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大量研究表明, 前额叶的结构和功能更容易受年老化影响; 然而, 近年来的研究发现, 前额叶的结构和功能在老年阶段具有一定的可塑性。对老年人进行认知训练, 能够延缓前额叶皮层厚度的萎缩, 提高白质完整性, 改善神经网络的功能连接和分化, 并可能通过调节多巴胺系统的活动改变前额叶皮质和皮质下结构的功能激活模式。有氧锻炼能够改善心脑血管功能, 保护和促进神经元的存活和生长, 引起前额叶灰质、白质体积的增加及功能激活的变化。认知训练与有氧锻炼等相结合的整合性训练不仅引起前额叶及相关认知功能的改变, 而且具有更好的生态学效度, 使老年人日常认知能力和生活质量得到提高。未来研究应采用多种技术手段, 从多个层面理解老年阶段前额叶的可塑性及相关机制; 加强对与前额叶关系密切的多种认知功能可塑性神经机制的研究; 并重视与整合性训练有关的前额叶可塑性。  相似文献   

恐惧是一种基本情绪,在人类的生存和适应中具有重要意义.研究者认为对恐惧情绪的加工存在着两种方式——阈上加工和阈下加工,而最近更多的研究者认为对恐惧的加工是需要中枢神经系统参与的阈上加工.在恐惧的形成与表达中,杏仁核、前扣带回、眶额叶皮质等脑区发挥着重要的作用;恐惧记忆的编码与巩固受到海马和各相关脑区的共同影响;前扣带回、内侧前额叶皮质等相关脑区是恐惧情绪调节的高级中枢;在恐惧的消退过程中,内侧前额叶发挥着重要的作用,它影响杏仁核、海马等相关脑区的活动.未来研究应该从恐惧情绪加工过程中脑区的交互机制、恐惧易感性以及发展认知神经科学等角度对恐惧神经机制展开大量研究,力图全方位地理解恐惧加工的神经机制.  相似文献   

杨瑜  李鸣  陈红 《心理科学进展》2020,28(1):128-140
成为母亲对女性而言是人生经历的特殊阶段, 她们在这个阶段发生的生理和心理的适应性改变对其自身和子代健康具有重要意义。母性应激是阻碍母亲适应性改变顺利进行的重要因素。母性应激会破坏人类母亲和雌性哺乳动物的母性行为、认知功能和情绪调节, 这种影响与糖皮质激素、催产素、催乳素等内分泌系统的调节失常; 母性环路、边缘系统及前额叶皮质等神经环路对刺激的神经反应改变以及神经发生、树突和突触重塑的可塑性变化有关。  相似文献   

本文旨在对认知重评和表达抑制两种常用情绪调节策略的自发脑网络特征及认知神经活动进行深入探讨。研究采集36名在校大学生的静息态和任务态脑电数据, 经过源定位和图论分析发现节点效率与两种情绪调节显著相关的脑区, 以及脑区之间的功能连接。研究结果表明, 在使用认知重评进行情绪调节时会激活前额叶皮质、前扣带回、顶叶、海马旁回和枕叶等多个脑区, 在使用表达抑制进行情绪调节时会激活前额叶皮质、顶叶、海马旁回、枕叶、颞叶和脑岛等多个脑区。因此, 这些脑区的节点效率或功能连接强度可能成为评估个体使用认知重评和表达抑制调节情绪效果的指标。  相似文献   

自我控制的前额叶-皮质下平衡理论认为,成功的自我控制基于前额叶脑区对皮质下脑区的调节能力;当前额叶脑区与皮质下脑区的平衡打破时,就会引起自我控制失败.以往各类型自我控制的脑机制研究,包括决策行为、欲求行为、情绪调节、态度/偏见调节的研究,均支持平衡理论的观点.未来研究有必要进一步分别考察不同类型自我控制中,前额叶脑区对皮质下脑区调节的具体路径,以及青少年前额叶-皮质下的平衡关系随年龄增长的发展趋势.  相似文献   

