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Nefs HT  Kappers AM  Koenderink JJ 《Perception》2001,30(10):1263-1274
We measured discrimination thresholds for sinusoidal gratings using active dynamic touch. In the first experiment we measured the thresholds for amplitude discrimination as a function of amplitude and spatial period. Thresholds ranged between 10.8%, and 15.8% of the standard amplitude. We showed that amplitude differences as small as 2 microm can be detected. We found that Weber fractions for amplitude discrimination are constant over a range of amplitudes, but are influenced by the spatial period of the grating; discrimination improved with increasing spatial period. In the second experiment we determined the thresholds for spatial-period discrimination. We used the same design as in the first experiment. Weber fractions ranged from 6.4% to 11.8%. Amplitude was found to have no effect on the Weber fractions for spatial-period discrimination. However, the spatial period had an effect on the Weber fractions: larger spatial periods yielded lower Weber fractions.  相似文献   

We investigated whether haptic comparison of the curvature of strips is influenced by the tilt (the average slope relative to the horizontal) of the curved strips. This particular stimulus manipulation was chosen to decide between two broad ways in which dynamic curvature comparison might be done: on the basis of the attitude (slope) differences over the surfaces or on the basis of the attitude (slope) differences between successively presented surfaces. For this purpose we conducted matching and discrimination experiments in which strips of constant curvature 9 cm long were touched dynamically and the tilts of the strips were varied. The results of the matching experiment showed some influence of tilt: the strips were judged to be slightly more curved if the tilt was nonzero than if it was zero. The results of the discrimination experiment did not show an effect of tilt. Because the attitude (slope) differences over the surfaces were independent of the tilt it is concluded that curvature comparison is based primarily on attitude differences over the curved surfaces.  相似文献   

Perceiving the length of a rod by dynamic touch is tied to the inertia tensorIij, a quantification of its resistance to rotational acceleration. Perception of the portion extending in front of the grasp has previously been ascribed to decomposing one component ofIij by attention. The tensorial nature of dynamic touch suggests that this ability must be anchored wholly in the tensor. Three experiments show that perceived partial length is a function of two components of the tensor, one tied primarily to magnitude and the other tied primarily to direction, whereas perceived whole length is a function of a magnitude component alone. Dynamic touch is characterized in terms of a haptic perceptual instrument that softly assembles to exploitIij differently depending on the intention, producing 1:1 maps that are appropriately scaled for each intention.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to refine our understanding of the mechanisms that encode subjective contours. In Experiment 1, discrimination thresholds (stimulus onset asynchronies [SOAs] yielding 81% correct) were measured in a backward masking paradigm for subjective contours defined by offset gratings. For large apertures, thresholds increased as carrier frequency increased. For the smallest aperture, thresholds were a U-shaped function of carrier frequency. Experiment 2 showed that these threshold results were generally consistent with the rated strength of the subjective contours. Experiment 3 showed that detection thresholds (SOAs yielding 81% correct) again increased with carrier spatial frequency, increased for obliquely oriented carriers, and, for a particular frequency and orientation of the carrier, were lower when the subjective contour was orthogonal to the carrier. All of these results are well explained by a two-stage process in which a second-layer filter integrates the responses of end-stopped mechanisms to the terminators defining the subjective contour. In the model, the end-stopped mechanisms have low-pass sensitivity to carrier spatial frequency, and the sizes of the second-layer filters are proportional to the scale of the end-stopped mechanisms from which they draw their input.  相似文献   

