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先秦逻辑研究有"中国逻辑史研究中的‘现代主义’"与"了解之同情"两种范式,作为前种范式之研究成果大致可以归为符号学、语言学、逻辑学、哲学等领域;后种范式基于文本与文本时代特征衍生出文本义理,归为历史学(如中国逻辑史等)领域。"‘白马非马’论证"研究也不例外,有"白马非马"论证兼名说、复合名词说、形式化理论说、诡辩说、任意对象理论说等,也有"唯谓"说、"物–物指"说等。本文提出了"唯位"说,即"白马非马"命题提出的理论根据是"位其所位",这里涉及"物、实、指、名、位、谓"诸范畴;并进而论证《公孙龙子》逻辑理论篇为《名实论》与《指物论》,其中《指物论》补充《名实论》里的"物"与"指"关系,例证篇为《白马论》、《通变论》、《坚白论》,其中《通变论》与《坚白论》完善《白马论》中的"白马非马"例证,得出"白马非马"论证是先秦思想孕育出的一种逻辑。  相似文献   

"模型的构建"不是"科学的目的"--与张其成同志商榷   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张其成同志在《模型与原型:中西医的本质区别———兼论走出中医现代化悖论的怪圈》一文(见《医学与哲学》1999年第12期,以下简称“张文”)中提出,“中医学关注的是‘模型’,‘原型’往往服从于‘模型’,‘藏象’即是一种典型的模型,对藏象模型的构建成为中医人体生命科学的目的”。对于此论,笔者不敢苟同,我们认为,中西医学虽然思维方式有别,采用的模型不同,但其模型的构建都是科学的手段和方法,其目的都是在于认识、掌握和应用于原型———人和疾病及其相关因素。原型是他们共同的研究对象,决定了作为医学的本质。张文关于中医学里的原型…  相似文献   

周云之同志在《哲学研究》1983年第1期上发表的文章《对先秦名家分为两个诡辩学派的异议》中提出了重新评价公孙龙“白马非马”论的基本性质问题。在此之前,周在另外两篇文章《公孙龙关于名(概念)的逻辑思想——“白马非马”纯属诡辩吗?》、《中国逻辑史研究中的几个方法问题》中也谈到同一问题(以下简称周文)。周文认为:“公孙龙的‘白马非马’根本不是割裂个别与一般的‘离  相似文献   

《内经》藏象理论体系的建构方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用文献发生学研究方法,分析<内经>藏象理论体系的建构过程.认为:观察方法、系统方法、数学方法、逻辑方法、医疗实践方法等是形成<内经>藏象理论的主要方法.揭示了<内经>藏象理论体系的整体性、功能性、辨证性等内在特征和本质规律.  相似文献   

"白马非马"是诞生于先秦名辩思潮中的一个典型命题,自古及今,评论者见仁见智、莫衷一是。其中,就对公孙龙"白马说"的批评而言,批评者往往把"白马非马"这一命题置于特定的论域,即并非《公孙龙子·白马论》所设定的论域来进行讨论。这样,相应的批评也就难免稻草人谬误。探寻"白马说"的原意,回归到《公孙龙子·白马论》所呈现的文本世界,当是理解公孙龙"白马非马"及其论证的恰当选择。  相似文献   

中国古无"哲学"一词,但很早就有"知人则哲"和"哲人"的表述.日本学者西周最早将西方的philosophy翻译为"哲学",这与中国古代使用的"哲"字有关系.据学者考证,西周在1875年出版的<百一新论>中用"哲学"翻译philosophy,而"在津田进藤于1861年出版的<新理论>的附录中,西周翻译‘哲学'一词用的字是‘希贤学'或‘希哲学',意思是追求贤人之学,或追求哲人之学"[1].由此看来,"哲学"译名的成立,先已经过类似佛教东传时那样的"连类"或"格义"的工夫,其中浸润了东方学人对于"哲学"的特殊理解.  相似文献   

本组文章为"文化哲学视野下的符号--从卡西尔出发"研讨会会议论文.在本组文章中,各位作者就符号文化哲学以及卡西尔哲学的特征及贡献进行了探讨.邴正讨论了现代文化研究的三大渊源和三条路径,陆杰荣讨论了文化哲学的现实功能,石福祁讨论了卡西尔符号哲学的得失,霍桂桓讨论了卡西尔在文化哲学研究中的地位,邹广文对卡西尔<语言与神话>在文化哲学中的影响,李鹏程对卡西尔符号哲学的哲学史意义进行了分析.  相似文献   

最近读到冯友兰教授题为《哲学与哲学史》的论文(见《中国哲学史研究》创刊号),其中在“研究中国哲学史的特殊任务”一节说:“战国时期,公孙龙作《白马论》,主张‘白马非马’。当时及后来的许多人认为这是诡辩,因为在常识中,一般都说‘白马是马’。其实‘白马是马’和‘白马非马’这两个命题都是真的,并没有冲突。‘白马是马’是就马这个名  相似文献   

"优越意识"是青年叔本华哲学中的一个核心概念,它是对非时间性的本质的直接描述。"意志"起初是一个从属于"优越意识"的概念,但是最终取代了后者。"优越意识"在青年叔本华哲学中的提出与扬弃过程,也是"意志"脱胎换骨上升为本质的过程。在叔本华意志论哲学形成原因的探究中,对"优越意识"的重新认识具有不可替代的积极作用。从哲学解脱论角度来看,"意志"取代"优越意识"亦是必然的。  相似文献   

