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This study is a content analysis and follow‐up of thirty‐two former participants in multi‐modal expressive therapy training workshops conducted by the Person‐Centered Expressive Therapy Institute. The theoretical foundation of the study is based on Carl Rogers’ concept of the “significant learning” and Natalie Rogers’ concept of the “creative connection.” The expressive therapy applies core conditions of acceptance, empathic understanding, and congruence in a learning setting that uses writing, visual arts, drama, music and dance. Narratives of significant incidents were analyzed phenomenologically. Results revealed important learnings and shifts of self‐perceptions towards greater self‐awareness, improved self‐confidence, risk‐taking, deeper self‐exploration and appreciation for the process involved in the creative act. This qualitative study shows expressive therapy as making an important contribution to person‐centered theory and practice.  相似文献   

Receipt of the 2014 Natalie Weissberger Paul (NWP) National Achievement Award was a highlight of my career. Thank you to all who nominated me for this prestigious NSGC recognition. I am humbled to join past NWP award winners many of whom are admired mentors, treasured colleagues and friends. I would like to express what a privilege it is to honor Natalie Weissberger Paul for whom this award is named. Twenty-nine years ago I co-edited a volume of the Birth Defects Original Article Series with Natalie summarizing a conference co-funded by the March of Dimes and NSGC (Biesecker et al., 1987). Natalie demonstrated her devotion to children with special needs through her work at the March of Dimes. As such I believe she would concur with the focus of my remarks on the partners in our work: our clients.  相似文献   

Although Rogerian reflective listening is considered a fundamental therapeutic practice, it is widely misunderstood. This article endeavors to dispel myths about Rogers’ reflective approach through detailed readings of his work, while also opening up a central problematic in Rogers’ thinking. Rogers struggled repeatedly with the dilemma of how the therapist can faithfully reflect the client's experience while avoiding insincerity. The metaphor of a mirror and its tain, or back surface, is used to guide a close analysis of how Rogers grappled with the tension between the therapist's reflective listening process and his or her inner experience while reflecting. It is shown that each of Rogers’ revisions of his conceptualization of reflective listening constitutes a dialectical shift that opens a different approach to the problem of the tain, eventually concluding in an interactional formulation of reflection as the provision of tentative therapist understandings designed to be amended in response to client feedback.  相似文献   

Rogers and Erickson had no direct contact with each other's work. Whatever similarities exist developed independently. Rogers stresses his reliance on an intuitive relationship to the client's inner core and discusses the basis for this intuition. He also relies on a fundamental directional tendency which exists in every person. He trusts the client to choose his or her own goals. In these respects he sees some similarities between himself and Erickson, confirming Gunnison's points and going beyond them.  相似文献   


This essay revives the humanistic paradigm in education of Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers that in the 1960's fueled the establishment of the humanistic movement in American psychology. The essay discusses how Maslow and Rogers’ views on human nature, more specifically their understanding of the growth hypothesis of Kurt Goldstein, apply to education. The intellectual development of their humanistic thoughts on education, Maslow's concepts of expressive and intrinsic learning and Rogers’ student‐centered education are also discussed. It is argued that Maslow's and Rogers’ critiques and advocacy of the behavioristic and humanistic educational paradigms, respectively, are still meaningful in the 1990's, and that the continuing crisis in American education ensues in part from the failure to address Maslow and Rogers’ concerns and introduce a humanistic dimension to the educational system.  相似文献   

Studies point to promising developments in expressive arts therapy work with clients who experience dissociation as one of a constellation of symptoms of trauma. Individuals diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder, however, may be hesitant to engage with long-term therapy and its relationship. This article presents the case of one such individual, a participant in a narrative phenomenological study who was able to develop her own visual art-making practice. Reflections on this practice revealed that it offered a safe place for her to explore the voice of her “parts” hitherto silenced. Her narrative has implications for professionals working in the expressive and talking therapies.  相似文献   


In 1984, Carolyn Saarni published an important cross-sectional study on the development of children’s expressive control. That paper, as with much of her early work, presaged interest in the development of emotion regulation and of the efforts to understand emotion regulation both in typical and at risk children. In this paper, we look back on Dr. Saarni’s work on expressive control and studies that used her creative disappointment task. We discuss conclusions from that work and how this germinal work on expressive control contributed to the study of the broader concept of emotion regulation. We look ahead to the next steps that carry this line of research forward contributing to the development of emotional competence and mental health.  相似文献   

