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The adolescent's understanding of procedural justice and its possible relationships with age, formal thought and sex were investigated. Based on social cognition literature, four predictions were tested: (1) juridical understanding develops along a number of levels; (2) it is fully, partially, or not dependent on formal thought; (3) its dependence, if any, is limited to some of the abilities composing formal thought, i.e., the experimental abilities; (4) no sex differences exist. A battery of formal tasks and a questionnaire tapping juridical understanding were addressed to 120 adolescents, equally sampled from grades 8, 10, and 12, in order to test these predictions. Qualitative analysis showed the understanding of justice developed on four levels: naive realism, integrated realism, inquisitive thinking, intersystemic thinking. ANOVA applied on justice scores and the regression of justice on the formal scores validated predictions 2(b), 3, and 4. The kind of formal and postformal thought contributions to social cognition and the relationships among various social cognition domains were discussed.  相似文献   

Visual encoding of patterns is subject to dual-task interference   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Two stimuli were presented at varying stimulus onset asynchronies (SOAs), with each stimulus associated with a distinct task. The first stimulus was a tone at one of either two or three frequencies. In two conditions, the task associated with a tone was either a speeded two-alternative discrimination (2AD), or a speeded three-alternative discrimination (3AD) based on the pitch of the tone. In a third condition, subjects were told to ignore the tone. The second stimulus was a briefly exposed study matrix of red and black squares followed by a mask. After a fixed delay, the mask was replaced by a test matrix that was either the same or different from the study matrix. The task associated with the matrices was to indicate, with no speed pressure, whether the study matrix and the test matrix were the same or different. Results from each speeded AD condition showed that subject's accuracy in the matrix task decreased as the SOA between the tone and the study matrix decreased. This effect was larger for the 3AD tone task than with a 2AD tone task. In addition, within each speeded AD condition, longer RTs in the tone task were associated with lower accuracy in the matrix task. None of these effects was evident when the subjects were told to ignore the tone. These results suggest that encoding visual information can be subject to significant capacity limitations imposed by cross-modal multitasking.  相似文献   

12岁儿童充分条件假言推理能力发展的个体差异研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
方富熹  唐洪  刘彭芝 《心理学报》2000,32(3):269-275
以三类不同题目(与生活经验密切联系、与生活经验相悖、与生活经验“脱离”),探查了12岁普通儿童与数学成绩优异儿童充分条件假言推理能力发展的个体差异。通过对测查成绩的聚类分析,可将被试划分为四种不同的类型,从而显示出同一年龄儿童不同的推理能力发展水平:普通组儿童有关推理能力已有初步发展,但推理过程仍经常受其具体内容的束缚;数学成绩优异组儿童假设思维和演绎推理能力协调发展,“形式”从“内容”的束缚中解放出来,推理思维活动能较好地符合有关逻辑规则。这两组儿童假言推理能力的差异可能跟智能水平有关。  相似文献   

By comparing reality to what might have been, counterfactuals promote a relational processing style characterized by a tendency to consider relationships and associations among a set of stimuli. As such, counterfactual mind-sets were expected to improve performance on tasks involving the consideration of relationships and associations but to impair performance on tasks requiring novel ideas that are uninfluenced by salient associations. The authors conducted several experiments to test this hypothesis. In Experiments 1a and 1b, the authors determined that counterfactual mind-sets increase mental states and preferences for thinking styles consistent with relational thought. Experiment 2 demonstrated a facilitative effect of counterfactual mind-sets on an analytic task involving logical relationships; Experiments 3 and 4 demonstrated that counterfactual mind-sets structure thought and imagination around salient associations and therefore impaired performance on creative generation tasks. In Experiment 5, the authors demonstrated that the detrimental effect of counterfactual mind-sets is limited to creative tasks involving novel idea generation; in a creative association task involving the consideration of relationships between task stimuli, counterfactual mind-sets improved performance.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Individual differences in self-other disagreement may lap phenomena that have been notoriously difficult to assess. For example, subjects who believe they possess a trait while their acquaintances disagree may be exhibiting suppression. Further, subjects who deny a trait while acquaintances believe it is present may be displaying repression. In the first study, both subjects and their closest friends rated the subject's hostility level. Suppressors and repressors were expected to exhibit enhanced thought control, and indeed these individuals were more able not to think about white bears when instructed to do so than individuals for whom there was high hostility agreement. However, this was also true for those with low hostility agreement. Only suppressors demonstrated blood-pressure hyperreactivity to a hostility-provoking task as expected; this finding was replicated in a second study employing a different, multi-item measure of hostility, as well as a marker of low Agreeableness.  相似文献   

