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Two single-case studies were carried out using different procedural and technological approaches to enable two adolescents with multiple disabilities to choose among environmental stimuli. Study I focused on replicating a recently developed procedure, which relied on samples of the auditory stimuli available as cues for choice responses. Study II assessed a new procedural and technical setup relying on the use of pictorial representations of the stimuli available as cues for choice responses. The auditory samples and the pictorial representations were presented through computer systems. The participants' choice responses relied on microswitches connected to the computer systems. The data of Study I fully supported previous findings with the same procedural approach. The participant learned to choose preferred stimuli and bypass nonpreferred ones. The data of Study II showed that the participant learned to concentrate his choice. responses on a few stimuli, suggesting that these stimuli were actually preferred and that responding was purposeful. Implications of the results were discussed.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the extent to which two microswitches used as interfaces would enable a man with multiple disabilities and limited motor behavior to operate an electric door opener at the entrance of the day center that he attended. Analysis showed the man (a) learned to use the two microswitches, (b) preferred the microswitch placed at his wheelchair's footrest (which also allowed more effective responding) over the microswitch placed at his wheelchair's armrest, and (c) maintained his positive performance at the 1- and 2-mo. postintervention checks. The results were discussed from a technical and practical standpoint and in terms of implications for the quality of life of persons with disabilities.  相似文献   

This study assessed a new microswitch arrangement for eyelid responses using an optic sensor placed above the cheekbone and a small sticker on the person's eyelid. This new arrangement, which was designed to avoid interference of the microswitch with the person's visual functioning, was tested on three adults with acquired brain injury and multiple (consciousness, communication, and motor) disabilities. The study was carried out according to a non-concurrent multiple baseline design across participants. Data showed the new microswitch arrangement was suitable for all three participants, who increased their responding during the intervention phase of the study when their responses allowed them to access preferred stimulation. Practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This study assessed the viability of a microswitch cluster (i.e. a combination of microswitches) plus contingent stimulation for promoting adaptive responding and reducing aberrant behavior in a boy with profound multiple disabilities. The boy was initially taught an adaptive foot-movement response that activated a motion microswitch and produced preferred stimuli. Subsequently, his foot response led to preferred stimuli only if it occurred in the absence of aberrant behavior (i.e. hand mouthing and eye poking which were detected through optic microswitches). Moreover, full access to the stimuli required that the boy refrain from aberrant behavior during their presentation as well. The study also included a 3-month post-intervention check and a social validation assessment. Data showed that the boy (i) increased his adaptive responding, (ii) learned to perform this responding largely free from aberrant behavior and refrained from that behavior for most of the session time, and (iii) maintained this performance at the post-intervention check. The social validation ratings of 40 teachers and teacher assistants significantly favored the last intervention period (in which aberrant behavior was reduced) over the initial period.  相似文献   

Background: To introduce a person with multiple disabilities to a microswitch-aided program, one has to select a plausible response(s), that is, a response(s) that can be performed reliably and without excessive effort by the person and can successfully activate the microswitch(es) available (producing preferred stimuli). This paper provides an overview of the responses adopted for microswitch activation in research studies during the last 20 years. Method: Computerized and manual searches were carried out to identify the studies published between 1986 and 2005. Forty-eight research studies were identified. They concerned the use of (1) a single (typical) response, (2) a single (non-typical) response, (3) multiple (typical and non-typical) responses, and (4) multiple (vocal) responses. Results and discussion: The results showed that 151 of the 190 participants involved in the studies had a positive outcome (i.e., clear increases in their responding, which suggested that they had learned the association between responding and consequent preferred stimuli). Failures were largely concentrated in the first group of studies. The discussion focused on (a) the importance of selecting plausible responses for increasing the chances of success, (b) the need of non-typical responses for persons with minimal motor behavior, (c) implications of programs with multiple responses on engagement and choice, and (d) relevance of using vocal utterances. Some suggestions for future research concerning these points were also examined.  相似文献   

Two students with multiple disabilities were provided with two or three request microswitches and one choice microswitch. Activation of a request microswitch triggered the verbal announcement of one of the stimulus events related to it. The student could choose such an event through the choice microswitch or bypass it. The request microswitches were introduced individually and made available simultaneously by the end of the intervention and the postintervention period. Analysis showed that both students learned to use the microswitches. Transfer of the microswitch program into the students' home was very successful with one student and presented some difficulties with the other. Implications of the findings and new possible developments were discussed.  相似文献   

