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Effective Leadership and Culture in Iran: An Empirical Study   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
On analyse dans cet article les caractéristiques du leadership efficace en Iran, puis on envisage les liens possibles entre ce profil de leadership et les dimensions culturelles du pays. A partir des données fournies par 300 managers provenant de plus de 60 organisations relevant de trois secteurs industriels, on commence par utiliser les dimensions du projet GLOBE pour évaluer la culture iranienne dont les scores sont comparés à ceux d'autres pays. S'appuyant à la fois sur l' emic et l' etic du leadership, les auteurs développent sept dimensions du leadership: encourageant, dictatorial, visionnaire, familial, modeste, loyal et réceptif. Ils soutiennent que certaines de ces dimensions traduisent les aspects universels (ou etic ) du leadership (éncourageant, dictatorial), alors que d'autres procèdent de l' emic , c'est‐à‐dire de la spécificité culturelle du leadership (modeste, familial, loyal). Les résultats sont discutés en terme de positionnement de la culture iranienne entre des entrelacements fondamentaux et des traditions culturelles complexes. On aborde enfin la question des retombées sur les recherches à venir.  相似文献   

Different cultural groups may have different conceptions of what leadership should entail, i.e. different leadership prototypes. Several earlier studies revealed that within Europe various cultural clusters can be distinguished (Hofstede, 1991; Ronen & Shenkar, 1985). Using recent data from the GLOBE project, this article discusses similarities and differences on culture and leadership dimensions among 21 European countries. The results show that two broad clusters or patterns of cultural values can be distinguished, contrasting the North-Western and South-Eastern part of Europe. Within these clusters, differences in leadership prototypes to a certain extent mirror differences in culture. On the basis of these results it is hardly possible to speak of a single typically European culture or one distinct European management style. However, on some dimensions European scores are different from at least some other regions in the world.  相似文献   

Social capital is the latest conceptual attempt to account for democracy'spersistence and, when it occurs, its success. Yet that focus neglects an essential element ofdemocracy's performance, leadership capital. Leadership capital consists of thecompetence, integrity, and capacities for performance that leaders may have or bring to bear onsociety's problems. However, it is grounded and unfolds in a society's culture andpsychology. Increasing diversity and cultural conflict place strong pressures on leadership capitalaccumulation in societies like the United States, and they require different strategies ofleadership if accumulated leadership capital is not to be depleted.  相似文献   

Purpose  The purpose of this study was to empirically examine organizational culture theorists’ assertions about the linkages between leadership and the cultures that emerge in the organizations they lead. Specific hypotheses were developed and tested regarding relationships between chief executive officers’ (CEO’s) personality traits, and the cultural values that are shared among their organization’s members. Design/Methodology/Approach  Thirty-two CEOs completed measures of the Big-Five personality traits and personal values. A total of 467 employees across the 32 organizations completed a competing values measure of organizational culture. Findings  Results indicate support for several hypothesized relationships between CEO personality and cultural values. Exploratory analyses indicated that several CEO personal values were related to culture values. Implications  Organizations need to seriously consider the “fit” between the current or desired organizational culture and CEO characteristics. Organizations attempting to change fundamental aspects of its functioning may need significant behavioral—or personnel—changes at the top of the organization in order to achieve those changes. Originality/Value  This is the first empirical study to establish a link between specific CEO characteristics and the cultural values of their organizations. This study provides evidence that CEO characteristics are felt throughout the organization by impacting the norms that sanction or discourage member behavior and decision making, and the patterns of behavior and interaction among members.  相似文献   

In this paper the objectives of a new international research project that focuses on the perception of leadership across cultures will be presented. The definition of leadership will be discussed in relation to cross-cultural leadership research. The ideas and theory on which the project is based will be introduced along with several of the hypotheses the project is designed to test. Besides testing the general hypotheses, results obtained in the GLOBE study can also be used for a more focused comparison between two countries. In this paper, differences in preferred leadership attributes and national culture dimensions in The Netherlands and Poland are presented. A total of 287 Dutch managers from six organizations and 277 Polish managers from six organizations filled out questionnaires. The results indicate that Dutch and Polish cultures differ strongly on power distance, uncertainty avoidance and future orientation. Regarding preferred attributes for outstanding leadership, Polish respondents score especially high on administrative skills, vision, and diplomacy, whereas Dutch managers emphasize integrity, inspirational behavior and vision. Polish respondents are also less negative about autocratic leadership.  相似文献   

领导学研究的新发展:诚信领导理论   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
诚信领导是一个全新的领导学构念,指的是一种把领导者的积极心理能力与高度发展的组织情境结合起来发挥作用的过程。该文首先分别介绍了诚信领导的概念、特点及测量方法,并比较了诚信领导与其他类型领导的联系和区别;接下来进一步分析了诚信领导在组织中的功效;最后指出该理论尽管强调了一些诸如情绪过程、领导者道德等以往领导理论所忽视的方面,但诚信领导的测量工具、诚信领导与组织结果之间的调节因素等问题仍有待于实证研究的进一步探讨  相似文献   

