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快速信任是适应临时性组织的速成性、短期性和任务复杂性特点而形成的新的信任研究方向, 其一反传统信任对个性、人际关系和情感的关注而转向对认知、行为和角色的关注。利用快速信任能有效地管理临时性组织的脆弱性、不确定性、风险和期望问题。在介绍快速信任的概念和测量的基础上, 综述了影响快速信任形成的信任倾向、类别与原型和角色等因素, 并阐述了快速信任对团队及系统层面结果变量的影响。未来研究需对快速信任的情感成分、测量及维度划分、快速信任与领导的交互影响、快速信任下的不信任以及快速信任的动态发展方面展开深入探讨。  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to examine the antecedents of intention to trust proposed by Mayer, Davis, and Schoorman [1995, Academy of Management Review, 20(3), 709–734]. In their model, intention to trust is influenced by the perceived characteristics of the trustee and the predisposition of the trustor. We found that perceived ability, benevolence, and integrity of the trustee predicted an individuals intention to trust. Propensity to trust, that is, an individuals disposition to trust, correlated with intention to trust when information about trustworthiness was ambiguous, but did not correlate with intention to trust when information about trustworthiness was clear. The notion of strong and weak situations is used to argue that situational strength is a boundary condition of the relation between propensity to trust and intention to trust.  相似文献   

In this field study (n = 514), we examined the relationships among interpersonal trust, interpersonal emotion, cooperation, and the characteristics of both the trustor and trustee at work. We found that interpersonal trust and interpersonal emotion were positively related to willingness to cooperate among members working in teams. We also found that interpersonal emotion was positively related to interpersonal trust. Interpersonal trust and interpersonal emotion, in turn, were predicted by 3 trustee characteristics: ability, benevolence, and integrity. Together, interpersonal trust, interpersonal emotion, and trustee characteristics accounted for 70% of the variance in willingness to cooperate among the team members.  相似文献   

The present study identifies core self-evaluations, family support, supervisor support and job characteristics as the antecedents of work-to-family enrichment and family satisfaction, job satisfaction, affective commitment and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) as its outcomes. The participants (n= 245) were employees from four organizations in India from manufacturing and information technology sectors. The results show that job characteristics and supervisor support were the predictors of work-to-family enrichment and core self-evaluations, family support and supervisor support emerged as the predictors of family-to-work enrichment. On outcomes, work-to-family enrichment are the predicator of job satisfaction, affective commitment and OCB and family-to-work enrichment as the predictor of family satisfaction, job satisfaction, affective commitment and OCB. The implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate contextual predisposition to risk-taking behaviour among South African adolescents. Participants included 194 black adolescents from central South Africa (female = 50.5% between the ages of 16 and 19 years). The adolescents completed a youth risk behaviour survey as well as a questionnaire on their parental, peer, school, and community relationships. Data were analysed by means of multivariate analyses of variance and standard multiple regression analyses in order to predict risk-taking behaviour (violence, substance use, and risky sexual behaviour) from various relationship contexts (parents, peers, school, and community). Irrespective of relationship context, males portray a higher risk for all types of risky behaviour, and the more time adolescents spend with their peers, the higher their risk for engagement in risk-taking behaviour. Parental monitoring predicted a lower risk for portraying risky behaviour.  相似文献   

严进  郑玫  苗玲玲 《应用心理学》2007,13(4):297-304
管理者信任是组织运作效率的重要影响因素。为了系统分析契约与领导成员交换(LMX)在组织内部对管理者信任的权变影响模式,本研究采用问卷调查的方法,对契约与LMX如何影响管理者信任的形成进行了研究。154名被试参加了调查,结果表明,契约与LMX的交互作用项对管理者信任的作用显著。进一步分析交互作用方向,结果表明:领导成员交换(LMX)在管理者信任形成中起到主导作用;而在双方LMX一般时,完备的契约可显著降低信任风险,促进管理者信任的形成。据此,我们建议管理者采用相应的权变策略建设组织内管理者信任。  相似文献   

