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A critique is offered of the paper on non-interpretive mechanisms in psychoanalytic therapy by the Process of Change Study Group (Stern et al., 1998a). The attention paid to procedural learning and to the need to attend to implicit relational knowledge is welcomed but a number of the group's assumptions are questioned. In particular, it is argued that the differences between mother-infant and therapist-patient relationships are inadequately considered, that the polarisation of non-symbolic and verbal memory is unhelpful and that the separation of the therapy relationship into three strands is problematic. The assumption that pursuing the goal of intersubjective understanding is in itself therapeutic is questioned. It is suggested that the recognition of the importance of implicit relational knowledge calls for a wider reappraisal of important aspects of theory and practice and that direct means of making such knowledge explicit should be considered.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to specify whether cerebellar lesions cause visuospatial impairments in children. The study sample consisted of 40 children with low‐grade cerebellar astrocytoma, who underwent surgical treatment and 40 healthy controls matched with regard to age and sex. Visuospatial abilities were tested using the spatial WISC‐R subtests (Block Design and Object Assembly), Rey–Osterrieth Complex Figure, Benton Judgment of Line Orientation Test, PEBL Mental Rotation Task, and Benton Visual Retention Test. To exclude general diffuse intellectual dysfunction, the WISC‐R Verbal Intelligence IQ, Performance IQ, and Full‐Scale IQ scores were analysed. Post‐surgical medical consequences were measured with the International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale. Compared to controls, the cerebellar group manifested problems with mental rotation of objects, visuospatial organization, planning, and spatial construction processes which could not be explained by medical complications or general intellectual retardation. The intensity of visuospatial syndrome highly depends on cerebellar lesion side. Patients with left‐sided cerebellar lesions display more severe spatial problems than those with right‐sided cerebellar lesions. In conclusion, focal cerebellar lesions in children affect their visuospatial ability. The impairments profile is characterized by deficits in complex spatial processes such as visuospatial organization and mental rotation, requiring reconstruction of visual stimuli using the imagination, while elementary sensory analysis and perception as well as spatial processes requiring direct manipulation of objects are relatively better preserved. This pattern is analogous to the one previously observed in adult population and appears to be typical for cerebellar pathology in general, regardless of age.  相似文献   

Research on emotion processing in the visual modality suggests a processing advantage for emotionally salient stimuli, even at early sensory stages; however, results concerning the auditory correlates are inconsistent. We present two experiments that employed a gating paradigm to investigate emotional prosody. In Experiment 1, participants heard successively building segments of Jabberwocky “sentences” spoken with happy, angry, or neutral intonation. After each segment, participants indicated the emotion conveyed and rated their confidence in their decision. Participants in Experiment 2 also heard Jabberwocky “sentences” in successive increments, with half discriminating happy from neutral prosody, and half discriminating angry from neutral prosody. Participants in both experiments identified neutral prosody more rapidly and accurately than happy or angry prosody. Confidence ratings were greater for neutral sentences, and error patterns also indicated a bias for recognising neutral prosody. Taken together, results suggest that enhanced processing of emotional content may be constrained by stimulus modality.  相似文献   

多器官衰竭或多器官功能障碍综合征在临床中尤其是急诊及重症监护室内常见,各种病因所致的疾病进展到一定程度均可导致多器官衰竭。在本案例中,一例老年男性患者,以急性腹泻起病,后短时间内进展为多器官衰竭。通过对该例患者病史总结、病理生理机制的探讨,以及对整个诊疗过程的反思,结合“蝴蝶效应”理论,总结出一种新的临床思维,并探讨“蝴蝶效应”理论在对该例患者的诊断、治疗甚至医患沟通方面所起到的作用,以期通过参考该案例,对以后的临床工作起到一定帮助。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine age-related differences in time judgments during childhood as a function of the temporal task used. Children aged 5 and 8 years, as well as adults, were submitted to 3 temporal tasks (bisection, generalization and reproduction) with short (0.4/0.8?s) and long durations (8/16?s). Furthermore, their cognitive capacities in terms of working memory, attentional control, and processing speed were assessed by a wide battery of neuropsychological tests. The results showed that the age-related differences in time judgment were greater in the reproduction task than in the temporal discrimination tasks. This task was indeed more demanding in terms of working memory and information processing speed. In addition, the bisection task appeared to be easier for children than the generalization task, whereas these 2 tasks were similar for the adults, although the generalization task required more attention to be paid to the processing of durations. Our study thus demonstrates that it is important to understand the different cognitive processes involved in time judgment as a function of the temporal tasks used before venturing to draw conclusions about the development of time perception capabilities.  相似文献   

In reviewing four works from the 1990s—monographs by Christopher Ives and Phillip Olson on Zen Buddhist ethics, Damien Keown's treatment of Indian Buddhist ethics, and an edited collection on Buddhism and human rights—this article examines recent scholarship on Zen Buddhist ethics in light of issues of Buddhist and comparative ethics. Its highlights selected themes in the notional and real encounter of Zen Buddhism with Western thought and culture as presented in the reviewed works and identifies issues and problems for further consideration, in particular, problems of comparative and cross-cultural understanding and the articulation and redefinition of Zen Buddhist tradition.  相似文献   

Music is universal; it can provide a common language that speaks from the heart enabling others to connect with the private felt experiences of others regardless of differences within or between people. This ability to empathise with, and understand, the position of others from differing backgrounds is an important competency within the therapeutic work of Clinical Psychologists. There are many facets to diversity just as there are many facets to music. Diversity in music genres can reflect diversity in people. Indeed, there is music to cater for all tastes, cultural/ethnic backgrounds, gender, age and generations with listening often being guided by individual preferences. In the United Kingdom training to become a Clinical Psychologist consists of a university-based 3-year full time professional research doctorate funded through the National Health Service. Trainees work on placements 3 days a week and attend university for academic and research teaching 2 days a week. As part of the academic programme, Trainees undertake experiential learning through workshops and methods such as Problem-Based Learning (PBL). One of the PBL exercises is based on a typical referral within an Adult Mental Health (AMH) service. For the AMH PBL exercise music is used to enhance trainees’ ability to connect emotionally with the personhood of referrals, consider associated complexities, and to reflect on personal and professional boundaries and reflective practice during training and beyond. This paper reflects on the utility of music and songs to enhance the learning experience.  相似文献   

The ancestral tribes of Mexico, like any people living within a certain culture, may be affected by the archetypal images and values of their surroundings. Access to the imagery of the Mayan creation myth, the Popol Vuh, has provided an orientation in my analytical work with Mexican patients as they attempt to recreate themselves by engaging their conflicts around their reality, individuality and capacity to relate. I will address the psychological meaning of the different stages of creation: the original creative event, the man of mud, the man of wood, the false sun and the man of corn. With these images, I will illustrate their clinical application in analytic work with three Mexican middle age male patients dealing with different issues of identity and with a young female patient struggling to separate from a manipulative and destructive family system.  相似文献   

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