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The scaling method used by von Fieandt, Ahonen & Järvinen (1964) for measuring color constancy is discussed. It is argued that (i) the underlying scaling model and the experimental procedure they employed are incompatible, and that (ii) the analytical procedure they applied to the data for obtaining the empirical scale values is incorrect. The data are reanalyzed, and the goodness of fit of both the original and the present results is evaluated.  相似文献   

Recently developed types of indirect psychophysical scaling method served as starting point in finding a handy procedure for measuring differences in the degrees of 'color constancy'. A design for carrying out categorical comparisons with color paper proofs was constructed. The raw scores, given as percentage distributions, prove transformable into standard scale values. These demonstrate the shifted positions of the colors in question when presented in alternating conditions of illumination.  相似文献   

不同时相日光下颜色的恒常性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、前言 在光源光谱成份改变的条件下,我们周围物体的颜色在眼睛看来保持相对不变,称为颜色恒常性。1807年Thomas Young首先描述了颜色恒常性现象,他指出室内不管是由蜡烛的黄光或火焰的红光来照明的,书页纸仍然看来是白色的。Young认为,外界某一表面的颜色外观,并不完全决定于网膜的红、绿、蓝三种感受器的吸收特性,而也依赖于周围其它物体射入眼睛的光通量。此后,E.Hering对颜色恒常性做了实验表演。一般认为颜色恒常性是对环境照明感受性的降低。视觉通道只传递由物体表面所反射的光谱成  相似文献   

Pellegrino has argued that end-of-life decisions should be based upon the physician's assessment of the effectiveness of the treatment and the patient's assessment of its benefits and burdens. This would seem to imply that conditions for medical futility could be met either if there were a judgment of ineffectiveness, or if the patient were in a state in which he or she were incapable of a subjective judgment of the benefits and burdens of the treatment. I argue that a theory of futility according to Pellegrino would deny that latter but would permit some cases of the former. I call this the “circumspect” view. I show that Pellegrino would adopt the circumspect view because he would see the medical futility debate in the context of a system of medical ethics based firmly upon a philosophy of medicine. The circumspect view is challenged by those who would deny that one can distinguish objective from subjective medical judgments. I defend the circumspect view on the basis of a previously neglected aspect of the philosophy of medicine -- an examination of varieties of medical judgment. I then offer some practical applications of this theory in clinical practice.  相似文献   

类别(Category)判断的模糊集模型和多级估量法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出了类别判断的模糊集模型。它的基本含义是: 1.在心理连续量上,类别的划分是模糊的。 2.在每一个类别上,都有不同的符合程度。它的数学形式是:■ 其次,在该模型的基础上,产生了一种新的类别量表——“多级估量法”。同时,给出了两种变式和一种“多次切割排序法。” 最后,多级估量法测量喜爱度的结果表明,提供的信息要比传统的类别量表提供的更多,对心理状态和心理过程的描述更完整更细致。  相似文献   

Pression sociale, modification et distorsion du jugement: une étude interculturelle. — Les résultats d'une réplique interculturelle de L'étude qu'a faite Asch de L'influence d'une pression sociale sur la modification et la distorsion du jugement, montrent que des sujets américains, brésiliens, arabes et chinois manifestent un degré de conformisme presque égal. Mais, pour des sujets rhodésiens, le degré de conformisme est significativement plus élevé que pour tous les autres groupes observés. Des recherches ultérieures sont nécessaires pour déterminer les raisons de L'indépendance ou du conformisme dans les cultures étudiées et pour déterminer également dans quelle mesure il est possible de généraliser les résultats observés dans une situation de type Asch à d'autres situations sociales.  相似文献   

采用类别知识的分类学习模式,选取72名4-6岁幼儿作为被试,对相似性判断和类别判断的知识效应进行实验研究。结果表明:(1)相似性判断和类别判断存在知识效应。(2)相似性判断的知识效应存在显著的年龄差异,类别判断的知识效应不存在显著的年龄差异;5岁是知识学习对幼儿相似性判断产生影响的关键时期。(3)相似性判断知识效应的性别差异不显著,类别判断知识效应的性别差异极其显著,男孩更倾向于依据学习概念所强调的属性进行类别判断。  相似文献   