Introduction: The aims of this study were to explore the associations between, and the factors of, subjective well-being, health, and religiosity among Qatari undergraduates. A sample of 113 male and 133 female college students from University of Qatar responded to the Oxford Happiness Inventory, Satisfaction With Life Scale, and Love of Life Scale, as well as to five self-rating scales to assess happiness, satisfaction with life, mental health, physical health, and religiosity. Men obtained a significantly higher mean score on self-rating of mental health than did their female counterparts. All the correlations between the scales were significant and positive. Principal components analysis yielded one factor in both the sexes and labelled “Well-being, health and religiosity.” The only predictor of religiosity was the self-rating scale of satisfaction in men and women. It was concluded that those who consider themselves as religious in the present study reported higher subjective well-being and good health.  相似文献   

Two studies tested a model, whereby, identification with the minority group was predicted to impact on acculturation preferences, which in turn were proposed to impact involvement in intragroup friendships with other minority members, intergroup friendships with majority members and stress experienced by minority members. A direct path from minority identification to stress was also included in the model. The model was tested using structural equation modelling on survey data collected from Muslim women (N = 250) and from Somali minority members (N = 198) in Britain. Results supported predictions and revealed that identification was associated with more culture maintenance preference and less culture adoption preference. Culture maintenance preference was associated with involvement in intragroup friendships, and culture adoption preference was associated with involvement in intergroup friendships and increased stress. Practical applications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

从20世纪末开始,西方真实性研究开始突破弗洛伊德理论的限制,得以蓬勃发展。目前研究着重于探讨家庭环境、个性和性别因素对真实性的影响以及各种真实性干预方法的有效性问题,如会心团体、觉知训练和自我肯定性训练在提高个体真实性中的作用。研究存在的问题是真实性的跨文化一致性仍然存在争议,不能把西方研究结果照搬到我国。未来的研究趋势集中于定性和定量研究方法相结合开展真实性的本土化研究,以及开展中国人的真实性干预研究。  相似文献   

Two studies examined the role of task‐, self‐, and other‐approach achievement goals, trait curiosity, and enjoyment as antecedents of creative self‐efficacy and the influence of creative self‐efficacy on grade point average and perceived performance/effort exerted among college business students from Mexico. To test our research hypotheses, we used Structural Equation Modeling treating the variables as latent. Results from study 1 showed that task/self‐approach goal was a significant antecedent of creative self‐efficacy and enjoyment a marginally significant antecedent. Results from study 2 showed a positive, significant influence of trait curiosity on creative self‐efficacy. Similarly, creative self‐efficacy had a positive, direct influence on perceived performance/effort exerted and an indirect influence on students' grade point average. The implications of our results were discussed.  相似文献   

Stress is an area of interest among researchers and practitioners in many fields – including teaching. Much of the research on causes of stress for teachers has focused on teachers in general; only a few studies have focused on physical education teachers. Although there have been a few studies of causes of stress for physical education teachers in the Middle East, no studies have been conducted on physical education teachers in Qatar. Thus, the purpose of this study was to identify causes of stress for physical education teachers in Qatar at the beginning and end of the school year as well as any changes over the course of the year. A second purpose was to try to explain any differences in causes of stress according to: gender, nationality, type of school, and amount of experience. Results showed that there were different causes of stress for different groups of teachers which could be related to different backgrounds and experiences and different roles and responsibilities in society as a result of different cultural and social expectations and environmental factors.  相似文献   

In this study we investigate the antecedents of career exploration. We apply the perspectives of Flum and Blustein [Flum, H., & Blustein, D. L. (2000). Reinvigorating the study of vocational exploration: A framework for research. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 56, 380-404] for the first time in Hong Kong, and we also test culture-specific factors in exploration. A quantitative research study was conducted with Chinese students from a university in Hong Kong over a period of up to six months to examine relationships between career exploration and its antecedent variables. Data were obtained from a cross-sectional sample of 271 students and a longitudinal sample of 101 students who participated in either a student internship or a series of career seminars. The results demonstrated that relational support and prior career exploration were related consistently to career exploration as hypothesized, but the claim that achievement motivation is an antecedent of exploration received only limited support. The framework of Flum and Blustein [Flum, H., & Blustein, D. L. (2000). Reinvigorating the study of vocational exploration: A framework for research. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 56, 380-404] was found very relevant in our conceptualization and analysis of career exploration in the Hong Kong context. Implications of this study are discussed and suggestions are made to further extend career exploration research in Hong Kong and other Chinese societies.  相似文献   

