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Although many follow-up studies have been performed on preterm infants, little attention has been devoted to prediction of motor skills in the preschool or school years. We studied the relationship of performance on the Bayley Scales of Infant Development at a mean corrected age of 21 months to performance on the McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities at a mean corrected age of 44.7 months for 43 appropriate-for-gestational-age (AGA) children born at ≤ 32 weeks gestation. Motor scores were stable over time with a significant correlation between the Bayley Psychomotor Developmental Index (PDI) and the McCarthy Motor subscale (r = 0.60; p = 0.0001). Scores of cognitive abilities also showed a significant correlation between the Bayley Mental Developmental Index (MDI) and the McCarthy General Cognitive Index (r = 0.42; p = 0.009). Small-for-gestational-age (SGA), very low-birthweight (≤ 1500 grams) children scored lower on the McCarthy General Cognitive Index (p = 0.01) and on the Motor subscale (p = 0.047) than the AGA children. We concluded that motor performance of AGA children born at ≤ 32 weeks gestation is stable from toddlerhood to preschool age. We suggest that SGA children be excluded from studies of motor performance of prematurely born children.  相似文献   

The present study had two aims: First, to investigate the joint and specific roles of working memory (WM) and intelligence as predictors of school achievement. And second, to replicate and extend earlier findings (Spinath, Spinath, Harlaar, & Plomin, 2006) on the incremental validity of non-cognitive over cognitive abilities in the prediction of school achievement. The present sample consisted of N = 179 Chinese primary school children in the fourth grade. All measures including working memory (WM), intelligence and motivational items were assessed in class. Teachers provided test scores for the domains of Chinese and Math. We found that WM was a good predictor of school achievement and comparable in predictive power to intelligence. Together, cognitive ability including both WM and intelligence explained 17.8% and 36.4% of the variance in children's Chinese and Math scores, respectively. The relative importance of WM and intelligence varied with school domains with greater predictive power of WM for Math while intelligence explained a greater proportion of the variance in Chinese although the magnitude of this difference was only moderate. Domain-specific motivational constructs contributed only marginally to the prediction of school achievement for both Chinese and Math.  相似文献   

Early behavioral problems and temperament as well as student-teacher relationships each have been shown to be important predictors of school performance. This longitudinal study investigated the relations between children's preschool behaviors and their early adolescent student-teacher relationships and academic achievement. It was hypothesized that preschool behaviors would predict school performance in early adolescents. Results showed that children who were more prone to anxiety as preschoolers tended to have the highest grades as young adolescents. Additionally, children with poor student-teacher relationships, as characterized by dependent and conflictual relationships, had lower grades in school. Thus, in considering the importance of a “child×environment” model for school performance, it appears that it is both the child variable of anxiety and the perhaps environmental variable of student-teacher relationships that are related to school performance.  相似文献   

Assessment of children's adaptive behavior has been recommended for full multidimensional and nondiscriminatory evaluations. Additionally, previous research has reported discrepancies between teacher and parent reports on adaptive behavior. The purpose of this study was to compare mother and teacher reports on two scales from the Adaptive Behavior Inventory for Children of the System of Multicultural and Pluralistic Assessment (SOMPA). Black students from second through fourth grades (N = 24; 4 males and 4 females per grade) in an urban, parochial school were selected. The interviewers were two trained female graduate students (one white, one black). Each child's mother and teacher were interviewed in accordance with SOMPA assessment procedures. The results indicated that there was little agreement (.38 to .64) between mother and teacher reports. Additionally, mothers tended to provide higher ratings of adaptive behaviors than did teachers, irrespective of grade level. Implications of these findings for the assessment of children's adaptive behaviors are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study examined children's cognitive engagement with television as a function of the continuity of central or incidental content and whether this varied with age and clinical status. In Experiment 1, 9- to 11-year-old children's response times on a secondary task were slower the later a probe occurred in a sequence of central events, and response times predicted recall. Experiment 2 extended these results to 6- to 8-year-old children. Experiment 3 revealed that children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) failed to show the pattern consistently observed for comparison children. The results support the hypothesis that typically developing children build a representation during viewing that reflects the causal structure of the televised story but that this skill is deficient in 4- to 9-year-old children with ADHD.  相似文献   

