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The authors investigated the relationships between the counselor's gender self‐confidence, the counselor's use of social influence within the counseling session, and the counselor's sex in relation to the counseling relationship. These attributes were studied with regard to how deeply a therapeutic working alliance developed between the counselor and the client. Results support the importance of counselor characteristics on the counselor–client alliance. Implications for teaching, research, and practice are presented.  相似文献   

Reviews of the research literature on outcomes in counseling agree that counseling works. It is also possible to use research to identify strategies for increasing the probability of successful counseling. Such strategies include careful assessment of the client, matching the client and counselor on demographic and attitudinal variables, and maintaining a productive working alliance through open disclosure to the client of the counselor's background and procedures, inquiry into the client's experience of counseling process, and management of client resistance.  相似文献   

The authors define broaching as the counselor's ability to consider how sociopolitical factors such as race influence the client's counseling concerns. The counselor must learn to recognize the cultural meaning clients attach to phenomena and to subsequently translate that cultural knowledge into meaningful practice that facilitates client empowerment, strengthens the therapeutic alliance, and enhances counseling outcomes. A continuum of broaching behavior is described, and parallels are drawn between the progression of broaching behavior and the counselor's level of racial identity functioning.  相似文献   

This article seeks to present a viable resolution of one of the perennial ideological issues in counseling: the determinism-human freedom dilemma. That this problem is of pivotal significance to counselors is immediately evident in view of its bearing on the related professional issue of client and counselor responsibility. A conceptual model involving limited personal freedom within a framework of biological-environmental determinism is reviewed, followed by a concluding comment on the counselor's shared responsibility for the outcomes of the counseling relationship. The author rejects the notion that the counselor can function as a neutral observer in client decision-making  相似文献   

Recent empirical and theoretical developments suggest that clients who genuinely believe in the effectiveness of counseling are likely to improve regardless of the validity of the counselor's approach. This improvement is based on a “psychological placebo effect” that arouses client expectations for improvement and provides clients with additional security and self-confidence to deal with life more effectively. These considerations are discussed in the context of placebo reactivity, client susceptibility to persuasion, and counselor expectations for client improvement.  相似文献   

The authors tested two theoretical explanations for the attraction-enhancing effects of counselor self-disclosure: the similarity hypothesis and the social exchange hypothesis. A counseling analogue was constructed to discriminate between these two explanations by varying the valence (positive or negative) of the counselor's disclosure and its relevance (relevant or irrelevant) to the client's presenting problem. Dependent variables were perceptions of the counselor's attractiveness, empathy, and level of regard for the client. Results were mixed, supporting the social exchange explanation for empathy and the similarity explanation for level of regard.  相似文献   

This article explores the meaning and function of client resistance in the counseling setting from various theoretical orientations. A relational model of resistance is offered that redefines traditional formulations of the concept and has implications for clinical treatment. A clinical vignette illustrates that the counselor's contribution to the emergence of client resistance is a relevant, although often ignored, factor in overcoming therapeutic impasse.  相似文献   

This article examines some of the typical functions of the guidance program and describes the usefulness of multimedia as extensions of the counselor's abilities and work. Media may also be important where the counselor's own potential is limited. The author describes briefly his own research and use of affect simulation and videotape recall to accelerate the usual counseling processes and to better assure that traditional goals in counseling will be achieved. He also examines the potential of multimedia for allowing a client to view objectively his own “inner” reactions as well as his “outer” behaviors to himself and his environment.  相似文献   

This article presents the official position of the American Counseling Association on a seminal legal case for professional counseling: Ward v. Wilbanks. The focus is on three key questions: Is it permissible to deny counseling services to a homosexual client on the basis of a counselor's values? Can referrals be made at any time a counselor wishes to do so? When is a client a client?  相似文献   

This study examines one subgroup of clients seen at a university counseling center, namely, 72 clients who were expected by their counselor to remain in counseling for 10 or more interviews. Ratings were available on psychological characteristics for this sample and for the Counseling Center's total client population. In addition, the total university population could be compared with both of these groups on demographic characteristics. On the basis of pre- and post-counseling ratings of severity of problem, the sample being investigated was divided into Improved and Unimproved groups. Comparative data are examined with regard to class, college, sex, type of residence, type of problem, severity level at onset and termination, number of counseling interviews, motivation for counseling, defensiveness, and counselor's feelings toward client. Long-term counseling and improvement status are found to be a function of most of these variables.  相似文献   

This article is one counselor's personal exploration of the nature of spirituality and its relevance to counseling practice. The personal and immediate experience of the spirit is emphasized as the foundation of any counselor's effective engagement of this issue with clients. Those clients whose encounter with the spirit is sudden and nonconsensual have a particular need for counselors who are knowledgeable of the processes of spiritual emergence and emergency.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the issue of which of the counselor's commitments—the client or the employing institution—was given priority when they conflict. Members from four APGA divisions were examined for differences in commitments, and relationships of certain demographics and experiential variables to commitment were determined.  相似文献   

