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Applied Research in Quality of Life - Marital liberalization in terms of public support for polygamous, underage or child, and consanguineous or close-kin marriages emerges to be controversial and...  相似文献   

This study examined gender differences in marital and life satisfaction in a convenience sample of 425 Chinese Malaysian men (41%) and women (59%). Consistent with findings in many Western cultures, gender role theory predictions were supported in this study. While controlling for age and education, MANCOVA tests revealed men reporting higher levels of marital satisfaction than women, whereas gender differences in life satisfaction were not found. Hierarchical regression analyses showed marital satisfaction significantly predicted life satisfaction for both men and women, but the influence was greater for women. Results are discussed with reference to the Chinese Malaysian cultural context.  相似文献   

大学生生活满意度与主观幸福感关系的文化效应检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
严标宾  郑雪 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1337-1341
采用《国际大学调查》对48个国家和地区的10018名大学生进行施测,文章考察了生活满意度和主观幸福感的关系,并分析了文化因素在其中的影响。结果发现:(1)不同国家大学生的主观幸福感、一般和具体领域生活满意度水平均存在差异;(2)大学生具体领域生活满意度与主观幸福感和一般生活满意度在个体水平上的相关比在国家水平上的相关低;(3)在个体和国家水平上,大学生主观幸福感的影响因素不同。结论:文化因素影响了大学生生活满意度与主观幸福感的关系。  相似文献   

Within marriages husbands typically tend to be older and higher educated than their wife. This paper tries to explain this by analyzing whether age and education differences between spouses have an effect on happiness. Two alternative hypotheses are tested on the relation between age and education gaps between partners and life satisfaction. It is found that a positive age gap between husband and wife increases both male and female life satisfaction, while female life satisfaction increases if the education gap is smaller.  相似文献   

该研究通过对1149位高校教师的问卷调查,探讨了高校教师工作家庭关系的特点及其与工作特征、生活满意度的关系.结果发现:1)高校教师体验到的工作家庭冲突与工作家庭促进存在较弱的负相关.2)男性教师体验到的家庭-工作冲突显著高于女性教师,在工作-家庭冲突和工作家庭促进方面差异不显著.3)工作要求能正向预测工作家庭冲突和工作家庭促进;个人对工作家庭平衡的控制感能降低工作-家庭冲突、提升工作家庭促进,但同时也会使家庭-工作冲突增加.4)工作家庭促进会显著地提升教师对工作和家庭的满意感.工作-家庭冲突会削弱工作满意度,家庭-工作冲突则会导致家庭满意度下降.  相似文献   

刘亚 《心理科学》2012,35(5):1254-1260
摘 要 采用问卷法以344名大学生为被试探讨了神经质、积极情绪、消极情绪、自尊和生活满意度之间的关系。结果发现:(1)相关分析显示,神经质与消极情绪显著正相关,与积极情绪、自尊和生活满意度显著负相关。(2)结构方程模型分析表明,神经质不能直接影响个体的生活满意度,只能通过积极情绪-自尊中介链和消极情绪-自尊中介链对生活满意度产生间接效应。这些结果说明神经质预示着个体较多的消极情绪体验、较少的积极情绪体验、较低的自尊水平和较低的生活满意度。  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine influences of gender and cultural background on participants satisfaction with body-shape. Participants were Jewish and Arab university students (104 men and 96 women), who completed the Figure Rating Scale (Fallon & Rozin, 1985). Discrepancy between current and ideal figures was used to measure body satisfaction. As in the U.S., women, in comparison with men, were significantly less satisfied with their bodies. They exaggerated the magnitude of thinness that they thought men desire. In contrast with U.S. findings, there were women as well as men, who indicated dissatisfaction with their bodies because they thought they were too thin. Contrary to our predictions, cultural background did not influence body satisfaction. However, gender and age produced significant differences in ratings.  相似文献   

目的:基于感恩对生活满意度的独特预测作用,在应对方式、自尊、情绪、一般自我效能感中探讨哪些中介变量可能是感恩能够独特预测生活满意度的原因。方法:采用Rosenberg自尊量表、一般自我效能感量表(GSES)、积极情绪和消极情绪量表(PANAS)、简易应对方式问卷(SCSQ)、大五人格简版问卷(NE0-FFI)测量338名大学生。结果:(1)控制性别、人格后一般自我效能感、应对方式、消极情绪的回归效应不显著;自尊和积极情绪的回归效应显著。(2)控制性别、人格后自尊的中介效应显著,积极情绪的中介效应不显著,自尊和情绪的对比中介效应显著。结论:(1)应对方式、消极情绪、一般自我效能感等中介变量在感恩与生活满意度间的中介作用可能受人格的影响。(2)自尊可能是感恩能够独特预测生活满意度的原因,自尊与生活满意度可能存在因果关系。  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between having children at home and life satisfaction. Contrary to much of the literature, our results are consistent with an effect of children on life satisfaction that is positive, large and increasing in the number of children. The effect, however, is contingent on the individual’s characteristics. In particular, our findings are consistent with children making married people better off, while most unmarried individuals appear to be worse off with children. We also analyze the role of factors such as gender, age, income and education.  相似文献   

Applied Research in Quality of Life - The central aim of this research was to examine the mediating role of bonding social capital and affective commitment in the life satisfaction – job...  相似文献   

