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幸福的体验效用与非理性决策行为的偏差机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于体验效用的幸福包括预期幸福、即时幸福和回忆幸福,这三者有极其重要的本质差异,导致决策偏差和非理性。本研究运用行为科学和认知神经科学相结合的研究方法,首次从行为层次—信息加工层次—脑神经层次三个层面,立体地开展幸福感的体验效用与非理性决策行为研究。研究计划分为三个部分:(1)预期幸福、即时幸福和回忆幸福的本质特点和行为规律;(2)三种体验效用产生偏差的认知心理机制;(3)体验效用与非理性决策偏差的脑神经机制。通过系列研究,拟解决三个关键问题:(1)在人类判断与决策过程中,预期、即时和回忆三种效用是如何影响人们的判断与决策?(2)三种体验效用出现偏差的信息加工特点和脑神经机制究竟是什么?(3)三种效用的偏差规律及对政府公共政策的启示。对这些问题的深入探讨,不仅对决策理论研究的发展是一个贡献;对政府管理制定有效的公共政策,避免"牺牲体验追求指标",解决"幸福悖论",同样有很强的实践指导意义。  相似文献   

幸福是什么   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
幸福概念深刻而复杂,我们可以在且个层次上把握幸福概念。首先,幸福是人生重大的快乐;进一步说,是人生重大需要和欲望得到满足的心理体验,是人生重大目的得到实现的心理体验;最终是达到生存和发展的某种完满的心理体验。  相似文献   

情感体验是审美主体用美的标准来评价客观事物是否符合其审美观而引起的态度体验.音乐审美情感体验主要有三个层次,即审美主体层面的情感体验、审美客体层面的情感体验和审美超越与升华阶段的情感体验.在音乐审美心理制约下,钢琴演奏者的审美情感体验方式大致可分为以下几种:审美情感缺失性体验、审美情感的丰富性体验、审美情感的崇高体验、审美情感的孤独体验、审美情感的神秘体验以及审美情感的皈依体验.  相似文献   

幸福是对个人具有重大意义的欲求得到实现后的一种美好的心理体验,国民幸福则是社会成员个人正当利益获得满足后的幸福感受的总和.由于幸福本身所具有的主观性、比较性、衰减性和非评价性特征,决定了国民幸福不可能被他人给予或创造,也决定了在一定的社会生活环境下国民必然具有期盼特续提升幸福的需要.政府虽然不能直接为国民创造幸福或给予国民幸福,但国民幸福与否却与政府直接关联.从根本上讲,政府存在的基本理由就是满足国民的幸福需要.为实现和不断提升国民幸福提供保障和创造条件,既是政府的天职,也是政府德性的直接体现.  相似文献   

自尊概念辨析   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
自尊是个人对自我价值和自我能力的情感体验,属于自我系统中的情感成分,具有一定的评价意义。它与其相近概念,如自尊需要、自我效能、自我价值、自我概念等都有着本质的区别和联系。该文就自尊的概念及其与相关概念的区别与联系进行了尝试性探讨,以期抛砖引玉,更好地认识自尊这一人格变量。  相似文献   

吴伟炯 《心理学报》2017,(11):1449-1459
本文从社会过渡带和心理过渡带两个方面对"通勤悖论"进行解析,构建了通勤时间影响幸福感的理论模型。通过对广州市白领的追踪调查和多项式回归分析,结果发现:(1)婚姻状态(社会过渡带)具有调节作用,未婚员工通勤时间负向影响生活满意度,已婚员工通勤时间对生活满意度和快乐度有曲线影响;(2)恢复体验(心理过渡带)具有交互效应,心理解脱调节了未婚员工通勤时间与通勤效用的关系,放松体验调节了未婚员工通勤时间与快乐度的关系;(3)已婚员工通勤时间与通勤效用和快乐度的关系受放松体验调节,与生活满意度的关系受心理解脱调节;(4)通勤时间对生活满意度和快乐度的影响,以及婚姻状态和恢复体验的交互效应,以通勤效用为中介;(5)员工在"通勤时间陷阱"(1.75~2.75小时)的效用均衡。结论有助于分析"通勤悖论"的深层原因,对城市管理、企业管理和个人都具有积极启示。  相似文献   