Recent physiological studies (von der Heydt & Peterhans, 1989) suggest that the orientation of subjective contours is encoded very early in the visual system (V2 in monkey). This result is seemingly at odds with existing psychophysical data which suggest that the detection of subjective contours involves selective attention. It is argued that certain subjective contours are registered in a reflexive (bottom-up) manner by the visual system but that selective attention may be needed to gain access to this representation. To assess this suggestion, a visual-search task was used in which subjects were to detect the presence of a horizontal (vertical) subjective contour (defined by offset gratings) in a variable number of vertical (horizontal) subjective contours (also defined by offset gratings). When there were no competing organizations within the display, detection was indeed independent of the number of nontarget distractors, that is, selective attention was unnecessary. In a second experiment, we found that a curved form (a crescent defined by subjective contours) was easier to detect in a background of vertical bars (also defined by subjective contours) than vice versa, namely, a search asymmetry paralleling those found by Treisman and Gormican (1988). A final experiment showed that when the horizontal and vertical bars of the first experiment formed textured regions, they could be discriminated at very brief display durations (30–120 msec), However, when the line terminations aligned along the subjective contour were tapered rather than abrupt, discrimination dropped off with the degree of tapering. The latter result is consistent with the assumption that the registration of subjective contours in V2 involves the integration of responses from aligned, end-stopped cells found in VI (von der Heydt & Peterhans, 1989).  相似文献   

Historically, the existence of a size-weight illusion has led to the conclusion that perceptions of size and weight are not independent. A dependence of perceived heaviness on physical volume (perceptual separability), however, is different from a dependence on perceived volume (perceptual independence). Three experiments were conducted to evaluate perceptual independence. The relations between perceived size and weight and physical size and mass were evaluated in Experiment 1. Perceived weight, length, and width were structured only by the corresponding physical variables, whereas variations in volume were not separable from variations in mass. F. G. Ashby and J. T. Townsend's (1986) test for perceptual independence was applied in Experiment 2. Perceived weight was independent of perceived length and volume. Experiment 3 used a magnitude estimation paradigm to investigate the extent to which information-perception relations could be related to the observed patterns of separability and independence.  相似文献   

Recent physiological studies (von der Heydt & Peterhans, 1989) suggest that the orientation of subjective contours is encoded very early in the visual system (V2 in monkey). This result is seemingly at odds with existing psychophysical data which suggest that the detection of subjective contours involves selective attention. It is argued that certain subjective contours are registered in a reflexive (bottom-up) manner by the visual system but that selective attention may be needed to gain access to this representation. To assess this suggestion, a visual-search task was used in which subjects were to detect the presence of a horizontal (vertical) subjective contour (defined by offset gratings) in a variable number of vertical (horizontal) subjective contours (also defined by offset gratings). When there were no competing organizations within the display, detection was indeed independent of the number of nontarget distractors, that is, selective attention was unnecessary. In a second experiment, we found that a curved form (a crescent defined by subjective contours) was easier to detect in a background of vertical bars (also defined by subjective contours) than vice versa, namely, a search asymmetry paralleling those found by Treisman and Gormican (1988). A final experiment showed that when the horizontal and vertical bars of the first experiment formed textured regions, they could be discriminated at very brief display durations (30-120 msec). However, when the line terminations aligned along the subjective contour were tapered rather than abrupt, discrimination dropped off with the degree of tapering. The latter result is consistent with the assumption that the registration of subjective contours in V2 involves the integration of responses from aligned, end-stopped cells found in V1 (von der Heydt & Peterhans, 1989).  相似文献   

M. A. Hitt  W. G. Zikmund 《Sex roles》1985,12(7-8):807-812
Effects of sex and concern for equal employment opportunity on responses to mailed job applicant resumes were examined. Applicant sex and concern for equal employment opportunity were systematically varied to yield four different resumes for two functionally equivalent applicants. One of the four resumes of the applicants was sent to 200 corporations. Sex of the applicant was identified using a female name and initials (neutral designation). Interest in equal employment opportunity was manipulated using a thesis title involving sex discrimination and no thesis reported. Results indicated that both the number of replies and number of positive responses were influenced by the interaction of an applicant's sex and interest in sex discrimination.  相似文献   

