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This article describes guidance and counseling in multicultural New Zealand as a professional service facing social change and supported by training, research, and a national association.  相似文献   

Evidence of multiculturalism in New Zealand has become common throughout the educational system in the last two decades. In spite of these efforts, Maori leaders contend that the schools have failed to meet the needs of Maori students, citing continuing high dropout rates and low academic achievement of Maori youth to support their claims. Many Maoris are demanding a separate educational system for their youth. An embedded component of any improved education delivery system for the Maori involves the development of adequate and appropriate guidance and counseling services for Maori youth. A culture-specific model seems to be a most appropriate one.  相似文献   

As an outgrowth of the developmental and systemic trends characterizing career counseling in recent years, the role of the family has been highlighted. Nonetheless, inadequate attention has been given to incorporating family members in the career counseling setting with adult clients. This article explores a career counseling paradigm that takes into account the couple dynamics active in the adult's career choice process. Unique elements of the conjoint model, such as couple career assessment, along with directions for further study, are offered.  相似文献   

The author provides an overview of the current status of microcomputer-based testing, reviews several testing applications available in microcomputer format, and offers ideas on future developments.  相似文献   

This article illustrates the ways in which clients in career counseling think about the types of change in their career lives and about the determinants of change. It is based on an analysis of the interview data of a few adult clients. Two category systems are proposed as representative of the clients' thinking about change in these domains.  相似文献   

This article presents a comprehensive overview of the career counseling process for handicapped persons, with emphasis on developmental differences, assessment techniques, occupational information and exploration, and job placement techniques.  相似文献   

This article gives an overview of career counseling and counselor training in Finland. Changes with respect to theory and practice are also discussed.  相似文献   

This article suggests that an important aspect of the career decision-making process is the awareness that uncertainty (i.e., “1 don't know”) is normal, natural, and most likely unavoidable. The essential message of this article is that it is as useful, and even vocationally mature, to be both certain and uncertain about making a career decision.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of qualitative career assessment strategies in career counseling. Their use, especially in enlivening the career counseling process, is emphasized. Four specific procedures—life career assessment, life line, genogram, and Super's (Super, Savickas, & Super, 1996) Life Career Rainbow—are discussed.  相似文献   

The article describes some of the challenges facing employment counselors who are working with mandated clients. Suggestions are provided for use with mandated clients in individual and group employment counseling sessions.  相似文献   

Supportive career counseling acts are discussed within the framework of 3 types of support: (a) emotional support, (b) informational support, and (c) appraisal support. Specific illustrations of appraisal support interventions are provided.  相似文献   

The focus of the article is on a visual model for individual career counseling. The model takes into account psychological, social, and economic factors and describes decision making as a journey with four discernible stages.  相似文献   

At the University of Michigan, an innovative career counseling service is offered to graduate students. The Office of Non-Academic Career Counseling and Placement assists graduate students expand career options in response to a tight academic market. The career counseling method promotes self-directed behavior and proceeds through a series of four major job-search stages. A brief statement of the effectiveness of our services is included in the discussion.  相似文献   

This article relates personality disorders to career development issues and counseling interventions. Case examples suggesting career-focused treatment interventions for dependent, borderline, obsessive-compulsive, and passive-aggressive personality disorders are presented.  相似文献   

For the past 20 years counselors have used computer‐based career information systems to assist clients with career planning and job hunting. Much of the same this information is now available on the Internet and can be accessed without the aid of a counselor. Such developments are likely to have a major impact on employment counseling practices. This article outlines selected Web‐assisted counseling issues that are likely to affect counselors over the next few years and summarizes the career services currently available on the World Wide Web.  相似文献   

The need for all counselor trainees to simultaneously acquire the Multicultural Counseling Competencies and the revised Career Counseling Competencies is discussed, and the interface between them is examined. The authors recommend the development of simulation and technology resources so that both sets of competencies can be implemented for ongoing learning in counselor education. La necesidad que todos los estudiantes de consejería adquieran simultaneamente las Competencias de Consejería Multicultural y las competencias revisadas de la Consejería sobre Carreras, es discutida. La relación entre ambas competencias es examinada. Los autores recomiendan el desarrollo de recursos para simular y el uso de la tecnología para que ambos conjuntos de competencias sean implementadas para el aprendizaje progresivo en la educación consejeros.  相似文献   

This article presents an exploratory study of the process of change during Career Construction Counseling (CCC). The Innovative Moments Coding System (IMCS) and the Return to the Problem Coding System (RPCS) were used to an intensive analysis of a career counseling case — the case of Michael. Both systems are grounded in a narrative conception of the self which suggests that narrative change results from the elaboration and development of narrative exceptions to a client's core problematic self-narrative. The IMCS identifies and tracks the occurrence of five different types of narrative change and the RPCS tracks the ambivalence present in the clients discourse throughout the therapeutic process. This is the first attempt to use these methods with a career counseling case. The results suggest that the narrative elaboration progresses from the first to the third session. We discuss these results, emphasizing the process of change in career counseling with clients in which maladaptive repetition underlies career decision-making difficulties.  相似文献   

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