This study assessed a microswitch program to foster simple foot and leg movements in 2 adult wheelchair users with multiple disabilities. The participants' mood (indices of happiness) was recorded throughout the study. Data showed that participants rapidly increased the target foot and leg movements and maintained those movements during the course of the study, which lasted about 4.5 months. With regard to indices of happiness, 1 participant showed a fairly modest increase during the intervention while the other participant showed a substantial increase. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This study assessed whether a child with multiple disabilities would endure a difficult (standing) position more easily if allowed to access preferred stimuli while in that position. The study included an ABAB sequence with 2- and 3-mo. postintervention checks. Data showed that self-managed access to preferred stimuli during the B phases of the study and the postintervention checks reduced the child's indices of unhappiness, frowning and crying, while increasing his object contact and smiles as indices of happiness.  相似文献   

A visual orientation system was employed to help two adults with profound multiple disabilities ambulate to programmed activity destinations and carry out familiar activities. The system consisted of a portable control device and light sources. The person participating in experiment 1 was to operate the control device for activating the programmed destinations (and turning on light sources showing the way to them). The person participating in experiment 2 did not need to operate the control device; this activated each programmed destination automatically. A new destination was activated after a preset time had elapsed from the person reaching the previous destination. Results indicated that both persons used the visual orientation system successfully and thus could reach the destinations and carry out activities on their own. General implications of the findings are discussed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Children with severe or profound intellectual and motor disabilities often present problems of balance and locomotion and spend much of their time sitting or lying, with negative consequences for their development and social image. This study provides a replication of recent (pilot) studies using a walker (support) device and microswitches with preferred stimuli to promote locomotion in two children with multiple disabilities. One child used an ABAB design; the other only an AB sequence. Both succeeded in increasing their frequencies of step responses during the B (intervention) phase(s). These findings support the positive evidence already available on the effectiveness of this intervention in motivating and promoting children's locomotion.  相似文献   

We adapted a grid into a microswitch for the hand movements of a girl with profound multiple disabilities who lay on her back. The grid, suspended above the girl's face, was equipped with two mercury devices, i.e., small sealed ampoules containing a mercury drop and ending with conductive leads. A lateral or forward movement of the grid would make the mercury drop of at least one device slide to the conductive leads and activate the device. During the intervention, activations of the devices, i.e., microswitch activations, produced the occurrence of favorite stimuli. Analysis showed that the girl increased the frequency of hand movements and microswitch activations during the intervention phases compared to the baseline phases (when the favorite stimuli were not available). The increase was retained at a 1-mo. postintervention check.  相似文献   

The possibility of enabling two adults with acquired brain injury and profound multiple disabilities to use microswitch-based technology to attain preferred environmental stimuli on their own was assessed. Each of the participants was provided with two microswitches that could be activated by right and left head-turning or head-bending responses. The microswitches were introduced sequentially according to a multiple probe design across microswitches (responses) and allowed access to different sets of auditory or visual stimuli. Eventually, the two microswitches were made available simultaneously. Sessions lasted 5 min. Each participant learned to use the two microswitches successfully and maintained consistent levels of responding when they were simultaneously available. During this phase, both participants showed large within-session variations in their right and left response frequencies, with one of them showing an overall prevalence of the left-side response. The importance of assistive technology within programs for persons with acquired brain injury and multiple disabilities is discussed.  相似文献   

Throughout its history, laboratory research in the experimental analysis of behavior has been successful in elucidating and clarifying basic learning principles and processes in both humans and nonhumans. In parallel, applied behavior analysis has shown how fundamental behavior-analytic principles and procedures can be employed to promote desirable forms of behavior and to prevent or ameliorate undesirable forms in clinical, educational, and other settings. Less obviously, there has also emerged a small but identifiable bridging field that can potentially connect and inform both basic and applied behavior analysis. Although such translational behavior analysis uses laboratory methodologies, research targets are selected largely for their value in ultimate application to improve the human condition. I will discuss the distinction of translational behavior analysis from basic and applied behavior analysis and consider the potential contribution that translational research can make in the development of the science of behavior.  相似文献   

In teaching discriminations to persons with retardation, we often presume we will improve acquisition and generalization if we use multiple examples of boththe correct and incorrect stimuli. Two experiments were conducted to test this hypothesis. In the first experiment, 7 persons with moderate retardation learned to discriminate between functional words under two conditions. In one condition, Multiple Example of S- Only,1 example of the correct stimulus (S+) and 10 examples of the incorrect stimulus (S-) were used during acquisition. In the other condition, Multiple Examples of S+ and S-,10 examples of the S+ and 10 examples of the S- were used. Results showed that the condition which presented only a single example of S+ was superior 16 times and inferior 4 times during acquisition, generalization, and maintenance. A second experiment was conducted to (a) replicate the methodology and procedures in Experiment 1 with different participants, (b) determine whether the results were replicable, and (c) obtain efficiency data. Results replicated the findings of the first experiment. The condition which presented only a single example of S+ was superior on measures of (a) trials to criterion, (b) percent correct during acquisition, and (c) minutes to criterion. On measures of generalization, the two conditions were relatively equal. Thus, the condition which presented only a single example of the correct stimulus was more efficient and was just as effective in generalization as the condition which presented multiple examples of both the S+ and S-. These surprising results were discussed in terms of stimulus control, why students performed just as well during generalization when only one example of the S+ was used, why acquisition was also poorer for this condition, and how future studies might address these points.  相似文献   

