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言语知觉领域主要的理论争论是听觉理论和动觉理论的对立, 争论的焦点围绕言语知觉是否需要动作表征的中介。言语知觉脑机制的研究有助于澄清事实。脑机制的探讨表明言语知觉主要激活了后部听觉皮层区, 包括颞上皮层的背侧(颞横回和颞平面)和外侧区(颞上回和颞上沟); 而前部和言语产生相关的动作皮层并没有表现出一致的激活模式。言语产生相关的动作表征主要在一些特殊任务情形中以自上而下的反馈机制影响了言语知觉, 可能并非正常言语知觉所必须。  相似文献   

This article introduces this special issue of Knowledge, Technology and Policy. It also explains why Luciano Floridi’s Philosophy of Technology is chosen as the topic of the special issue.  相似文献   

郑玄易学的爻辰说与律吕音声说密切相关,在汉易卦气说的易学大语境下,以爻辰图式呼应八卦卦气图式,视爻为基本单元,涵摄符示了整体天地宇宙间阴阳二气之消息,物候节气时序之更替,万物万象之生化,并令汉代经学所彰显的人文礼乐精神,所重建起的儒家礼乐形态的整体哲学文化价值系统,透过以爻辰说为代表的易学的独特语境,相当完备地传达出来,以此也赋予<周易>郑氏学以突显礼乐文化精神的全新天人之学底蕴.这一爻辰说,继京房易学之后,又一次突显了五行在易学中的显赫位置,还承载了宇宙发生演化的信息,点醒人们深切体悟无字之宇宙大<易>.  相似文献   

王恒 《现代哲学》2003,2(4):100-107
在《逻辑研究》中具有本源性奠基意义的胡塞尔意义上的内感知,实际上是一个歧义两可的概念:作为对真理、本质的相即感知,它实现了直观的明见性理想,但其对象性感知的自然意识特征使其无法作为现象学考察的根基,而实际上它又并不具有对象性感知的意向构造性;只有作为“自身给予”(明见性)意义上的自身意识:才可以在起源的意义上真正实现现象学反思以至本质直观的切实意蕴。而这种意识一体验的时间性本性又使得明见性坐落于作为其根源的“自我”的问题域中。由此,自身意识与反思的含义、关系及其发展脉络才能真实呈现,明见性从相应性向绝然性的逐步过渡才能被理解。  相似文献   

Anselmi  D. 《Synthese》2003,135(3):299-328
I discuss issues concerning the philosophical foundations andimplications of quantum field theory, renormalization inparticular. A new understanding of the correspondence principle,an unexpected role of perturbation theory and, most of all, acriterion to reduce the set of consistent theories frominfinitely many to finitely many, are the key concepts of atheoretical set-up that appears to overcome in a natural wayvarious consistency problems of quantum mechanics and offerseveral hints for further developments.  相似文献   

介绍了近年来语言和颜色范畴知觉关系研究的新进展, 特别是颜色范畴知觉效应的偏侧化、婴幼儿颜色范畴知觉的特点等。同时指出了今后需要进一步研究的问题, 如颜色范畴知觉效应偏侧化与语言的关系、右脑语言优势者颜色范畴知觉的特点、颜色加工脑区和语言加工脑区之间的关系以及婴幼儿颜色范畴知觉特点的追踪研究等。  相似文献   

刘叶涛  张家龙 《哲学研究》2012,(2):73-79,129
<正>现代分析哲学家致力于意义的分析,力图通过对语言的分析使哲学科学化。以罗素和逻辑实证主义为代表的前期分析哲学家拒斥一切形而上学,所有导致本质主义的学说均被他们宣布为虚妄。但到  相似文献   

模因概念已经被广泛用于文化研究和社会科学领域,但对其依然缺乏公认一致的看法。基于对几种代表性观点的梳理和分析,模因被界定为由人类心智系统所创生和复制的文化信息单元。通过与普适达尔文主义相结合,对模因的运用可以作为解释文化进化机制的必要和有效的进路。而且,在学理上,模因与基因共享一种基于信息—计算的本体论,这对研究文化进化与生物进化之间的关系具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Consumers are often confronted with value‐laden decisions that challenge their principles and beliefs. For example, many consumers with strong social responsibility principles consider the effects of general corporate behavior (e.g., political views, environmental disasters) and of the product's manufacture, consumption, or disposal (e.g., animal testing, environmental harm) on society's overall well‐being. Because these product dimensions do not fit easily into traditional decision theories, a new conceptual framework that incorporates and emphasizes the consumer's enduring principles and values is explored in this study. The results indicate that image theory (Beach & Mitchell, 1987) provides a useful structure for describing the decision process in a value‐laden decision context. This study also expands our understanding of image theory by examining all 3 images (values, goals, and strategies) simultaneously in the same decision context for the first time.  相似文献   

It is generally agreed upon that Grice’s causal theory of perception describes a necessary condition for perception. It does not describe sufficient conditions, however, since there are entities in causal chains that we do not perceive and not all causal chains yield perceptions. One strategy for overcoming these problems is that of strengthening the notion of causality (as done by David Lewis). Another is that of specifying the criteria according to which perceptual experiences should match the way the world is (Frank Jackson and Michael Tye). Finally, one can also try to provide sufficient conditions by elaborating on the content of perceptual experiences (Alva N?e). These different strategies are considered in this paper, with the conclusion that none of them is successful. However, a careful examination of their problems points towards the general solution that we outline at the end.
Valtteri Arstila (Corresponding author)Email:
Kalle PihlainenEmail:

