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《老子想尔注》及其思想   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《老子想尔注》及其思想钟肇鹏TheConceptofOriginalSinintheCulturalEncounterbetweentheEastandtheWest¥ZhouXinpingTheChristianconceptof“original...  相似文献   

Abstract: The concept of a situation underlying the debate between moral situationists and dispositionists conceals various underexplored complexities. Some of those issues have been engaged recently in the so‐called psychology of situations, but they have been slow to receive attention in mainstream philosophy. I invoke various distinctions among situations, and show how situationists have selectively chosen certain types of situations that, for conceptual reasons, skew the argument in their favour. I introduce the concept of a ‘virtue‐calibrated situation’, and argue that if the person–situation debate is to move forward in philosophy as it has in psychology, it must focus on such situations. I bring to bear evidence from analytic and continental philosophy, as well as from social and personality psychology.  相似文献   

本文针对学术界对密教哲学的不同认识,尤其以“六大缘起”作为整个密教哲学的核心概念,提出密教哲学主要是讨论菩提心的问题。菩提心是密教哲学的基本论题。并引经据典,论证菩提心思想由大乘经论讲的发菩提心功德和菩提心十二义的概念演变而来,具有本体论的含义。清净、空性,尤其大乐、光明以及明空无二、空乐双运等是是密教哲学特有的概念,道果、大手印、大圆满等法也是表示菩提心思想的概念。  相似文献   


This article approaches world poverty from the perspective of rectificatory justice and investigates whether the global rich can be said to have special obligations toward the global poor on the grounds that they have been harming them. The focus rests on the present situation, and more specifically on Thomas Pogge’s thesis of a causal link between world poverty and the conduct of present citizens (and governments) in wealthy countries. I argue that, if Pogge does not want his position to boil down to an institutional version of the ‘negative causation’-thesis - according to which one can cause harm simpiy by failing to alleviate it - and if he wants it to be accepted by those he seeks to convince - namely right-libertarians - he must specify that it is enough for institutions to be just that they do not actively deprive their members of the means of subsistence, even if many of them still do not have the capacity to enjoy the means of subsistence.  相似文献   

从组织承诺到组织忠诚:华人组织忠诚的概念内涵与结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾、分析西方组织忠诚研究——从组织承诺到组织公民行为的研究发展过程,显示西方组织忠诚概念深受西方文化思想的影响.尽管西方从组织承诺又发展出组织公民行为的研究,但研究长期切割了组织忠诚的态度和行为两个层面.忠诚在中国有悠久的历史文化传统,近期研究发现华人组织忠诚有着独特的文化内涵成分,然而当前研究仍存在不足.因此,进一步深化华人组织忠诚研究不仅必要,对于构建适应华人文化的组织行为理论也有着重要的价值.  相似文献   

介绍目前尚不为国人所熟悉的世界文化景观遗产,分析其在各大洲的分布状况、所符合的世界遗产评定标准,提出"文化生态系统"的概念,并将文化景观遗产归纳为人类长时间居住地,宗教、历史、园林建筑(群),农业、工业遗迹和人类迁徙、贸易等活动路线四种类型。此外,还分析了世界景观遗产应采取的保护方式,并认为文化景观遗产必将在世界遗产中具有越来越重要的地位。最后,指出了中国拥有更多文化景观遗产的潜力十分巨大,应未雨绸缪,加强文化景观遗产的研究、规划和申请。  相似文献   

荣辱观建设是道德力量的基本保证   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
今年初胡锦涛同志发表了关于树立社会主义荣辱观的重要讲话,引起了社会的广泛关注。以“八荣八耻”为主要内容的荣辱观是社会主义价值导向的集中体现,是形成良好社会风气的重要基础。学术理论界尤其是伦理学界对树立社会主义荣辱观的相关问题进行了研究和探讨。我刊特开辟“社会主义荣辱观”专栏,对此问题展开研究。本期约请了中国人民大学伦理学与道德建设中心、天津社会科学院部分专家从不同角度对社会主义荣辱观的时代内涵、作用机制、现实意义及如何在实践中贯彻落实等问题进行了阐述,以期推动社会主义荣辱观理论研究的不断深入。  相似文献   

Clinical observation indicates that sexual acting out takes place during periods in which the integrity of the self is threatened by some disappointment, some frustration, or what is perceived as an unavoidable but unfair demand. Rather than confront the problem within the object relationship, the conflict is acted out. The sexual encounter reduces anxiety and facilitates the containment of depressive and aggressive feelings. Self-integration is attempted even at the risk of losing something, be it a wife, a husband, a girlfriend or the presidency. At the time it seems the only possible way to cope with painful or threatening stimuli.  相似文献   

Robert Jay Lifton begins his work in the psychosocial framework that he takes over from Erik Erikson. Lifton's thought is based upon a central paradigm—death and the continuity of life. Lifton makes important contributions with his five modes of symbolic immortality and with his investigation of the psychological themes in survivors. The origins and limits of Lifton's thought are critically examined.  相似文献   


Contemporary political philosophy often operates on a ‘two-tiered’ theoretical treatment of global politics, on which domestic political systems and the principles governing their internal dynamics constitute one tier, and on which the relationships between states and governing multinational institutions constitute a second. One way of grounding and justifying this approach, preferred by Rawls, is called constructivism. Constructivists describe the world as containing specific domains and domain-types of political and social interaction, and relativizes principles of justice to important versions of these—states, in the case of contemporary two-tiered political philosophy. In this paper I argue against the specifically Rawlsian account of uniting these three commitments (two-tiered political theory, constructivism, and statism) and gesture towards a general argument against the coherence of this bundle of views.  相似文献   

This paper strives to shed light on the patient–therapist encounter at times and places where emotional life has stopped, both within the patient and in the therapeutic dyad. The term non-interactive interaction is coined to describe a manner of being together that does not possess the essential features of interaction: movement, encounter, and change. The paper explores the characteristics and effects of such dead areas in one’s soul and the various motivations for the therapist’s willingness to surrender himself to such areas, both those of his patient’s and of his own. Among these, the paper suggests, are the therapist’s love and dedication to his or her patients; his deep-rooted struggle to cope with and give life to some of his own deadened and traumatic self-states; and, perhaps most important, a mythical, hubris-like, valiant, and perennial urge to fight death. Two clinical examples are presented.  相似文献   

Metaphors of the Therapeutic Encounter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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