The ability to interpret conversational utterances was assessed in a group of 12 male patients with unilateral right hemisphere brain damage (RHD) and 12 non-brain-damaged, age-matched male control subjects. Subjects listened to short vignettes which described both the affective tone of the relationship between a speaker and an actor, and the actor's performance on a task. Each vignette concluded with the speaker characterizing the actor's performance. In half of the items, the speaker's utterance was literally true; in the other half, the utterance was literally false and invited a nonliteral interpretation. Results showed no appreciable differences in the performance of control subjects and RHD patients when interpreting literally true utterances. In contrast, the two groups differed reliably when interpreting the pragmatic intent of nonliteral utterances: Control subjects used information about both the actor's performance and the speaker-actor relationship, while RHD patients demonstrated difficulty in using the information about the speaker-actor relationship. Results have implications for patients' understanding of essential elements of conversations, such as characters' internal states and their intentions in employing different forms of literal and nonliteral language.  相似文献   

段婧  刘永芳  何琪 《心理学报》2012,44(3):369-376
采用IAT技术测查被试的内隐自尊, 并引入收益和损失两种任务框架, 综合探讨了内隐自尊水平、任务得失框架对自我决策和为他人决策时风险偏好的影响。结果发现:(1)在收益框架下, 被试为他人决策时更冒险, 而在损失框架下, 为自我和他人决策的风险偏好无显著差异; (2)与为自我决策相比, 低内隐自尊者为他人决策时更冒险, 而高内隐自尊者为自我和他人决策的风险偏好无显著差异; (3)内隐自尊水平与任务框架的交互作用及内隐自尊水平、任务框架和决策者角色之间的三级交互作用均不显著。依据相关的理论和发现对这种结果进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

Our work purpose was to study the impact of focal frontal lesions on the inhibitors processes. We used two arabophone versions of Hayling task and the Stroop task with condition of flexibility. In comparison with 13 control subjects matched by age, gender and level of education, frontal patients were (1) significantly slower in both task without been disproportionately slower in the condition needed inhibition, (2) committed significantly more errors than control subjects in the second part of Hayling task showed inhibition deficit, (3) laterality of frontal lesions had no incidence on performance, (4) individual analysis showed multiples dissociated deficits but also showed correlations between scores of rapidity, flexibility and inhibition. In conclusion, among all of performances, scores of errors in the Stroop and the Hayling tasks seemed to be the more sensitive to the frontal damage. Patients with the lowest performance in both inhibition tasks were those who presented lesions involving both the medial and lateral frontal cortex, the anterior cingulated cortex and/or orbitofrontal cortex.  相似文献   

The dearth of empirical research in the application of biofeedback is discussed. Exp. 1 assessed relationships among biofeedback EMG training, EMG levels, cognitive task performance, and task difficulty. 72 subjects (male or female college students) were administered 1 trial on an iconic memory task with either EMG audio feedback, sham EMG audio feedback, or no feedback. Three levels of task difficulty were used. One 20-min. training session significantly lowered EMG responses, and task performance was inversely related to task difficulty. No relationship between EMG level and task performance was observed. Exp. 2 investigated the effect of increased EMG responses on cognitive task performance for one level of difficulty. One biofeedback training session did not significantly increase frontalis EMG, and there was no relationship between increased EMG and task performance.  相似文献   