内在动机及其前因变量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文比较系统地介绍了目前国内外关于内在动机的概念和具体影响因素诸方面的研究进展,并对未来的研究发展方向进行了展望。内在动机主要是由于活动过程本身特性或个体内发性精神需要所引发的一种活动或工作动力。相关影响因素主要涉及个体需要兴趣情感因素、工作任务本身特性、个体成就目标设置、自我效能感、组织授权与交换以及外在激励方式等方面。未来研究的方向主要在于内在动机具体结构的深入探讨以及不同影响因素的中介变量、调节变量以及诸因素交互作用综合模型的建立等方面  相似文献   

The rise of the sharing economy has remarkedly shifted consumers’ traffic behaviour, which gave rise to successful start-up businesses, such as Uber and Grab, that offer innovative transport alternatives through car and ride sharing. This study investigates consumers’ traffic attitudes and behavioural responses to on-demand ride-hailing. Using structural equation modelling, our survey findings showed that price consciousness, perceived usefulness, ease of use, safety risk and customer value exert significant influences on word-of-mouth (WOM), a manifestation of attitudinal loyalty towards ride-hailing. Contrary to findings in previous studies, our study found insignificant effects of personal innovativeness, subjective norm and perceived privacy security on WOM. In addition, although environmental consciousness is a predictor of WOM, its significant effect on WOM is negative. WOM is found to significantly impact purchase intention which is an indicator of behavioural loyalty. By identifying the antecedents of consumer loyalty in ride-hailing, this study provides recommendations for the ride-hailing ecosystem to generate more sustainable urban transport solutions.  相似文献   

《Military psychology》2013,25(3):225-236
The purpose of this study was to examine some antecedents and some consequences of organizational commitment as conceptualized by Meyer and Allen (1991) Meyer, J. P., & Allen, N. J. (1991). A three component conceptualization of organizational commitment. Human Resource Management Review, 1, 6198.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]. Specifically, gender, ethnicity, branch of the Army, and perceptions of tokenism (e.g., isolation and stereotyping) were examined as antecedents of organizational commitment. Peer-rated leadership performance served as the outcome measure of affective (AC), continuance (CC), and normative commitment (NC). Findings indicated ethnic differences in AC and CC, gender differences in CC, and Army branch differences in AC and NC. Perceived tokenism was associated with lower levels of AC and NC and higher levels of CC. Finally, higher levels of AC and NC predicted higher leadership evaluations, whereas higher levels of CC were associated with lower leadership evaluations.  相似文献   

拟人化是将人类特征、动机、意向或心理状态赋予非人对象的心理过程或者个体差异。拟人化的产生受到激发主体知识、效能动机和社会动机的影响,现有研究包括对自然、超自然、动物、机器、品牌和产品等的拟人化。对自然的拟人化能够促进环境保护行为,对动物、机器、品牌和产品的拟人化则形式多样、后果复杂。未来研究的焦点可能在人-机器人交互以及拟人化与可爱的关系问题上。  相似文献   

辱虐管理会对组织和员工造成一系列消极影响,因此探究辱虐管理的成因对于减少和预防辱虐管理十分必要和重要。现有研究认为辱虐管理与主管的个人特征有关,或是主管自我损耗或社会学习的结果,也与受害者的特征有关。在回顾现有研究的基础上,基于情感事件理论提出了新的研究框架,并指出未来研究应关注主管对辱虐管理的态度、组织内关于辱虐管理的规范以及主管自我控制资源的恢复在辱虐管理产生过程中的作用。  相似文献   

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