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Motion parallax is a composite of five transformations demonstrated to be effective in adult judgments of rotation direction in polar motion projections of a horizontal row of dots rotating in depth. The effectiveness of these transformations as a function of age was tested by presenting six such motion projections to first graders (age = 6 years), seventh graders (age = 13 years), and college students (age = 19 years). Identical age functions were obtained for judged rotation direction from the four motion projections representing (1) Velocity, corresponding to the traditional definition of motion parallax as differential velocity, (2) Velocity plus differences between ratios of instantaneous displacement to instantaneous acceleration for dots on the near and far sides of the rotation axis (DA Difference), (3) Velocity, DA Difference, and a gradient across the row of DA ratios, and (4) all transformations. First graders, unable to use horizontal transformations, performed at chance on these four projections, while older students made correct judgments. Order, separated from Velocity for the first time, resulted in chance performance at all ages, while Direction, also separated from Velocity for the first time, resulted in veridical judgments in only 4 of 24 college students.  相似文献   


Five experiments examined the ability of observers to control the direction of rotation of parallel (Experiments 1–4) and polar (Experiment 5) projections of transparent objects using a control strategy based on the idea that attended surfaces are given front/convex default interpretations. Experiments 1 and 2 measured observers' degree of control and evaluated the role of attention in the control strategy. Experiment 3 examined whether attentional constraints limit the use of the strategy with dual rotating objects. Experiment 4 measured control with unambiguous stimuli in which the direction of rotation was specified by occlusion or proximity luminance covariance, and Experiment 5 measured the control of structure (rigid, non-rigid) as well as motion by examining the control of rotating displays presented in polar perspective. The General Discussion evaluates several hypotheses concerning the nature and rationale of an attentional bias in surface interpretation.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained to discriminate pictures of intact objects from pictures of objects in which both depth from shading and depth from perspective cues were manipulated. Depth from shading was manipulated either by scrambling or by removing three-dimensional shading cues. Depth from perspective was manipulated either by presenting pictures of objects with a two-dimensional outline (i.e., a square) or with a three-dimensional outline (i.e., a cube). Transfer tests with novel images suggest that pigeons perceive and utilize both types of pictorial depth cues. The implications of these results for our understanding of picture perception in pigeons are discussed.  相似文献   

In three experiments we investigated the integration of three-dimensional information provided over time by different depth cues. In the first experiment, we found that the perceptual derivation of surface orientation from the optic flow was affected by the prior presentation of static stereo information in the same spatial location. This bias weakened as the length of the motion sequence increased, but it was still present after 800 msec. In the second experiment, conversely, we found that the perceived orientation of a stereo-specified surface was not influenced by the prior presentation of a static stereo surface. In a third experiment, we found that two surfaces defined by identical disparity fields did not elicit the same perceived depth if, previously, one of them had been specified by a conjunction of stereo and motion information. This effect was found to last for at least 400 msec. Taken together, these findings indicate that interactions exist among different sources of depth information, even when they are provided at different moments of time.  相似文献   

Three-month-olds are sensitive to orientation changes of line drawings when they have a three-dimensional (3-D) interpretation and when the changes are defined by both 3-D depth and two-dimensional (2-D) picture plane cues [Bhatt, R. S., & Bertin, E. (2001). Pictorial cues and three-dimensional information processing in early infancy. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 80, 315-332]. In the current study, we examined whether 3-month-olds are sensitive to pictorial line junction cues that signal orientation changes solely in the 3-D depth plane. The results revealed that infants discriminated a misoriented elongated cube in an array when the stimuli contained both shading and lines (Experiment 2) but not when only lines depicted the elongated cubes (Experiment 1). Testing with comparable 2-D images revealed that, even in the presence of shading information, detection of orientation changes is specific to images that have a 3-D interpretation. Together, the results suggest that 3-month-olds are sensitive to pictorial line junction cues that signal orientation changes in the 3-D depth plane to adults provided that shading information is available and the images have a 3-D interpretation.  相似文献   

Four pictures from Hudson's Depth Perception Test containing size, super-position or overlap, and linear perspective cues were administered to 240 Ugandan primary school children. The key question asked regarding the relationship of elements in each picture varied in terms of “Which (is/looks) (nearer/farther) to (man/you), the elephant or the antelope?”. Results suggested that depth in pictorial material was perceived significantly higher for the question variation “which is/looks farther” rather than “nearer.” In addition, the main effects of “grades” and “man/you” and the “grade x nearer/farther” interaction were statistically significant. Results are discussed in terms of culturally constituted experience and the effects of attentional factors and lexical markings inherent in the relational concepts used in the key question.  相似文献   

Mental rotation, as a covert simulation of motor rotation, could benefit from spatial updating of object representations. We are interested in what kind of visual cue could trigger spatial updating. Three experiments were conducted to examine the effect of dynamic and static orientation cues on mental rotation, using a sequential matching task with three-dimensional novel objects presented in different views. Experiment 1 showed that a rotating orientation cue with constant speed reduced viewpoint costs in mental rotation. Experiment 2 extended this effect with a varied-speed rotating orientation cue. However, no such benefit was observed with a static orientation cue in Experiment 3. These findings indicated that a visually continuous orientation cue is sufficient to elicit spatial updating in mental rotation. Furthermore, there may be differences in the underlying mechanisms of spatial updating on the basis of constant-speed rotating cues and varied-speed rotating cues.  相似文献   

