要议题。从概念本质上而言,PCO是个人通过对职业生涯进行自主管理来实现主观职业成功的一种倾向。本文在系统地介绍PCO概念以及与其他相关概念进行辨析的基础上,对其结构维度与测量、影响因素和效果进行了综述。最后,针对当前研究的不足,对未来研究方向进行了探讨,以期对职业生涯管理领域的研究与实践提供新的思路。  相似文献   

国外生涯适应力研究述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赵小云  郭成 《心理科学进展》2010,18(9):1503-1510
生涯适应力是个体因应生涯角色变化并与之保持平衡的能力, 被视为个体在快速变化的现代社会中获得生涯成功的关键能力, 是国外近年来生涯心理学领域的一个新理论生长点。在综合国外相关研究的基础上, 从生涯适应力的缘起、概念内涵、理论建构及实证研究等方面对生涯适应力的研究进行了综述, 以便人们更深入地体会其丰富的理论内涵和实践价值; 最后, 该文指出未来生涯适应力的研究应继续注重理论建构的丰富和完善、注意概念的文化适应性、关注其在生涯咨询实践中的应用以及加强对有生涯困境群体的研究。  相似文献   

职业生涯高原研究述评   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
职业生涯高原(career plateau)是指个体在当前组织中的一种职业生涯状态,其概念最早由Ference等(1977)从组织职业生涯管理的角度提出。研究发现,职业生涯高原与一些重要的效果变量有比较显著的关系,比如情感承诺、缺勤、心理倦怠等。本文从职业生涯高原的概念、结构、影响因素、影响效果、应对策略等方面简述了西方研究者在此领域的研究情况,并指出了目前存在的内涵过窄、缺乏过程性研究等问题及今后努力的方向。  相似文献   

大学生同一性与职业探索、职业决策困难的关系   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
采用问卷法对439名大学生的同一性与职业探索、职业决策困难的关系进行了研究.研究结果表明:(1)不同同一性地位类型的大学生在职业探索上存在显著差异,环境探索和自我探索两个维度的得分都呈现出达成型>延缓型>早闭型>混乱型的趋势,同一性地位越高,职业探索得分越高.(2)不同同一性地位类型的大学生在职业决策困难上存在显著差异,职业决策困难各维度得分及各维度平均分上大致呈现出同一性地位越高,职业决策困难得分越低的趋势.  相似文献   

The authors suggest that when counselors have a rich understanding of pretreatment changes, they are better able to assist clients in capitalizing on such changes. The current study examined client perceptions of pretreatment changes. Thirty‐six clients completed Q‐sorts pertaining to pretreatment changes they experienced. Four factors pertaining to client perceptions of pretreatment change emerged from the study: problem legitimacy, spiritual resources, ambivalence, and hope. Clinical implications for working with the different pretreatment changes that emerged from this study are discussed.  相似文献   

This article illustrates the ways in which clients in career counseling think about the types of change in their career lives and about the determinants of change. It is based on an analysis of the interview data of a few adult clients. Two category systems are proposed as representative of the clients' thinking about change in these domains.  相似文献   

Members of Troops to Teachers (N = 102 male veterans) were surveyed regarding their career transition experiences and life satisfaction. Primary themes related to career transition included preparation for transition, investment vs. sacrifice, and rewards of new career. Primary themes related to life satisfaction included helping and serving others, accomplishment, and contentment vs. struggle.  相似文献   

职业生涯探索是指个体在探索动机推动下,对于自我和职业发展相关的环境进行探索,形成一定技能、获得相应的认知和情感反馈的过程,其最终目的在于自我的发展和整合。此领域的研究主要集中于职业生涯探索的概念、结构划分、测量方法和影响因素几方面。关于结构的研究有内容和过程两种取向;影响因素的研究主要从家庭和个体两方面展开。明确职业生涯探索结构、进一步完善测量工具及深入了解职业生涯探索的原因机制是未来研究的趋向  相似文献   

This study examined therapist ability to identify client-reported reactions. Sixteen therapists each saw two volunteer clients for single counseling sessions. In postsession reviews, clients rated the helpfulness of, and indicated their reactions to, each therapist intervention. Therapists also rated the helpfulness of, and indicated their perceptions of client reactions to, each therapist intervention. In 50% of the instances therapists matched clients, that is, reported the same reaction cluster as the clients did. There were higher match rates on the reaction clusters of therapeutic work (62%), supported (54%), and no reaction (46%) than negative reaction (27%) and challenged (14%). When therapists matched on therapeutic work, helpfulness ratings for the following intervention were higher than when therapists did not match. In contrast, when therapists matched on negative reactions and no reaction, helpfulness ratings for the following intervention were lower than when they had not matched. Thus, therapists' ability to match client reactions was related to their ability to generate helpful interventions. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

胡湜  顾雪英 《心理科学》2014,37(2):405-411
本研究通过对410名企业员工的调查,探讨使命取向对职业满意度的影响机制,并采用结构方程模型技术与层次回归分析法考察职业弹性在这一关系中的中介作用及工作资源对该关系的调节作用。研究结果表明:(1)职业弹性部分中介了使命取向对职业满意度的正向关系;(2)工作资源调节了使命取向对职业弹性的影响;(3)进一步地,工作资源水平越高,职业弹性对于使命取向与职业满意度关系的中介作用越强,反之越弱。  相似文献   

Path analysis was used to explore the tenets of social cognitive career theory with a sample of 357 Latina/o college students. A modified path model revealed that career decision self‐efficacy (CDSE) mediated the influence of ethnic identity and acculturation level on the perception of career barriers. The findings point to the role of ethnic identity in augmenting Latina/o college students' CDSE and increasing awareness about career barriers. Implications for theory, research, and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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