抑郁症患者在工作记忆内情绪刺激加工的特点为倾向于加工与负性心境一致的材料, 被认为是抑郁症认知易感性的核心特征。目前研究者们围绕抑郁症工作记忆中央执行系统三个子功能的情绪刺激加工特点及其作用机制进行了大量研究, 发现在更新功能上, 患者难以移除负性情绪信息, 且在正性信息的加工上存在缺损; 在抑制功能上, 患者难以抑制无关负性情绪信息进入工作记忆; 在转换功能上, 患者情绪材料转换困难的研究证据尚不充分。神经生理与脑成像的研究初步表明, 工作记忆中的情绪刺激加工与抑郁症患者背外侧前额叶和前扣带回的功能激活水平异常有关。未来研究需评估工作记忆三个子功能对抑郁症状的差异性贡献及在情绪刺激加工上的统一性, 并探究其随疾病发生发展变化的轨迹, 谨慎选取并评估不同情绪刺激材料指标的诱发效应及其对工作记忆功能的独特影响。在此基础上, 深入探究工作记忆内情绪刺激加工的神经机制, 为工作记忆偏向矫正干预的临床应用及其预期效果提供理论依据和方向。  相似文献   

冯攀  郑涌 《心理科学进展》2015,23(9):1579-1587
睡眠剥夺与恐惧情绪加工的各个过程息息相关。睡眠剥夺损害了恐惧的习得过程, 而且影响着杏仁核、内侧前额叶的活动及它们之间的功能连接; 睡眠剥夺削弱了恐惧记忆的巩固和再巩固过程, 不仅破坏了恐惧记忆再巩固过程相关蛋白质和酶的合成, 同时也影响着海马、杏仁核、内侧前额叶的活动以及它们之间的功能连接; 睡眠剥夺损害了恐惧的消退, 同时也改变了海马、杏仁核等相关脑区的活动模式。未来的研究应从睡眠剥夺影响恐惧情绪加工的认知神经机制、睡眠剥夺与恐惧情绪相关障碍的关系等角度展开, 力图深入理解睡眠剥夺影响恐惧情绪加工的认知神经机制。  相似文献   

采用功能性近红外脑成像技术(f NIRS),结合事件相关设计,在非情绪与情绪背景下,测量个体完成go/no-go任务时外侧前额叶皮层氧合血红蛋白浓度(Hb O)的变化。结果发现:在非情绪背景下,行为抑制时双侧背外侧前额叶皮层和右眶额叶皮层负激活;在情绪背景下,行为抑制时双侧背外侧前额叶皮层和眶额皮层负激活,情绪与行为抑制的交互作用显著负激活双侧腹外侧前额叶皮层。结果表明:在非情绪与情绪背景下,双侧背外侧前额叶和右眶额叶皮层可能以神经抑制的活动形式参与行为抑制反应;腹外侧前额叶皮层可能不是行为抑制的重要脑区,但对情绪与行为抑制整合具有重要意义,特别是在负性情绪背景下,双侧腹外侧前额叶皮层可能以更大程度的神经抑制活动参与到情绪与行为抑制交互作用中来。  相似文献   

前额叶在记忆中的作用──脑功能成像研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以往采用动物实验和神经心理学的研究表明,前额叶与记忆功能有着密切的关系。采用脑功能成像 技术的研究使我们对前额叶在记忆中的作用有了更深的认识。左前额叶主要参与情节记忆的编码和 语义性启动效应,右前额叶则与情节记忆的提取关系密切。另外,前额叶还是工作记忆的神经基础, 尤其是背外侧前额叶。  相似文献   

