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文化研究自 90年代初率先引入中国港台地区以来 ,在整个中国已成为继后现代主义和后殖民主义理论思潮之后的又一理论热点。但由于文化研究的跨文化性和跨学科性 ,加之文化研究者的文化素养知识结构的差异 ,对精英文化和大众文化的理解不同 ,在我国文化研究的水平参差不齐。最近 ,我们欣喜地看到苏州大学教授、博士生导师任平先生的新著《时尚与冲突———城市文化的结构与功能新论》(东南大学出版社 2 0 0 0年 5月出版 ) (以下简称《新论》)对文化研究独辟蹊径 ,尤其对城市文化的解析独到深刻 ,是文化研究领域里不可多得的力作。通观全书 ,…  相似文献   

在唯物史观里,名词体系表征物质现象,动名词体系表征人类本质力量及其社会关系。动名词体系比名词体系更根本、更重要,反映了实践唯物主义(唯物史观)政治哲学的本质特征。两个体系构成了唯物史观的一个完整表述。唯物史观所谓社会形态不是经济、政治、文化三重结构或者经济基础和上层建筑的统一,它是自然、经济、社会、政治、文化亦即物质生产方式、人类自身生产方式、社会交往形式、政治交往形式、精神生产方式五重结构具体的、历史的统一。随着每一结构地位和作用的变化,依次出现自然社会形态、市民社会形态、人类社会形态。阶级是社会结构的组织单元,不是经济范畴,而是社会范畴,它的划分标准不是经济标准,而是社会标准。  相似文献   

张波 《学海》2002,1(4):73-76
当代中国社会主义法律文化在结构上表现为显型结构层面上的法律文化与隐型结构层面上的法律文化的严重分离。法律文化建设的重心应放在隐型结构层面上的法律文化的建构上。随着社会主义法律文化生成动力的增强 ,当代中国将生成与社会主义显型结构层面上的法律文化相适应的社会主义隐型结构层面上的法律文化 ,社会主义法律文化的结构将由分离到实现统一。  相似文献   

本研究以982名初中学生为被试,采用验证性因素分析和多元回归方法对个人目标取向、课堂目标结构及文化因素与学业求助策略的关系进行研究。结果表明:(1)个人目标取向可以区分出任务取向、趋向型自我取向和逃避型自我取向,它们对学业求助的影响是不同的,只有逃避型自我取向的学生才倾向于作不利于学习的执行性求助。(2)课堂目标结构对学业求助有影响 ,在任务取向的课堂里 ,学生倾向于作工具性求助。(3)文化因素对学业求助有影响。认同中国求助格言的学生愿意作工具性求助,在意他人评价的学生倾向于回避求助或作执行性求助。(4)个人目标取向、课堂目标结构和文化因素对不同年级学生学业求助的影响模式不同。  相似文献   

<正>佛教,过去是、将来还会是中国文化的润滑剂,它充分体现了中国社会"和而不同"的文化理想,并且给出了理论的说明。为什么佛教是一种文化?佛教的文化价值或文化功能,究竟如何表现?本文旨在立足当代中国,讨论佛教的文化价值。一、"文化"与当代中国文化难题什么是"文化"?实际上存在不同语境的问题。在中国传统典籍与现代西方文献里,该词有不同的内涵。然而,这两层不同的内涵同时蕴含在我们现在所谓的"文化"概念里。  相似文献   

道教旅游文化与道教文化旅游辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"道教旅游文化"与"道教文化旅游"是道教文化与旅游经济研究领域里两个重要概念.  相似文献   

比较是文化研究中的常用方法,但往往带有随意搜罗两种文化的个别内容而轻率为之的流弊。一旦揭示出文化存在的普遍本体结构而显现文化观念的意义充实的复杂模式,这种通行作法的缺陷就暴露无遗,从而撤销对它的天真信赖。文化的本体结构概念开辟了崭新的文化比较课题和比较方法。根据所描述的文化存在的本体结构,文化比较的前提是以文化的本体结构为指引进行一种文化的观念秩序梳理,继而可以参照文化的本体结构进行如下文化比较活动:文化的梳理性自我认知、文化间的建构比较、文化建构完备性比较、个别文化观念的逻辑意义比较:同位比较与错位比较。在这些比较中,本体认识是基础,逻辑立场是把文化比较引向充分和科学的规范性保障。  相似文献   