去焦点化是指通过操纵个体对焦点以外的非焦点事件或因素的关注, 从而减少焦点事件对个体认知判断和情绪影响的一种策略。如何利用去焦点化减少聚焦错觉对体验幸福所造成的消极影响, 提升体验幸福, 是积极心理学关注的热点。研究发现, 可以通过去焦点化策略, 减少个体对不同类型消极情绪的聚焦错觉, 以达到提升体验幸福的目的。其心理机制可从注意分散假设和情感加工理论进行解释。未来研究可进一步关注: (1)一般去焦点化与自我相关去焦点化的比较与探讨; (2)去焦点化对后续体验幸福的影响; (3)重新聚焦对个体体验幸福的影响。  相似文献   

主观幸福感回溯式自陈报告测量存在一定的不足,在此基础上研究者们发展了关注时间因素的即时测量方法,如经验取样法(ESM),生态瞬时评定法(EMA),日重现法(DRM),U指数(The U-Index)等.从传统测量走向多样化测量大大提高了主观幸福感测量的生态效度,同时也为国民幸福指数的构建与评估提供了一定参考.  相似文献   

效用主义伦理学一直面临一个现实困难,就是“效用究竟是什么”的问题。在这一问题上,各派效用主义理论都有自己的概念体系。早期的效用主义者用快乐、幸福来代表和计量效用;中期的效用主义者用福利、增量社会价值来表示效用的实质概念;而现代派则主要用“偏好及其满足”的内涵来定义效用的实质。本文分析和总结了效用概念在理论和实践上的发展及延变,并且用心理学的知情意概念系统对它们做了新的分类和分析。  相似文献   

当前我国已进入消费需求持续增长、消费结构快速升级的重要阶段,如何快乐消费——如何花钱"购买"幸福的问题引起了政府和民众的广泛关注。研究发现相比实物性消费,消费者从体验性消费(如旅行)得到的快乐体验更好更持久。而且金钱启动与时间启动会激活"经济价值最大化"与"情感效用最大化"这两种不同思维定势,进而影响行为决策。基于此,本项目从双加工理论视角出发,结合行为科学和认知神经科学研究方法,从"消费行为-认知加工-脑神经基础"三个层次,深入揭示消费决策双认知加工现象的本质特点和规律,阐明金钱、时间、消费与幸福间的内在机理。  相似文献   

Happiness and utility are two types of subjective well-being, but measured in different ways. Happiness is measured by asking people questions about their subjective appreciation of their life as a whole. Utility is measured by an assessment of their subjective priorities, as revealed in their actual behaviour. Both methods have specific pros and cons and additional value. These methodological issues are important in an epistemological way: how to obtain knowledge about subjective well-being. There are, however, also three important ontological differences between happiness and utility in the actual nature of these phenomena in reality. (1) Happiness depends on available market and non-market commodities and living-conditions; utility depends only on available market-commodities. (2) Happiness is about experienced well-being, utility is about expected well-being. (3) Happiness is limited because it is related to the fulfilment of a limited number of needs, utility is unlimited because behaviour always reveals preferences in terms of expected well-being. Economists and happiness-researchers tend to neglect the last two differences. Their analysis, the analysis of Carol Graham included, could gain strength if more attention would be paid to these last two differences.  相似文献   

Campbell and Di Paula (2002) suggested differentiating Perfectionistic Striving and Importance of Being Perfect subscales when measuring self-oriented perfectionism and Others' High Standards and Conditional Acceptance subscales when measuring socially prescribed perfectionism. In this study, we investigated the utility of this differentiation by analyzing data from 1,041 students and examining correlations with positive striving and maladaptive evaluation concerns aspects of perfectionism and with positive and negative indicators of well-being and psychological adjustment. As expected, (a) Perfectionistic Striving scores showed higher correlations with positive striving aspects of perfectionism and with positive indicators of well-being and adjustment than Importance of Being Perfect scores, and (b) Conditional Acceptance scores showed higher correlations with maladaptive evaluation concerns aspects of perfectionism and with negative indicators of well-being and adjustment than Others' High Standards scores. The findings indicate that Campbell and Di Paula's differentiation provides for a more detailed and informative assessment of multidimensional perfectionism and its different aspects. Moreover, it provides for new insights into self-oriented and socially prescribed perfectionism and their relationships and associations.  相似文献   

This research examined how people’s ability to detect behavior change in simulated child targets is affected by their clinical experience and the assessment method they use. When using summary assessment methods that are widely employed in research and clinical practice, both inexperienced and experienced clinical staff detected changes in the overall frequency of targets’ aggressive behavior, but were not uniquely influenced by changes in targets’ reactions to social events. When using contextualized assessment methods that focused on conditional reactions, experienced staff showed greater sensitivity than novices to context-specific changes in targets’ aggressive and prosocial reactions to aversive events. Experienced staff also showed greater sensitivity to context-specific changes in their overall impressions of change, but only for aggression. The findings show how clinically experienced judges become more attuned to ifthen… contingencies in children’s social behavior, and how summary assessment methods may hamper the detection of change processes.  相似文献   

