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为了研究药学信息学的研究范畴,通过文献分析方法研究药学信息学从技术和服务两个角度嵌入新药从筛选到上市的全部过程.结果表明,药学信息学的研究范畴为技术信息学和服务信息学.技术信息学包括系统生物技术信息学、基因技术信息学、免疫技术信息学、计算毒理技术信息学、化学反应技术信息学、代谢组技术信息学和中药信息学.服务信息学包括药疗信息学、药研信息学和药品信息学.因此,药学信息学描述了前所未有的数据、学科和技术的交叉.  相似文献   

心理信息学:网络信息时代下的心理学新发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在见证了社会计算与计算社会科学的勃兴之后,心理学和信息科学在网络信息时代相遇,催生出心理信息学这门新兴交叉学科。该学科旨在利用计算机与信息科学技术,通过开展网络调查和实验、开发和利用移动设备、建立数据库和分类体系、使用开源软件和数据挖掘技术等,获取、整理和分析心理学研究资料。其对大规模复杂数据的掌控能力,使心理学家可以从新的高度和视野,针对现实和虚拟网络中的个体与群体心理现象展开研究,重新检视已有理论假设并探索新发现。但是,心理信息学在展现巨大潜力的同时,也在技术和研究设计、伦理和研究规范、研究重心与人才培养等诸多方面面临挑战。  相似文献   

思维科学分三个层次:基础科学、技术科学和工程技术。基础科学由思维学(包括抽象思维、形象思维和灵感思维)和信息学组成。技术科学包括科学方法论、模式识别、语言学、情报学等。工程技术包括人工智能、计算机软件工程、计算机模拟技术、密码技术、文字学、情报资料新技术等。(见钱学森:《关于思维科学》载《自然杂志》1983年第8期)当前,思维科学研究的主攻方向是基础科学部分,其中又要以研究形象  相似文献   

本文通过考察美国心理科学协会旗舰刊物——《心理科学(Psychological Science)》的文献,探索该刊1990年创刊以来心理学研究的动向。笔者收集该刊29年间发表的实证文章的标题、摘要等信息创建语料库,采用语料库工具和共现网络可视化工具对该语料库的信息进行计量分析。结果显示:近30年来,国际心理学研究始终以基本认知过程为核心范畴,并广泛结合神经科学和脑科学研究的前沿技术和方法,不断深化和拓展研究变量的范围和层次。本文所捕捉到的心理学研究范畴和话题结构的演变特征表明,心理科学朝着以人为本、跨学科及社会化的方向发展。  相似文献   

医院临床药学管理要注重药物经济学评价与研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对医院临床药学管理的药物经济学评价与研究的重要性、药物经济学评价与研究的基本方法和技术的论述,提出在进行临床药学管理的同时,应注重和开展药物经济学评价与研究,使之成为医院临床药学管理重要方面。目前医院临床药物管理中需关注的评价与研究项目,包括医院药品费用评价和控制研究、医院用药目录评价和规范医生行为研究、药物的适用范围评价与科学合理性研究、患者选择药物行为评价和正确帮助择药研究。  相似文献   

现今,医学信息学的研究已从基本的事务管理向知识组织、知识服务和决策咨询方向拓展,随着决策支持系统理论与实践的发展,以及计算机技术在医学领域中发展的突飞猛进,医学决策支持系统的架构、数据资源管理方式与数据分析实现技术都发生了巨大的变化。通过分析医学决策支持系统的发展路线与成败原因,对其在云计算与大数据环境下的发展趋势做了...  相似文献   

当学者和哲学家们开始思考现阶段的科学技术革命及其与微电子学和工艺学的发展有关、与人类社会进入机器人和信息学时代有关的前景时,“高度相关”这一术语显然是最贴切的。在这里所涉及的是,社会和人自身在它们与自然界相互作用中的新的、更高程度的发展应该与新的、更高水平的生产工艺相适应。这要求从马克思主义立场对这里产生的问题进行深入的社会哲学研究。1.“社会的相关”:技术统治主义未来学的希望与幻想,“信息社会”的乌托邦与社会主义的现实性。现在,全世界都在为发展微电子学、信息学和生物工艺学进行巨大的努力,这些领域的  相似文献   

迈克尔·伽扎尼加(Michael Gazzaniga)是美国著名神经科学家,被誉为"认知神经科学之父"。他的专著《伦理的脑》探讨了伦理学与神经科学的互动关系,尤其强调了神经科学对伦理学的启发意义。神经伦理学主要包括两方面内容:一是"神经科学的伦理学",指对神经科学研究本身的伦理审视,探讨神经科学研究过程中对人脑进行干预以及神经科学技术应用是否合乎道德;二是"伦理学的神经科学",指神经科学的最新研究成果对于解释生命伦理问题、基本道德范畴(意志自由、责任)以及道德感产生等方面的意义。  相似文献   