刘瑞光 《心理科学》2005,28(2):509-511
空间知觉与人在观察时的认知过程和透视结构有关,它还涉及不同参照系统信号之间的连续转换,运动自我透视和运动时间透视与整体和局部透视类似。视觉输入以视网膜协调的方式进行编码,来自每只眼睛的网膜中心值需要整合并与眼睛位置和眼动的信号相混合,形成自我中心信号。自我中心信号进一步转化为一个三维协调系统——自我中心参照系统。视觉系统的神经输出是地球中心信号。  相似文献   

String theory is at the moment the only advanced approach to a unification of all interactions, including gravity. But, in spite of the more than 30 years of its existence, it does not make any empirically testable predictions, and it is completely unknown which physically interpretable principles could form the basis of string theory. At the moment, “string theory” is no theory at all, but rather a labyrinthic structure of mathematical procedures and intuitions. The only motivations for string theory consist in the mutual incompatibility of the standard model of quantum field theory and of general relativity as well as in the metaphysics of the unification program of physics, aimed at a final unified theory of all interactions, including gravity. The article gives a perspective on the problems leading to and resulting from this situation.
Reiner HedrichEmail: Email:

As a typical American Product, the Human resource management (HRM) system provides a strong sense of equity, of a trustworthy exchange relationship, and alleges that assessment and promotion mainly depend on an individual’s merits. The critical perspectives of HRM reveal that the “soft” HRM offers a smokescreen for “hard” HRM to cover its unchanged reality, which emphasizes rationality, individualism, control and short-term orientation. This article analyzes the underlying philosophy of HRM, which offers the fundamental theoretical support for it, from four aspects: individualism, meritocracy, rationality and short-termism.  相似文献   

命门学说是对藏象学说、阴阳理论、太极理念的进一步发展,它拓展和完善了中医理论体系;命门学说既是中医临床实践经验的总结,又以其独特的理论价值推动了中医临床的发展.命门学说在中医学术的发展史上有着十分重要的地位.着重从其学术背景、哲学基础与理论渊源进行阐述.  相似文献   

王华平 《哲学研究》2012,(9):77-84,128
何以知道他人有心灵这个问题,在20世纪很长一段时间里,与心身问题一道被认为是心灵哲学中最为基本的两个问题。今天,它已不再那么频繁地被人提起,但这并不意味着它的重要性下降了,而是被转换成了何以知道他人的心灵这样的"心灵理论"或"读心"问题。这种转换淡化了怀疑论意味,增强了自然主义色彩。不过,撇开背景性的差别,问题的实质仍然是一样的,即我们是如何将心理状态归与他人的。笔者正是在这样一种广泛的意义上使用"他心问题"一词的。  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a study into the components of stress in organizations. For a sample of 113 Canadian, all male, upper-middle managers, the data were analyzed by item comparisons, factor analysis, and cluster analysis. Work Load was found to be a frequent source of stress for many managers. Factor analysis resulted in stress factors labelled Work Load, Organization Structure and Design, Management Responsibility, and Communication and Interpersonal Interaction. Cluster analysis yielded five groups of individuals with different stress frequency patterns. These groups were labelled Organization Centered, Achievement Centered, Ambiguity Centered, Equalization Centered, and Self-Actualization Centered. The study also revealed that, in this sample, managerial perceptions of stress were not significantly related to age, level of education, or type of industry.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of two analgesic dosages of acetophenetidin and of Anacin upon the latency of the pricking-pain sensation under conditions of single and repetitive stimulation of the skin, each of six trained male subjects participated in 12 120-minute sessions (each subject had two sessions with 1.0 gm and with 0.5 gm dosages of each drug, placebos, and no capsule). Threshold (latency) determinations were made every five minutes, each time on a different one of 24 numbered spots on the volar surfaces of the forearms. Concomitantly, Spot A on the left forearm was stimulated repeatedly every five minutes, and Spot B, on the right forearm, every 10 minutes. No analgesic effects were observed on pricking-pain latency. Analyses of variance showed no significant interaction, no consistent time effect, and no significant conditions effect that could be interpreted as resulting from drug action. Repetitive stimulation at five- and 10-minute intervals was thus alone responsible for the latency elevations observed on Spots A and B respectively. It was suggested that such repetitive stimulation may have contributed to an indeterminate extent to the positive results with analgesics reported by Hardy, Wolff, and Goodell (7).  相似文献   

The concept of the shared values of humanity, embodying the spirit of putting people first and solving real-life problems, is of great significance for constructing a new global order and building a human community with a shared future. The shared values of humanity respect the differences in understanding and realization paths of different civilizations, and seek common grounds with an inclusive and open attitude. The core socialist values are an embodiment and an extension of the shared values of humanity. The fine traditional Chinese culture has also laid a profound cultural basis for the pursuit of the shared values of humanity, enabling us to make up a better scheme for building a human community with a shared future from the perspective of civilization.  相似文献   

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