Strong describes an approach to counseling that synthesizes psychological processes of change with theological concepts of the Christian faith. Clients are assumed to be self-directing and responsible for their behavior, including the changes that counseling is intended to facilitate. The counselor's junction is to equip clients to enable them to change. The key objectives in Christian counseling are described and the counseling process is reviewed in the light of these objectives. The author discusses the place of justification, responsibility, forgiveness, grace, sin, responsible loving, and prayer in the counseling process. Francis Mc Guire makes a response to Strong's article from a perspective that views Zen Buddhism as an integrated psychospiritual system capable of offering a critique and a complementary viewpoint. Herman Slotkin 's think piece is an attempt to define and clarify some of the language and goals of moral education and propose a civic, nonsectarian perspective regarding value and moral awareness.  相似文献   

In this archival study the authors sought to determine the relationship, if any, between counseling outcomes and the topical focus in career counseling. Twenty-two counselors saw 46 adult clients at a community-based clinic for an average of eight sessions. Counseling outcome and topical focus (the extent to which the actual content of counseling sessions reflected relatively more vocationally or personally focused topics) were assessed from follow-up questionnaires to former career clients and from trained raters' evaluations of the counselors' written progress notes. Results showed that, from the counselors' perspective, outcomes were better when the focus of the sessions was relatively more vocational than personal and when relatively more interviews were held. Client satisfaction, on the other hand, was predictable only from the counselor's level of experience. Satisfaction with occupational status was not associated with any of the client, counselor, or treatment factors. Discussion focuses on the contribution of the results to career counseling practice and on the feasibility and validity of retrospective, archival research.  相似文献   

The concept of the forgiveness triad—forgiving others, receiving forgiveness from others, and self-forgiveness—is introduced and discussed. Each aspect is defined, presented as philosophically rational and therefore appropriate within counseling, and described within a psychological framework of how people go about that aspect of forgiveness. The interactions of the triad are described, showing how the counseling process that employs forgiveness strategies may become quite complicated. A counselor's awareness of all 3 aspects of forgiveness may lead to greater clarity in the therapeutic encounter. Implications for the helping professions and for moral development of the client are discussed.  相似文献   

Spirituality is a potential area of concern for counseling clients. This study presents the empirical results of a survey completed by 572 counselors to determine if counselors' spiritual beliefs, experiences, or training had an impact on their focus of therapy or self‐perceived competence. A counselor's personal spirituality, spiritual experience, and spirituality training did significantly influence treatment focus as well as self‐perceived competence to counsel a client with spiritual concerns.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2016,61(1):15-29
Recent developments in Western societies and transformations in work organizations have made the vocational issues that people face more frequent, complex, and puzzling. With the individualization of the life course, people now more than ever before need to reflect and deliberate as they design their lives. To assist individuals cope with difficult issues in life-designing, counselors have devised a new approach to counselling dialogues that differs from traditional information and guidance interventions. This article briefly presents the theoretical model for life designing counseling and then compares two distinct life-designing intervention approaches. Both of them share the epistemology of social constructivism and concentrate on the client and counselor's co-construction of meaning. Each approach provides a rigorous and systematic foundation for counselling interviews yet they differ in the ways they tackle meaning-making. The major difference is that the first approach presents a highly-structured form of life-designing interview that highlights the counselor's role in reconstructing a client's meanings, identity, and intentions. In contrast, the second approach presents a form of life-designing interview that highlights the client's role in self-construction of meaning, identities, and future prospects.  相似文献   

In 2001, a federal appeals court upheld the job termination of a counselor who requested being excused from counseling a lesbian client on relationship issues because homosexuality conflicted with the counselor's religious beliefs (Bruff v. North Mississippi Health Services, Inc., 2001). This article provides the facts of the case and the legal reasoning of the court. The authors also explore the legal and ethical issues related to this case.  相似文献   

The Tarasoff decision has been used as a benchmark in the professional literature for arguments on a counselor's duty to warn individuals who are sexually intimate with a client diagnosed as having HIV infection. Implications of the current application of Tarasoff principles to those cases are considered and conclusions are drawn that question such an application. The counseling profession's ethical standards related to these issues and the professional literature are reviewed with regard to current legislative and case law. Potential alternate courses of action that would be indicated by a broad application of Tarasoff are presented.  相似文献   

Intensive interviewing of counselors, supervisors, clients, and community workers associated with a sample of Youth Opportunity Centers led to the conclusion that assumptions of client-centered therapy are untenable in such settings. The assumptions not found tenable are: (a) client comes voluntarily; (b) client wants help; (c) client accepts counselor's authority; (d) client comes as individual; (e) counselor accepts client. Because of bureaucratic conditions of government programs, because of poverty and demoralization of clients, and because of race and other differences, counseling (except of a highly directive sort) is not possible. A group approach which takes into account the organized nature of the client population is personally recommended and described.  相似文献   

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