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The Test Anxiety Inventory (TAI) is widely used in research and practical settings and has particular application to the assessment and treatment of test anxiety in student populations. However, there are a number of instances in which a short version of the TAI would be more appropriate, especially when time constraints preclude the use of the full form. Similar short forms have been developed for other measures such as the State scale of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI; T. M. Marteau & H. Bekker, 1992). The authors of the present study aimed to develop a short form of the TAI. The TAI was completed by 333 undergraduate psychology students. Item-remainder correlations were used to compare short forms with varying numbers of items. Internal consistency and concurrent and construct validity were assessed in hypothetical and actual examination conditions. A 5-item short form produced optimal reliability and validity, and a balance of items from the Worry and Emotionality subscales of the TAI. Further research is needed to replicate these results, but the 5-item short form of the TAI shows promise, particularly for contexts in which time demands preclude the use of longer versions.  相似文献   

The Treatment Evaluation Inventory (TEI), a frequently used measure of treatment acceptability, was used by 164 undergraduates to rate the acceptability of each of the following treatments: differential reinforcement of other behavior, exclusionary time-out, overcorrection, medical restraint, contingent electric shock, and physical restraint. TEI ratings of each treatment type were grouped separately, variance-covariance matrices were formed and compared, and data were subjected to factor analysis. The results indicated that the factor structure of the TEI varied with the treatment it was used to evaluate. Item analysis of the TEI indicated a high degree of internal consistency, although item-total correlations varied between rated treatments. The findings suggest that although the TEI is a reliable instrument, sensitive assessment of the treatment acceptability construct probably requires multidimensional measurement.  相似文献   

The Basic Character Inventory (BCI) contains 136 items, 17 lower-order personality factors and three higher-order personality factors derived from psychoanalytic theory: Oral, Obsessive Compulsion, and Hysteria. Previous research that investigated the BCI's psychometric properties examined small, special populations and did not use modern statistical methods to validate the BCI. The present study validates the BCI via confirmatory factor analyses using a large sample of 6,285 Norwegian nursing and teaching students. Reliability, convergent validity, and divergent validity of the BCI were also assessed. Results indicated general support for the original BCI factor structure in a reduced form of the BCI that possesses strong reliability and validity, and is suitable for use in time-limited measurement settings.  相似文献   

The current study presents a Rasch-derived short form of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression scale (CES-D) for use as a depression screening tool in the general population. In contrast to short forms developed with reliance on classical measurement techniques, those developed using techniques based on item response theory produce a measure that offers true interval scaling, provide enhanced information about responders with extreme scores, and expand understanding of the underlying latent structure. Cross-validation of the Rasch-derived CES-D short form supported its utility and structural validity across samples. Tests of structural validity using latent variable modeling methodology indicated that a hierarchical, single-factor model of depression had the best fit for the original full form and the Rasch-derived short form of the CES-D. This finding challenges depression researchers and theorists to reconsider the interfactor relationships in the study and assessment of depression.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop and test a short form of the Adult Career Concerns Inventory (ACCI; D. E. Super, A. S. Thompson, & R. H. Lindeman, 1988), a measure of career stage that is based on D. E. Super's (1990) theory of career development. Participants were 260 college students who completed surveys. Examination of Cronbach's alpha indicated adequate reliability for the ACCI—Short Form. The multitrait‐multimethod matrix was used to compare the short form method with the long form method across the 4 career stages. Results indicated adequate convergent validity.  相似文献   

The length of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is often considered a barrier to its use, leading to the development of short forms. Two methods of abbreviating the revised MMPI have now been developed. One agrees poorly with the long form in terms of which scales are elevated. The second ensures perfect congruence in which scales are elevated but requires computer administration. This article describes the development of a short form representing a compromise approach. The short form was derived using 800 psychiatric inpatients and cross-validated with samples of 658 inpatients and 266 outpatients. It is briefer than the computerized short form but does not achieve perfect congruence with the full inventory. It is longer than earlier noncomputerized short forms but demonstrates greater scale elevation congruence with the full inventory and allows estimates of more scales. The short form offers a reasonable alternative when the full inventory is impractical.  相似文献   

