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李明  荣莹  李锐 《心理科学》2005,(3):715-721
变革担当是指员工自愿付出建设性努力来发起组织功能性变革,以便在自己的岗位、部门或组织情境中更加有效地开展工作。文章介绍了变革担当的概念、测量以及前因后效。其中前因包括个体因素(如前瞻性人格、组织支持感、积极情绪等)和情境因素(如工作自主性、管理开放性、创新氛围等)两大类,后效主要有工作绩效评价、工作态度和变革型领导知觉等。未来的研究需要进一步完善测量工具、考察组织外部因素的影响、检验影响后效的其他调节因素以及探讨领导者的变革担当行为。  相似文献   

李明  荣莹  李锐 《心理科学》2019,(3):715-721
变革担当是指员工自愿付出建设性努力来发起组织功能性变革,以便在自己的岗位、部门或组织情境中更加有效地开展工作。文章介绍了变革担当的概念、测量以及前因后效。其中前因包括个体因素(如前瞻性人格、组织支持感、积极情绪等)和情境因素(如工作自主性、管理开放性、创新氛围等)两大类,后效主要有工作绩效评价、工作态度和变革型领导知觉等。未来的研究需要进一步完善测量工具、考察组织外部因素的影响、检验影响后效的其他调节因素以及探讨领导者的变革担当行为。  相似文献   

工作疏离感指的是工作情境不能满足员工的需要或与期望不符导致的员工与工作分隔的心理状态。首先分析了工作疏离感的概念内涵, 介绍了相应的测量工具, 然后着重分析了工作疏离感的影响因素, 包括人口学变量与个人特质、组织与工作特征、上级领导方式以及社会文化等, 并探讨了工作疏离感的影响效果。最后指出了以往研究的缺陷以及未来在中国组织情境下的研究方向, 比如以家文化为背景, 由工作疏离感扩展分析中国员工对组织的疏离感。  相似文献   

消费者基于选择集的情境效应颠覆了传统的理性选择理论,表明了情境对消费者偏好和选择的系统性影响。情境效应主要的类型有吸引效应和折衷效应。情境效应具有感知偏差、风险和负面情绪规避以及信息推理等方面的内在机理。选择集结构和特征及消费者等因素都对情境效应产生影响,而情境效应会影响消费者偏好的构建。未来情境效应研究将会向复杂属性组合、复杂购买情境和新情境效应的发现等方面拓展。  相似文献   

考核是党委选人用人的决策依据,只有客观、公正、准确地反映被考核人的情况,才能搞好干部的选择、任用、奖惩、调转等工作。然而,由于考核人员个体认知心理差异以及与被考核者亲疏关系的不同,常常影响考核的准确性。我们必须分析产生考核偏见  相似文献   

破坏性领导行为的危害不容忽视, 然而, 学术界对于这一领域的探究尚处起步阶段。本研究首先在中国组织情境下, 采用质化研究与量化研究相结合的方式, 探讨破坏性领导的结构维度, 开发破坏性领导的测量量表; 然后以"管理者及其下属配对"为研究对象, 采用追踪研究设计, 收集"管理者-员工"配对数据, 运用结构方程模型、多元回归分析以及多层线性模型技术进行统计分析, 探讨破坏性领导行为的诱因。具体包括三个研究:(1)中国组织情境下破坏性领导的结构与测量研究; (2)破坏性领导行为的诱因:基于个体特质与组织情境视角的跨层次的追踪研究; (3)破坏性领导行为的诱因:基于下属特征视角的追踪研究。研究结果有助于澄清中国组织情境下破坏性领导的内涵与维度结构, 识别与测量中国组织情境下的破坏性领导行为, 揭示个体特质对破坏性领导行为的影响效应, 探明诱发破坏性领导行为的组织情境因素和下属特征因素。  相似文献   

公共决策中的框架效应是指在公共决策情境中, 人们的决策行为受媒体或领导人对同一问题的框架表述形式的影响而表现出不同决策偏好的现象。目前, 研究者对这一现象的解释主要有预期理论、查询理论和模糊痕迹理论。公共决策中框架效应的影响因素主要包括价值取向、知识水平、人际沟通、情绪以及框架的特征等。未来的研究需要从公共决策中框架效应的理论解释及神经机制、跨文化研究以及研究方式和应对策略等方面进一步探讨。  相似文献   

为了探讨童年期儿童应对方式发展的成因,本研究以应对方式问卷和心理素质量表为研究工具,对355名小学三年级学生进行了2年追踪调查。考察了不同应对方式在学业困难情境和同伴冲突情境下的发展轨迹,以及特质性因素心理素质对于不同应对方式发展的影响。结果表明:(1)童年期儿童的积极应对方式在学业困难和同伴冲突情境中有着不同的发展轨迹,而消极应对方式在学业和人际情境中有着相同的发展轨迹。(2)特质因素心理素质在不同的时间均可以显著预测童年期儿童的积极或消极应对方式。这说明童年期儿童应对方式的发展是情境因素和特质因素共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

