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Forty-six children with pure speech disorders and 53 children with disorders of both speech and language were rated by parents and teachers for behavioral problems. Both parents and teachers rated the speech- and language-disordered children as having more severe and more frequent behavioral abnormalities,particularly hyperactive behaviors and developmental problems. Somatic complaints were more pronounced in the pure speech group. Conduct disorders,emotional problems, and poor relationships did not distinguish between the two groups. The importance of these findings for speech therapists and individuals working with speech- or language-impaired children is discussed.  相似文献   

Based on an initial community sample of 1,655 5-year-old children, this report utilized the risk statistic to estimate a child's risk for developing a psychiatric disturbance depending on his or her status as speech/language-impaired. Results showed that risk estimates varied as a function of gender and source of information (teacher, parent, psychiatric reports). Overall, speech- and language-impaired children had a higher risk for developing a psychiatric disturbance compared with normal language controls, with speech/language-impaired girls being at greater risk than boys.  相似文献   

Children with speech and language disorders have been found to have a prevalence rate of psychiatric disorder of 50%. The authors sought to develop an efficient screening procedure to distinguish such children who have psychiatric disorder and those who do not. Cutoff scores for easily administered parent and teacher behavior rating questionnaires were investigated in a population of 256 children with speech and language disorders and known presence or absence of psychiatric disorder. It was learned that when the questionnaires are used together, a cutoff score of 31 or greater on either questionnaire has a positive predictive value of 74.1 % and a negative predictive value of 76.1%. This screening method shows promise in assisting speech pathologists in comprehensive evaluation and treatment planning for children with speech and language disorders.  相似文献   

Relationships between the fine motor skills and linguistic abilities of 37 developmentally delayed children, ages 5 to 9 yr., were studied using a battery of expressive and receptive language tests, a measure of fine motor performance, a dichotic listening test, and individual intelligence tests. While IQs and MAs were not related to fine motor skills, both expressive and receptive language test scores showed moderate to moderately high correlations, the highest single relationship being the Test for the Auditory Comprehension of Language. In concert with CAs, a dichotic right-ear test score, the Auditory Comprehension Test, predicted fine motor-skill indices substantially; R = .80. Strong relationships appear between linguistic and fine motor skills in an age group not previously investigated and at higher levels than reported in studies of infants and very young children. Dichotic results were abnormal in a majority of the children.  相似文献   

Four children demonstrating speech and language impairments were examined with respect to their ability to learn to identify certain auditory temporal perceptual information. These children listened to six-element temporal patterns and made judgments about the temporal proximity of two of the elements. Subjects listened to the patterns over a number of exposures ranging from 6 to 14, depending on the subject. Performance on the task improved significantly with repeated exposures. However, the disordered subjects' best performance was still significantly poorer than normal children who had only 1 exposure to the task. These results suggest that, in part, performance differences on temporal perceptual tasks between speech and language disordered children and normal children can be accounted for by differences in perceptual learning. However, because the disordered children never reached normal levels, learning differences may be associated with a fundamental deficit in temporal processing or some other mechanism such as impaired attention.  相似文献   

The handedness and sex of 4- and 5-year-old children with developmental language disorders were studied through a comparison of language disordered children and a normal control group and through a comparison of six linguistically homogeneous subgroups of language disordered children. Differences between the handedness of a generalized language disordered group and a normal control group were not found, possibly due to the multiple etiologies of developmental language disorders. Children with severe language disorders, however, were non-right-handed more often than children with mild language disorders. Furthermore, certain types of linguistic deficits were associated with non-right-handedness, whereas age and cognitive abilities were not. Males were more often language disordered than females; however, sex ratios did not significantly differ among the subgroups, possibly due to the small number of language disordered females in this study. Implications for cerebral laterality in developmental language disorders are discussed.  相似文献   

The Behavior Problem Checklist was completed by the teachers of 192 deaf students who attended a special day school for the deaf. Three separate factor analyses were performed. Four factors that correspond to the dimensions found in earlier research and previously labeled conduct disorder, personality problems, immaturity inadequacy, and socialized delinquency were found. An additional factor labeled passive inferiority was also extracted.We wish to acknowledge the cooperation of Mr. Richard Dirst and his excellent faculty at the Atlanta Area School for the Deaf.  相似文献   

This study used electropalatography to identify articulatory drift in alveolar stops (/t/ and /d/) produced by 10 children with functional articulation and phonological disorders. Drift involves an abnormal change in place of articulation that occurs during stop closure. An index was used to measure drift, with higher values indicating greater drift. The results showed that drift was higher for children who produced undifferentiated gestures (articulations with increased tongue-palate contact). Drift is an important characteristic of articulation because it is believed to reflect impaired speech motor control. In addition, drift could explain some perceptually based speech errors that are frequently reported in functional disorders.  相似文献   

Operant conditioning techniques were applied to the verbal behavior of three speech deficient children. Subjects A and B having no intelligible speech and Subject C having very little. Using candy and a puppet with a 13-yr-old boy (A), it was possible to condition vocalization rate. Using social reinforcement with a 6-yr-old boy (B), it was possible to extinguish animal-like sounds, to condition vocalization rate, and to shape a small vocabulary of syllables, but not to gain discriminative control over word emission. Using varied reinforcers, e.g., candy, praise, repetitions other own responses, and hand clapping with a 13-yr-old girl (C), it was possible to condition rate of verbalization, to establish appropriate mimicking, and to establish naming of five pictures. The results were consistent with the findings of Salzinger et al. (1965) and with those of Kerr et al. (1965).  相似文献   