药学服务—试论我国药师功能的转换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国 ,“有病找医生”、“看医生”已成为广大病患者的口头禅 ,对中西药房的药师 ,其印象十之八九是“配药”、“发药”而已。事实上 ,我国各地医院的药师在日常工作中 ,其大量的时间和精力 ,的确是集中在药品的配发、药物及帐目的管理上 ,使药师的技能和潜能无法正常发挥出来 ,广义地讲 ,这也是我国千百万药学专业人员的一种资源浪费。时代在进步 ,药学服务也就应运而生了。何谓“药学服务” ?早在 1990年 ,美国的药学家Hepler和Strand就为药学服务 (pharmaceuticalcare)下了定义 ,而且已经被药学界广泛认…  相似文献   

人类基因组计划中的计算机科学   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
叙述了人类基因组计划(HGP)实施过程中计算机科学向基因组学领域的不断渗透及面临的挑战。基因组数据库及网络系统的构建与完善为基因组信息的交流提供了基础,一系列计算机软件的开发和改进简化了HGP这一繁重的劳动。在HGP的推动下,世界各大信息技术公司也加盟到基因组研究中,使生物学中融入了更多的计算机专业技能,有利于引进新的思维模式,开拓新的研究方法。但目前在基因组信息的交流与分析方面,标准化和精确性仍显不足,信息的处理能力也受到计算机存储量和运算速度的制约,这些问题将随着计算机科学的不断发展而逐渐解决。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to address the general questionwhether information technologies, as applied in thearea of medicine and health care, have or are likelyto change fundamental concepts regarding disease andhealth. After a short excursion into the domain ofmedical informatics I provide a brief overview of someof the current theories of what a disease is from amore philosophical perspective, i.e. the ``valuefree' and ``value laden' view of disease. Next, Iconsider at some length, whether health careinformatics is currently modifying fundamentalconcepts of disease. To this question I will answerlargely in the negative, and I will provide the sketchof some arguments from current research programs inmedical informatics why I think this is the case. Thisargumentation is supported by a detailed account ofhow the disease profile for beriberi heart disease,used in one of the major medical informaticsdiagnostic programs, QMR (and its ancestorINTERNIST-1), was developed, and why at least thisprogram essentially follows received views oftraditional medicine.The one main exception to theconformity of this program to ``received' views of adisease occurs when the program's designers need tofine-tune a disease definition. This fine-tuning is tocomport with the expert's perspective on the disease,including his or her epistemic values, as well as theprogram's other resources for diagnosing components ofa disease.  相似文献   

This theoretical paper presents a person–environment fit framework that extends the Minnesota Theory of Work Adjustment to retirement transition and adjustment. The proposed Retirement Transition and Adjustment Framework (RTAF) also accommodates dynamic intra-individual and environment change over time, configural combinations of variables, and an ecological perspective to psychological-level decisions. The RTAF permits the collection of frequently sampled longitudinal person and environment data, allows for a detailed analysis of change and responsiveness, and can accommodate external influences from the family team, and social, economic and political policies. The paper concludes by using the RTAF to illustrate the types of psychological measurement and analysis opportunities likely to emerge in light of developments in the web, virtual reality, personal informatics and computing and information technology generally.  相似文献   

精准医疗模式本着患者的最大获益和社会医疗投入的高效配置为宗旨,结合现代流行病学和预防医学、临床诊断学和治疗学、分子医学、医学信息学技术以及卫生经济学和医学社会学,使传统的医疗模式走向整合化,为每一个人提供量体裁衣般的疾病预防、筛查、诊断、治疗和康复计划,以最小资源投入获取最大健康保障,从而提高整体人群的健康水平。  相似文献   

Behavioral telehealth, health informatics, organ and tissue transplantation, and genetics are among the areas that have been affected by advances in technology and medicine. These areas illustrate the opportunities and the challenges that new developments can pose to health psychologists. Each area is discussed with respect to implications for practice, research, public policy, and education and training: recommendations are provided.  相似文献   