This study represents a beginning in the development of a questionnaire designed to measure sensitivity to the impact of sexual and nonsexual harassment. Specifically, the Harassment Sensitivity Inventory (HSI) is an 18-item inventory developed to assess sensitivity to the negative effects of male to female sexual and nonsexual harassment in a work setting. This article describes the development of the HSI and discusses initial psychometric data collected with a sample of managers and supervisors employed by a midwestern municipality. Although additional research is needed to further clarify the validity and reliability of the HSI, the instrument holds promise as a mechanism for exploring attitudes of individuals who may perpetrate, permit, or experience harassing behaviors. The HSI may have a future role in the development and evaluation of programs designed to prevent or alleviate harassing behaviors.  相似文献   

The acceptability and preference of psychological treatments is important in understanding patient treatment seeking, choice, engagement and attrition and possibly treatment response in health care. The acceptability of, and preference for, 14 different types of psychological treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were investigated in a student population through invitation to participate in a web-based survey. Respondents were asked to rate each treatment on 10 scales and to rank the treatments in order of preference. Respondents were also asked whether they would seek treatment themselves, recommend treatment to friends and family, feel stigmatised by suffering from PTSD, had any prior knowledge of the treatments and if this had been positive or negative and whether they had a history of psychological problems or treatment. A total of 330 respondents completed the survey. A past or current history of psychological problems and treatment was surprisingly high. Almost all respondents indicated that they would seek or recommend treatment in spite of high levels of stigmatisation. Factor analysis of the 10 scales indicated two factors: Endorsement and Discomfort. Rank ordering on preference and Endorsement scores was highly consistent. The highly preferred and endorsed treatments involved cognitive therapy, exposure or psycho-education in spite of high levels of discomfort anticipated with exposure. Treatments involving new technologies, EMDR and psychodynamic psychotherapy received the lowest Endorsement and preference. There was a modest influence of prior knowledge of a treatment.  相似文献   

Efforts to develop a viable short form of the MMPI (Hathaway & McKinley, 1943) span more than 50 years, with more recent attempts to significantly shorten the item pool focused on the use of adaptive computerized test administration. In this article, we report some psychometric properties of an MMPI-Adolescent version (MMPI-A; Butcher et al., 1992) short form based on administration of the first 150 items of this test instrument. We report results for both the MMPI-A normative sample of 1,620 adolescents and a clinical sample of 565 adolescents in a variety of treatment settings. We summarize results for the MMPI-A basic scales in terms of Pearson product-moment correlations generated between full administration and short-form administration formats and mean Tscore elevations for the basic scales generated by each approach. In this investigation, we also examined single-scale and 2-point congruences found for the MMPI-A basic clinical scales as derived from standard and short-form administrations. We present the relative strengths and weaknesses of the MMPI-A short form and discuss the findings in terms of implications for attempts to shorten the item pool through the use of computerized adaptive assessment approaches.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe Physical Self-Inventory (PSI)—a French adaptation of the Fox and Corbin's [1989. The Physical Self-Perception Profile: Development and preliminary validation. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 11, 408–430] Physical Self-Perception Profile—was originally developed for use with adults and no study has systematically verified its psychometric properties in adolescent populations. Additionally, this instrument remains too long to be efficiently completed in combination with multiple other instruments within extensive longitudinal or idiographic studies. The purpose of the present investigation was thus threefold: (a) testing the factor validity and reliability of the original PSI in a sample of adolescents; (b) developing and testing the factor validity and reliability of a very short (i.e., two items per scale) form of the PSI in a sample of adolescents; and (c) testing the equivalence of the factor pattern, structural parameters, latent mean structure, and criterion-related validity of both forms of the PSI.DesignStructural equation modeling approach.MethodTwo samples participated in this series of studies. In Study 1, a sample of 1018 adolescents completed the adult PSI (25 items) and was randomly split in two sub-samples. In Study 2, a new sample of 320 adolescents completed a very short form of the PSI (PSI-VSF). Factorial validity and gender and multigroup invariance of these instruments (PSI, PSI-VSF) were tested using confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM).ResultsIn Study 1, CFA and SEM analyses provided evidence for the factor validity and reliability of a short (PSI-SF: 18 items) and very short (PSI-VSF: 12 items) form of the PSI for adolescents. In Study 2, CFAs and SEMs supported the equivalence of the factor pattern, structural parameters, latent mean structure, and criterion-related validity of both forms of the PSI (i.e., PSI-SF, PSI-VSF).ConclusionThe present results thus provide preliminary evidence regarding the reliability and validity of a short and a very short form of the PSI for French adolescents.  相似文献   