In four experiments, we tested whether haptic comparison of curvature ranging from ?41m to +41m is qualitatively the same for static and for dynamic touch. In Experiments 1 and 3, we tested whether static and dynamic curvature discrimination are based on height differences, attitude (slope) differences, curvature differences, or a combination of these geometrical variables. It was found that both static and dynamic haptic curvature discrimination are based on attitude differences. In Experiments 2 and 4, we tested whether this mechanism leads to errors in the comparison of stimuli with different lengths for static and dynamic touch, respectively. If the judgments are based on attitude differences, subjects will make systematic errors in these comparisons. In both experiments, we found that subjects compared the curvatures of strips of the same length veridically, whereas they made systematic errors if they were required to compare the curvatures of strips of different lengths. Longer stimuli were judged to be more curved than shorter stimuli with the same curvature. We conclude that similar mechanisms underlie static and dynamic haptic curvature comparison. Moreover, additional data comparison showed that static and dynamic curvature comparison is not only qualitatively, but also quantitatively similar.  相似文献   

Earlier studies have revealed age-dependent differences in perception by dynamic touch. In the present study, we examined whether the capacity to learn deteriorates with aging. Adopting an ecological approach to learning, the authors examined the process of attunement--that is, the changes in what informational variable is exploited. Young and elderly adults were trained to perceive the lengths of unseen, handheld rods. It was found that the capacity to attune declines with aging: Contrary to the young adults, the elderly proved unsuccessful in learning to detect the specifying informational variables. The fact that aging affects the capacity to attune sets a new line of research in the study of perception and perceptual-motor skills of elderly. The authors discuss the implications of their findings for the ongoing discussions on the ecological approach to learning.  相似文献   

Earlier studies suggested that the calibration of actions is functionally, rather than anatomically, specific; thus, calibration of an action ought to transfer to actions that serve the same goal (Rieser, Pick, Ashmead, & Garing, 1995). In the present study, we investigated whether the calibration of perception also follows a functional organization: If one means of detecting an information variable is recalibrated, are other means of detection recalibrated as well? In two experiments, visual feedback was used to recalibrate perceived length of a rod wielded by the right hand; the recalibration was found to transfer to length perception with the left hand. This implies that calibration in perception is organized functionally rather than anatomically, and supports the general view that calibration applies to functional systems.  相似文献   

Spatial perception by dynamic touch is a well-documented capability of the hand and arm. Morphological and physiological characteristics of the foot and leg suggest that such a capability may not generalize to that putatively less dexterous limb. The authors examined length perception by dynamic touch in a task in which weighted aluminum rods were grasped by the hand and wielded about the wrist or secured to the foot and wielded about the ankle. Participants' (N = 10) upper and lower extremities were comparable in terms of (a) the accuracy and consistency of length perception and (b) their sensitivity to manipulations of the moments of the mass distribution of the rods. The authors discuss those results in terms of the field-like structure of the haptic perceptual system, an organization that may underlie what appears to be functional, rather than anatomical, specificity.  相似文献   

In four experiments, we tested whether haptic comparison of curvature ranging from -4/m to +4/m is qualitatively the same for static and for dynamic touch. In Experiments 1 and 3, we tested whether static and dynamic curvature discrimination are based on height differences, attitude (slope) differences, curvature differences, or a combination of these geometrical variables. It was found that both static and dynamic hepatic curvature discrimination are based on attitude differences. In Experiments 2 and 4, we tested whether this mechanism leads to errors in the comparison of stimuli with different lengths for static and dynamic touch, respectively. If the judgments are based on attitude differences, subjects will make systematic errors in these comparisons. In both experiments, we found that subjects compared the curvatures of strips of the same length vertically, whereas they made systematic errors if they were required to compare the curvatures of strips of different lengths. Longer stimuli were judged to be more curved than shorter stimuli with the same curvature. We conclude that similar mechanisms underlie static and dynamic haptic curvature comparison. Moreover, additional data comparison showed that static and dynamic curvature comparison is not only qualitatively, but also quantitatively similar.  相似文献   