In the United States reported happiness five years ago is not comparable to present happiness. The improvement in happiness over the last five years obtained by differencing current reports of happiness today and happiness five years ago is not significantly related to the actual improvement in happiness over the same period. The currently reported five-year change in happiness is highly sensitive to current economic conditions, varying inversely with both the inflation and unemployment rates.Ordinarily, happiness five years ago as currently reported is less than present happiness, but the worse the current economic conditions are, the better the past looks relative to the present. If current economic conditions get bad enough, past happiness will be rated higher than present. Reports of happiness five years ago are not telling us about the utility respondents actually experienced at that time; they are telling us, instead, about respondents' current decision utility–which situation, today's or that five years ago, they would opt for if given the choice today.  相似文献   

The study investigated relationships between game location, performers' experience, and mood states. 31 experienced collegiate soccer players completed the Brunel Mood Scale to assess anger, calmness, confusion, depression, fatigue, happiness, tension, and vigor before eight competitive games (four home and four away). Participants were categorized into Experienced and Less Experienced groups, based on the level of performance at which they played. Repeated-measures multivariate analyses of variance compared mean mood scores across location and experience, and follow-up univariate analyses suggested the increase in mood scores on Tension and decrease in scores on Calmness, Happiness, and Vigor between playing away and at home were significantly greater for Less experienced soccer players than Experienced players. Implications of these findings for the applied practitioner are discussed.  相似文献   


Experienced well-being measures tap a distinct form of subjective well-being (SWB) and have different age-related properties than the more widely studied evaluations of life satisfaction. Unlike evaluations of the quality of life as a whole, experiential measures capture affective reactions soon after they occur. Recent advances in measurement have allowed for the inclusion of such experiential measures even in large-scale studies. However, respondent burden remains a concern; hence, surveys have also employed shorter experiential modules. The psychometric properties of these brief measures are not well understood. We examine the psychometric characteristics, including the factor structure and correlations with theoretically relevant criteria, of experienced wellbeing measures included in two supplements to the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID). The first supplement included a detailed time diary whereas the second included a brief review of the prior day. Results show that for the detailed time diaries a single index of affective experience provides a useful summary of the associations among individual affect items, both within and between participants. For the abbreviated method, two or more subscales better describe the underlying structure.  相似文献   

The appropriateness, reliability and convergence of differing methods and associated instruments for the assessment of quality of life and well-being in frail older people was examined in 60 ( S 65 years of age) nursing home residents. The feasibility of measuring quality of life and well-being via a variety of instruments was explored through observation (an adaptation of Dementia Care Mapping), structured interview (Schedule for the Evaluation of Individual Quality of Life - Direct Weighting), and proxy questionnaire (Pleasant Events Schedule - Alzheimer Disease; Apparent Emotion Rating Scale). The observational assessment and Pleasant Events Schedule demonstrated good reliability. Significant associations were found between well-being as assessed by observation, and active social interaction and engagement in recreation as assessed by observation, quality of life as assessed by structured interview, and enjoyment of activities as assessed by proxy questionnaire. These findings indicate the importance of social activity in later life, and the potential of different approaches for the appropriate assessment of key aspects of quality of life in frail older people.  相似文献   

While evidence indicates that experienced racial discrimination is associated with increased depressive symptoms for African Americans, there is little research investigating predictors of experienced racial discrimination. This paper examines neighborhood racial composition and sociodemographic factors as antecedents to experienced racial discrimination and resultant levels of depressive symptoms among African American adults. The sample included 505 socioeconomically-diverse African American adults from Baltimore, MD. Study data were obtained via self-report and geocoding of participant addresses based on 2010 census data. Study hypotheses were tested using multiple pathways within a longitudinal Structural Equation Model. Experienced racial discrimination was positively associated with age and sex such that older individuals and males experienced increased levels of racial discrimination. In addition, the percentage of White individuals residing in a neighborhood was positively associated with levels of experienced racial discrimination for African American neighborhood residents. Experienced racial discrimination was positively associated with later depressive symptoms. Neighborhood-level contextual factors such as neighborhood racial composition and individual differences in sociodemographic characteristics appear to play an important role in the experience of racial discrimination and the etiology of depression in African American adults.  相似文献   

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