钟晓樱在《福建宗教》2004年第1期撰写文章指出,我国是多宗教的国家,在漫长的历史发展中,中国各宗教文化已经成为中国传统思想文化的一部分,并从各个层面长久而深刻地影响着当代的社会思想文化。宗教作为一种社会意识和文化现象,在各种社会形态里具有很强的适应能力,它既影响组成社会结构的政治、经济和文化因素,同时又通过其社会功能对社会整体的稳定和发展起到重要作用。宗教对社会稳定的影响主要通过自身功能的发挥来产生作用,其基本社会功能有:社会控制功能、社会整合功能、行为规范功能、心理调节功能等。调动宗教积极的社会功能,正确…  相似文献   

<正>五台山作为中国佛教名山之首,世界佛教文殊信仰中心,世界文化景观遗产,充满着精神灵韵和思想蕴涵,汇集和凝聚着极为深邃而厚重的精神形态和文化遗存。五台山文化是中华文化的具体化体现,是中华文明的独特风景。习近平总书记指出,文化自信是更基础、更广泛、更深厚的自信。提高国家文化软实力,要努力展示中华文化独特魅力,要系统梳理传统文化资源,让收藏在禁宫里的文物、陈列在广阔大地上的遗产、书写在古籍里的文字都活  相似文献   

武汉的里分是武汉具有一定的规模,并能反映浓郁的"汉派"文化特色的城市空间形态。武汉里分是见证了近代武汉人生活传统的历史区域,也是中国特定时期社会、经济、文化的产物,更是构成武汉城市空间及其地区风貌的一个重要组成部分,承载着武汉城市的文化底蕴。文章旨在通过全面、深入、系统的现代城市空间设计的理论研究,以近代武汉里分为研究对象,对武汉城市空间中"汉派"里分的表达方式进行更全面的诠释定位,诠释"汉派"里分在武汉城市空间中应该如何保留传承并在新的城市建设中展现出来,在城市建设中保护和弘扬传统优秀文化,延续城市历史文脉,重构并建设发展有历史记忆、地域特色、民族特点的现代武汉城市空间。  相似文献   

赵海丽  蔡先金 《管子学刊》2007,(2):86-89,111
“慎独”论来源于孔子及其儒门对《诗》之解读与阐发,然后由诗学话语转化为整个儒学的重要理论之一,即“慎独”儒学理论的形成经历了一个从无到有、从简单到复杂、从感性到理性、从诗学到哲学的渐次发展的过程,在这个“层累”递进的过程中,“慎独”被赋予了许多新的不同层次的内涵。  相似文献   

A modified version of the Minnesota Job Requirements Questionnaire (MJRQ), representing the GATB aptitudes, was used by workers in 11 selected jobs to rate the ability requirements of their jobs. Worker MJRQ ratings were compared with supervisor MJRQ ratings. Modified Occupational Ability Patterns (OAPs) derived from worker ratings were compared with OAPs based on supervisor ratings, OAPs from expert ratings in the DOT, and OAPs from the empirical GATB approach. Reliability of worker MJRQ ratings was comparable to that of supervisor ratings. Comparisons of mean ratings and variability of ratings of workers in a job category with workers in other jobs, and with supervisors rating the same job, showed construct validity for worker MJRQ ratings, as did intercorrelations of the worker ratings. OAPs derived from worker MJRQ ratings compared favorably with OAPs derived from supervisor MJRQ ratings, from the DOT, and from the GATB. Differences among workers on variables such as satisfaction, age and tenure did not significantly affect their MJRQ ratings. Implications of the worker MJRQ ratings are discussed.  相似文献   

I defend a strong version of the Kantian claim that actions done solely from duty have moral worth by (1) considering pure cases of acting from duty, (2) showing that love and sympathy, unlike a sense of duty, can often lead us to do the wrong thing, (3) carefully distinguishing moral from non-moral virtues, and (4) by distinguishing pathological sympathy from practical sympathy. Not only is acting purely from a sense of duty superior to acting from love and sympathetic feelings, but the cold-heartedness found in Kant’s examples should be thought of as a virtue rather than a vice.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate treatment procedures for problem behavior maintained by escape from attention in the form of conversation for a child diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. After conducting a functional analysis that confirmed this function, we implemented a preference assessment to identify some forms of attention that were not aversive. Treatment consisted of four conditions, implemented in a series of reversals. During each condition, the participant chose from some of the following concurrently available options: three forms of attention, escape from conversation, and escape from conversation with a 2‐min delay. We implemented the delay to reduce (devalue) the reinforcing value of escape from conversation. The participant preferred escape from conversation to social interaction when all four consequences were available immediately. When escape from conversation was possible with a delay, the participant's preference changed to social interaction. Implications for clinical practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