Intermodal perceptual equivaience was investigated, using visual and tactual oddity discrimination and cross-modal matching-to-sample tasks. Four groups of Ss were presented with 100 problems made up of randomly derived forms from five levels of sidedness. The same quadratic relationship was observed for all tasks as a function of complexity, with optimal performance at eight sides. Comman information utilization, as indicated by intercorrelations of performance variables and by correlational analyses with differences in form measures, was not as pronounced within side classes. Evidence concerning the nature of pattern-feature usage in discrimination was obtained from graphical analyses.  相似文献   

In traditional theories of perceptual learning, sensory modalities support one another. A good example comes from research on dynamic touch, the wielding of an unseen object to perceive its properties. Wielding provides the haptic system with mechanical information related to the length of the object. Visual feedback can improve the accuracy of subsequent length judgments; visual perception supports haptic perception. Such cross-modal support is not the only route to perceptual learning. We present a dynamic touch task in which we replaced visual feedback with the instruction to strike the unseen object against an unseen surface following length judgment. This additional mechanical information improved subsequent length judgments. We propose a self-organizing perspective in which a single modality trains itself.  相似文献   

Multisensory integration of nonspatial features between vision and touch was investigated by examining the effects of redundant signals of visual and tactile inputs. In the present experiments, visual letter stimuli and/or tactile letter stimuli were presented, which participants were asked to identify as quickly as possible. The results of Experiment 1 demonstrated faster reaction times for bimodal stimuli than for unimodal stimuli (the redundant signals effect (RSE)). The RSE was due to coactivation of figural representations from the visual and tactile modalities. This coactivation did not occur for a simple stimulus detection task (Experiment 2) or for bimodal stimuli with the same semantic information but different physical stimulus features (Experiment 3). The findings suggest that the integration process might occur at a relatively early stage of object-identification prior to the decision level.  相似文献   

When an object is held and wielded, a time-invariant quantity of the wielding dynamics is the inertia tensorIij. The 3 × 3 quantityIij is composed of moments of inertia (on the diagonal) and products of inertia (off the diagonal). Examination ofIij as a function of different locations at which a cylindrical object is grasped revealed that the products related systematically to grip position (a direction), and both the products and moments taken together related systematically to the extent of the rod to one side of the hand (a magnitude in a direction). In two experiments, observers wielded an occluded rod that was held at an intermediate point along its length and reproduced both the felt grip position and partial rod length. In both experiments, perceived grip position was a function of the rod’s products of inertia and perceived partial rod length was a function of the moments and products. Discussion focuses on the specificity of exteroception and exproprioception toIij.  相似文献   

The haptic subsystem of dynamic touch expresses a novel form of part-whole selective perception. When wielding a nonvisible rod grasped at some intermediate point along its length, an individual can attend to and report the length of a part of the rod (e.g., the segment forward of the hand) or the length of the whole rod. Both perceptions relate to the rod's mass moments about the point of grasp but in systematically different ways. Previous demonstrations of this part-whole selectivity have been in respect to rods grasped by hand or attached to a foot. The authors demonstrated the part-whole selectivity for nonvisible rods attached to the shoulder girdle and wielded primarily by movements of the trunk with benchmark performance provided by the same rods grasped and wielded by hand. Their results suggest that part-whole selectivity is a haptic capability general to the body.  相似文献   

Ss were given a verbal discrimination task where correct and incorrect stimuli appeared in one, two. or four different pairs in a within-Ss design. For a group tested with the usual anticipation procedure, correct repetitions helped and incorrect repetitions hurt performance. The pattern of results suggested that frequency is a salient cue in verbal discrimination learning but that coding or paired-associate processing may occur at the same time. Data from a second group of Ss for which frequency was a less salient cue gave more direct evidence for coding.  相似文献   

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