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Anger is a common emotional experience which can have a very distrubing impact upon the angered person, physically and psychologically, and upon that person's relations with others. The arousal of anger can be best explained in many instances as the reaction of people when they see or anticipate the violation of their demands, that is, as reflecting absolutist thinking. Such thinking can not only lead to anger but is also believed to play an important role in promoting other emotional problems, including those of anxiety and depression. This paper characterises the absolutist style of thinking and illustrates its hypothesized role in several emotional problems using brief case histories. It is suggested that the failure of a therapist to identify absolutist thinking, when it exists, deprives the therapist of considerable leverage in handling a patient's problems and may explain the limited effectiveness of cognitive therapy for such patients.  相似文献   

The ability to generate diverse ideas (divergent thinking) is valuable in solving creative problems (e.g., insight problems); yet, however advantageous, this ability is insufficient to solve the problem alone and requires the ability to logically deduce an assessment of correctness of each solution (convergent thinking). Positive schizotypy may help isolate the aspects of divergent thinking prevalent in insight problem solving. Participants were presented with a measure of schizotypy (Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences), divergent and convergent thinking tasks, insight problems, and non-insight problems. We found no evidence for a relationship between schizotypy and insight problem solving. Relationships between divergent thinking and insight problem solving were also surprisingly weak; however, measures of convergent thinking had a stronger relationship with problem solving. These results suggest that convergent thinking is more important than divergent thinking in problem solving.  相似文献   

Handedness, ear-preference, and field-dependence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Mentalising, schizotypy, and schizophrenia.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Despite accumulating evidence that patients with schizophrenia perform poorly in mentalising tasks, doubts remain about the primacy of the role played by defective mentalising in schizophrenia. This study investigated the relationship between mentalising ability and self-reported schizotypal traits in non-clinical adults who reported no history of psychiatric illness in order to test two counter-proposals: (1) defective mentalising is a primary cause of psychotic symptoms in schizophrenia; and (2) defective mentalising in schizophrenia is a secondary consequence of the chronic asociality that is typical of general psychiatric illness. Mentalising ability was tested using a false-belief picture sequencing task that has been used elsewhere to demonstrate poor mentalising in patients with schizophrenia. Evidence of selective mentalising deficits in high schizotypal non-clinical subjects discounted the view that defective mentalising is restricted to psychiatric illness and strengthened the case for continuity models of psychosis-proneness. Furthermore, evidence that poor mentalisers in the normal population are more likely to self-report psychotic-like traits, as well as asocial or idiosyncratic behaviours, refuted suggestions that defective mentalising is linked solely to asocial symptomatology and supported the view that defective mentalising may have a fundamental role to play in the explanation of psychotic symptoms. In order to specify what that role might be, alternative theoretical accounts of defective mentalising were tested. Neither executive planning deficits nor failure to inhibit cognitively salient inappropriate information could adequately explain the pattern of selective mentalising deficits found in high schizotypal non-clinical subjects. Our findings suggest that there exists a domain-specific cognitive module that is dedicated to inferring and representing mental states which, when dysfunctional, causes defective mentalising that manifests phenomenologically in psychotic-like traits and impoverished social awareness of variable expression and ranging severity.  相似文献   

Handedness, footedness, and eyedness   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There is no agreement in the literature on whether there are associations among handedness, footedness, and eyedness among normal populations. These need to be clarified before studying abnormal populations. The majority of people have a right-sided preference for each of the three measures of laterality and hence some association is to be expected due to chance alone. Using three categories of laterality a statistical method which is new to these sorts of data has been used which allows the observed percentage agreement to be compared with that expected by chance for all three measures together (as well as in pairs). Its application to data from a sample of 192 young naval recruits suggests that there probably is a generalised dimension of motor laterality, at least among males.  相似文献   

