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The Kindergarten Performance Profile, a criterion-referenced teacher rating scale, was developed by a multidisciplinary group of public school teachers, child development specialists, and evaluators. The present study analyzed the social and work skill areas of the rating scale, focusing on the relationship of classroom skills in the fall and spring of kindergarten to second-grade achievement scores. Gender differences, as well as the impact of assessing children's skills in the fall versus the spring of kindergarten were explored. Results indicated that kindergarten work skills were significantly related to California Achievement Test scores for both boys and girls; however, kindergarten social skills were related to achievement scores for girls but not boys. Teacher ratings from either the fall or the spring were predictive of achievement test scores for girls, although different girls were identified as having problems at the two time periods: whereas spring evaluations were more strongly related to boys' later achievement. The implications of these findings for assessment programs are discussed.  相似文献   

Scores on the Children's Personality Questionnaire (CPQ) were correlated with scores from rating scale items selected by a panel of raters measuring the same behavior as a CPQ scale. Data were obtained on a normal sample of school children in grades three to six and on two referred groups, underachievers and chilren with behavior or social problems. The teachers of the children were asked to complete two rating scales on each child. Correlations between rating scale scores and CPQ scores suggest that, in general, the CPQ does not measure the traits it purports to measure.  相似文献   

One-hundred and fifteen undergraduates were repeatedly administered a battery measuring schizotypal personality type and creativity (remote associations). Principal Components Analysis found a two-factor model to be most parsimonious. The pattern of results suggests that magical ideation and perceptual aberration items are represented by one factor and suspiciousness by the second. Analysis of consistent versus inconsistent high scorers on the schizoptypia measure indicated that inconsistent high scorers on the suspiciousness factor scored significantly higher than consistent high scorers on the creativity measure.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the validity of two aggression scales for predicting observations of malicious or disruptive behavior at school. Subgroups of a sample of 1,560 children (age 8.6+/-1.5 years) were assessed using (a) peer nominations of aggression, (b) teacher reports on the Teacher Report Form (TRF) of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) Aggression scale and the peer nomination items, or (c) self-reports on the peer nomination items. Criteria were observations of physical, verbal, initiated, retaliatory, malicious, and disruptive behaviors. Teacher report peer nominations predicted observed physical, verbal, initiated, and retaliatory aggression and disruptive behavior. Peer nominations predicted physical aggression, verbal aggression, initiation and disruptive behavior, and TRFs predicted verbal, initiated, and disruptive behavior. Self-reports did not significantly predict any behavior. Implications for assessment of aggression are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship of age to ten dimensions of job performance   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Previous reviews of the literature on the relationship between age and job performance have largely focused on core task performance but have paid much less attention to other job behaviors that also contribute to productivity. The current study provides an expanded meta-analysis on the relationship between age and job performance that includes 10 dimensions of job performance: core task performance, creativity, performance in training programs, organizational citizenship behaviors, safety performance, general counterproductive work behaviors, workplace aggression, on-the-job substance use, tardiness, and absenteeism. Results show that although age was largely unrelated to core task performance, creativity, and performance in training programs, it demonstrated stronger relationships with the other 7 performance dimensions. Results also highlight that the relationships of age with core task performance and with counterproductive work behaviors are curvilinear in nature and that several sample characteristics and data collection characteristics moderate age-performance relationships. The article concludes with a discussion of key research design issues that may further knowledge about the age-performance relationship in the future.  相似文献   

12 girls ages 5 to 7 years indicated their figure preferences two times, 15 months apart. There was no difference in selection of current and ideal figures at Time 1, but 15 months later the girls rated their ideal figure significantly smaller than the current figure as have older girls and women.  相似文献   

黄崇蓉  胡瑜 《心理科学进展》2020,28(7):1118-1132
采用元分析技术探讨了组织内部水平信任、垂直信任和系统信任对创造力的影响。通过文献搜索纳入元分析的研究有85项, 共99个独立效应量。其中, 水平信任与创造力关系的元分析有41个独立样本, 垂直信任与创造力关系的元分析有34个独立样本, 系统信任与创造力关系的元分析有24个独立样本。元分析结果表明, 水平信任(r = 0.50)、垂直信任(r = 0.38)和系统信任(r = 0.48)与创造力之间存在显著正相关。水平信任、垂直信任、系统信任三者与创造力的关系受到信任测量工具的调节作用, 但是不受文化背景和知识水平的调节影响。  相似文献   