分离效应(the disjunction effect)是指:当决策者知道事件E会发生,他会采取行动A;当知道事件E不会发生,他仍会采取行动A;而当不知道事件E是否会发生的情况下,他会拒绝行动A。这一现象违背了理性决策理论的确定事件原则(sure-thing principle)。对分离效应的解释主要有基于理由的假设、思维惰性假设和齐当别模型。分离效应是否真的存在以及应该采用何种实验设计来进行研究都还有待进一步探讨。2005年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者Aumann对事件分离情境和事件非分离情境的区分,为进一步研究分离效应指明了新的方向。理解分离效应及其成因有利于人们做出“理性”的决策  相似文献   

培训迁移影响因素研究述评   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对培训迁移的研究从关注培训本身发展到关注培训以外影响其效果的因素,且焦点集中在对于企业来说更可控的因素上,主要是迁移气氛与组织特征。培训迁移气氛包括情境线索与结果两个维度。该文分析了影响培训迁移的几个主要因素,并根据已有的研究,提出了培训迁移研究未来的方向,例如,组织和个人的职业生涯管理与培训迁移的关系,以及培训类型的扩展对培训迁移带来的影响  相似文献   

The effect of rating format and non-performance variables on rating leniency were studied in two law enforcement organizations. One of these variables, trust in the appraisal process, was defined as the extent to which a rater believes that fair and accurate appraisal will be made in the organization. A measure of trust in appraisal accounted for a significant proportion of variance in performance ratings. The purpose of appraisal (i.e., feedback or promotion) also accounted for rating variance. A mixed-standard rating format showed less susceptibility to the non-performance variables on the extent of leniency. Discussion centers on the usefulness of rater and organizational variables in performance appraisal research.  相似文献   

In performance appraisals, some assessors are substantially more lenient than others. Research on this effect in appraisals involving communication and interaction between raters and ratees after the performance evaluation has taken place indicates that it may be at least partly caused by individual differences in assessor personality. However, little is known about the impact or causes of rater severity versus leniency in situations in which there is little or no contact between raters and ratees after the performance evaluation. In Study 1 (N = 174) the strength of the severity–leniency effect in this ‘no‐contact’ context is estimated and found to be similar to that reported for ‘with‐contact’ appraisals. No evidence of an association between assessor personality and assessor severity (vs. leniency) is found in the ‘no‐contact’ context. In Study 2 (N = 54) there is no evidence of an association between the fluid cognitive ability of assessors and the severity of their ratings in a no‐contact context. It is concluded that the severity versus leniency effect probably has a considerable impact on performance ratings in ‘no‐contact’ appraisal settings, but that neither rater personality nor rater cognitive ability appear to play a significant role in this.  相似文献   

张赟  翁清雄 《心理科学进展》2018,26(6):1131-1140
多源评价在国外企业中的运用已日益成熟, 但在我国还停留在探索与发展阶段。基于已有的研究发现, 围绕评价过程、评价源及被评价者三方面对多源评价的特点及内在机制进行了探讨与分析。从评价过程看, 其评价目的具有多重性, 评价形式注重匿名性, 且评价结果的合理应用非常重要; 从评价源看, 不同评价源间的评价一致性较低, 且易造成晕轮效应和宽大效应; 从被评价者来看, 个体对多源评价结果的反应, 受到个性特征、反馈信号及自我-他人评价间差距等因素影响。研究也发现, 多源评价所带来的绩效改进结果具有不稳定性。基于此, 如何提高多源评价过程的有效性与准确性, 改善评价者对评价结果的反应, 以及如何对多源评价结果进行有效汇总等是未来值得研究的重要内容。  相似文献   

This study extends multisource feedback research by assessing the effects of rater source and raters' cultural value orientations on rating bias (leniency and halo). Using a motivational perspective of performance appraisal, the authors posit that subordinate raters followed by peers will exhibit more rating bias than superiors. More important, given that multisource feedback systems were premised on low power distance and individualistic cultural assumptions, the authors expect raters' power distance and individualism-collectivism orientations to moderate the effects of rater source on rating bias. Hierarchical linear modeling on data collected from 1,447 superiors, peers, and subordinates who provided developmental feedback to 172 military officers show that (a) subordinates exhibit the most rating leniency, followed by peers and superiors; (b) subordinates demonstrate more halo than superiors and peers, whereas superiors and peers do not differ; (c) the effects of power distance on leniency and halo are strongest for subordinates than for peers and superiors; (d) the effects of collectivism on leniency were stronger for subordinates and peers than for superiors; effects on halo were stronger for subordinates than superiors, but these effects did not differ for subordinates and peers. The present findings highlight the role of raters' cultural values in multisource feedback ratings.  相似文献   