Disordered or maladaptive meta-cognitive processing appears to be a prominent feature for some individuals with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. We sought to establish whether healthy individuals distinguished either in terms hallucination proneness (HP) or level of schizotypy could also be differentiated on the sub-scales of the Meta-cognitions Questionnaire (MCQ), or a modified version of it in which items about worry were replaced with items specifically related to thinking. A total of 106 healthy volunteers completed the Oxford and Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences and Launay-Slade hallucination scale, the Schizotypal Personality Questionnaire and two versions of the MCQ: the original which assesses five domains of meta-cognition and an adapted version in which items relating to worry had been replaced by items relating to thinking or reflecting on thinking (MCQ-th). ANOVA indicated highly significant differences between three groups of individuals differentiated in terms of high, medium and low proneness to hallucinations on four of the five MCQ sub-scales, and three of the four MCQ-th factors. Regression analyses indicated that the MCQ factors encompassing (1) a sense of uncontrollability of thinking (and the perceived attendant dangers of this) and (2) negative beliefs about thinking related to suspicion and punishment were the strongest predictors of high schizotypy. Individuals who score higher on a measure of HP are more likely to display patterns of meta-cognitive processing that resemble, in certain respects, those reported in individuals with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. High schizotypy predicts a negative appraisal about both the controllability and consequences of thinking.  相似文献   

Twenty male university students varying in handedness and eye-dominance recalled conventional and unconventional digits under two conditions: (1) when the same type of digit was projected simultaneously to each eye, and (2) when a different type of digit was projected simultaneously to each eye.

Forty trials were given, each consisting of four pairs of digits with a different numeral projected to each eye. Performance was analysed in terms of percentage recalled correctly and time of onset of each response.

Right eye-dominant groups, particularly a right handed and right eye-dominant group, were superior in both accuracy of recall and speed of response to left eye-dominant groups. Least able in recall were left handed, left eye-dominant subjects. Superiority of right eye-dominant groups was especially marked when a different type of digit was projected to each eye.

In accord with results reported by Broadbent for the ears (1956, 1957), other results suggest it is possible for the eyes to operate simultaneously as independent information sources. However, unlike the case for audition, present subjects did not report all information from one eye before that from the other, but gave it in pairs. It seems that the capacity of the eyes to function independently depended upon eye-dominance and handedness, while serial ordering of responses reflected imposition of an habitual response organization.  相似文献   

Negative life events, cognitive emotion regulation and emotional problems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new questionnaire, named the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, has been constructed, measuring nine cognitive coping strategies people tend to use after having experienced negative life events. A test–retest design was used to study the psychometric properties and relationships with measures of depression and anxiety among 547 high school youngsters. Principal component analyses supported the allocation of items to subscales, while alphas of most subscales exceeded 0.80. Cognitive coping strategies were found to play an important role in the relationship between the experience of negative life events and the reporting of symptoms of depression and anxiety. The results suggest that cognitive coping strategies may be a valuable context of prevention and intervention  相似文献   

The construct of Oddity was examined in relation to the dimensions of normal personality variation and a dimension of schizotypy and dissociation. In 2 studies involving samples of community adults (N = 409) and college students (N = 378), Oddity—as operationalized in terms of perceived strangeness or eccentricity—was found to be moderately related to a Schizotypy/Dissociation factor and also to factors of normal personality variation, particularly Openness to Experience. The modest loading of Oddity on the Schizotypy/Dissociation factor, along with the somewhat stronger projection of Oddity within the space of normal personality dimensions, indicates that the Schizotypy/Dissociation factor should not be interpreted as a dimension of Oddity. The interpretation of the Schizotypy/Dissociation factor is discussed, as are the implications of these results for proposed dimensional models of personality disorders.  相似文献   

Cho S  Bae SW 《Adolescence》2005,40(159):533-550
This study attempted to identify emotional problems and examine the related demographic and psychosocial factors of 340 Korean American adolescents in a major metropolitan area. Results revealed that lower GPA, longer length of residence in the United States, subjects' poor self-esteem, greater severity of conflict with parents, and poor relationships with peers were significant predictors of emotional problems. The findings could be beneficial for social work practitioners and educators in determining the service needs of Korean American adoelscents and designing interventions for their problems.  相似文献   