Behavior ratings by parents, teachers, and classmates of physically abused fourth to sixth graders, identified from the New York City Maltreatment Register, and case-matched classroom controls, showed substantial concurrence among informants: Parents and teachers both rated significantly more behavioral disturbance in the abused children, and peers' ratings were significantly correlated with adults' ratings, especially those by teachers. Children's exposure to spouse or partner physical abuse, which had a substantial prevalence among both child-abusing and control families, reduced the difference in disturbance ratings between children who were themselves physically abused and those who were not. Overall, we conclude that physically abused children show pervasive behavioral disturbance, in that parents, teachers, and classmates all see higher levels of behavior problems and lower levels of socially desirable behavior in them compared to their nonmaltreated peers.This research was supported in part by research grant R01MH38814 and Clinical Research Center grant MH30906 from the National Institute of Mental Health. The authors thank the New York City Child Welfare Administration, especially Terry Weiss, for facilitating access to the Maltreatment Register; the NYC Board of Education for access to schools; and the many participating superintendents, principals, and teachers. Some preliminary data were presented as a poster at the Meetings of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, New York, 1989.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the extent to which a measure of multidimensional schizotypy and intelligence predicted measures of creativity, as assessed by self-rated creativity, a measure of the creative personality (CPS: Gough, 1979) and an inventory of creative behaviours. Additionally an aggregation of the three different measures; total creativity was examined. 140 participants completed the creativity measures, a general intelligence test (Wonderlic Personnel Test: Wonderlic, 1992) in addition to a multidimensional schizotypy inventory (O-LIFE: Mason, Claridge, & Jackson, 1995). The Unusual Experiences and Impulsive Nonconformity dimensions of the O-LIFE were positively and significantly related to creativity. The Cognitive Disorganisation dimension was found to be negatively and significantly related to creativity. The implications of the findings were discussed.  相似文献   

The current study examined how dimensions of masculinity and femininity were expressed for sexual minorities. Cluster analysis was used to determine the number of latent classes for conformity to masculine and feminine norms for sexual minorities. A four-class solution was the best fit to the data. Cluster 1 (labeled Relating to others through equality and caring, n = 41) was characterized by low dominance and power over women and high involvement with kids and have nice relationships norms. Cluster 2 (labeled Relating to others through avoidance and misogyny, n = 38) was characterized by low risk-taking and have nice relationships and high power over women and disdain for homosexuality. Cluster 3 (labeled Relating to others through power, n = 34) was characterized by high winning, pursuit of status, and appearance and low modesty. Cluster 4 (labeled Relating to others through sex, n = 27) was characterized by low involvement in romantic relationships and sexual fidelity while endorsing high playboy attitudes. Results indicate that conforming to gender norms tends to follow categories of interpersonal beliefs and behaviors rather than being based in gender identity or sexual orientation. Implications of the results for future research and clinical practice are examined.  相似文献   

We examined age, gender, sex role, and context differences in type of coping among adolescents through older adults. They were given measures of coping and sex role orientation for both relationship and achievement contexts. Emotion-focused coping decreased with age, with high-femininity individuals reporting higher levels of coping. Older low-feminine adults reported greater use of emotion-focused coping than all other subjects except adolescents. Problem-focused coping showed an upward trend with age for low-feminine subjects. High-feminine subjects followed a similar trend until adulthood and then showed a decrease. Achievement and relationship contexts moderated the relationship between age, gender, sex role orientation, and problem-focused coping. Results are discussed in terms of sex roles and adult development.  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to examine emotion reactivity, a broad construct that consists of an individual’s sensitivity, intensity, and persistence of emotional reactions, as a mediator of the relationship between two types of psychopathology (depression symptoms and borderline personality disorder (BPD) symptoms) and history of self-injurious behavior (non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) and suicide attempts (SA)). We also examined gender as a potential moderator of this relationship. Participants (N = 1914) completed measures of emotion reactivity, psychopathology, and self-injurious behavior. Results using a series of mediated path analyses indicated that emotion reactivity mediated the relationship between (1) depressive symptoms and NSSI in females only, (2) depressive symptoms and SA in females only, and (3) probable BPD diagnosis and NSSI in both genders. Emotion reactivity did not mediate the relationship between probable BPD diagnosis and SA in either gender. Our findings suggest that emotion reactivity is a possible pathway through which depression and self-injurious behavior relate, especially in women. We temper these findings, however, within the context of relatively modest observed effects.  相似文献   