Alternative hypotheses generated from the Atkinson (1957) and Atkinson and Feather (1966) risk-taking model of achievement motivation and the Atkinson and Birch (1970) dynamics of action theory comparing groups high and low in resultant achievement motivation (RAM) on latency to and persistence at an achievement task were tested. Subjects who had made two or more atypical shifts (choice of an easier task following success and choice of a more difficult task following failure) during 21 trials of a target-shooting game the first week were classified as low RAM (n=154), and subjects who had made 0 or 1 atypical shift were classified as high RAM (n=155). In week 2 subjects divided their time among two nonachievement tasks and the very easy, easy, intermediate, difficult, or most difficult levels of the achievement task. No main effects or interactions were found when latency to the achievement task was analyzed in a RAM by Difficulty level × Gender individual difference design. High-RAM subjects persisted significantly longer than low-RAM subjects across all conditions. Results are explained using the dynamic concepts of instigation, inhibition, and consummation. Analyses of sequential choices (week 1) among five difficulty levels did not support the Atkinson (1957) explanation of atypical shifts as avoidance of intermediate challenges for low-RAM subjects. Subjects who avoided the target-shooting game the second week more often persisted at the very easy task following success but not at the most difficult task following failure, results that are partially supportive of Feather's (1961) analysis of persistence.I wish to thank Dr. David Reuman, who suggested the research topic; the 24 undergraduate research assistants who ran subjects for this experiment; Rochelle Breitenbach, Laurie Colisanti, Kevin Kurkowski, Lee Ann McHenry, and Brenda Yee, who assisted with the data preparation and analyses; Ann Beck and Randi Gilbert, who provided editorial assistance; and Dr. Tilly Houtmans, who commented on an earlier version of this paper. A paper based on the dynamics of action research was presented at the Nags Head Conference on Motivation and Emotion on June 17, 1990. A paper based on the level of aspiration/achievement motivation results was presented at the Third International Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Field Theory on September 16, 1988. A copy of the BASIC program for the Apple IIe computer is available to anyone who sends a 5 1/4-inch diskette.  相似文献   

The relationships of spatial ability and sex to performance on formal easoning tasks were examined for a group of 34 male and female college tudents. It was hypothesized that spatial ability is positively related to ormal reasoning task performance which is also related to male superiority on formal reasoning task performance. Results indicated that spatial ability vas unrelated to formal reasoning task performance and that sex differinces occurred with the balance task and the pendulum task which sugested that males were superior to females at manifesting the scheme of jroportionality and at being able to isolate variables.  相似文献   

The efficacy of cognitive feedback and the relative ineffectiveness of outcome feedback has been well documented in the judgment literature (Balzer, Doherty, & O′Connor, 1989). The relevant research leading to this conclusion, however, has been characterized by artificially constructed tasks with rigidly controlled stimulus properties which may not be representative of many real-world ecologies. The present study examined the effects of one form of cognitive feedback, task information, and outcome feedback in such an in vivo setting, that is, on a task which required subjects to make inferences about the level of rapport present in videotaped real-life social interactions. The two types of feedback were also compared on a second task involving a simplified, quantified, graphical representation of the relevant cues that had been extracted from the video display. Results from the graphically presented displays replicated earlier findings supporting the superiority of cognitive feedback. Results from the video display, however, showed exactly the opposite: outcome feedback here was superior to cognitive feedback in increasing performance accuracy.  相似文献   

The influences of two determinants of aggression were investigated by means of a two by two factorial design. Aggression was operationally defined in terms of the amount and intensity of obnoxious sounds which the subject delivered to the confederate while the latter was trying to perform a task involving estimation of distances. In order to manipulate the first independent variable one half of the group of subjects were led to believe that the victim was someone who had many attitudes similar to their own. The other subjects thought they had to cope with a partner whose attitudes were dissimilar. The second independent variable was manipulated by suggesting to one half of the group of subjects that they would be able to earn increasing sums of money (up to a fixed maximum) depending on the loudness of sounds they were prepared to deliver to their partner. In the non-reward condition money was not mentioned. The subjects were young policemen. The data showed a strong effect of the similarity variable, with significantly more aggression being shown to a dissimilar partner. However, external reward did not lead to a clear increase of aggression. In the discussion attention is given to the relevance of these data to the problem of control of violence in our society.  相似文献   

In the present study, the effects of two instructional strategies on the retention and transfer of procedures of different difficulty level were investigated. Difficulty level was manipulated by providing a different number of cues during training. The instructional strategies differed with respect to the amount of contextual interference. Sixty-four subjects were randomly assigned to either a high interference group or a low interference group. Retention and transfer were measured immediately following training and after a three-week delay. The dependent variables were number of errors and decision time. Results showed no differences between the two training groups over the various difficulty levels. Results further showed that retention performance increased as fewer cues were available during practice. It is suggested that ‘delayed automatization’ can account for the observed increment in performance level. It is further suggested that contextual interference may produce delayed automatization of task performance but is only effective if relationships can be discovered in the learning material.  相似文献   