How can salesmen in different locations be fairly evaluated? Traditional appraisal methods are deficient because they assume equal performance distributions among different regions or countries. Further, individual supervisory bias may make even within-region performance measures unfair, not comparable, and indefensible. A new Team Evaluation Census (TEC) appraisal is described in terms of four innovations—natural, direct comparisons to anchor appraisal judgments and minimize leniency; benchmarks to improve comparability and reduce performer competition; multiple and linking raters to improve appraisal reliability and validity and to improve across- group comparability; and safeguards to ensure individual fairness and allow rater validation.  相似文献   

Self-appraisals of job performance have historically proven to be weakly related to appraisals conducted by supervisory personnel. Two studies sought to facilitate rater agreement by invoking supervisory performance feedback as a frame of reference for subordinate raters. In the first study, a sample of 401 branch managers from a large lending institution performed a conventional self-appraisal and an appraisal containing instructions referencing supervisory feedback (Feedback Based Self-Appraisal). Feedback Based Self-Appraisals exhibited significantly smaller leniency error, greater total rating variance, and more agreement with superior ratings than conventional self-appraisals. FBSAs produced small improvements over conventional self-appraisals in predicting objective criteria of managerial job performance. Study 2 examined FBSA-supervisory appraisal agreement for two samples of military organization personnel. The relative degree of feedback available in a work environment was found to moderate FBSA-superior agreement.  相似文献   

This study investigates the factors that motivate the preference of individuals, or ratees, participating in multi‐source assessment (MSA) processes for some raters over others. Two rater characteristics were assessed to attempt to identify these preferences: rater familiarity and the affect toward the rater. Two separate studies were conducted to assess the extent to which these characteristics are used. The extent to which the purpose of the appraisal (developmental vs. administrative) and the rating source (peer vs. subordinate) influenced the use of these characteristics was also investigated. Evidence from these two studies suggests that ratees selected their raters based on rater familiarity but not on affect. In addition, while the purpose of the appraisal did not influence selection patterns, the preference for peers was motivated by different factors than the preference for subordinates. The implications of these results for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reviews literature of psychometric properties of self-appraisals of work performance. It summarizes evidence of leniency, variability, halo, bias, and construct validity. Comparisons with appraisals by supervisors, peers, and subordinates suggest that self-appraisals tend to show more leniency, less variability, and less discriminant validity. Different factor structures have been found among self, supervisor and peer-ratings. On the other hand, self-appraisals showed less halo. Self-appraisals were significantly correlated with other sources in some studies and failed to correlate in many others. Existing data do not allow any conclusion whether the quality of self-appraisals is a function of scale format, amount or rater training, type of judgment, or purpose of appraisal. The effects of the observed psychometric qualities of self-appraisals on various applications are discussed. Problems may exist when they are used for administrative decision making, diagnosis of training needs, applied criterion measurement, measurement of constructs in basic research, or for selection purposes.  相似文献   

Are performance appraisal ratings from different rating sources comparable?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The purpose of this study was to test whether a multisource performance appraisal instrument exhibited measurement invariance across different groups of raters. Multiple-groups confirmatory factor analysis as well as item response theory (IRT) techniques were used to test for invariance of the rating instrument across self, peer, supervisor, and subordinate raters. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the rating instrument was invariant across these rater groups. The IRT analysis yielded some evidence of differential item and test functioning, but it was limited to the effects of just 3 items and was trivial in magnitude. Taken together, the results suggest that the rating instrument could be regarded as invariant across the rater groups, thus supporting the practice of directly comparing their ratings. Implications for research and practice are discussed, as well as for understanding the meaning of between-source rating discrepancies.  相似文献   

Differential rater functioning (DRF) occurs when raters show evidence of exercising differential severity or leniency when scoring examinees within different subgroups. Previous studies of DRF have examined rater bias using manifest variables (e.g., use of covariates) to determine the subgroups. These manifest variables include gender and the ethnicity of the examinee. For example, a rater may score males more severely. Ideally, each rater’s severity should be invariant across subgroups. This study examines DRF in the context of latent subgroups that classify possible sources of DRF based on raters’ scoring behavior rather than manifest factors. An extension of the latent class signal detection theory (LC-SDT) model for identifying DRF is proposed and examined using real-world data and simulations. Results from real-world data show that the signal detection approach leads to an effective method to identify latent DRF. Simulations with varying sample sizes and conditions of rater precision were shown to recover parameters at an adequate level, supporting its use to identify latent DRF in large-scale data. These findings suggest that the DRF extension of the LC-SDT can be a useful model to examine characteristics of raters and add information that can aid rater training.  相似文献   

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