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In this paper the author addresses some problems concerning the relation between attachment theory and psychoanalysis and sketches the outline of a Freudian theory of attachment, based on the ideas ofthe Hungarian psychoanalyst Imre Hermann. First, he elucidates the fundamental divergence behind the insults and misunderstandings that have dominated the debate between attachment theory and Freudian psychoanalysis: they differ radically in their conceptions of temporality and of the relation between psychopathology and human nature. Second, the author presents Hermann's work on 'Clinging–Going-in-search' (1976) as a theoretical model in which the findings of attachment theory can be integrated in a theory of psychopathology that is radically dimensional and that preserves the methodology of Freudian psychoanalysis. In the third part of the paper, the author discusses the question of whether Hermann's 'clinging instinct' is a primary instinct in the Freudian sense, and whether it is an interesting alternative for Freud's 'death instinct', as Hermann claims.  相似文献   

Once identification achieved its status as a specific psychoanalytic concept it followed a process of reconceptualization that emerged from the different clinical and theoretical contexts in which Freud approached and explained the phenomenon. In tracing the unfolding of the theory of identification throughout Freud's works, we have accounted for the following steps: First, in his correspondence with Fliess, Freud announced topics that would subsequently be theoretically processed. Second, in the first topography, identification was explored in the contexts of hysteria and dreams, and elaborated through reference to two psychic scenes with their respective modes of psychic functioning. Third, in the period of transition to the second topography identification was defined as a substitute for an object relationship and as a preliminary stage of object choice. Interlocked with the concept of narcissism, it produced a reconceptualization of the ego that led to the second topography. Finally, the tripartite model proposed in the second topography manifests the consolidation of the structuring function of identification, since the psychic structure is therein conceived of as resulting from the vicissitudes of object relationships.  相似文献   

Freud's revolution may be viewed as the discovery of a way of locating in the mind objective entities which can be studied like physical things. If Freud's is representative of scientific revolutions, perhaps what Thomas Kuhn has described as a change of paradigm might generally consist of the demonstration of new entities. This particular revolution occurred in the setting of a prevalent concern about the entities underlying all of the sciences. Because of his genius for structural thought, Freud was able to respond satisfactorily to a challenge that all the sciences were facing. It is that common challenge rather than a popular exemplary model, such as mechanics or hydraulics, that shaped Freud's theory.  相似文献   

Maimonides, in The Guide of the Perplexed developed an an approach to interpreting prophecy using "Freudian" dream-interpretation methods on the assumption that prophets report dreams and visions, based on Numbers 12:6-8.  相似文献   

The author states that psychoanalysis has much to contribute to schizophrenia. Beginning with a development of Freudian metapsychology, he addresses the in‐depth psychopathological study of a session (the first on the couch) with a schizophrenic patient who hears voices and feels that he is being watched. Since the symptoms appear at the level of the heard word and the visual image – key to Freudian metapsychology – he delineates a circuit for the word and one for the image, describing a blockage in both and the consequences of these. Furthermore, with regard to the patient's progress, he demonstrates first a quantitative improvement in symptoms, and later qualitative changes in his functioning. He shows how, over a time, functioning is improved in a once‐a‐week on‐the‐couch setting after two years of face‐to‐face treatment.  相似文献   

The value and function of self‐analysis has been a contentious issue in several studies dedicated to the Freudian legacy. For some writers, Freud's experience of self‐analysis is rightly considered to be the master key to an understanding of the origins of the fundamentals of psychoanalysis. For others, the exaggerated importance attributed to the process merely led to the construction of a foundational myth. Nevertheless, if it is recognized to be a process in which Freud, in collaboration with Fliess, analysed personal aspects, working hypotheses and psychopathological debates, a reconsideration of self‐analysis may contribute new elements to our understanding of the paths that were taken in the elaboration of the theory and practice of pyschoanalysis. Starting from this premise, the present work will consider the systematic examination that Freud conducted of his own phobia in the course of his self‐analysis to be a process of great relevance to the elaboration of the early psychoanlytic conceptualizations of anxiety, in that in the course of this process the possible role of sexuality, fantasy, memory and unconscious determinism in the etiology of anxiety became part of the discussion.  相似文献   

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