L Mowafy 《Perception》1990,19(5):595-609
Models of motion perception usually assume that the visual system references spatial displacements to retinal coordinates, and not to three-dimensional coordinates recovered by a parallel process. The present studies investigated whether moving elements viewed in the context of a static random-dot stereogram could lead to the appearance of motion in depth. Observers judged the velocity of a monocular element translating horizontally in the stereo context as 'same as' or 'different to' that of a standard. Based on velocity constancy, if there was apparent motion in depth, the relative velocity judgments would yield a predictable pattern of errors. The first experiment compared two stereo contexts: a sloped surface versus a fronto-parallel plane at zero disparity. The results indicated an overall increase in the perceived velocity of the element moving in the sloped surface context. A similar pattern of results was found when surfaces differing in incline were compared. Experiment 2 explored the case of fronto-parallel planes at crossed and uncrossed disparities. Here depth differences did not systematically affect observers' judgments. It was concluded that in some cases motion analysis can be affected by three-dimensional disparity information and not by angular displacement alone.  相似文献   

A rectangularity postulate has been used in algorithms for the purpose of interpreting two-dimensional representations of rectilinear objects. This rectangularity postulate may affect the perception of true surfaces. In this study, rectangular surfaces and trapezoidal surfaces--the latter simulating the horizontal slant-in-depth of the rectangular surfaces--were viewed under static-monocular, moving-monocular, and static-binocular conditions, both with and without a background pattern. The static-binocular condition elicited the greatest number of accurate responses. The moving-monocular condition did not elicit significantly more accurate responses than the static-monocular viewing condition did. The effect of background pattern was insignificant. These results were unexpected in terms of ecological validity and (regarding moving-monocular viewing) because of the importance of the role of relative visual motion in the detection of object motion. However, the results are consistent with the perception of depth separation of two discrete objects.  相似文献   

The contributions of different monocular depth cues to performance of a scene perception task were investigated in 4 pigeons. They discriminated the sequential depth ordering of three geometric objects in computer-rendered scenes. The orderings of these objects were specified by the combined presence or absence of the pictorial cues of relative density, occlusion, and relative size. In Phase 1, the pigeons learned the task as a direct function of the number of cues present. The three monocular cues contributed equally to the discrimination. Phase 2 established that differential shading on the objects provided an additional discriminative cue. These results suggest that the pigeon visual system is sensitive to many of the same monocular depth cues that are known to be used by humans. The theoretical implications for a comparative psychology of picture processing are considered.  相似文献   

Newborn infants were familiarized to a three dimensional display consisting of a rod which moved behind a central occluder, so that only the top and bottom of the rod were visible. The infants' eyes were 38 cm from the rod and the occluder was 15 cm in front of the rod, a separation intended to ensure that the gap between the two was detected by the infants. On subsequent test trials the infants looked longer at a complete rod than at two rod pieces, suggesting that the hidden unity, or completeness of the rod had not been perceived. In a study by Johnson and Náñez (in press), using computer. generated stimuli, 4 month olds perceived the hidden unity of a similar display presented on a VDU in the complete absence of three. dimensional depth cues. Taken together, these findings suggest that, for these displays, perception of three. dimensional depth cues is not necessary for the detection of the unity of partially hidden objects. It is suggested that age changes in early infancy in the perception of occluded objects may result either from the emergence of abilities to perceive objects from kinematic information or from the emergence of sensitivity to that information itself.  相似文献   

Many authors contend that the perception of 2-D drawings of a 3-D object is governed by polar projective geometry. A problem for this position is that observers accept parallel projections, which are not produced with polar projective geometry, as accurate representations of 3-D objects. In Experiments 1 and 2, we used two different standards of comparison to study the perceptions of three line drawings of cubes—correct polar projections of cubes with subtenses of 15° and 35°, and a parallel projection—at five different angular subtenses. In Experiment 1, 14 observers judged each drawing when it subtended about 35°, 15°, 5°, 4°, and 2° in width. Subjects used an 8-point rating scale to compare each drawing with a correct polar projection of a cube subtending 35°, viewed with the drawing subtending 15°. As predicted, both polar projections had their highest ratings at their correct vantage points. Ratings for the parallel projection were highest at small angular subtenses and decreased when it subtended 35°. These findings were supported by a second experiment in which the 15° polar projection was set at a 5° viewing angle as a standard. In Experiment 3, 15 observers compared the three drawings, viewed at a second set of angular subtenses (30°, 35°, 40°, 45°, and 50°), with a standard, the 35° polar set at 45°. Ratings fell with increases in viewing angle, and the parallel projection was rated lowest. The results indicate that parallel projections are assessed as polar projections that are correct for objects at a small angular subtense. Furthermore, projections at a small angular subtense are robust; that is, they are acceptable over a wide range of angular subtenses. We suggest that robustness can be explained by the modest variability in the proportions of pictures of cubes subtending small angles.  相似文献   

Both the image size of a familiar object and linear perspective operate as distance cues in stereoscopic depth constancy. This was shown by separating their effects from the effect of the oculomotor cues by creating cue conflicts between either the familiar size cue or linear perspective, on the one hand, and accommodation and convergence, on the other. In the case of familiarsize, this cue was used deceptively. In the case of linear perspective, spectacles caused nonveridical oculomotor adjustments.  相似文献   

During self-motions, different patterns of optic flow are presented to the left and right eyes. Previous research has, however, focused mainly on the self-motion information contained in a single pattern of optic flow. The present experiments investigated the role that binocular disparity plays in the visual perception of self-motion, showing that the addition of stereoscopic cues to optic flow significantly improves forward linear vection in central vision. Improvements were also achieved by adding changingsize cues to sparse (but not dense) flow patterns. These findings showed that assumptions in the heading literature that stereoscopic cues facilitate self-motion only when the optic flow has ambiguous depth ordering do not apply to vection. Rather, it was concluded that both stereoscopic and changingsize cues provide additional motion-in-depth information that is used in perceiving self-motion.  相似文献   

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