This study examined a basic choice-analysis procedure to clarify choice between two responses and related stimuli by five persons with multiple disabilities ages 17.1 to 50.2 yr. The procedure was based on reversing the links between responses and stimuli to assess whether the stimuli accounted for differences in response levels. When this was not the case, the procedure added extra stimuli for the less preferred response to judge whether such an increase would compensate for the apparent disadvantage of that response, e.g., its higher physical cost. Analysis showed that the choice of three of the five participants seemed motivated by the stimuli following the responses. The choice of the other two persons seemed related to a preference for one of the responses which was partially or largely modified when extra stimuli were added.  相似文献   

Two adults with profound multiple disabilities and restlessness or passivity were exposed to two occupational conditions involving (a) robot‐assisted ambulation and activity in a fairly large area and (b) unassisted ambulation and activity in a small area. The aim was to examine the participants' performance (independent activities, ambulation, and challenging behavior) in the two conditions and their possible preferences between those conditions. Data showed that the participants had higher percentages of independent activities, higher percentages of ambulation, and somewhat lower percentages of challenging behavior in the condition with the robot. The participants also seemed to prefer this condition over the one without the robot. Implications of the findings were discussed. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study introduced two children (a boy and a girl of 9.2 and 12.3 yr. of age, respectively, with multiple disabilities) to an intervention program for establishing Yes and No responses in relation to preferred and nonpreferred stimuli and assessed the acquisition and generalization of those responses. The program involved the use of microswitches, which monitored the nonverbal Yes and No responses performed by the children and ensured that these responses produced the matching verbal utterances via a vocal output device. Analysis showed children acquired Yes and No responses in relation to the stimuli used for the intervention and, to a comparable degree, to the stimuli used for generalization checks as well. An interview of 30 educational staff of a center for persons with multiple disabilities indicated that they considered the presence of Yes and No verbal utterances preferable to the absence of such utterances, and thought that the utterances could be helpful for the children's response acquisition and would be useful and pleasing for staff and parents. General implications of the findings were discussed.  相似文献   

We evaluated an enriched teaching program for reducing resistance and indices of unhappiness displayed by 3 individuals with profound multiple disabilities during teaching sessions. The program involved presentation of preferred activities before, during, and after each teaching session, discontinuation of identified nonpreferred activities, and a brief break and preferred activity following occurrence of resistance. Implementation of the enriched teaching program was accompanied by reductions in resistance and indices of unhappiness for each participant. Results also indicated no negative impact of the program on participant performance of the teaching steps or staff teaching proficiency. Staff questionnaire responses provided a degree of social validation for the observed changes in that staff reported the participants liked the enriched teaching program more than the traditional teaching process. Directions for future research discussed include identifying critical aspects of the overall program and the potential relation between teaching proficiency and the program's enrichment effectiveness.  相似文献   

Objective: This study investigated the role of goal adjustment, i.e. disengaging from blocked goals and reengaging into alternative goals, in mental well-being and goal disturbance in persons with multiple sclerosis (MS).

Design: A cross-sectional design was used with self-report data from questionnaires and Personal Project Analysis (PPA).

Main outcome measures: Dependent variables were mental well-being, indicated by depression/anxiety (HADS; Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) and mental functioning (SF-36; Short Form Health Survey), and goal disturbance, indicated by goal manageability and goal interference (PPA). Independent variables were patient-reported physical impairment (SF-36) and goal disengagement and reengagement (GAS; Goal Adjustment Scale).

Results: Higher goal reengagement was associated with better mental well-being, but unrelated to goal disturbance. Goal disengagement only showed a negative association with anxiety. High disengagement was associated with lower goal interference but only for those also scoring high on reengagement. Goal adjustment did not buffer the effects of physical impairment on mental well-being and goal disturbance. Contrary to expectations, higher goal reengagement increased the association between physical impairment and goal interference.

Conclusion: Although goal reengagement is associated with better mental well-being in persons with MS, it might also strengthen the perceived effect of physical impairment on goal interference.  相似文献   

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