马克思《关于费尔巴哈的提纲》实际上提出了其哲学的"最高问题"即"改变世界"问题。马克思颠覆了传统的学问方式,将他的哲学"最高问题"的破解过程,融入《资本论》及其手稿这个"载体"之中,即不再以纯哲学范畴抽象论述一般的"社会本质"问题或一般的"人的本质"问题,而是"立足"于"资本主义社会"这个"现代社会","立足"于"工人阶级"这个"现实的人",依凭"政治经济学批判"实现了对改变世界问题的具体破解。  相似文献   

Down the road from where I live, lives my shadow.

It is amazing that such a powerful thing could escape my notice, but there it is. I have lived most of my life in relative ignorance of this powerful force, assuming (as most of us do) that what I see on the surface is all that is true, and that what I see in others has nothing to do with me.  相似文献   

This paper presents an interpretation of Gongsun Long's white horse paradox. The Chinese sentence he uses to state his main thesis (Bai ma fei ma) has two potential readings: (a) The white horses are not horses. (b) The white horses are not the horses Although (a) gives the usual and correct reading of the sentence, according to the interpretation, Gongsun Long takes it to state (b). He gives good arguments for (b) while taking them to establish (a) as well, for he fails to distinguish between the two different theses. In presenting this interpretation, the paper gives an account of the function of numeral classifiers and discusses the semantics of count nouns in languages with no grammatical number system, including classical Chinese and classifier languages (e.g., contemporary Chinese).  相似文献   

This pilot study examined a brief psychological intervention delivered to a group of disengaged youths (n = 16) using horse-related activities to improve their levels of self-esteem and self-efficacy. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and the General Self-Efficacy Scale were administered (preintervention and postintervention). Participants’ case managers also completed a survey to assess their perception of the young people’s behaviors and attitudes to life. Participants showed a significant increase in their levels of self-esteem and self-efficacy following the intervention. There was also evidence of a positive shift in overall attitude toward life. The findings indicated that equine-facilitated therapy might provide a viable option for youths who have not responded to other interventions and who have disengaged from traditional institutions.  相似文献   

"乘马"是认识周代农民负担乃至整个周代社会变迁的一种重要制度.<管子>与<司马法>所载"乘马"征收标准的差异生动地反映了春秋时代农民负担不断加重的历史事实.如果对二者的文献解读存在错误,就难以把握历史真相,甚至有可能作出与历史事实相反的结论.  相似文献   

This article explores the transformation of ethics in a globalizing technological society. After describing some basic features of this society, particularly the primacy it gives to a special type of technical rationality, three specific influences on traditional ethics are examined: (1) a change concerning the notion of value, (2) the decreasing relevance of the concept of axiological hierarchy, and (3) the new internal architecture of ethics as a net of values. These three characteristics suggest a new pragmatic understanding of ethics. From a pragmatic perspective, the process of introducing ethical values into contemporary society can be regarded as a beneficial Trojan horse, a metaphor that will be developed further.  相似文献   

The authors investigated and compared the energy expenditure and postural coordination of two groups of healthy subjects on a mechanical horse at 4 increasing oscillation frequencies. Energy expenditure was assessed from the oxygen consumption, respiratory quotient, and heart rate values, and postural coordination was characterized by relative phase computations between subjects (elbow, head, trunk) and horse. The results showed that the postural coordination of the riders was better adapted (i.e., maintenance of in-phase and antiphase) than that of the nonriders, but the energy expenditure remains the same. Likewise, we observed an energy system shifting only for nonriders (from aerobic to lactic anaerobic mode). Finally, cross-correlations showed a link between energy expenditure and postural coordination in the riders (i.e., effectiveness).  相似文献   

Many animal species that rely mainly on calls to communicate produce individual acoustic structures, but we wondered whether individuals of species better known as visual communicants, with small vocal repertoires, would also exhibit individual distinctiveness in calls. Moreover, theoretical advances concerning the evolution of social intelligence are usually based on primate species data, but relatively little is known about the social cognitive capacities of non-primate mammals. However, some non-primate species demonstrate auditory recognition of social categories and possess mental representation of their social network. Horses (Equus caballus) form stable social networks and although they display a large range of visual signals, they also use long-distance whinny calls to maintain contact. Here, we investigated the potential existence of individual acoustic signatures in whinny calls and the ability of horses to discriminate by ear individuals varying in their degree of familiarity. Our analysis of the acoustic structure of whinnies of 30 adult domestic horses (ten stallions, ten geldings, ten mares) revealed that some of the frequency and temporal parameters carried reliable information about the caller’s sex, body size and identity. However, no correlations with age were found. Playback experiments evaluated the behavioural significance of this variability. Twelve horses heard either control white noise or whinnies emitted by group members, familiar neighbours or unfamiliar horses. While control sounds did not induce any particular response, horses discriminated the social category of the callers and reacted with a sound-specific behaviour (vigilance and attraction varied with familiarity). Our results support the existence of social knowledge in horses and suggest a process of vocal coding/decoding of information.  相似文献   

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