恐惧是一种基本的情绪, 在人类的生存和适应中发挥着重要作用。先前的研究表明, 杏仁核、背侧前扣带回、脑岛等脑区是条件化恐惧习得的认知神经基础, 杏仁核、海马和腹内侧前额叶等脑区在恐惧消退过程中发挥重要作用。研究发现, 催产素与恐惧习得和恐惧消退过程密切相关。恐惧习得过程中, 催产素影响杏仁核、背侧前扣带回的活动, 影响杏仁核与背侧前扣带回和脑干间的功能连接, 促进或抑制恐惧习得过程; 恐惧消退过程中, 催产素影响了杏仁核和腹内侧前额叶的活动, 并且影响杏仁核与内侧前额叶和海马间的功能连接, 促进或抑制恐惧消退过程。未来研究应从性别差异、神经网络模型、身心发育和病理研究等角度展开, 力图深入理解催产素影响恐惧情绪加工的认知神经机制。  相似文献   

刘惠军  高磊 《心理科学进展》2012,20(11):1803-1811
趋近和回避是动机的两种最基本形式, 反映着个体与环境的相互作用方式, 是个体适应环境的核心机能。回避动机保证了个体的生存, 趋近动机则促进个体的成长。两类动机系统在前额叶皮层呈不对称偏侧化分布, 趋近动机与左侧额叶皮层激活相连, 回避动机与右侧额叶皮层激活相连。Youngstorm 和Izard等认为两类动机系统失调可能与一系列的情绪和行为问题有关, 如躁狂、抑郁、焦虑和儿童多动症等。这一观点已得到一些相关研究和临床研究证实。建议未来研究关注趋近-回避动机区分与情绪和认知功能研究的融合, 进一步检验趋近-回避动机系统失调模型, 并加强趋近和回避动机系统的可塑性研究。  相似文献   

This article provides a selective review of the literature and current theories regarding the role of prefrontal cortex, along with some other critical brain regions, in emotion and motivation. Seemingly contradictory findings have often appeared in this literature. Research attempting to resolve these contradictions has been the basis of new areas of growth and has led to more sophisticated understandings of emotional and motivational processes as well as neural networks associated with these processes. Progress has, in part, depended on methodological advances that allow for increased resolution in brain imaging. A number of issues are currently in play, among them the role of prefrontal cortex in emotional or motivational processes. This debate fosters research that will likely lead to further refinement of conceptualizations of emotion, motivation, and the neural processes associated with them.  相似文献   

Abdi Z  Sharma T 《CNS spectrums》2004,9(5):335-343
The study of social cognition in psychiatric disorders has become increasingly popular in recent years. This is due to the its proposed link to social functioning and the inability of general neurocognitive skills to explain the spectrum of impairments observed in patients. This article reviews research into two of the processes thought to underlie social cognition (emotion perception and theory of mind) in schizophrenia and autism. This is followed by a look at neuroimaging studies and their efforts to localize the neural correlates of emotion perception and theory of mind in the two disorders. We concluded that while a specific impairment in emotion perception and theory of mind skills cannot be generalized to all individuals with autism and schizophrenia, there are subpopulations that have lingering deficits of social cognition tasks. Neuroimaging work consistently points to the involvement of the fusiform gyrus and amygdala in emotion processing, while the medial prefrontal and frontal cortex are implicated in tasks invoking theory of mind. We propose that deficits of social cognition may benefit from cognitive remediation therapy and pharmacological cognitive enhancers.  相似文献   

为探讨慢性强迫游泳应激对动物情绪和脑组织细胞外信号调节激酶(extracellular signal-regulated kinase, ERK1/2)的影响,动物情绪和脑组织ERK1/2之间的关系,将动物随机分为游泳应激组、装置对照组和控制组。分别对三组大鼠给予相应的干预14天, 然后进行行为观察,免疫印记法测定海马和前脑皮质ERK1/2水平。结果表明强迫游泳应激组和装置对照组都出现明显的情绪障碍。两组大鼠ERK1/2在前脑皮质的表达水平均显著升高,海马无显著变化。前脑皮质ERK2与糖精水摄入量呈显著负相关。提示慢性强迫游泳应激能够诱导大鼠的情绪障碍,提高ERK1/2在前脑皮质的表达水平,ERK1/2与情绪关系密切,可能是脑组织应激性情绪调节的重要生理机制。强迫游泳应激能够导致动物明显的抑郁反应,是比较理想的抑郁动物模型  相似文献   