The ability of social, economic, and educational variables to predict screening referral rates among 398 school districts in a statewide preschool screening program was examined. First, salient demographic and educational variables were identified and reduced to five global factors by principal (common) factor analysis. Then, five factor scores and one additional variable (percentage of handicapped students) for each school district were evaluated as predictors of two screening outcomes. In Study 1 the screening outcome was membership in groups of screening programs with the lowest versus highest referral rates. In Study 2 the screening outcome was referral rates among the screening programs. The results from both studies indicated that screening referral rates were not related to broad social, economic, and educational factors in any simple way. Alternative explanations are discussed, as well as implications for research on factors that may influence the screening of preschoolers.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to assess the development of sex differences in the creative potential of preschool and early elementary school children. Preschool, first‐, and third‐grade children (N = 188) received the Multidimensional Stimulus Fluency Measure (MSFM). The MSFM assesses creative potential in terms of popular and original responses (ideational fluency). Comparisons of the three groups of children indicated that sex differences emerged throughout early elementary school. No sex differences were found within the preschool sample; but by third‐grade, boys were found to score significantly higher than girls on both popular and original responses. These findings were discussed with regard to evaluation, conformity, assimilative strategies, and the environmental factors which might affect creative potential.  相似文献   

This study examined differences in K-ABC performance between at-risk (n = 44) and normal (n = 49) preschool children. For the group at-risk, all of the mean global scores on the K-ABC clustered around a standard score of approximately 90. The normal group's mean scores were 15 to 21 standard-score points higher and clustered near 110. The results of t tests for independent samples indicated that the normal group's scores on both the global scales and K-ABC subtests were significantly higher than the at-risk group's scores in nearly every instance. Correlations among scores were consistent with previous findings for preschoolers on the K-ABC. For the normal group, correlations obtained among the global scales were nearly identical to those reported for the standardization sample. For the at-risk group, however, the correlation of .75 between Sequential processing and Achievement was higher than that (.58) between Simultaneous processing and Achievement.  相似文献   

This prospective, longitudinal study examined factors affecting intelligence and school readiness in children 4-5 years of age with prenatal cocaine/opiate exposure. Intelligence and school readiness scores were not significantly different for the drug-exposed group (N = 104) than for unexposed, demographically matched controls (N = 35), although both groups scored slightly below average. Caregivers of drug-exposed children scored significantly lower in intelligence and reading achievement than caregivers of controls; both were below average. Caregiver reading scores accounted for the largest variance in both child intelligence and school readiness; for school readiness, birth weight also contributed but was less important in the model. Neither prenatal drug exposure nor continuing caregiver drug use was significant in the regression analyses. The relationship between child scores and caregiver reading achievement is consistent with studies showing the importance of a stimulating, supportive home environment, and suggests interventions to foster caregiver literacy skills and facilitate caregiver-child cognitive interactions such as reading to the child.  相似文献   

The present research investigated the relative contributions of verbal short-term memory (STM) and working memory (WM) to vocabulary development in the early years among Greek-speaking children. Participants were 5.5-, 7.5-, 8.5- and 9.5-year-old (N = 216) native speakers of Greek, a language differing from English in which most investigations have been conducted. Children were assessed with a receptive vocabulary task, four verbal STM measures (word, digit, and non-word list recall, as well as word list matching), and three verbal WM tasks (listening, counting, and backward digit recall). Results offer support to the view that both STM and WM influence vocabulary development in early stages. Vocabulary was associated with verbal STM at 7.5 and 8.5 years, but only with verbal WM at 5.5 years. Associations declined with age (by 9.5 years), earlier than in English-speaking children. Findings are discussed in relation to Greek language characteristics, demonstrating the importance of cross-cultural investigations.  相似文献   

Developed a form of the Preschool and Primary Nowicki-Strickland locus of control scale (PPNSIE) for use with black children (PPNSIE-B). The psychometric data suggest that the new scale is worthy of further examination and development.  相似文献   

The continuous performance task is currently used to detect attention disorders in school-age children. However, its use with younger children is problematical, because indices measuring attention indirectly (omissions, commissions, reaction time) may be distorted by difficulties in following instructions: the ability to maintain and manipulate instructions in working memory, and to inhibit inappropriate actions increases with age. In the present research, we adapted such a task for children between 2 years 6months and 5 years 6 months, and recorded visual activity in order to measure directly visual attention and to relate it to performance. Even very young children spend most of the time looking at the screen, but they display poor performances and are unable to re-engage in the task after a gap (2 consecutive omissions). At a medium level (age 3 years 6 months to 4 years) endogenous control of attention increases, children come back to the task, off-task looks shorten and reach the short values observed in older children. After 4 years 6 months no more gaps are observed, the consistency of reaction times shows that a controlled strategy, including shifts from and to the screen, is now adopted. The discussion suggests that only at this upper level do indirect performance indices evaluate attention.  相似文献   