This study used factor mixture modeling to investigate individual differences in how life satisfaction is construed. Referring to the cognitive regulation of well-being we aimed to identify individuals for whom work and nonwork life domains contribute differently to overall life satisfaction. In a sample of 1,704 working adults two subgroups with different response patterns were identified. In the first subgroup work and nonwork life domains contributed equally to overall life satisfaction. In the second subgroup satisfaction with nonwork rather than work-related life domains were important sources of life satisfaction. Furthermore, participants in the second group processed negative affect from the work domain in ways that enabled them to maintain high levels of life satisfaction. We examined the external validity of class assignment and replicated our findings in a second sample. How factor mixture modeling can be used to uncover cognitive mechanisms that operate in evaluations of life satisfaction is discussed.  相似文献   

Aspirations, along with attainments, play an important role in shaping well-being. Early in adult life women are more likely than men to fulfill their material goods and family life aspirations; their satisfaction in these domains is correspondingly higher; and so too is their overall happiness. Material goods aspirations refer here to desires for a number of big-ticket consumer goods, such as a home, car, travel abroad and vacation home. In later life these gender differences turn around. Men come closer than women to fulfilling their material goods and family life aspirations, are more satisfied with their financial situation and family life, and are the happier of the two genders. An important factor underlying the turnaround in fulfillment of aspirations for material goods and family life is probably the shift over the course of the life cycle in the relative proportion of women and men in marital and non-marital unions.  相似文献   

During the last decades, the socio-economic policy agenda has devoted an increasing attention to the inclusion of disabled people into society. It follows that understanding the drivers of life outcomes and conditions of disabled people is essential to analyze the sources of disadvantaged positions.This paper brings evidence on the predictors of life satisfaction of disabled people in Italy, focusing on four specific dimensions (relations with relatives and friends, economic conditions, and leisure time) and analyzing information on people with functional limitations and health problems, as provided by the 2011 ISTAT survey.Estimation results show that household structure, health and disability status affect life satisfaction more significantly than personal and income variables. Education attainments significantly affect satisfaction with the economic conditions. In addition, support in daily activities may increase satisfaction with economic conditions and leisure time, suggesting that providing non-monetary support would be effective in increasing life satisfaction, especially in those domains requiring freedom of movement. Finally, we find that older disabled people are, on average, more satisfied than younger disabled people, while gender is relevant when interacted with the household type.  相似文献   

The relationship between job satisfaction and life satisfaction is examined, using regression analyses which control the effects of satisfaction with domains other than the job and conditions associated with the workplace and with life away from work. Results from data analyses of two independent sets of survey data are used to elaborate and refine a multivariate framework for relating overall life satisfaction and job satisfaction.  相似文献   

The authors examined age differences in perceived coping resources and satisfaction with life across 3 older-adult age groups (45-64, 65-74, and 75 years and older). The 98 participants represented healthy, socially active, community-residing adults. Group comparisons were made on 12 individual coping scales, and an overall coping resource effectiveness score was computed. No significant differences were found for 11 of the coping resources or for overall coping resource effectiveness. Similar consistencies in life satisfaction were found across the 3 age groups. The findings indicate that (a) for healthy adults, the oldest old cope at least as effectively as their younger counterparts, despite their likelihood of encountering increased levels of stress; and (b) psychologically, old age may be viewed as a time of resilience and fortitude.  相似文献   

The present study was aimed at examining the link between satisfaction with life and forgivingness using a dispositional measurement for forgiveness. The participants were 810 adolescent and adults living in France, and 192 college students living in Portugal. They were presented with the Forgivingness questionnaire (Mullet, E., J. Barros, L. Frongia, V. Usai and F. Neto: 2003, Journal of Personality 71, pp. 1–19), and the Satisfaction With Life Scale (Diener, E., R.J. Emmons, R.J. Larsen and S. Griffin: 1985, Journal of Personality Assessment 49, pp. 71–75). The link between satisfaction with life and all three components of forgivingness (enduring resentment, sensitivity to circumstances, and overall willingness to forgive) was weak, and most of the time non-significant. This result is consistent with previous findings showing that (a) forgiving an offense to an offender does not result in a strong increase in overall satisfaction, and (b) strictly self-referential traits (e.g., self-esteem and loneliness) are typically not linked with forgivingness. Possible reasons why forgivingness and satisfaction with life are not linked are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent research has shown that nostalgia, an apparently past-oriented emotion, may render the present self more positive and promote a brighter outlook on the future. The current study examined whether experimentally induced nostalgia would impact the levels of and associations among past, present, and future life satisfaction. Among 250 university students (86 males and 164 females, aged 16–26 years), nostalgia was manipulated through the recollection of nostalgic (vs. ordinary) events. In support of our hypotheses, the results showed that nostalgic experiences not only led to a larger contrast between past life satisfaction versus present and future life satisfaction, but also weaker associations between past and future life satisfaction and between present and future life satisfaction. Overall, the findings suggest that nostalgic experiences can render more distinct judgements on temporal life satisfaction.  相似文献   

Applied Research in Quality of Life - Time orientation influences people’s perception and evaluation of a situation. Satisfaction in the present life and the future life is likely to be...  相似文献   

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