Natalie Dylan attempted to auction her virginity through the website of a legal Nevada brothel. Public discourses surrounding Dylan’s auction have characterized it as everything from a smart business transaction to the sale of her self-respect. Using a theoretical frame from Foucault, methods of textual construction, and rhetorical methods of analysis guided by cluster criticism, our paper explores how online discourses surrounding the auction enact problematics concerning the concepts of virginity and the interrelationships among women, sex, money, and power in American society. While Dylan’s discourse attempts to create space for sexual women and commodified sexuality as empowering for women, responses to her enterprise indicate there is little room for a woman’s unapologetic offer of her commodified virginity.  相似文献   

Alice H. Eagly  Wendy Wood 《Sex roles》2017,77(11-12):725-733
Janet Spence’s contributions moved gender researchers beyond a simple understanding of psychological gender in terms of individual differences in masculinity and femininity. In early work, she constructed the Personal Attributes Questionnaire, or PAQ, consisting of a masculine and a feminine scale, which she interpreted as assessing the core of psychological masculinity and femininity. Spence subsequently recognized that the masculine, or instrumental, scale reliably predicts only self-assertive, dominant behaviors and that the feminine, or expressive, scale reliably predicts only other-oriented, relational behaviors. Moreover, as her work developed, Spence came to understand this self-ascribed instrumentality and expressiveness, not as gender identity, but as two of the several types of psychological attributes that may become associated with individuals’ self-categorization as male or female. She then defined gender identity as the basic, existential sense of being male or female, which generally corresponds to one’s biological sex. Building on her ideas, we argue that gender identity instead encompasses both the sex categorization of oneself, usually as male or female, and self-assessments on gender-stereotypic instrumental and expressive attributes. These two levels of gender identity are linked by people’s self-stereotyping to the extent that they value their group membership as male or female.  相似文献   

In their recent paper, Natalie Banner and Tim Thornton evaluate seven volumes of the Oxford University Press series “International Perspectives in Philosophy and Psychiatry,” an international book series begun in 2003 focusing on the emerging interdisciplinary field at the interface of philosophy and psychiatry. According to Natalie Banner and Tim Thornton, the series represents a clear indication that the interdisciplinary field of philosophy of psychiatry has been flourishing lately. Philosophers and psychiatrists face a “new philosophy of psychiatry”. However, the optimism which the “new” philosophy of psychiatry celebrates is precisely the exiling of philosophy from the foundations of psychiatry. The 150 year old belief that psychopathology cannot do without philosophical reflection has virtually disappeared from common psychiatric education and daily clinical practice. Though the discipline of psychiatry is particularly suited to contributions from philosophy, the impact of philosophy on psychiatry nowadays remains limited. With some exceptions, philosophical papers are embedded in a philosophical context inscrutable to ordinary psychiatrists. Much current philosophical work is perceived by psychiatrists as negativistic. I would encourage the field of psychiatry to incorporate once again basic philosophical attitudes which render possible true dialogue with philosophy and enrich both disciplines. The views developed here should not discredit the value and importance of Natalie Banner and Tim Thornton’s paper and the excellent series “International Perspectives in Philosophy and Psychiatry.” As Jaspers said “Everybody inclined to disregard philosophy will be overwhelmed by philosophy in an unperceived way”.  相似文献   

As interpreted by the celebrated American photographer, Francesca Woodman, the myth of Apollo and Daphne forms an allegorical locus for the transitions and tensions of adolescence and young adulthood. Woodman's employment of this myth and related themes is also expressive of a preoccupying topos of regressive longings. Seamlessly extending Ovid's transformation of the metamorphic myths into poetic epic, her work delves deeply into their driving purpose: to make sense of change, of loss, and of life itself. Over the millennia, classical myth is infused and enriched with personal meaning by the reanimating, clarifying and transformative lens of art.  相似文献   