Background/Objective: Masturbation has historically been a sexual behaviour associated with negative connotations, as a consequence of traditional orthodox positions, despite its positive impact on health. The instruments developed to measure the attitude towards masturbation are scarce, and none of them have been validated in the Spanish adult population. This study aims to propose a short version of the Negative Attitudes Toward Masturbation Inventory (NATMI) and examine their psychometric properties (reliability and evidence of validity) in the Spanish adult population. Method: A total of 4,116 heterosexual adults aged 18-83 years (M = 40.58; SD = 12.24; 54.64% women) participated in the study. In addition to the NATMI, they answered other scales to assess sexual attitudes, sexual desire, propensity to become sexually excited/inhibited and sexual functioning. Results: Analysis of the construct validity of the NATMI resulted in a reduced version of ten items grouped into a single factor explaining 66% of the variance (ordinal alpha = .95). The evidence of validity is clear, as subjects with negative and positive attitude towards masturbation differed in religiousness, frequency of masturbation, erotophilia, positive attitude towards sexual fantasies, sexual inhibition and sexual functioning. Conclusions: The Spanish short version of NATMI provides reliable and valid measures in the Spanish adult population.  相似文献   

This research outlines six studies (total N = 3867) that develop and validate an Aggressive Beliefs and Attitudes — Short Form scale for use within the normal nonclinical adult population (e.g., organizational psychology). In the first two samples, exploratory factor analysis reduced the original 30 item scale to a shorter, more parsimonious, eight item measure. In the third sample, confirmatory factor analysis found that the proposed model and items fit the data extremely well. Examination of the nomological network underlying the new measure in Samples 3–4 displayed relationships with positive affect, negative affect, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism ranging from r = .23 to − .23, while relationships with anger, hostility, physical aggression, and verbal aggression ranged from r = .49 to .30. Finally, in two criterion-related validity studies the relationships between the aggressive beliefs and attitudes scales, both original and short forms, and workplace deviance were examined with independent samples of employed adults. The short form scale was significantly related to workplace deviance in both samples (r = .37 and .43). Furthermore, these relationships were of identical magnitude to the full 30 item measure, suggesting that the short form scale comparably captures aggression-related behaviors with a greatly reduced number of items.  相似文献   

Fifth-, seventh-, and ninth-grade students (N=146) completed the Children's Intervention Rating Profile (CIRP) in response to eight teacher-initiated intervention methods designed to correct classroom behavior problems. The results of a factorial analysis of variance indicated that students generally are able to differentiate between various methods of improving student classroom behavior. Specifically, all students reported liking home-based interventions and did not rate public reprimand as a desirable method for changing another student's behavior. Educational ramifications and future research investigations are discussed.  相似文献   

The development is reported of an SR-inventory of achievement-related behaviour for the purpose of managerial selection. SR-inventories stem from interactional personality psychology. As the design of an SR-inventory is two-facetted, Cronbach et al.'s generalizability theory forms a suitable framework to investigate it. Using data of 404 Dutch respondents — mostly applicants — several generalizability analyses have been performed to conclude under which circumstances the inventory can be a useful tool. Furthermore, confirmatory factor analysis has been used to substantiate the suggested SR-structure of the instrument. The relationship with other personality factors has been investigated to classify the instrument in the domain of personality assessment.  相似文献   

Recently, a shortened version of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZPTI; Zimbardo & Boyd, 1999) was proposed as a “gold standard” (Sircova et al., 2014, p. 9). In this study, we examined the internal consistency and structural validity of this version of the ZPTI in samples of adolescents from the United Kingdom (N = 913) and the United States (N = 815), and adults from Australia (N = 667). Results provided support for the internal consistency of ZPTI scores, but structural validity analyses indicated poor fit and numerous problematic items. The findings call into question the use of scores on this shortened version of the ZTPI.  相似文献   

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