This article is essentially theoretical and is focused on the allocative function of the legal systems to attract/reject different capitals according to their procedures to shape norms and laws. This function of the legal systems is pivotal in our times as humankind is facing a systemic and evolutionary bifurcation between the heideggerian Gegnet of a strategic, high speed convergence (i.e., Singularity) among robotics, informatics, nanotechnologies, and genetics (RINGs)—which will reshape human life in terms of its life quality styles and standards especially regarding health and environment matters, and the so called Neofeudal Scenario (NS) supported by those for whom the Industrial Model failed and the only way to save humankind and its environment would be a kind return to a Medieval life style based on a slow pace of life and austerity. This article provides an overview of the most important and recent international references regarding the two alternatives of bifurcation and describes a potential paradigm shift inside the systemic approach to reframe the conceptual map of global change through a systemic epistemology of the sociology of law.  相似文献   

The Internet is becoming the preferred place for finding information. Millions of people go online in search of health and medical information. Likewise, health care professionals must be able to retrieve and manage information in an efficient, effective manner. The development of health technology and informatics (HTI) has been rapid, yet little is known about the knowledge and attitudes of nursing students with regard to using HTI. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to explore nursing students' knowledge of and attitudes toward using HTI and to use an e-learning workshop to enhance the effective use of HTI. In Phase I, 115 first-year full-time nursing students were invited to complete a 13-item questionnaire regarding knowledge of and attitudes toward computer and Internet use, knowledge of HTI, and attitudes toward the future development of HTI. Participants perceived themselves to be knowledgeable in computer and Internet use, while knowledge of HTI was perceived to be low and attitudes toward the future development of HTI were generally positive. Phase II was an e-learning HTI workshop; topics included an introduction to HTI, examples of HTI in use, and the application and implementation of various HTI projects. There were 30 participants in the E-learning workshop, and their feedback was positive. Nurses and all health care professionals must be prepared to participate in the development of health technology and informatics. Teaching and learning activities should be geared toward mastery of HTI in the nursing education curriculum in order to enhance health care quality and safety.  相似文献   

Differences in non-pathological cognitive ageing provide a useful case study for the opportunities and challenges facing cognitive science as it embraces advances in genetics. One replicated contributor to these differences is variability in the gene for apolipoprotein E. Genetic variations that influence neurodegenerative diseases, learning and memory, cardiovascular disease, and oxidative stress are among the candidates for influence on cognitive ageing differences. The area suffers the same problems as other domains in which quantitative trait loci are sought: uncertainty regarding the genetic architecture, unreliable strategies for candidate gene selection, lack of power leading to unreplicated findings, and poor characterisation of the phenotype. However, current progress in genetic knowledge, technology and informatics will contribute to progress in this important area.  相似文献   

Experts in medical informatics have argued for the incorporation of ever more machine-learning algorithms into medical care. As artificial intelligence (AI) research advances, such technologies raise the possibility of an “iDoctor,” a machine theoretically capable of replacing the judgment of primary care physicians. In this article, I draw on Martin Heidegger’s critique of technology to show how an algorithmic approach to medicine distorts the physician–patient relationship. Among other problems, AI cannot adapt guidelines according to the individual patient’s needs. In response to the objection that AI could develop this capacity, I use Hubert Dreyfus’s analysis of AI to argue that attention to the needs of each patient requires the physician to attune his or her perception to the patient’s history and physical exam, an ability that seems uniquely human. Human physician judgment will remain better suited to the practice of primary care despite anticipated advances in AI technology.  相似文献   

Self‐service technologies are shaping the future of consumer behaviour, yet consumers often experience service failure in this context. This conceptual paper focuses on self‐service technology failure and recovery. A consumer perspective is taken. Recovering from self‐service technology failure is fraught with difficulty, mainly because of the absence of service personnel. The aim of this paper is to present a theoretical framework and associated research propositions in respect to the positive role that service guarantees can play in the context of self‐service technology failure and recovery. It contributes to the consumer behaviour domain by unifying the theory pertaining to consumer complaint behaviour, service recovery, specifically consumers' perceptions of justice, and service guarantees, which are set in a distinctive self‐service technology context. It is advanced that service guarantees, specifically multiple attribute‐specific guarantees, are associated with consumer voice complaints following self‐service technology failure, which is contingent on the attribution of blame in the light of consumers' production role. Service guarantees are argued to be associated with consumers' perceptions of just recovery in the self‐service technology context when they promise to fix the problem, compensate only when the problem cannot be remedied, offer a choice of compensation that is contingent on failure severity, afford ease of invocation and collection, and provide a personalised response to failures. Previous classifications of SSTs are used to highlight the applicability of guarantees for different types of SSTs. Managerial implications based on the theoretical framework are presented, along with future research directions. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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