Perceived relationships among nine facial expressions were structurally represented in a two-space configuration by multidimensional scaling procedure. The two dimensions operative for Chinese judges were interpreted as positive versus negative emotions and open versus controlled styles of expressions. While there was some consensus in identifying seven of the nine intended emotions, interest-excitement and disgust-revulsion were often not recognized. Implications of cross-cultural comparisons in identification rates were discussed.  相似文献   

图形拓扑性质对相似性判断和分类的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用Stevens数量估计法研究了限时和不限时呈现材料条件下,图形的平面几何特征和拓扑特征对相似性判断及分类的影响。结果表明:(1)材料特征对图形的相似性估计的影响显著,平面几何特征的差异对应着更大的差异估计量。(2)呈现方式对平面几何特征差异的估计影响大,而并不影响对拓扑差异的估计。(3)男性对拓扑特征差异的估计较女性大;对平面几何特征差异的估计没有显著的性别差异。(4)不限时呈现时被试倾向于按平面几何特征分类;限时呈现时倾向于按拓扑特征分类。  相似文献   

本实验探讨了影响深度觉及距离判断的有关因素。实验分三部分:一、双眼正视(0°)和双眼斜视(45°)条件的深度觉辨别实验;二、双眼正视(0°)条件下不同距离相对判断实验;三、双眼斜视(45°)条件下的相对距离判断实验。实验结果表明:在双眼正视条件下(0°),深度觉辨别最准确,双眼斜视(45°)条件下,误差值明显增加,而单眼正视条件下,误差值最大。双眼斜视(45°)条件下的相对距离判断的误差值明显较之双眼正视(0°)条件下的为大。对2/4的相对距离判断的准确性均较之对1/4和3/4的距离为高。在双眼斜视条件下,眼肌调节发生变化,睫状肌紧张度增加,视觉易于疲劳可能是造成深度觉及距离判断准确性降低的主要原因。  相似文献   

問題 謝切諾夫在很早以前便提出知觉是反射活动的观点,并且強調了网膜视象和眼肌的紧张在大小知觉中的作用。他說:“网膜中映象的实际大小和使眼睛适应远近距离的肌肉的紧张程度,是对用一只眼睛看的各种对象的大小的真正表象的基础。謝切諾夫的这种天才思想,为知觉的反射活动的研究提供了基础。继謝切諾夫之后,巴甫洛夫进一步把大小知觉看作是网膜視象、眼肌运动的刺激組合与物体的触觉刺激經过多次联系所形  相似文献   

Brian Ellis 《Ratio》2005,18(4):462-472
There are three outstanding issues raised by my critics in this volume. The first concerns the nature and status of universals (John Heil). The second is ‘the essential problem’, which is the issue of how to distinguish the essential properties of natural kinds from their accidental ones, and the related question of whether we really need to believe in the essences of natural kinds (Stephen Mumford). The third is that of strong versus weak dispositional essentialism (Alexander Bird), or equivalently, whether there is any place for categorical properties in an essentialist metaphysic (John Heil). This paper addresses these three issues.  相似文献   

本研究对在运动图形识别过程中,有关图形的不同特征(颜色、形状等)的加工特性、方向性效应以及不同空间位置(或时间间隔)对图形识别的影响了探讨。结果发现,视觉系统在运动信息加工时,对目标的不同特征的加工存在不均衡性,加工的难度有差异。颜色的加工难度要比形状的加工难度小。视觉系统对不同运动方向上的图形匹配反应特性也存在差异,图形匹配过程受时间或距离因素的影响,匹配的反应时随着两个比较图形之间的空间距离的增加而减少。  相似文献   

成年人分类概括力水平的年龄差异及其与记忆的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用威斯康星卡片分类测验(Wisconsincardsortingtest,WCST)对青年组(20—25岁)、老年组(60—65岁)和老老年组(70—75岁)共90例被试进行分类概括力水平测试,并在结束测试时询问被试与测试有关的几个问题。结果显示:青年组分类概括力水平明显高于老年组;坚持性错误数、非坚持性错误数和总错误数以及坚持性反应数,青年组明显少于老年组;完成作业平均用时间,青年组明显比老年组短;老老年组WCST多数项目的成绩明显高于老年组;分类概括力水平与记忆密切相关;某些元认知项目与分类概括力水平表现出一致的趋势。  相似文献   

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