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The Big Sleep     

This paper illustrates the link between creativity and psychotherapy as an art. Clinical examples are given first, followed by significant events that affected this therapist's creative activities. Then personal views of creativity arc described with the conclusion showing different aspects of creativity as applicable to psychotherapy.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new ‘discontinuous’ view of Popper’s theory of corroboration, where theories cease to have corroboration values when new severe tests are devised which have not yet been performed, on the basis of a passage from The Logic of Scientific Discovery. Through subsequent analysis and discussion, a novel problem for Popper’s account of corroboration, which holds also for the standard (‘continuous’) view, emerges. This is the problem of the Big Test: that the severest test of any hypothesis is actually to perform all possible tests (when ‘possible’ is suitably interpreted). But this means that Popper’s demand for ‘the severest tests’ amounts simply to a demand for ‘all possible tests’. The paper closes by considering how this bears on accommodation vs. prediction, with respect to corroboration.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The period of government-sponsored research and development, involving military and industrial intervention in academic life, especially in the USA, was brief and yet its characteristics were declared universal by two historians of science there, Derek J. de Solla Price and Thomas S. Kuhn, who justified coercion and boredom in research work organized hierarchically. The reform of work movement is now attempting to introduce ideas in the opposite direction. Clearly, the institutions of big science should be interested in the improvement of the quality of research done on their premises and in the changes in world situation which might greatly change the agenda of research. To that end research into the general character of big science is very advisable and may be instigated either by large research institutions or by some of their umbrella organizations which may create incentives and alter the character of big science radically to everybody's advantage.  相似文献   


The Big Five is a useful model of attributes now commonly used in cross‐cultural research, but without the support of strong measurement invariance (MI) evidence. The Big Six has been proposed as a cross‐culturally informed update, and the broader Big Two (Social Self‐Regulation and Dynamism) draws on even more cross‐cultural evidence. However, neither has been rigorously tested for cross‐cultural MI. Here a Big Six inventory (36QB6) and measures of the Big Five and Big Two derived from it were tested and refined for cross‐cultural usability in samples from 26 nations, divided into three subsets. Confirmatory factor analysis of the models in the first subset of nations demonstrated fit as strong in translation as typical personality measures achieve in their nation of origin (although poor per standard benchmarks). Items that performed inconsistently across cultures were removed, and alternates considered in a second subset of nations. Fit and invariance were improved for refined 30‐item QB6, 25‐item Big Five and 14‐item Big Two measures in the third subset of nations. For all models, decrease in comparative fit index between MI levels was larger than .01, indicating lack of support for higher levels. Configural and factorial invariance were relatively stronger, compared to scalar and full. Copyright © 2014 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

The present investigation tested the relations between the Big Five dimensions of personality and the marital relationships of over 400 couples using both observational and questionnaire data. Four major findings emerged from these analyses. First, self-reports of neuroticism were positively correlated with negative interactions and negatively correlated with global evaluations of the marriage. Second, self-reports of agreeableness were negatively correlated with negative interactions and generally positively correlated with global evaluations of the marriage. Third, self-reports of openness were negatively correlated with observer reports of negative interactions. Fourth, self-reports of openness by wives were positively correlated with global reports of sexual satisfaction. These findings suggest that agreeableness and openness deserve increased attention as significant correlates of close relationships. Discussion emphasizes the importance of intrapersonal factors for understanding marital relationships.  相似文献   

大爆炸理论是关于宇宙形成的最有影响的一种学说,英文说法为Big Bang,也称为大爆炸宇  相似文献   

社会认知的内容存在两个基本维度,一个与热情或社会性特质有关,另一个与能力或智力性特质有关,称之为社会认知内容的"大二"模型。关于"大二"模型的理论有进化心理学、本体论和功能性三种解释。目前,"大二"模型的理论焦点集中在模型的文化普适性检验、两维度之间的关系以及两个维度的权重和偏好问题上。今后可结合本土实际情况围绕着三大焦点问题和两维度的具身研究等问题进行深入探讨。  相似文献   

This article reported a meta-analysis of the relationships between social network site use and the Big Five (neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness) as well as the Big Two (plasticity and stability) personality meta-traits. A random effect meta-analysis model was used to calculate the meta-results of Big Five. Extraversion and openness were the strongest predictor of SNS activities (e.g. gaming, SNS interaction, etc.), while conscientiousness, neuroticism, and agreeableness only correlated with a few of the SNS activities. A meta-analytical structural equation model further demonstrated that plasticity was positively correlated with SNS activities, whereas stability was a negative predictor. Practical implications for social media industry and users were discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we argue that a stable set of characteristics—personality—can help explain mass political opinions and behavior. By analyzing data collected from over 750 people, we examine the influence of the Five‐Factor Model of personality on ideology, partisanship, political efficacy, and two forms of political participation. After controlling for a host of demographic factors, we find that openness to experience, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and extraversion help explain public opinion and political behavior. Neuroticism is the only factor that does not influence political life. We conclude by comparing these results to other findings in the field and suggest directions for future research.  相似文献   