赌博障碍是指持续且反复的赌博行为,给个人、家庭和社会都带来了严重后果,近年来受到越来越多研究者的关注。本研究总结了赌博障碍的认知功能缺陷及其神经基础,主要集中在如下四个方面:①认知扭曲、②奖赏和惩罚敏感性、③注意偏向和④决策。未来研究应多从认知神经科学角度深入探究赌博障碍的发生机制和发展过程,关注大脑结构变化及功能网络改变,并将其整合到一个统一的神经生物机制框架中,找到更加有效的干预和治疗手段。  相似文献   

Emotion regulation is a key social skill and children who fail to master it are at risk for clinical disorders. Specific styles of emotion regulation have been associated with particular patterns of prefrontal activation. We investigated whether anxious aggressive children would reveal a different pattern of cortical activation than non-anxious aggressive children and normally-developing children. We examined the magnitude and timing of source activation underlying the N2—an ERP associated with inhibitory control—during a go/nogo task with a negative emotion induction component (loss of earned points). We estimated cortical activation for two regions of interest—a ventral prefrontal and a dorsomedial prefrontal region—for three 100-ms windows over the range of the N2 (200–500 ms). Anxious aggressive children showed high ventral prefrontal activation in the early window; non-anxious aggressive children showed high ventral prefrontal activation in the late window, but only for the duration of the emotion induction; and normally-developing children showed low ventral prefrontal activation throughout. There were no group differences in dorsomedial prefrontal activation. These results suggest that anxious aggressive children recruit ventral prefrontal activation quickly and indiscriminately, possibly giving rise to their rigid, threat-oriented approach to conflict. The late ventral prefrontal activation seen for non-anxious aggressive children may underlie a more delayed, situation-specific, but ineffective response to frustration.  相似文献   

赌博障碍是指持续且反复的赌博行为,给个人、家庭和社会都带来了严重后果,近年来受到越来越多研究者的关注。本研究总结了赌博障碍的认知功能缺陷及其神经基础,主要集中在如下四个方面:①认知扭曲、②奖赏和惩罚敏感性、③注意偏向和④决策。未来研究应多从认知神经科学角度深入探究赌博障碍的发生机制和发展过程,关注大脑结构变化及功能网络改变,并将其整合到一个统一的神经生物机制框架中,找到更加有效的干预和治疗手段。  相似文献   

There is controversy about whether mindfulness-based approaches to psychotherapy represent a new wave of cognitive-behavioral therapy or a core process in all psychotherapies. One way of conceptualizing mindfulness is in terms of emotion regulation; mindfulness is a strategy aimed at opposing suppression and avoidance. Dispositional mindfulness has been associated with greater activation in prefrontal cortex and greater deactivation of amygdala during affect labeling. A number of rigorous studies of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depression have been positive. However, much remains to be discovered about the underlying mechanisms of and clinical indications for mindfulness-based approaches.  相似文献   

Virtually all developmental neuropsychiatric disorders involve some dysfunction or dysregulation of emotion. Moreover, many psychiatric disorders with adult onset have early subclinical manifestations in children. This essay selectively reviews the literature on the neuroimaging of affect and disorders of affect in children. Some critical definitional and conceptual issues are first addressed, including the distinctions between the perception and production of emotion and between emotional states and traits. Developmental changes in morphometric measures of brain structure are then discussed and the implications of such findings for studies of functional brain activity are considered. Data on functional neuroimaging and childhood depression are then reviewed. While the extant data in this area are meager, they are consistent with studies in adults that have observed decreased left-sided anterolateral prefrontal cortex activation in depression. Studies in children on the recognition of emotion and affective intent in faces using functional magnetic resonance imaging are then reviewed. These findings indicate that the amygdala plays an important role in such affective face processing in children, similar to the patterns of activation observed in adults. Moreover, one study has reported abnormalities in amygdala activation during a task requiring the judgment of affective intent from the eye region of the face in subjects with autism. Some of the methodological complexities of developmental research in this area are discussed, and directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

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