王辉  张翠莲 《心理科学进展》2012,20(10):1519-1530
国外有关领导行为的研究已经不胜枚举,而针对中国企业环境下的领导行为研究则相对较少.近年来,中国情境下的领导行为研究开始逐渐涌现,本文从中国高层管理者的领导行为、领导授权赋能行为以及领导-部属交换理论三个方面对中国企业环境下的领导行为研究进行了述评,总结了相关研究在中国情境下的维度表现、前因后果变量,以及中介或调节作用,并指出了中国情境下相关本土化研究的理论与实践贡献.这些研究,从理论贡献上来说,一方面体现出中国情境下领导行为区别于西方情境的独特性,另一方面验证和扩充了西方相关领导行为的研究发现,进一步丰富了领导行为理论;从实践意义上而言,为中国企业领导者提供了一个反思的镜子进而调整自己的领导行为,为中国企业领导者提供企业决策及管理的参考依据,为人力资源管理人员提供实际操作的手段及工具,而且启发下属注意与领导者建立好关系的方式方法和适宜程度.  相似文献   

Morality is a critical factor in leadership that its absence could turn an otherwise powerful leadership model (i.e. transformational leadership) into a disastrous outcome. The importance of morality for leaders is self-evident in light of the far-reaching effects of leaders' actions or inaction on other people. Such proposition necessitates the discourse in the objectivity of universal moral principles as the legitimate basis of a sound understanding of moral leadership. Examining transformational leadership from a moral-laden perspective, this paper argues that morality is a necessary component of leadership and that deontological moral reasoning provides a sufficient ground for morally attractive leadership theories.  相似文献   

We investigated whether priming individuals' self-identities to be interdependent or independent influences their ratings of leadership prototypicality. Specifically, we predicted that participants receiving an interdependent prime would rate items associated with transformational leadership as being more prototypical of effective leadership than would participants receiving no prime. We also predicted that participants receiving an independent prime would rate transactional leadership items as being more prototypical of effective leadership. Undergraduate psychology students were randomly assigned to one of three conditions (interdependent prime, independent prime, and control). Results support the idea that self-identity can be primed to influence ratings of leadership prototypicality. We discuss implications and suggest directions for future research.  相似文献   

李超平  孟慧  时勘 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1477-1481
本研究探索了变革型领导、家长式领导、PM与领导有效性之间的关系。对288份调查数据的层次回归分析表明,与家长式领导相比,PM对员工满意度有更强的预测作用;与PM相比,变革型领导对组织承诺与领导者有效性有更强的预测作用;与家长式领导相比,变革型领导对组织承诺与领导者有效性有更强的预测作用。这表明,在中国这一特殊的文化背景下,变革型领导对领导有效性具有最强的预测力。  相似文献   

Based on social identity principles we explore the efficacy of a leadership intervention in elite disability sport. A 2-year longitudinal design involved an elite male disability soccer team that prepared for a World Championship in Year 1 and then reformed for Paralympic competition in Year 2. Athlete data indicated marginal to significant increases from baseline to intervention phases in social identification, identity leadership displayed by staff, and hours practice completed away from training camps, but no significant change in mobilization of effort (in Year 1 and 2). We discuss the applied implications, study limitations, and opportunities for future researchers.  相似文献   

Trickle-down模式正逐渐成为领导效应研究的新范式。它阐释了组织中较高层次领导的行为或其认知如何沿着组织的垂直管理层次自上而下层层滴漏。该模式通过对领导行为联动效应和多层配对的剖析, 弥补了传统研究聚焦于单一层次领导研究的不足。系统梳理trickle-down模式下的领导效应之涵义特征、理论基础、效能机制, 并深入探讨已有研究的欠缺, 对于实现领导力的整合、拓展本土化的领导行为研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This study examined whether organizational culture moderates relationships between transformational leadership (TFL) and employee self‐rated creative performance (CP). A convenience sample of 147 working professionals from 109 Fortune 500 organizations participated in the study by completing measures of their organizations’ cultures, their managers’ leadership styles, and their own CP, as well as relevant control measures. Adhocracy culture type moderated the relationship between levels of TFL and CP. Consequently, market culture type was a non‐significant moderator for predicting TFL–CP relationships. Both adhocracy and market culture types were non‐significant mediators of TFL on CP. The theoretical model in this study provides an important extension of TFL and organizational culture theories and a greater understanding of how adhocracy culture interacts with TFL to influence employee CP. This study also provides researchers and practitioners with a better comprehension of how to achieve higher levels of CP given the interaction between TFL and adhocracy culture.  相似文献   

魏秋江 《心理科学》2012,35(4):937-942
管理理论的研究已迈进创新/创造管理阶段,其典型代表为创造型领导力的理论研究。文章在探讨了创造与领导力关系的基础上,分析了创造型领导的影响效能,阐述了领导者创造思维的前因、领导者与员工创造思维过程研究。最后从创造型领导的技能与策略的发展、认知神经科学范式的采纳、多维整合等角度,评述未来研究趋势。  相似文献   

Re-emergent scientific atheism bears the marks of its historical origins in the efforts of Bon-Bruevi and Jaroslavskij. The disciples of the Lenin generation use their fathers somewhat as second-level classics.  相似文献   

Psychodynamic group therapy, by definition, offers group members an opportunity to revisit some of the earliest developmental stages. The authors argue that conflicts around separation and individuation are stimulated with each beginning and ending of an intimate group. The leader of that group is similarly challenged around these primary conflicts. The question of group contagion, difficulties around the capacity to be alone, and the problems of projective identification are explored as they have an impact on leaders in a group. Case examples are offered to illustrate leadership problems along these dimensions.  相似文献   

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