Comprehension of various usages of “or” was investigated in children 5–6, 7–8, and 9–10 years old, and in college students. One task used imperatives containing “or.” and investigated the set union interpretation. In a second task, one puppet asserted a statement and another puppet contradicted it: subjects were asked whether both could be right, and whether one had to be right. A third task investigated the truth conditions for disjunctions. The fourth task presented reasoning problems that tested principles of inference involving “or.” It was found that all age groups, even the youngest, could make the logical inferences involving “or.” All age groups could also perceive contradictions, but subjects were less than unanimous that one of the puppets contradicting each other had to be right. Sensible truth judgments for disjunctions began to develop around 7–8 years. Set union was elicited in only a few adults. In general, except when it indicates set union, “or” is understood substantially earlier than the current literature suggests. Logical inference is one of the first uses in which children become competent, suggesting that the basic meaning of “or” is given by inference forms for reasoning with alternatives, not by truth conditions.  相似文献   

In 4 experiments, in which 66 subjects participated, the perception of 6 types of curved contours in two-dimensional shapes was studied. Random polygons and their curvilinear transformations were presented for detection under low-luminance contrast conditions, oddity-type discrimination problem solving, tachistoscopic identification, and identification involving visual acuity in distance vision. In all experiments curvature affected perception at statistically significant levels, but the extent of this effect was a function of (1) the locus and direction of curvature, (2) the level of compactness-jaggedness of the figure, and (3) the nature of perceptual task. Shapes with acute corners were more easily perceived than shapes with curved corners. Within these two classes of shapes, those with convex sides were perceived as having greater curvedness than those with concave contours. However, the degree to which curvature affected response was determined primarily by the nature of the perceptual task.  相似文献   

Phonological processing and lexical access in aphasia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study explored the relationship between on-line processing of phonological information and lexical access in aphasic patients. A lexical decision paradigm was used in which subjects were presented auditorily with pairs of words or word-like stimuli and were asked to make a lexical decision about the second stimulus in the pair. The initial phonemes of the first word primes, which were semantically related to the real word targets, were systematically changed by one or more than one phonetic feature, e.g., cat-dog, gat-dog, wat-dog. Each of these priming conditions was compared to an unrelated word baseline condition, e.g., nurse-dog. Previous work with normals showed that even a nonword stimulus receives a lexical interpretation if it shares a sufficient number of phonetic features with an actual word in the listener's lexicon. Results indicated a monotonically decreasing degree of facilitation as a function of phonological distortion. In contrast, fluent aphasics showed priming in all phonological distortion conditions relative to the unrelated word baseline. Nonfluent aphasics showed priming only in the undistorted, related word condition relative to the unrelated word baseline. Nevertheless, in a secondary task requiring patients to make a lexical decision on the nonword primes presented singly, all aphasics showed phonological feature sensitivity. These results suggest deficits for aphasic patients in the various processes contributing to lexical access, rather than impairments at the level of lexical organization or phonological organization.  相似文献   

采用单字法定向遗忘范式,考察远距离联想任务得分高低者在中性和负性词语定向遗忘效应上的差异,来探讨创造性思维水平高低与主动抑制的关系。实验采用2(高/低创造性思维水平)×2(中性/负性词汇)×2(记住/忘记指令)×2(2s/5s时间间隔)混合设计,发现高低创造力组,在材料不同呈现时间下,对不同情绪材料的定向遗忘效应分别不同。低创者在2s和5s以及高创者在5s时间间隔时,均对中性词语表现出定向遗忘效应,而对负性词汇没有表现出明显的定性遗忘效应。高创者在2s时间间隔下,对中性和负性词语均表现出定向遗忘效应。结果表明较短时间内高创者对负性情绪的主动抑制能力优于低创者。  相似文献   

韩凯  李波  刘海娟 《心理学报》2003,35(2):157-162
采用“类信号检测论方法”,通过两个实验,研究了在记忆信息提取过程中元记忆的预见性监测判断(Feeling-of-knowing)和元控制的作用及其影响因素。实验一探讨了识记材料的难易、识记遍数对元监测判断以及输出控制中的反应标准是否有影响;实验二探讨了严格和宽松的奖惩条件对输出控制中反应标准的影响。用计算机随机呈现识记用的词表材料,识记之后让被试进行FOK等级判断和自由回忆,再用“类信号检测论”方法统计实验数据,分析各种条件下回忆成绩、FOK判断等级,计算出相应的符合率和反应标准。实验一结果表明,不同材料难度和识记遍数下的回忆成绩和FOK判断等级差异显著,但输出控制中的反应标准值没受这些因素的影响;实验二结果是严格和宽松奖惩条件下的反应标准值差异显著,严格条件下的反应标准显著高于宽松条件下的反应标准,表明奖惩条件对信息提取中的反应标准有显著影响  相似文献   

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