Following the work of Stevens Rogers (2002), this article starts with the premise that humanity can be seen as a child growing in changing relationship with his or her mother. With Jesus representing humanity, the relationship between a mother and a child can be an archetype for understanding the changing relationship between the Virgin Mary and humanity as narrated in the Gospels and the Book of Revelation. With the Annunciation by the Angel, the Boy Jesus in the Temple, the wedding at Cana, and Mary at the foot of the cross as developmental stages, this article shows the changing relationship between humanity and the Virgin Mary. Pierre M. Balthazar is a student in the PsyD program in Clinical Psychology at the Illinois School of Professional Psychology.  相似文献   

The philosophy and values of Carl Rogers hold a central position in the counseling profession. Today the writings and work of Milton H. Erickson are beginning to have a similar influence. Erickson's strategies and techniques have been explored from many theoretical frames of reference, but little attention has been paid to his values regarding the human condition. It is these value assumptions of Rogers and Erickson that will be examined in this article.  相似文献   

Creativity serves not only an aesthetic function but also psychological self-repair for the creative artist. The authors examine the failure of Sylvia Plath's efforts to control her suicidal violence and to bridge her isolation from others via the shared affective experience of poetry. At first, she used traditional forms and mediated images, but when she abandoned them for a more personal expressive art, she lost the shaping, controlling devices she had been using for self-containment and self-repair. They were no longer available to her when she underwent a sweeping narcissistic regression following some very stressful life events. Her emotional deterioration ultimately cost her her life.  相似文献   

This single case study explored the impact of participation in an expressive arts support group on a Caucasian female with lymphoma. The creative art process, a peer support group, and a five point data collection method were deployed. Four major themes emerged reflecting the impact of participation in the support group reshaping the occupational identity of the patient. This study combined the benefits of traditional support groups and expressive art activities, and demonstrated the holistic ability of occupational therapy to support a female cancer patient to reestablish her occupational identity as a catalyst to recovery.  相似文献   

This study examined the main and interactive effects on satisfaction of managers' functional position and disposition, measured by two inversely related indices of work orientation—instrumental, or desiring job security and financial rewards from work, and expressive, or desiring self-actualization and achievement from work (O'Reilly, 1977). Results indicated that both situational and dispositional factors affect satisfaction. Managers in process-oriented functions (e.g., Personnel, Sales) were significantly more satisfied than those in outcome-oriented functions (e.g., Production, Operations). Managers with strong and unambiguous orientations (high expressive/low instrumental or high instrumental/low expressive) were more satisfied than managers with strong, but potentially conflicting orientations (high instrumental/high expressive) or weak orientations (low instrumental/low expressive). There was also a personality-situation interaction, suggesting the feasibility of a congruency model in explaining managers' satisfaction. Theoretical and practical implications for career choices and managerial development are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the hypothesized influence of mothers' styles of emotional expression on infants' responses to the stranger in Episode 3, the Ainsworth Strange Situation. One hundred and thirty-five mothers volunteered for this experiment with their 13-month-olds. The mothers' answers on an expression style questionnaire (EESQ) were factor analysed. According to their mothers' factor scores, infants were divided into four groups, those having (a) expressive type mothers (N = 40), (b) suppressive type mothers (N = 39), (c) positive expressive type mothers (N = 31), and (d) negative expressive type mothers (N = 25). The infants' behaviours were analysed in 5-sec intervals. The infants having expressive type mothers showed a strong interest in the stranger and interacted with her willingly. The infants having suppressive type mothers exhibited less smiling and much freezing behaviour. The infants having positive expressive type mothers reacted with more smiling, much bodily contact behaviour with the mother and less crying. The infants having negative expressive type mothers showed more often crying and frequent head orientation towards the stranger.  相似文献   

The use of transference interpretations in the individual treatment of patients with personality disorders is a controversial issue. Both expressive approaches that stress the importance of transference interpretations and supportive approaches that avoid interpretation of the transference have been advocated by dynamically oriented therapists. Literature is reviewed regarding recommendations for individual psychotherapy and the different views on interpretation of the transference. Available research that has attempted to illuminate the impact of these interventions is also summarized. Although the findings are limited by a number of methodological shortcomings, three implications have emerged. First, a strong therapeutic alliance is imperative for successful exploration of the transference. Second, transference-focused work should be balanced with supportive interventions. Third, the patient's quality of object relations and his or her ability to work within the transference should be considered. However, without further research to guide clinical decision making, clinicians will be left with a confusing array of recommendations and only their intuition.  相似文献   

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