This study explored patterns of change in the REDI (Research-based Developmentally Informed) Parent program (REDI-P), designed to help parents support child learning at the transition into kindergarten. Participants were 200 prekindergarten children attending Head Start (55% European-American, 26% African American, 19% Latino, 56% male, Mage = 4.45 years, SD = 0.29) and their primary caregivers, who were randomized to a 16-session home-visiting intervention (REDI-P) or a control group. Extending beyond a prior study documenting intervention effects on parenting behaviors and child kindergarten outcomes, this study assessed the impact of REDI-P on parent academic expectations, and then explored the degree to which intervention gains in three areas of parenting (parent-child interactive reading, parent-child conversations, parent academic expectations) predicted child outcomes in kindergarten (controlling for baseline values and a set of child and family characteristics). Results showed that REDI-P promoted significant gains in parent academic expectations, which in turn mediated intervention gains in child emergent literacy skills and self-directed learning. Results suggest a need to attend to the beliefs parents hold about their child's academic potential, as well as their behavioral support for child learning, when designing interventions to enhance the school success of children in low-income families.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the relations between basic motor abilities in kindergarten and scholastic, social, and emotional adaptation in the transition to formal schooling. Seventy‐one five‐year‐old kindergarten children were administered a battery of standard assessments of basic motor functions. A year later, children's adjustment to school was assessed via a series of questionnaires completed by the children and their class teachers. The results indicate that in addition to the already documented association between visual–motor integration and academic achievement, other motor functions show significant predictive value to both scholastic adaptation and social and emotional adjustment to school. The results further suggest a better prediction of scholastic adaptation and level of disruptive behaviour in school when using an aggregate measure of children's ability in various motor domains than when using assessments of singular motor functions. It is concluded that good motor ability may serve as a buffer to the normative challenges presented to children in the transition to school. In contrast, poor motor ability emerges as a vulnerability factor in the transition to formal schooling. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The research in this paper was designed to examine the extent to which improvement on a training task can be used to predict performance on a transfer task. This aim involved evaluating the proposition that when old skills are executed in the context of new tasks, they continue to improve as if stimulus conditions have not changed. That is, power functions that describe improvement on old skills during their initial acquisition should predict further improvement on these skills during their execution in new tasks. Three experiments were performed to achieve the aim of testing this proposition. Experiment 1 revealed that old skills were executed slower in the context of a new task than was predicted on the basis of training performance. Hence improvement in the old skills appeared to be disrupted by performance of the new task. Experiment 2 was designed to examine whether this disruption was due to an increase in complexity in the task from training to transfer, or simply due to any change in task. The results suggested that any change may cause some disruption, but this disruption was greatest with an increase in task complexity. Experiment 3 was designed to examine two variables that may affect the magnitude of this effect: the relative change in task complexity from training to transfer, and the amount of practice on a task prior to a change in task. The results indicated that only the former variable had any effect. In all three experiments no effects on performance accuracy were noted, and response times in the transfer tasks eventually returned to levels predicted by training learning functions. These results were interpreted as indicating that old skills do continue to improve in new tasks as if conditions are not altered, but that disruptions caused by transfer are related to performance overheads associated with reconceptualising the task.  相似文献   

In this longitudinal study, the proportion of time preschoolers directed their attention away from rewarding stimuli during a delay-of-gratification task was positively associated with efficiency (greater speed without reduced accuracy) at responding to targets in a go/no-go task more than 10 years later. The overall findings suggest that preschoolers' ability to effectively direct their attention away from tempting aspects of the rewards in a delay-of-gratification task may be a developmental precursor for the ability to perform inhibitory tasks such as the go/no-go task years later. Because performance on the go/no-go task has previously been characterized as involving activation of fronto-striatal regions, the present findings also suggest that performance in the delay-of-gratification task may serve as an early marker of individual differences in the functional integrity of this circuitry.  相似文献   

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