The present study examined the relationship between religious orientation and schizotypy, with the prediction that intrinsic religiosity would be negatively associated with schizotypy, and religious experience and extrinsic religiosity would be positively associated with schizotypy. A total of 308 UK adults (132 men; 176 women) completed measures of religious experience, intrinsic orientation towards religion, extrinsic orientation towards religion, schizotypal personality traits and borderline personality. Though the present findings also suggest that the significant relationships between religiosity and schizotypy traits are fragmented, particularly by sex, the findings are consistent with theory that an intrinsic orientation towards religion is associated with lower levels of schizotypy, and religious experience and an extrinsic orientation towards religion is associated with higher levels of schizotypy.  相似文献   

Tested the role of self-esteem as a mediator of relationships between socioenvironmental experiences and emotional/behavioral problems using a sample of 215 young adolescents (Grades 7–9). Socioenvironmental experiences were assessed using self-report questionnaire measures of social support and major and minor stressful events. Self-esteem was assessed using a self-report questionnaire, an interview, and a parent-report questionnaire. Emotional/behavioral problems were assessed using self-report, parent-report and teacherreport questionnaires. Utilizing structural equation modeling, the data were used to test a model in which self-esteem mediated the relationship between socioenvironmental experiences and emotional/behavioral problems. The hypothesized model provided a reasonably good fit to the data (normed fit index=.90). However, an alternative model which also allowed for direct effects of socioenvironmental experiences on emotional/behavioral problems produced a significant improvement in model fit. In this model, socio-environmental experiences had significant effects on emotional problems via both direct effects and indirect effects that indicated a mediating role for self-esteem. Only direct effects of socioenvironmental experiences were evident for behavioral problems. This research was supported by a grant to the first author from the University of Missouri Research Board. Thanks are due to the students, staff, and parents of the Columbia Public Schools, Columbia, Missouri, for their participation in and support of this research project.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that the role of learning is recognised in empirical and theoretical work on sense of agency (SoA), the nature of this learning has, rather surprisingly, received little attention. In the present study we consider the contribution of associative mechanisms to SoA. SoA can be measured quantitatively as a temporal linkage between voluntary actions and their external effects. Using an outcome blocking procedure, it was shown that training action–outcome associations under conditions of increased surprise augmented this temporal linkage. Moreover, these effects of surprise were correlated with schizotypy scores, suggesting that individual differences in higher level experiences are related to associative learning and to its impact on SoA. These results are discussed in terms of models of SoA, and our understanding of disrupted SoA in certain disorders.  相似文献   

Some researchers have speculated that left-hand dominance is more prevalent among patients suffering from dementia of the Alzheimer's type which began prior to age 65 yr. and that, in those patients, the disease runs a more rapid course. In the present study, seven left-handed dementia patients were matched with seven right-handed dementia patients on the basis of age and years of education and were compared with regard to neuropsychological compromise. While the left-handed group was somewhat more impaired than the right-handed subjects, the difference between the two groups was not statistically significant.  相似文献   

The present study focused on the role of high effortful control in the expression of positive emotion and development of behavior problems in children born preterm (mean gestational age = 31.4 weeks). Using data from a prospective longitudinal study, the present study assessed effortful control and behavior problems at 24 and 36 months and positive emotional expression at 24 months in a sample of 173 children born preterm. Less positive emotional expression was associated with higher effortful control for boys but not girls. Higher effortful control was associated with fewer total behavior problems, but this relation was attenuated when socioeconomic assets were included in the model. More socioeconomic assets were associated with fewer behavior problems for both boys and girls and higher effortful control for girls. Socioeconomic assets appear to be an important factor in the development of effortful control and behavior problems in children born preterm regardless of gender, whereas positive emotional expression was important for boys. Future intervention research should examine fostering adaptive levels of effortful control in high-risk populations as a means to facilitate resilience processes.  相似文献   

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