个体化过程是当代儿童青少年发展与教育研究中的重要课题。然而,由于该研究领域处于持续发展变化之中,目前研究者关于个体化概念的看法存在着诸多分歧。文章从个体化理论及概念涵义的发展、个体化测量及操作性定义的发展两个角度对目前研究中的个体化概念进行了分析和总结,在此基础上对现有概念进行了整合:个体化是个体在认知与情感等领域中,在逐渐形成亲子联结的新形式的同时,不断发展独立自主品质的过程。文章还对个体化与相关概念之间的关系进行了辨析。  相似文献   

In our times, philosophy has been suffering from a spiritual crisis that takes the forms of the crisis of culture, the crisis of meaning, and the crisis of way of life. As the soul of culture, philosophy should contribute valuable responses to the problems of our times. Thus understood, this paper intends to analyze the concept of crisis in a phenomenological approach. The concept of crisis is concerned with the philosophical themes of time and death, and the crises of our times are primarily the crises of life-meaning and the life-world. Drawing sources from Husserl and other phenomenologists, as well as experiences from Chinese culture, I argue that a philosophy of crisis should find its point of departure from the crisis of philosophy.  相似文献   

Although there is a plethora of research documenting the relations between broad personality traits and psychopathology, there is decidedly less on the relations between lower order facets and psychopathology. In the current study, we explored the associations between lower order personality traits and dimensions of mental disorder. A combined sample of undergraduates and outpatients completed self-reports of personality and mental disorder. Symptom counts of mental disorders were factor analyzed, and a higher order three-factor solution emerged. One factor was substance use disorder (SUD), and internalizing branched into distress and fear. These dimensions were regressed on facets from the Big Five model of personality. SUD was significantly predicted by high excitement-seeking from the extraversion domain and low self-discipline from conscientiousness. Distress and fear were indistinguishable from one another but showed a different pattern of relations from SUD. High anxiety and depression from neuroticism, low gregariousness from extraversion, high aesthetics and low actions from openness, low trust and high tender-mindedness from agreeableness, and low self-discipline from conscientiousness significantly predicted distress and fear. The findings demonstrate that lower order traits within a single domain have complex relations with psychopathology, which are shrouded when examining broad, higher order traits. Assessment and treatment implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated whether spatial information acquired from vision and language is maintained in distinct spatial representations on the basis of the input modality. Participants studied a visual and a verbal layout of objects at different times from either the same (Experiments 1 and 2) or different learning perspectives (Experiment 3) and then carried out a series of pointing judgments involving objects from the same or different layouts. Results from Experiments 1 and 2 indicated that participants pointed equally fast on within- and between-layout trials; coupled with verbal reports from participants, this result suggests that they integrated all locations in a single spatial representation during encoding. However, when learning took place from different perspectives in Experiment 3, participants were faster to respond to within- than between-layout trials and indicated that they kept separate representations during learning. Results are compared to those from similar studies that involved layouts learned from perception only.  相似文献   

We examined whether participants could differentiate between explanations of attitude-consistent behavior related to EU membership given from two perspectives (EU supporter and EU opponent) by means of three perspective taking modes (the explainer's own perspective, imagined in-group members' perspective, and imagined out-group members' perspective). Participants were presented with explanations provided from different perspectives and perspective taking modes, and they were asked to judge the extent to which they agreed with each explanation, to guess the attitude of the provider of each explanation, and to rate the quality of each explanation in various respects. Participants could not differentiate between explanations given by in-group members and out-group members who imagined the same perspective. They responded more favorably to explanations given from own perspective than from the imagined perspectives. The results suggest that there exists a shared understanding about how both sides should explain attitude-consistent behavior, but this understanding is measurably different from the actual explanations.  相似文献   

陈坚 《周易研究》2005,(3):53-62
<易经>文本的零散性使其表面上看来并没有什么意义,但是,易学史上所诠释出来的<易经>意义却丰富多彩,那么<易经>的这许多意义究竟是从哪里来的呢?<易经>意义的来源有三个方面,即(一)天地赋予<易经>以意义,这就是<易经>的天地意义;(二)<易经>符号(卦爻符号和文字符号)之间的逻辑关系会产生意义,这就是<易经>的逻辑意义;(三)人类将自己的认识投射到<易经>上而形成<易经>的投射意义.<易经>的这三大意义及其来源有着中国式的独特学理,即使是专门研究文本意义的西方解释学对之亦不能完全加以解释.  相似文献   

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