We examined categorical speech perception in school‐age children with developmental dyslexia or Specific Language Impairment (SLI), compared to age‐matched and younger controls. Stimuli consisted of synthetic speech tokens in which place of articulation varied from ‘b’ to ‘d’. Children were tested on categorization, categorization in noise, and discrimination. Phonological awareness skills were also assessed to examine whether these correlated with speech perception measures. We observed similarly good baseline categorization rates across all groups; however, when noise was added, the SLI group showed impaired categorization relative to controls, whereas dyslexic children showed an intact profile. The SLI group showed poorer than expected between‐category discrimination rates, whereas this pattern was only marginal in the dyslexic group. Impaired phonological awareness profiles were observed in both the SLI and dyslexic groups; however, correlations between phonological awareness and speech perception scores were not significant. The results of the study suggest that in children with language and reading impairments, there is a significant relationship between receptive language and speech perception, there is at best a weak relationship between reading and speech perception, and indeed the relationship between phonological and speech perception deficits is highly complex.  相似文献   

A complex and multiaspects study of the high cerebral function--speech, gnosis, praxis, gesture and mimics has been coducted on 98 children with proved speech defects--alalia, dyslalia, dysgraphia, dyslexia and stammering. In high percentage of the children various focal neurological signs have been established (so called soft neurological symptoms). Very high was the percentage of the children with visual-space defects. Rhythm gnosis and praxis suffered mostly in children with motor alalia. The tests for gesture and mimics prevailed. The unified mechanism of the disturbed development of the speech and the other high cerebral functions were discussed.  相似文献   

Twenty right-handed kindergarten children with superior language skills and twenty with deficient language skills (as defined by performance on an elicited sentence repetition task) were tested (1) for hemispheric specialization for speech perception with a dichotic CV syllable task and (2) for relative manual proficiency by means of a battery of hand tasks. Reading readiness and aspects of other cognitive abilities were also assessed. The superior children evidenced a mean right-ear advantage of 14.5%, which is consistent with normal values reported by other investigators using the same stimuli. The language deficient group evidenced essentially no mean ear advantage (0.5) with half of these subjects exhibiting left-ear superiority. The findings suggest relationships among cerébral dominance, language proficiency (including reading readiness), and general cognitive functioning.  相似文献   

Several studies have described problems in a wide area of motor functions in language impaired children. The purpose of this study was to identify the nature of the motor deficits in two subgroups of language impaired children. A standard neurological examination was performed on 18 children with an expressive language disorder and 21 children with a receptive language disorder. The motor performance of the language disordered children was compared with the motor performance of 23 normal children. The standard neurological examination allowed for a qualitative and quantitative assessment of five specific neurological subsystems. Handedness was determined for all children. The language impaired children had more motor problems than the control children on most neurological subsystems. There were few statistically significant differences between the two groups of language impaired children. An excess in left‐handedness was established in the group of children with a receptive language disorder. There was a co‐occurrence of verbal and non‐verbal deficits in language impaired children. As these motor problems put an additional burden on the development of language impaired children, they should be diagnosed as early as possible. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Investigated was a deficit in avoidance learning in situations of competing rewards and punishments in boys with behavior disorders. This learning style has been found to differentiate adults with psychopathy and controls and has been labeled reward dominance. The present study investigated the reward dominance paradigm in a group of 9- to 13-year-old boys with disruptive behavior disorders (N=21) and a normal control group (N=22). Subjects played four computer games programmed to provide the subject with a steadily decreasing ratio of rewards to punishments. Although the groups did not differ initially on the number of trials played, significant group differences emerged when measures of anxiety were included in the analysis. That is, boys with disruptive behavior disorders played more trials (reward dominance) only when the effect of anxiety was controlled. These findings are consistent with Gray's biobehavioral theory of personality and are also consistent with research indicating that anxiety is an important marker for a distinct subgroup of children with behavior problems.  相似文献   

This study compared black and white children on the Behavior Problem Checklist. Data on 1,162 white and 614 black children were obtained from school records and from teachers and were analyzed using multiple regression analysis of variance. Blacks were judged to have a greater frequency of behavior disorders than whites. A number of interactions of race with other variables were found, and their meanings were discussed.  相似文献   

In a long-term study two groups of language and reading impaired students ( N = 15 + 15) were reading with the aid of segmented speech-feedback in a computerized program. One group received feedback that was simultaneously segmented visually and auditorily into syllables, the other received feedback by letter names. In both groups subjects were expected to synthesize segments into words and to compare their synthesis to whole word feed-back subsequently provided by the computer. They worked for half a lesson (approximately 20 minutes) a day for a total of 40 days. During this period, the experiment groups progressed more in reading than a control group of age and reading-level-matched students ( N = 35) who received traditional remedial instruction. The group in the syllable condition gained slightly more in non-word reading and in syllable segmentation than did the letter group. Differences in gains in reading abilities were not explained by differences in age, but to some extent by initial level of phoneme and syllable awareness. Future applications of the speech-feedback system are discussed.  相似文献   

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