“遗传与环境”的争论一直是创造力研究的核心问题, 但目前对于环境以及遗传与环境交互作用对创造力影响的分子生物机制还未有研究涉及。近年来, 随着表观遗传学的兴起, 揭示影响心理行为的表观遗传机制现已成为心理学研究的热点。作为环境与基因组之间的纽带, 表观遗传学研究为揭示环境以及遗传与环境交互作用对创造力影响的分子生物机制提供了机遇。本研究以多巴胺相关基因、家庭环境以及两者对于创造力的交互作用为切入点, 对影响创造力的表观遗传机制进行考察, 并在此基础之上, 对环境以及遗传与环境交互作用对创造力影响的分子生物机制进行探索。具体研究内容包括:(1)通过对多巴胺相关基因甲基化模式与创造力关系的系统考察, 筛选出甲基化模式与创造力有关的基因; (2)对筛选出的基因, 进一步考察其甲基化模式在家庭环境及其遗传多态性与家庭环境交互作用对创造力影响中的中介作用。本研究有助于揭示创造力的表观遗传机制, 深化关于遗传与环境对创造力影响的作用机制的理解。  相似文献   

This study examined how computer-game preference relates to mental-rotation test (MRT) performance and to gender differences. Subjects were 861 German secondary-school children (mean age = 14.67; range 10–20 years). Latent class analysis with the data of a computer-game preference scale revealed three types of players: “non-players”, “action-and-simulation game players” and “logic-and-skill-training game players”. Large gender differences were found with respect to class assignment. More females than males were found in the “logic-and-skill-training game player” class (82.9%) and in the class of “non-players” (81.9%). Males in contrast were overrepresented (81.7%) in the class of “action-and-simulation game players”. As expected, males on average outperformed females in mental-rotation test performance (d = 0.63). Furthermore, ANOVA results indicated mean differences in mental-rotation ability between action-and-simulation players and non-players (partial η2 = .01) as well as age differences (partial η2 = .04). With boys, non-players on average had lower MRT scores than action-and-simulation game players. For females, computer-game preference was unrelated to MRT performance. Results are discussed within a nature–nurture-interactionist framework of gender differences in spatial abilities.  相似文献   

Trajectories of children's externalizing behavior were examined using multilevel growth curve modeling of data from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development. According to ratings by both mothers and caregivers/teachers when children were 2, 3, 4, 7, and 9 years old, externalizing behavior declined with age. However, mothers rated children as higher in externalizing behavior than did caregivers and teachers. Higher levels of age 9 externalizing behavior were predicted by the following factors: child male gender (for caregiver/teacher reports only), infant difficult temperament (for children with harsh mothers only), harsher maternal attitude toward discipline, higher level of maternal depression (for maternal reports only), and lower level of maternal sensitivity (especially for boys). Caregivers and teachers reported higher levels of externalizing behavior in African American children than in European American children, increasingly so over time; mothers' ratings revealed the reverse. The declining slope of externalizing behavior was predicted by infant difficult temperament for mother reports only. Additional analyses suggested that the association between parenting and externalizing behavior was bidirectional.  相似文献   

The present research investigated whether competition influences children's artistic creativity and intrinsic motivation toward an art activity. Study 1 tested the hypothesis that boys' creativity would be enhanced by competition, while girls' creativity would be undermined. Fifty children (aged 6–10) made paper collages in one of two conditions; half competed for prizes and half did not. Results supported our hypotheses, and further showed that when children self-segregated by gender, the impact of competition was much more pronounced. Study 2 was designed to clarify the unexpected gender-segregation finding from Study 1. The Children's Sex Role Inventory [Boldizar, J.P. (1991). Assessing sex typing and androgyny in children: the Children's Sex Role Inventory. Developmental Psychology, 27, 505–515] was administered to 143 children (aged 6–11). One week later, these children made paper collages in one of four conditions; in addition to manipulating competition, assigned seating ensured that half of children were segregated by gender and half were not. Following the collage activity, an intrinsic and extrinsic motivation questionnaire was administered. Masculine children reported higher levels of intrinsic motivation when competing and when segregated by gender; they also reported higher levels of extrinsic motivation, especially when segregated by gender. These findings demonstrate that gender role is an important factor in determining children's responses to competition.  相似文献   

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