This article presents a series of meta-analyses examining the 24 samples to date that have revealed the overlap of the three most widely used measures of Holland's Big Six domains of vocational interest, namely the Self-Directed Search (Holland, 1985a), the Strong Interest Inventory (Hansen & Campbell, 1985; Harmon, Hansen, Borgen, & Hammer, 1994), and the Vocational Preference Inventory (Holland, 1985b), with the most widely accepted measure of the Big Five personality factors, namely the Revised NEO Personality Inventory (Costa & McCrae, 1992). The meta-analyses showed the mean effect sizes for each of the 30 correlations between the six interest dimensions and the five personality dimensions. Of the 30 correlations, 5 appeared to be substantial for both women and men and across the interest measures. They are Artistic-Openness (r=.48), Enterprising-Extraversion (r=.41), Social-Extraversion (r=.31), Investigative-Openness (r=.28), and Social-Agreeableness (r=.19).  相似文献   

Big toy models     
Samson Abramsky 《Synthese》2012,186(3):697-718
We pursue a model-oriented rather than axiomatic approach to the foundations of Quantum Mechanics, with the idea that new models can often suggest new axioms. This approach has often been fruitful in Logic and Theoretical Computer Science. Rather than seeking to construct a simplified toy model, we aim for a ??big toy model??, in which both quantum and classical systems can be faithfully represented??as well as, possibly, more exotic kinds of systems. To this end, we show how Chu spaces can be used to represent physical systems of various kinds. In particular, we show how quantum systems can be represented as Chu spaces over the unit interval in such a way that the Chu morphisms correspond exactly to the physically meaningful symmetries of the systems??the unitaries and antiunitaries. In this way we obtain a full and faithful functor from the groupoid of Hilbert spaces and their symmetries to Chu spaces. We also consider whether it is possible to use a finite value set rather than the unit interval; we show that three values suffice, while the two standard possibilistic reductions to two values both fail to preserve fullness.  相似文献   

Personality psychology has long been grounded in data typologies, particularly in the delineation of behavioural, life outcome, informant-report, and self-report sources of data from one another. Such data typologies are becoming obsolete in the face of new methods, technologies, and data philosophies. In this article, we discuss personality psychology's historical thinking about data, modern data theory's place in personality psychology, and several qualities of big data that urge a rethinking of personality itself. We call for a move away from self-report questionnaires and a reprioritization of the study of behaviour within personality science. With big data and behavioural assessment, we have the potential to witness the confluence of situated, seamlessly interacting psychological processes, forming an inclusive, dynamic, multiangle view of personality. However, big behavioural data come hand in hand with important ethical considerations, and our emerging ability to create a ‘personality panopticon’ requires careful and thoughtful navigation. For our research to improve and thrive in partnership with new technologies, we must not only wield our new tools thoughtfully, but humanely. Through discourse and collaboration with other disciplines and the general public, we can foster mutual growth and ensure that humanity's burgeoning technological capabilities serve, rather than control, the public interest. © 2020 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

The factor structures of the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP) and NEO-FFI Big Five questionnaires were examined via confirmatory factor analyses. Analyses of IPIP data for five samples and NEO data for one sample showed that a CFA model with three method bias factors, one influencing all items, one influencing negatively worded items, and one influencing positively worded items fit the data significantly better than models without method factors or models with only one method factor . With the method factors estimated, our results indicated that the Big Five dimensions may be more nearly orthogonal than previously demonstrated. Implications of the presence of method variance in Big Five scales are discussed.  相似文献   

大树会“冒烟”?听起来令人难以置信。然而,这样的奇事竟然真的在现实生活中发生了。 1999年6月7日傍晚,安徽省六安市新安镇徐渡村一村民偶然发现,村边淠河岸边的一棵大白杨树树顶在“冒烟”,遂视为神奇。经其传告,顿时谣言四起。有人甚至说杨树冒出的“烟”是“仙气”,是神仙“显灵”。不到24小时,树下竟聚集近万人。只见人们纷纷往树上披红挂彩,许多人在树下烧香  相似文献   

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